The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 929: Kunming Dragon Clan Requests Asylum

Under Ao Yinyin's push, Cheng Mu walked into the hall.

This was originally the welcome hall where he met with important guests, and the decorations in the hall can be considered magnificent.

However, when he stepped in again, he was shocked.

Deep-sea corals, pearls the size of human heads, all kinds of night pearls, gemstones...

The originally grand welcome hall was now decorated even more magnificently than his palace.

Amidst the aura of jewels, a creature with the head of a dragon and a human body emerged.

"Come? Come in, sit in, sit in!"

The moment Ao Shang saw Cheng Mu, he rushed over and took Cheng Mu's hand and said very courteously, "My son-in-law, you can make me wait for my father!"

"In the past few days, being a father is really hopeless!"

This extreme enthusiasm is as if the two are really Weng's son-in-law.


Cheng Mu was surprised.

Are you so popular?

At first Li Shimin wanted to marry his daughter to him, but now the Dragon King wants to marry his daughter to him?

By the way, who is the daughter of the Dragon King?


Aside, Ao Yinyin's face darkened.

She hurriedly stepped forward to pull Ao Shang away, and said angrily, "Father, why are you doing this?"

"You've been thinking here for a day, and you came up with this?"

What her father did made Ao Yinyin feel ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

"What's wrong with thinking about this?"

Ao Shang said as a matter of course: "Your second sister is already three thousand years old, and she hasn't been betrothed to a good family yet."

"I think this Apocalypse Empire is pretty good, and your second sister is worth it by marrying this Cheng Mu!"

He hasn't been wandering in vain these days. After seeing the strength and potential of the Apocalypse Empire, he agreed to such a marriage!


Ao Yinyin's voice instantly rose an octave.

"Second sister? The second sister is three thousand years old, and Cheng Mu is only twenty."

"I, I don't agree!"

At first, she thought that her father made a marriage for her.

But I don't think, the protagonist is not her Ao Yinyin!

"What do you not agree to?"

Ao Shang pushed away Ao Yinyin who was beside him, walked up to Cheng Mu and said with a smile, "My son-in-law, my father is Ao Shang, the king of the Dragon Clan in Kunming."

"Before I became a father, I heard that my son-in-law was a good-looking man, and I saw him today, and it is indeed so!"

He is very satisfied.

What happened to the age gap?

Women's college three thousand, ranked in the fairy class!

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Cheng Mu raised his hand to stop Ao Shang who was still about to speak, and said regretfully, "I already have a family, so please ask the Dragon King to find another good son-in-law!"

I don't like this political marriage.

If it is this kind of cooperation method, then he will have to investigate the strength of the Kunming Dragon Clan.

Generally, women who sell women are not very strong.

Moreover, there will be no good results.

"Hey, the virtuous son-in-law is too alien. Isn't it normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines?"

Ao Shang waved his hand and said, "Father, I heard that there are three thousand beauties in your human emperor's harem."

"You are only two, which is too little!"

"As a father, there are hundreds of partners!"

He was conveying to Cheng Mu the harem that a real man and a real emperor should have.

When he mentioned his huge harem group, he couldn't help but feel proud.


Ao Yinyin on the side was furious: "If you do this again, I will go back and sue my mother right now!"

She unleashed her trump card.

"Hey, talk about business, talk about business!"

As soon as he heard that Ao Yinyin had moved out of his mother, Ao Shang immediately stopped.

He regained his composure. At this time, his appearance is completely different from just now!

"This king followed the order of the empress and led the Kunming dragon clan to come to the world."

"The purpose of this king's visit this time is to conclude a treaty of friendship with your country!"

Ao Shang explained his intention of coming as the king of the dragon clan in Kunming.

In the next second, he grew his neck and flew his head to Cheng Mu's ear and said softly, "It would be the best if we can marry Emperor Qi."

"This king told you that as long as you marry the second daughter of my family, you can take whatever you like in this king's family!"

"You know about the red water spirit gourd, that thing is chopped up and fed to pigs in this king's house!"

Although the Kunming Dragon Clan is not as good as the Four Seas Dragon Clan, they are still wealthy local rich men.

The wealth of the Dragon Clan is known all over the world!

"Let's talk about this later, and talk about it later."

Cheng Mu automatically filtered the last two sentences, and he asked, "I don't know what kind of cooperation the Dragon King has?"

Cooperation, he has cooperated with many empires.

But in the end, isn't it drawing swords and facing each other?

If it weren't for Ao Yinyin's relationship, Cheng Mu would not have much interest in cooperation.

"My Kunming dragon clan can fully support your war, and I only hope that your country can take care of our clan in the future!"

The Dragon Clan is very strong, but they are also weak in front of Mantian Xianfo.

Now the dragon clan of the earth star is torn apart, and each one is carefully surviving.

If they can find a strong partner, they won't have to worry about foreign enemies for a long time.


Some people like dragon liver and phoenix marrow, and some like to slay dragons and stand up. No matter how bad it is, it is also very stylish to catch a few dragons and use them as mounts.

Naturally, the Dragon Clan did not have a good life during these thousands of years.

If you are not careful, you will be taken away by others!

"That's it?"

Cheng Mu was surprised.

So simple? Could it be that this Ao Shang also saw that he was a potential stock?

"This king has only one request."

Ao Shang nodded, and then he was a little embarrassed and said: "Well, after the birth of this clan, many people with evil intentions may come here with the intention of targeting this clan."

"And your country is on the side of your own country, so I ask Emperor Qi to take care of you when the time comes!"

It was clear what he meant.

His own Kunming Dragon Clan was born, and many people who coveted the Dragon Clan might come over.

And the first level for these people is Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire.

As long as Cheng Mu keeps all incoming enemies out of the Apocalypse Empire, his Kunming Dragon Clan can rest easy.

He, Ao Shang, can also seize the time to build more dragons to strengthen the dragon clan.

You must know that the fertility of the Dragon Race is extremely low. For thousands of years, he has only five heirs under his command.

And the youngest one is His Royal Highness Ao Yinyin!

"I understand."

How could Cheng Mu not understand what Ao Shang meant.

The Kunming Dragon Clan pays, and he protects the Dragon Clan as a bodyguard from the Apocalypse Empire.

For such a transaction, it also depends on what price Ao Shang offered?

"Ten earthly fairyland powerhouses, ten heavenly fairyland powerhouses, and one true fairyland powerhouse."

"As for the others, the subordinates will hand them over by themselves! As long as your country needs it, we, the Kunming Dragon Clan, will fully support it! Unambiguous!"

Ao Shang is very generous. He knows that what the Apocalypse Empire lacks most at present is the strongest.

Earth Immortal Gate, Heavenly Immortal Altar, True Immortal Palace.

In other words, as long as Cheng Mu agrees, the Tianqi Empire can immediately add 21 more powerful people.

Such a number of powerhouses is enough to help Cheng Mu push an empire horizontally!

"You are so strong, you still need my protection?"

However, Cheng Mu thought a lot.

Such combat power is comparable to his own Apocalypse Empire.

The Kunming Dragon Clan with such combat power still needs their own protection.

How strong is their enemy?

"Not now, but later!"

Ao Shang did not hide it this time: "In the future, when your country ascends to the upper realm, many shameless people there would like to capture us dragons as mounts."

"When they entertain their friends, they have to provide dragon livers from their own family."

"This king is suffering, the dragon clan is almost eaten up by them!"

Ao Shang was very sad when he said this. Dragons are gods in the mortal world and are worshiped by all peoples, but they have become the food of gods in the upper world.

Without the protection of the most powerful man, he put the future of the Kunming Dragon Clan on Cheng After all, there is potential and there is a future.

"Hmm." Cheng Mu understood, and he finally asked, "Are these people absolutely loyal to me?"

At present, I really need many Xeons to hold the line.

As long as these people are absolutely loyal, then he can lead them to overthrow the Song, Sui, Qin and Han Dynasties!

Once his Apocalypse Empire is promoted to the Apocalypse Immortal Kingdom, then he, Cheng Mu, can also set foot on the Divine Palace Realm.

When the time comes, the whole country will ascend to the top and fight again!

As long as one's own is strong enough, why not protect this mere Kunming Dragon Clan?

"Absolutely loyal!"

Ao Shang nodded, and he gave another promise: "If your country dominates the Chinese mainland, then I have a bigger gift for your majesty!"

"If Your Majesty can dominate Earth and Stars, my Kunming Dragon Clan will be His Majesty's vassal forever!"

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