The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 930: The cruel Ao Yinyin

Since the battle in ancient times, the main force of the Dragon Clan has been lost.

The remaining dragons fled in all directions and hid in dense forests and deep seas.

Attempt to recuperate and return to the Supreme.

However, no matter how they hide, they can't escape the murderous hands of other people.

In the end, under the persecution of the powerful from all sides, the dragon clan became the animal pets under the seat, climbing and hanging on the wall pillars and eaves.

Ao Shang couldn't bear the fate of his descendants, so he led the Kunming Dragon Clan to give it a try.

As long as Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire can keep rising, the fate of his Kunming Dragon Clan will be completely rewritten.

At that time, even if the Dragon Clan is not the overlord of heaven and earth, as long as they don't let others slaughter him, their goal will be achieved!

Ao Shang is not cooperating with the current Apocalypse Empire, but with the future Apocalypse Empire!

"Happy cooperation!"

Cheng Mu agreed.

But he was very curious, and asked, "Your Kunming Dragon Clan, are there only these strong people?"

Ten **** gates, ten **** altars, and one **** palace.

This force is very powerful for an empire.

But for the Dragon Clan, this strength should be a drop in the bucket, right?

This is still the earth star of the mortal world, and the Dragon Clan is still the true god!

"Hehe, that's not the case."

Ao Shang smiled and said: "If Your Majesty wants to investigate all the family properties of our Kunming Dragon Clan, it will have to wait for His Majesty to rule over the entire planet Earth."

"At that time, this king is willing to be driven by His Majesty!"

It's not that the Kunming Dragon Clan only has this strength.

But for the Apocalypse Empire, these twenty-one supreme beings are enough.

That's all!

"Okay! It's a deal!"

Cheng Mu nodded.

Even if there are only fifty superpowers in the Kunming Dragon Clan, this is actually not a weak force.

At least on Earth and Stars, fifty supreme beings are enough to break through a continent!

"Hahaha, in this way we will become an alliance with blood!"

Ao Shang was very happy to be able to tie himself to the chariot of the Apocalypse Empire.

He took the initiative to cut his palm, and golden dragon blood flowed down.

This is a real dragon, and every drop of his dragon blood contains extremely strong spiritual power of heaven and earth.

If ordinary people smell it, they can prolong their life for a hundred years!

"Blood for alliance!"

Cheng Mu also threw off a drop of blood.

Although his blood was red, there was also a hint of golden light in it.

Cheng Mu has already begun to transform from a man to a god.


A sip of blood wine entered his throat, and the huge spiritual power contained in the golden dragon's blood began to wash over his body.

With his strength, although the blood of the real dragon can't have much influence on him.

However, a ten-thousandth increase in strength is also an increase!

"Emperor Qi, please wait for the good news from me!"

After the two sides became allies, Ao Shang turned around and disappeared into the hall.

In the next second, twenty supreme beings appeared.

Jiaolong people, shrimp-headed people, crab-headed people, fish-headed people, coral people...  

There are twenty supreme beings, each of which looks strange.

And the only thing Cheng Mu noticed was that there was more or less real dragon blood in the body of these twenty supreme powerhouses.

That is to say, all these twenty supreme beings are the heirs of Ao Shang.

"Isn't your dad playing too crazy?"

It’s okay to play with snakes and dragons, but how about shrimp? How do crabs play?

And the coral man, coral can also give birth to dragon offspring?

At this moment, Cheng Mu seemed to be browsing the sea monster collection. Each one of them will frighten the children on the ground when pulled out.

"Ahem, we dragons have low fertility."


Ao Yinyin explained with embarrassment.

It's not that her father is playing crazy, but her father is trying every means to strengthen the dragon clan.

This is a great mission, which allowed him to overcome the barriers of race and form!

"Strong! No wonder your father runs so fast."

Cheng Muchao gave Ao Yinyin a thumbs up.

The reason why Ao Shang didn't show up again was because he was afraid of losing face.

This shrimp-headed man, this crab-headed man, it's completely embarrassing for the Dragon Clan to speak out!


Ao Yinyin raised her head, her face flushed slightly.

She wanted to refute, but that was the way it was. It was precisely because these monsters would embarrass the Dragon Clan that her father Ao Shang graciously threw them to Cheng Mu.

"By the way. Didn't your father say that there are twenty-one supreme beings, and there is one more?"

Cheng Mu didn't tease Ao Yinyin anymore.

He turned around and counted the number of Kunming Dragon Clan powerhouses. As a result, there is still one short.

"Furthermore, these twenty are all at the Shenmen Altar stage, and there is one at the Divine Palace stage?"

Cheng Mu counted from left to right, and there was only one missing anyway.

Immediately, his face turned cold: "Your father won't go back on his word, will he?"

What he values ​​most is the Dragon Heir of the Divine Palace Realm.

One Dragon Heir of the Divine Palace Realm is worth hundreds of Divine Sects!

"What are you going to regret, isn't Your Highness here?"

Ao Yinyin turned around angrily when she heard Cheng Mu's guessing about her father.

She said angrily, "Didn't you notice that His Highness is such a strong man in the God Palace and True Wonderland?"

She is so angry.

During this period of time in the clan, she worked hard to become stronger every day.

As a result, Cheng Mu hasn't noticed her efforts until now!


Cheng Mu turned around in surprise, and looked at Ao Yinyin in great confusion.

"You are not fierce!"

He originally thought that the real fairyland powerhouse of the Dragon Clan's shrine would be extremely ferocious at first glance.

But Ao Yinyin is neither chest nor fierce.

Although she is a few years older. But pulling her into the battlefield now, is it because she wants her to stare at the enemy viciously?


Ao Yinyin was furious.

Her chest rose and fell, but the result was as Cheng Mu said, not fierce at all.

This shrine-level powerhouse is a bit of a sham!

"Kill you!"

Ao Yinyin let out a roar, and a strange fragrance poured into Cheng Mu's nose.

In the next second, Ao Yinyin rushed forward.

"Let you question my Highness, let you question my Highness."

She punched Cheng Mu viciously with a pair of powder fists.


Seeing such a scene, Zhuge Liang beside him wanted to intervene, but finally retreated rationally.

He has never experienced a battle of this level!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Cheng Mu only felt that someone was tickling him.

However, although he was not injured, his body could not move.

Even with the power of fortune from the Apocalypse Empire, he still had no choice but to beg for mercy under Ao Yinyin's powder fist.

Ao Yinyin's skill is really outrageous.

Even the strong in the altar realm can be bewitched and imprisoned. If used well, they can kill tough enemies by surprise!

"Am I fierce? Am I fierce?"

Ao Yinyin didn't want to let Cheng Mu go so easily.

At this moment, her entire chest was pressed against Cheng Mu's face, insisting that Cheng Mu feel her cruelty!

"Fierce, fierce, fierce!"

It was the first time Cheng Mu felt such a small evil.

But under the fierceness, people had to bow their heads.

Duplicity, Ao Yinyin finally climbed up from his body.

And the dragon descendants around, seeing how fierce Ao Yinyin is, gave her a thumbs up one by one.

They guessed that their future life would be very easy.

"Huh, crazy girl."

Cheng Mu got up from the ground.

He straightened his clothes and suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

"Today's matter, you will rot it all in your heart!"

After being tricked by Ao Yinyin, he will definitely regain his dignity as a man.

"Go out first!"

After exhorting the twenty crooked Dragon Heirs, Cheng Mu raised his hand and invited them out.

Boom boom!

The thick gate of the welcome hall was closed.

Looking at the terrified Ao Yinyin, Cheng Mu said viciously: "Come, let me show you how cruel I am!"


Arowana family.

After Ao Shang sent out the hot potato that had been hidden for a long time, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"This king is still witty!"

He smiled, hummed a ditty and hurried back.

He didn't know about his daughter Ao Yinyin playing with fire and setting herself on fire.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't be angry, but rather happy.

Marriage with Cheng Mu was not just what he said at the beginning.

For an ethnic group, marriage is much stronger than a contractual alliance.

As long as the heirs of the Dragon Clan intermarry with important officials and generals of the Apocalypse Empire, the relationship between the Kunming Dragon Clan and the Apocalypse Empire will become unbreakable.

This is the result that Ao Shang wants.

Now, whether it's the worlds or the hidden races, well-informed people have heard the rumors that the Empress and Cheng Mu have a good relationship.

And Ao Shang and his Kunming Dragon Clan will be the first beneficiaries of this rumor!

"Father, father."

Ao Shang was only halfway there when several dragon descendants surrounded him.

They are the four true dragon descendants of Ao Shang.

The eldest son is Ao Wu, the second daughter is Ao Yan, the third son is Ao Kui, and the fourth daughter is Ao Dong.

"Father, what is the result of the cooperation?"

Ao Wu now looks like a forty-year-old human male, with a square face and a beard.

The fluctuations in the real fairyland mana that loomed on his body made him look extremely imposing.

"Go out for your father, it must be a success!"

Ao Shang proudly blew his beard.

This time he not only got a bodyguard and boarded the warship of the Apocalypse Empire, but also sent away the unsightly miscellaneous fish and dragon heirs, preserving the reputation of the Kunming Dragon Clan.

This time, kill three birds with one stone!

"Father, what about me?"

Hearing that Ao Shang said that the cooperation matter was settled, the second daughter, Ao Yan, ran over expectantly.

He asked, "Did the emperor of the Apocalypse Empire agree to my marriage?"

Ao Shang had promised before departure that if Cheng Mu was a good-looking talent, he would be called the husband-in-law of his second daughter, Ao Yan.

She hasn't tasted a man for three thousand years.

"This... next time, next time!"

Ao Shang has lived for so long, but he is actually a fine man.

How could he not understand the posture of Ao Yinyin's youngest daughter?

Since the youngest daughter came first, he could only wrong his second daughter.

After all, in terms of advantages, the chances of Ao Yinyin marrying into the Cheng family are much higher.

Anyway, Ao Shang only needs to marry Cheng It doesn't matter whether it is the second daughter or the fifth daughter.

"Hmph, it must be the fifth child who spoiled my good deed!"

Ao Yan was angry.

But what can she do, this is her own sister, and she can only give up after being angry.

"Father, since we cooperate to close the deal, what about us?"

At this time, the third son Ao Kui asked. The third son, Ao Kui, looks about 30 years old, with muscular body, thick eyebrows and big eyes.

In terms of strength, he is one point stronger than Dragon Prince Ao Wu.

"Of course keep practicing!"

Ao Shang warned: "Zhu Er, remember, the later we expose our strength, the stronger we will be."

"Our enemy is not on the planet of the mortal world."

"Apocalypse Empire, let Yin'er touch it."

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