The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 934: Liu Bei's Ambition and Dangerous Moves

"My lord, please listen to the next piece of advice from my subordinates."

Outside Kaifeng City, Pang Tong was earnest.

After finally escaping from Shouzhou City, they will immediately go to war with the army of Tianqi Empire?

This kind of behavior is tantamount to asking for death!

"Persuade? Military division, don't persuade me!"

"Then Cheng Mu dared to trick me. Today, I, Liu Bei, will not be a human if I don't take revenge!"

Liu Bei roared angrily.

It was the first time he was cheated so badly.

In the battle of Shouzhou City, more than 30% of his soldiers were lost.

In the end, if it wasn't for Zhang Fei's timely rescue, they might really be trapped there to death.

"Brother is right!"

Zhang Fei's voice is like Hong Zhong Dalu, deafening.

Since the war between Xinguo and Mengtian, he has traversed the entire Sui Empire as a free man.

He followed Liu Bei's footsteps all the way, and finally reunited with Liu Bei and Guan Yu in Shouzhou City.

After he arrived, Liu Bei was rescued from Shouzhou City under the combination of internal and external forces.

Now, he is also full of anger.

"If you dare to let the elder brother and the second brother be wronged, I will cut off the head of the third brother and use it as a chamber pot!"

In anger, behind him there was a black dragon roaring.

He was also rewarded by Ji Fa.

The strength of Yanren Zhang Yide has stepped from the back of Shenmen to the realm of Shentai.

With such great power, how could he be happy if he didn't kill Guan Hai and enjoy himself to the fullest?

"General Yunchang!"

Finding that he couldn't understand Liu Bei and Zhang Fei, Pang Tong could only place his hope on Guan Yu.

He explained the strength gap between the two sides: "At this time, the Tianqi Empire has the commander Guan Hai, the commander of the Beifu Army Xie Xuan, the commander of the Xixia Wolf Rider Li Yuanhao, and the commander of the Basword Army Nieba."

"There is also Xue Rengui's Tangzhou Legion, which has two military gods, Li Jing and Li Ji."

"Now our opponents are at least seven powerhouses!"

"And now we only have you, General Yunchang, General Yide, General Mengqi and the four most powerful masters."

"The outcome of this battle is worrisome!"

He didn't know what stimulated Liu Bei.

It is obviously not as powerful as the army of the Apocalypse Empire, but they still rush forward with all their brains.

Going this time, what they will face is a gang fight from several armies of the Apocalypse Empire!

"What about the seven supreme beings?"

However, Guan Yu had a look of contempt on his face: "I have the Yanyue knife in my hand, and I can kill tens of thousands of enemies with one knife!"

He heard that Lu Bu was dead.

So in the future, won't the strongest man in this world be Guan Yu and Second Master Guan?

As Guan Erye, whose name has been immortalized through the ages and praised and worshiped by countless people, Guan Yu's strength is also extremely terrifying.

Now, is there any place he Guan Yu can't go to?


Pang Tong felt his heart was so tired.

After working hard to assist Liu Bei for so long, he ended up taking such a big risk at the most critical moment.

Not worth it!

"military adviser."

Liu Bei saw Pang Tong with a disheartened face and was very discouraged. In the end, he didn't hide any more.

"Go to Kaifeng City today, killing the enemies of the Apocalypse Empire is the top priority!"

"If I, Liu Xuande, can settle in Kaifeng City, then the Kingdom of Song will be renamed the Empire of Shuhan from now on!"

This is the biggest thought in Liu Bei's mind, and it is also the biggest motivation that drives him to take this adventure.

"If Kong Ming is here, he will definitely understand!"

Liu Bei shook his head, feeling regretful.

Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu, Feng Chu Pang Tong is still weaker than Zhuge Liang in knowing his mind.


Pang Tong was shocked.

He glanced at Liu Bei in surprise, when did his master have such great ambitions?

To take the lead in occupying the Song Empire before the army of the Sui Empire arrived?

This is, this is something he had never dared to think about before!

"My lord, where is the fairy kingdom?"

Pang Tong suppressed the horror in his heart and asked softly.

Zhao Kuangyin's identity was recognized by Ji Fa.

If Zhao Kuangyin did not die in the hands of the Tianqi Empire, he would have died in the hands of Liu Bei instead.

Then Ji Fa, will you blame me?

"Hehe, the Immortal Emperor only needs followers and servants."

Liu Bei said with great certainty in his heart: "But who the followers are, I don't think the Immortal Emperor will care."

At that time, I will make everything a foregone conclusion, even if Ji Fa doesn't want to, I have to be willing!

I have been useless for so long in my previous life.

In this life, he, Liu Bei, wants to be a man in an upright manner and show off his masculinity!

"My lord is a great talent!"

Now that Liu Bei has said so, what else can Pang Tong do?

Since it is an extremely risky move to take, let's all go together.

"My lord."

Pang Tong had already thought of a countermeasure in this second.

He said: "The subordinates will send people to sneak into Kaifeng City and tell Zhao Kuangyin that we are going to attack."

"Jieshi, ask him to send his army to join us in flanking the army of the Apocalypse Empire."

"Also, my subordinates have heard that among the various armies of the Qin Empire in the Song Empire, there is a commander named Xin Qiji whose army is quite strong. You can let him try the strength of the army of the Apocalypse Empire as a vanguard."

Since we are going to fight, the more chaotic the battlefield, the better.

If they cooperate with the army of the Shang Song Empire, then they still have hope of winning this battle!

"What the military adviser said is absolutely true!"

Liu Bei nodded.

He gambled everything on this battle.

If he wins, Liu Bei will immediately become one of the earth star overlords.

If you! It is impossible for Liu Bei to fail!

"My three brothers, their profits cut through gold!"


Under Liu Bei's order, the army under his command began to officially move out.

What's the matter if their actions were discovered by Guan Hai and others?

For Liu Bei, Guan Hai and others who are sticking to Kaifeng City are perfect targets!


"General, there is a letter."

Fifty miles outside Kaifeng city.

This is the location of the command post of the Qin King's army from all walks of life in the Song Empire.

Xin Qiji was discussing the war with the commanders of the various armies, but suddenly he heard a letter was sent.


After opening the letter, Xin Qiji couldn't help but smile when he saw the contents above.

"Hahaha, good!"

He told the commanders the good news: "The letter said that Liu Bei of the Sui Empire will attack the army of the Apocalypse Empire tomorrow."

"At that time, we will lead the army to help."

"Brothers! It's time to make contributions!"

At this time, he was full of confidence: "As long as we destroy the enemies who besiege Kaifeng City, it will be no problem for us to be promoted to the third rank, Guangzong Yaozu!"

He was punished and abandoned by Zhao Kuangyin.

But even so, he is still loyal to Zhao Kuangyin and to the Song Empire.

So when he heard that Kaifeng was besieged by the army of the Apocalypse Empire, he immediately recruited righteous men to serve the king!

"We should take the lead in this battle!"

Xin Qiji not only wanted to save Zhao Kuangyin, but also rushed out to fight first.

This is his character, the principle of his conduct, and the goal he pursued tirelessly throughout his life!

"I'll listen to your lord's order!"

The commanders from all walks of life around only heard the words "Guangzong Yaozu" who was promoted to three ranks.

For a while, under the temptation of getting promoted and getting rich, they didn't care about other things!

If you want to get promoted and get rich, you have to work hard!


It's night, the city of Kaifeng.

Zhao Kuangyin was about to go to bed when he heard that a letter had been delivered from outside the city.

"Show it quickly!"

In an instant, Zhao Kuangyin lost all sleepiness.

"Did Sui's army come?"

He very much hopes that Yang Jian can lead the army to Kaifeng immediately like a magic soldier!

"This is a letter from General Liu Bei of the Great Sui Dynasty, Your Majesty."

Prime Minister Zhao Pu delivered the letter.


Zhao Kuangyin looked at it carefully.

When he saw that Liu Bei was about to attack first, his heart couldn't help but get excited.

"Hahaha, this Great Sui is indeed the country of my brothers!"

He thought that Liu Bei must have received Yang Jian's order, so he sent troops to rescue him first.

For a moment, he felt a little moved in his heart.

Alien? He, Zhao Kuangyin, hasn't even considered this issue, okay?

With the aloof Ji Fa intimidating him, he didn't worry about what would happen to Yang Jian at all.

"Your Majesty, shall we send troops tomorrow?"

Zhao Pu asked at this moment.

For them, this is indeed a great opportunity.

Cooperate inside and outside to annihilate foreign enemies!

"Go out, send out troops!"

Zhao Kuangyin couldn't wait.

If Guan Hai was allowed to keep bombing like this, Wen Tianxiang, Ouyang Xiu and others would really be bombarded to death.

If this crisis can really be resolved, when Yang Jian leads the army to arrive, he will be able to straighten his spine a little bit in front of Yang Jian!

"Send the order to General Yue Fei!"

Without further ado, Zhao Kuangyin immediately ordered Yue Fei to get ready.

Early tomorrow morning, they will counterattack!



On the second day, the genius was dimly lit, and the sound of a huge horn resounded throughout the world.

In the distance, rows of soldiers appeared on the battlefield.

Last night, Xin Qiji cooked at five o'clock, and the soldiers under his command left immediately after eating and drinking.

When the sun just appeared on the horizon, he and his soldiers had already rushed to the front of the Shenwu Army.

According to Guan Hai's order, Nie Ba led the Ba Dao Army and Li Yuanhao's Xixia wolf cavalry to surround the south gate of Kaifeng City.

Xie Xuan's Beifu Legion guards the North Gate, and Li Ji's Longwu Army surrounds the West The defenders of the east gate of Kaifeng City are Xue Rengui's Xue Family Army and Li Jing's Shenwu Army!

Including the Xue family army, the soldiers had also tentatively attacked the city yesterday.

And the Shenwu Army on the periphery became Xin Qiji's first target to attack.

"Brothers, don't panic, this martial arts army is currently only at the top level."

"There are so many of us, five of us can kill a Shenwu soldier!"

"Pass down the order, whoever kills an enemy soldier will be rewarded ten gold!"

Xin Qiji's words inspired the morale of the army.

The main reason why he chose the East Gate to attack was because the Shenwu Army's Xue Family Army was the weakest among the several legions in the Apocalypse Empire.

Xie Xuan's Beifu army is the first-level unit of the Godslayer.

Nirvana's Overlord Saber Army, the first-level unit of God Slayer.

Li Ji's Dragon Martial Army, the first-level army to kill gods.

After considering the strength of his soldiers, Xin Qiji made the most sensible choice.


"Kill, one ten gold and ten hundred gold, I, Liu Laipi, will stand up today!"

"Listen to Mr. Xin, let's work together in groups of five to kill the enemy!"

"Father! Mother! The child is honoring his ancestors today!"


Rumble! Rumble!

Millions of troops are coming here densely.

Under the lure of money and wealth, millions of Qin Wangjun soldiers abandoned everything.

The knives in their hands glistened in the sunlight.

"Hehe, a bunch of mobs!"

Li Jing didn't know why Xin Qiji chose him.

He smiled when he saw the rabble who didn't even have their armor on.

If the enemy insisted on coming to die, how could he refuse?

"Shenwu cavalry, crush them!"

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of the online game: The Fall of the Heavens ()

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