The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 935: Xin Qiji went to die, the Lord appeared

Rumble! Rumble!

The shield guards of the Shenwu Army at the front dodged, and 200,000 Shenwu heavy cavalry roared out.

As the cavalry roared, the whole earth trembled.

"What's going on, why can't I stand still?"

"It's the cavalry, here come the heavy cavalry!"

"My dear mother, how do you beat me?"

The soldiers of King Qin's army who rushed to the front were stunned.

They thought they were armed with big knives, and rushed forward to fight the enemy one by one.

But he didn't think that Li Jing didn't talk about martial arts, and sent heavy cavalry before the two sides had contact.

Originally, it was very difficult for this group of mobs to fight with the soldiers of the Shenwu Army. Now as soon as the heavy rider came out, the courage they had just raised was gone again.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"Where's the shield? Who has a shield?"

"I don't want to honor my ancestors anymore, I want to go back!"

"Save me! Save me!"

The unstoppable power of the Shenwu Heavy Cavalry instantly tore apart the morale of King Qin's army.

While the iron cavalry was galloping, countless Qin Wangjun soldiers turned around and ran away.

They were defeated, and they lost completely in a single meeting!

"Presumptuous! Don't mess up!"

Seeing that his forward army was so vulnerable, Xin Qiji was furious.

Did all the encouraging words I said just now be in vain?

In anger, he drew the long sword at his waist.

"Those who dare to flee, beheaded!"

With one strike, dozens of defeated troops were beheaded here.

"Even if we all die in battle today, we must not take a step back!"

From the moment he decided to come to King Qin, Xin Qiji never thought that he would still be alive.

He has seen the power of the Apocalypse Empire with his own eyes.

And the reason that drove him to die was the deep patriotism in his heart!

"锦饜 (chā

) army, follow me to kill the enemy! "


Xin Qiji gave an order and led his own army to take the lead.

He knew that someone needed to block the 200,000 heavy cavalry.

Today's righteous man, let him die first, Xin Qiji!


Rumble! Rumble!

The strength of the Jinxi Army is not comparable to that of the ordinary Da Song Qin Wang Army.

As a pro-army personally selected and trained by Xin Qiji, the Hundred Thousand Jinshen Army showed a fearless look from the beginning to the end.

Even if Shenwu heavy cavalry is stronger than them, even if this is a charge of life and death.

But even at the last second, none of the Hundred Thousand Golden Spears retreated.

"The flags of the strong year are surging, and the brocade horses are riding across the river at the beginning. The soldiers of the Yan Dynasty are fighting with silver horses at night, and the arrows of the Han Dynasty are flying towards the golden maidservant!"

Xin Qiji laughed wantonly.

His horse was fast, and the whole field sang his poetry.

Back then, when he was only 21 years old, he led fifty cavalry into the enemy camp of tens of thousands, captured the enemy's head alive and beheaded it for public display.

Thinking about it now, how magnificent and ambitious it was.

But today, he wants to feel the brilliance of his youth again!



In the next second, the two cavalry rushed together.

Xin Qiji led an army of 100,000 brocades, forcibly blocking the impact of the Shenwu heavy cavalry.

The sharp sword in his hand can take the lives of several soldiers of the Shenwu Army with each sword.

While the long sword neighed, he actually led five hundred cavalry to penetrate the formation of Shenwu heavy cavalry.

Behind him, more than half of the 100,000 Golden Spear Army had been lost. The soldiers of the Jinxi Army used their lives to hold back the Shenwu Heavy Cavalry little by little.

"Haha! Brothers, capture the leader!"

Xin Qiji didn't look back. With a loud laugh, he led five hundred guards and rushed towards Li Jing.

Today, his name of Xin Qiji is destined to be famous all over the world!

"He is a general!"

Seeing Xin Qiji who seemed to be in no man's land, Li Jing nodded.

When he was young, he also galloped like Xin Qiji, with unparalleled grace.

Seeing such a talented person from the Song Empire today is also a joy on the battlefield.

"Bring me a bow and arrow!"

Immediately, he ordered his personal guards to bring bows and arrows.

It is impossible for Xin Qiji to kill him like this.

He was the only one who personally took action to send Xin Qiji on his way.


The golden longbow was pulled full circle by Li Jing.

Even Xin Qiji, a junior, is weaker than him. But on the battlefield, going all out is the greatest respect for the opponent.

call out!

Arrows pierced through the air.

A golden streamer appeared in front of Xin Qiji.

"General beware!"

A personal guard wanted to block Xin Qiji, but Xin Qiji pushed him away with his backhand.

No one can block this arrow for him!

Puff! Boom!

In the next second, the sound of sharp arrows entering the body sounded.

Xin Qiji flew upside down from his horse, and Li Jing's arrow pierced his chest.

The bright red blood fell down, and there was a sadness in the hearts of countless people.

So loyal, it can sing and cry!

Xin Qiji died.

He died where he most wanted to die.

"If you can still find his body after the war, then let's bury him generously."

Li Jing put down the golden bow in his hand, feeling emotional.

‘Such a young talent, if His Majesty can revive him to be used by the Apocalypse Empire in the future, it will be considered a powerful boost! '

Some people are born to be loved.

'Forget it, let's talk about it after the war. '

Li Jing knew that he was thinking too much now. So he shook his head, and immediately ordered: "Send the order down, clear the battlefield!"

Xin Qiji was just a small episode in this battle. Although Xin Qiji died, there were still many mobs on the battlefield.

Only when these mobs are completely defeated will this battle end!


Under Li Jing's order, the Shenwu archers began to clear the field.

The densely packed enemies became the best shooting targets.

Raise the bow and throw.

Raise the bow and shoot!

Several times in a row, the Da Songqin Wang Jun who rushed over disappeared half in an instant.

The Shenwu heavy cavalry has also started chasing and killing the fleeing enemies.

This battle seems to be over in less than a quarter of an hour.


On the city wall, when Zhao Kuangyin saw Xin Qiji's death, he couldn't help but wet his eyes.

"Xin Aiqing, you are the real loyal minister!"

He regrets it! If he hadn't listened to the slander of Qin Hui and, how could he have demoted Xin Qiji again and again?

It was only when the country was about to perish that he could tell who was loyal and who was traitor.

"Pass my order, go out of the city to kill the enemy! Go out of the city to kill the enemy!"

The war has begun, and the loyalists of the Great Song Empire cannot die in vain!


Kaifeng City.

The long-closed city gate rumbled open.

When Xue Rengui was still in doubt, Yue Fei led the Beiwei army and rushed out.

With that great momentum, he rushed into the Xue family army's formation in an instant.

The two armies immediately fought together, inseparable.

Meanwhile, Skyrim.

The Azure Dragon Army led by Guan Yu also arrived on the battlefield.

Under Guan Yu's butcher's knife, the army of Great Song Qin who had fled was brutally slaughtered again.

Facing the shining butcher's knife, countless Qin Wangjun soldiers could only turn around and rush towards Kaifeng City.

To rush is to die, to run is to die.

They have nowhere to escape!

"What a mob!"

While killing, Guan Yu scolded contemptuously.

He originally thought that Xin Qiji would lead Qin Wang's army to create a little trouble for Li Jing.

But now it seems that there is no trouble at all.

"This battle depends on my heroic Qinglong army!"


The moment he saw the Shenwu Heavy Cavalry appear, Guan Yu led his Azure Dragon Army to rush over.

With a huge momentum, I don't know how many Da Songqin kings were trampled to death along the way.

As the green dragon iron cavalry galloped, a huge blue dragon surrounded the army.

For a moment, the situation changed, and the world was silent.

All eyes were attracted by the might of the Azure Dragon Army.

In the army, Guan Hai stood up with a bang.

He smiled coldly: "The real master has finally appeared!"

Please pay attention to the latest chapter of the online game: The Fall of the Heavens ()

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