The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 942: The illusion of invincibility, the wedding dress

"Haha, a group of ants!"

After Guan Hai, Xie Xuan and others left the field, Zhao Kuangyin became the strongest in this battlefield.

Under the wanton charge, his confidence swelled to an extremely terrifying level.

‘I am the strongest in the world! '

'Hahaha! '

While laughing, he slashed Nie Ba who was rushing towards him with a single strike of his sword.

If Nieba hadn't activated his invincibility at the critical moment, otherwise he would have been split in half by a sword at this moment.

No matter how hypocritical Zhao Kuangyin is.

But the gap between the initial stage of the divine platform and the initial stage of the divine gate is really like a giant beast and an ant.

"Golden Ge dancing wildly!"

Ma Chao rushed forward again.

He knew that he was the absolute main force in this battle.

If Zhao Kuangyin was allowed to defeat them one by one, he would surely die here too. He had just survived, and he didn't want to die so soon.

Rumble! Rumble!

The silver gun in his hand was slowly coated with a layer of golden light.

As the golden gun neighed, his strength rose again.

Feeling that the strength in his body was rapidly expanding, he Ma Chao went all out.

He expended all the energy in his body to fight against the odds!


With one shot, Zhao Kuangyin, who was originally invincible, was shocked back.


Then another shot swept across, making Zhao Kuangyin's hands numb from the shock.

Now every attack of his Ma Chao can split mountains and seas.

The golden spear tore through the sky, and the whole world was filled with the roar of the golden spear.

At the same time, the 300,000 Xiliang cavalry also regarded death as home.

The Golden Armored Soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty were indeed very strong, but under the trampling of the cavalry, many Golden Armored Soldiers were trampled to death.

The broken golden armor cut off the horse's legs, and a Xiliang cavalry died with the enemy!

"Ha ha."

Above the sky, the capital of the Immortal Kingdom.

Ji Fa has been following the battle.

When Sun Wu took away the Black Order, he knew that the Apocalypse Empire would lose in this battle.

Although Liu Bei's arrival triggered a series of small episodes, he smiled with relief after seeing the brave and invincible Zhao Kuangyin and the unstoppable golden armored soldier in the end.

This is the strength of his Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

Great Song Dynasty is only a mere Xingfan Kingdom, but as long as Ji Fa thinks about it, he can also train him with the most powerful god-killing troops.

"It's a pity, these 200,000 people are still too few."

Immediately, he felt regret again.

"If Zhao Kuangyin had millions of golden-armored soldiers under his command, how could he be attacked by the Apocalypse Empire?"

The strength of the Golden Armored Divine Soldier is too strong.

Ji Fa believes that as long as there is a million-level golden armored soldier, Zhao Kuangyin can be protected from any worries!

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be moved. Let Zhao Kuangyin recruit 800,000 gold-armored soldiers after this battle is over!"

Jiang Ziya has seen the final result.

Although it takes a lot of money to train the golden armor, considering the national strength of the entire Song Dynasty, it is still barely possible to recruit one.

Of course, this premise is that Zhao Kuangyin must regain all the lost ground.

With the national power of the Song Dynasty at its peak, it is possible to support a million-level golden armor soldier!

"After this battle, I want the Apocalypse Empire to be removed from Earth!"

Ji Fa snorted coldly.

Not only the Song Empire had the Golden Armored Soldiers, but the Sui Empire also had them!

As long as Zhao Kuangyin can kill all the invading Tianqi Empire soldiers, then Cheng Mu will be retaliated wildly by Zhao Kuangyin and Yang Jian.

His hegemony of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is about to begin!



Ground battlefield, outside Kaifeng city.

Although the fearlessness of the Xiliang iron cavalry killed many golden armored soldiers, it was accompanied by the continuation of the war.

The entire battlefield is still under the control of the Golden Armored Soldier.

Slowly, a large area of ​​Xiliang iron cavalry was besieged and killed, and the 300,000 elites were left with less than 100,000.

On the other hand, looking back at the golden armored soldiers of the Song Dynasty, less than ten thousand people died in battle at this time.

The gap, the huge gap in strength.

Seeing that the Beifu ghost soldiers and Xiliang iron cavalry were unable to resist the 200,000 golden armored soldiers, Chen Yang, who was slightly injured, led the Tiefutu to rush over.

"Brothers, slaughter gods and Buddhas!"

How strong is the Iron Buddha who has been fighting? At this time, you will know the strength of a single Iron Buddha soldier.

In the middle of the town!

After experiencing such a large-scale fight, the strength of the 30,000 Iron Buddha soldiers has entered the middle stage of the state from the early stage of the state.

This is a very terrifying strength leap!

At the beginning, a ruler could rule a country.

But now, an army of iron cavalry composed of 30,000 soldiers from the mid-term of Zhenguo tore apart the defense line of the golden armored soldiers of the Song Dynasty in one face-to-face.

"Ants! You are all ants!"

The breath of invincibility filled Chen Yang's heart again.

His strength was just the same as Ma Chao's, and he was in the middle of Shenmen. Even just now, he suffered a small loss in Ma Chao's hands.

But the strength of his soldiers is strong!

In the mid-term of the Thirty Thousand Kingdom, just a single charge is enough to kill the strong in the Shenmen Realm.

Under the impact of the Iron Buddha, the formation of the Golden Armored Divine Soldiers was pierced instantly.

The billowing black torrent annihilated the golden light in the sky!

"You are courting death!"

Zhao Kuangyin was about to burst into tears.

He had painstakingly recruited these 200,000 Golden Armored Soldiers, entrusting all his hopes.

But with such a charge, tens of thousands of golden armored soldiers were crushed.

If Tiefutu hits a few more times, then his last hole card will be destroyed here?

"Give me all to die!"

In a fit of rage, he sent Ma Chao, Nie Ba, and Li Jing flying with his sword. The extremely strong force almost killed Ma Chao and Nie Ba.

Then, he broke the sky again.


Under the blow of the golden emperor's sword, Chen Yang, who was the commander in chief, vomited blood and flew backwards.

He wanted to block this blow for the soldiers under his command, but only when he faced Zhao Kuangyin in person did he realize that he couldn't block it at all.

He couldn't stop this golden emperor's sword with a single blow.

"I can't keep you!"

Zhao Kuangyin had already had a strong killing intent in his heart.

He originally thought that his 200,000 golden-armored soldiers could destroy this mere 30,000 iron stupas.

But he still underestimated the horror of the Iron Buddha.

He had never encountered an army purely composed of strong men from the border.

Now, after discovering the horror of Tiefutu, how can he, Zhao Kuangyin, be relentless?


Above the sky, Ji Fa's face turned ashen when he saw such a scene.

He also underestimated the strength of Iron Buddha.

"This black cavalry actually has a growing combat talent?"

He guessed it right away.

Being able to so easily kill the 200,000 gold-armored warriors he carefully crafted for Zhao Kuangyin is not the strength that Zhenguo should have in the early days.

You know, with the blessing of Zhao Kuangyin's imperial conquest, the strength of the 200,000 golden armored soldiers has already set foot in the country for half a step.

The divine soldiers of the 200,000 and a half-step town fought against the mortal soldiers of the early thirty thousand kingdom, and Ji Fa decided that his own magical soldiers were superior.

However, it turned out not to be like this.

His 200,000 gold-armored soldiers were completely defeated.

"At this point, it's up to Zhao Kuangyin."

Ji Fa shook his head.

As the most powerful man on the battlefield in Kaifeng City.

As long as Zhao Kuangyin makes a move, he can kill a mere 30,000 Iron Buddhas!


However, Ji Fa had just finished speaking.

A scene that shocked everyone appeared.

A terrifying black iron tower appeared in the air, and its power instantly crushed Zhao Kuangyin to the ground.

It is the military soul of Tiefutu.

After Chen Yang knew that he was not Zhao Kuangyin's all-in-one enemy, he immediately inspired Tie Futu's army spirit.

After the 30,000 iron pagoda entered the middle stage of the town, the originally blood-colored pagoda turned black.

This is scarlet to the extreme.

The moment the pagoda appeared, it turned the tide of the battle!

"Divine Soldiers! Divine Soldiers!"

Zhao Kuangyin half-kneeled on the ground, struggling to hold on.

he growled.

Thirty thousand Tiefutu has his own army soul, and so do the golden armored soldiers under his command!

Now, he can only rely on the remaining sliver of emperor's power in his body to resist the suppression of the pagoda.

This is also maintaining the last trace of his dignity as an emperor!


Under Zhao Kuangyin's roar, the surviving Golden Armored Soldiers hastily inspired their military spirits.

This is a huge golden god-man whose figure is almost indomitable.

However, within a second of the golden man of God just appearing.


The black pagoda moved.

The huge pagoda seemed to swallow the whole world, and then crushed the golden **** into powder with one blow.

The military soul condensed by the golden armored soldiers of the first stage of killing gods, half-step god-level strength.

And the army soul that Tie Futu, who has long been a mid-level godslayer, can condense is the real strength of the **** palace.

So with one blow, the Golden Armored Divine Soldier's army soul, the Golden Armored Divine Man, instantly turned into dust.

This is the power of the golden military soul.

The power of the golden army soul scattered all over the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it was all suppressed by the iron pagoda of the Buddha!


Zhao Kuangyin spat out a mouthful of hard work.

How could he have expected such an ending in the end?

He placed high hopes, and the confident golden armored soldier was defeated by Tiefutu like this?

"no no!"

He is not reconciled.

However, under the suppression of the Stupa Iron Tower, he couldn't move at all.

In fact, he also knows.

After the Iron Pagoda swallowed up all the military soul powers of the golden-armored gods, the next one who will be crushed to ashes is Zhao Kuangyin!

Now he tried to run, but he couldn't take a step at all.

"Prime Minister, what should I do?"

In the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, Ji Fa was flustered by sudden changes.

That's okay too?

It was obviously Ji Fa and his golden armored soldiers who had the absolute upper hand.

But the moment Tie Futu's army soul appeared, the battle situation was immediately reversed.

At this time, Zhao Kuangyin not only couldn't be arrogant anymore, he might die there.

"Your Majesty, we have no other choice!"

Jiang Ziya actually wanted to help Zhao Kuangyin.

However, they had already offended the empress when they first intervened in the Earth-Star Wars.

If he made a rash move now, he was worried that the empress would kill her directly!

"Could it be that I just watched Cheng Mu conquer the Song Empire?"

Ji is angry!

In order to help the Song Empire improve its strength, he spent some energy.

But he didn't expect that this Zhao Kuangyin would not be able to get up no matter how he helped him.

The fierce counterattack at the beginning was all an illusion to deceive his feelings!

"Report to Your We still have another chance!"

Jiang Ziya looked down and said: "After this battle, the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire must be exhausted and unable to fight any more."

"When Yang Jian leads the Sui army to come, he will definitely avenge Zhao Kuangyin!"

What else can they do now?

He can only pin his hopes on Yang Jian.

"Phew, what a bunch of trash!"

Although Ji Fa was furious, he had no choice but to do so.

At this time, Jiang Ziya explained from the side: "Your Majesty, if the Sui Kingdom merged with the Great Song Dynasty, it would not be impossible!"

Zhao Kuangyin can die, and the Song Empire can be destroyed.

But what they have to do is to prevent the huge Song Empire land from falling into Cheng Mu's hands.

In this battle, let the Apocalypse Empire make a wedding dress for Sui!

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