The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 943: Beheaded Zhao Kuangyin, evil thoughts invaded Yue Fei

"His Majesty!"

Seeing Zhao Kuangyin struggling to support under the pagoda, Yue Fei, who was fighting Xue Rengui, also panicked.

With a roar, he went to rescue Zhao Kuangyin even though he was injured.

The battle between the Xue family army and the Yue family army was extremely restrained at the beginning.

The Xeons on both sides are testing, and they didn't make a full shot.

The outcome of the battle is also in the hands of the soldiers under his command.

However, as the battlefield continued, Zhao Kuangyin was seen in deep danger.

At this time, no matter how much Yue Fei restrained himself, he couldn't restrain himself anymore!


"The Yue family's army soul, defend the family and the country!"

Under Yue Fei's roar, a golden tiger roared to the sky.

This is the soul of the Yue family army. And because of the special nature of the Yue family army, this army soul tiger actually has the power of national destiny.

Under the blessing of strong national fortune, the original blood-colored tiger became a golden tiger.

"Oh? The rise and fall of the Song Dynasty is actually in the hands of your Yue family army?"

The moment Xue Rengui saw the golden tiger, he understood.

It is no wonder that the Yue family's army, blessed with the power of national fortune, can be exempted from the coercion of the strongest.

Moreover, the strength of the ordinary soldiers of the Yue family army has also been raised to an extremely high level under the blessing of the Song Empire's national fortune.

As the head of the three major national pillar armies of the Song Dynasty, the strength of the Yue family army far surpassed that of the Yang family army.

Of course, after blessing a large army with the power of national fortune, a hidden danger was also planted.

The Yue Family Army is here, and the Song Empire is here.

The Yue family army perished, and the Song Empire perished.

"It's really... hey!"

Thinking of this, Xue Rengui sighed.

They fought hard for so long, desperately killing Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and slaughtered more than a dozen elite troops of the Song Empire.

But I didn't expect that in the end, the danger of the Song Empire was only related to a large army of the Yue Family Army.

If he had known earlier, he would have slaughtered the Yue family army at all costs.

Of course, it's not too late now!

"Kill them all!"

Yue Fei wanted to use the soul of the Yue family army to rescue Zhao Kuangyin who was under suppression, how could Xue Rengui let him succeed?

After issuing the order for a full-scale attack, the soldiers of the Xue family army broke out with extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Xue Jiajun's army soul has no entity.

But it can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Xue family army.

Rumble! The Xue family army cooperated with the remaining Shenwu army and the first-level Longwu army who killed the gods. The three armies began to gang up on the Yue family army.

Only by killing all the soldiers of the Yue family army very quickly can the golden tiger army soul of the Yue family army be reduced!

"To die under the gun of this general today, you, Yue Fei, should die in peace!"

Immediately, Xue Rengui stood in front of Yue Fei.

Their battle is not over yet, how could Yue Fei be distracted to find other men?

"Go away!"

Yue Fei has gone completely berserk, his eyes are red.

He is going to rescue his majesty, he is going to save the country of Song Dynasty!


He is also holding a long spear, the Liquan Golden Spear.

The Liquan spear and the halberd collided violently, making a roar like drumming.

This is the breath of Xue Rengui and Yue Fei colliding again.

At this time, the weapons in their hands condensed their most powerful aura.

When the two breaths collided, the halberd in Xue Rengui's hand almost dropped.

Both of them are half-step altar-level powerhouses, but Yue Fei, who is in a runaway state, is stronger than Xue Rengui.

Xue Rengui wanted to kill Yue Fei, but Yue Fei was already dying.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The two continued to fight for dozens of rounds.

That huge power swept the earth once again.

Since the soldiers on both sides have the protection of military souls, they have no scruples in fighting.

This is a battle between God of War and God of War, no one can guarantee that they will be better!




The appearance of the golden tiger did relieve Zhao Kuangyin of some pressure.

Because of the blessing of the power of national fortune, although the strength of the golden tiger is not as good as that of the pagoda.

However, the characteristics of the power of national fortune can make it exempt from the superior pressure from the pagoda.


The golden tiger roared, hitting the pagoda one after another.

It wanted to knock down the pagoda and rescue the suppressed Zhao Kuangyin.


But with a roar coming from the Stupa.

The roaring golden tiger was instantly sent flying.

If it weren't for the blessing of the great fortune of the Song Dynasty, this army spirit tiger would have been shocked to death.

This is still the gap between the strength of the altar realm and the strength of the half-step altar realm.

Just now, the Buddha Pagoda was able to kill a golden armored **** with a single blow, and now it can also kill a golden tiger!

If one hit is not enough, then hit again.


There was another roar, and a ripple visible to the naked eye oscillated.

Under the bombardment of the huge ripples.

This time, the original golden tiger began to look dim.


With a scream, the front of it shrunk in half.

Immediately, the shrunken version of the golden tiger became bright again, emitting a dazzling golden light from its entire body.

It uses this method to extend the time of its existence.

As long as it is still there, the pagoda will not be able to suppress Zhao Kuangyin so easily.

In fact, Yue Fei also knew.

Although the army souls of the Thirty Thousand Iron Buddhas are powerful, their number is too small.

The army soul of the pagoda will not last long.

As long as they persist until the army soul of the Buddha Pagoda disappears, they will be able to turn defeat into victory!

"Hehe, it's a pity."

However, at this time, Li Jing came out holding a sword.

The Stupa Iron Tower is not fighting alone.

They are all helpers of the Stupa Iron Tower!

"Everyone, I, Li Jing, accept this world's merit first!"

Li Jing was not polite, and slowly walked in front of Zhao Kuangyin holding a sword.

Although Zhao Kuangyin resisted the suppression from the Futu Pagoda with his imperial prestige, he could only maintain a stalemate.

Facing the sword in Li Jing's hand, he panicked.

" dare to kill me?"

He is the emperor of the Great Song Empire, and standing behind him is the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

And in order to verify that his words are deterrent, the sky that was originally emptied has now become cloudy again.

As the thunder roared, a roar resounded through the world: "Dare!"

This is not Ji Fa's voice, but it can definitely represent Ji Fa's attitude.

Although Ji Fa wanted to use Yang Jian to make up for the war damage of the Great Song Empire and increase the strength of the Great Sui Empire.

However, killing his younger brother under his nose is slapping Ji Fa in the face.

"Why doesn't this general dare?"

The voice fell.


Li Jing slashed down with his sword.

"Do not!"

In Zhao Kuangyin's terrified eyes, he cut off Zhao Kuangyin's head with a sword.

Ma Chao was seriously injured, Chen Yang was seriously injured, and Nieba was seriously injured.

Ever since, the task of sending Zhao Kuangyin on the road was naturally handed over to Li Jing.

Such a good opportunity is envied by thousands of people.


The sky is falling.

Thunder fell from the sky, and countless thunder dragons ravaged the earth.

In the sky, a torrential rain of blood fell.

Zhao Kuangyin, the lord of the Song Empire, died in battle in Kaifeng City, and all the people mourned.

And under the blessing of the rain, the falling thunder dragon became even more ferocious!

Ji is angry.

Even if he desperately gave up an arm today, he would still be punished!

"His Majesty!"

Yue Fei's eyes were full of blood and tears.

He failed, and he lost completely.

At this moment, under his eyes, his emperor Zhao Kuangyin was beheaded.

Such a huge blow sent him into a state of insanity.

"You all die! You all die!"

In boundless grief and anger, Yue Fei gave up everything.

But at this moment, a cold and seductive voice came into his mind.

"Kill! Kill!"

"This king gives you the power to destroy the world, let's destroy this world to your heart's content!"

"Ha ha!"


This magic thought seemed to be the last straw that Yue Fei grasped in the desperate situation.

Under the erosion of demonic thoughts, he completely lost his mind.

And the soldiers of the Yue family army under his command also began to be demonized under his influence.

Roar~ With roars, the Yue Family Army, which originally only had the strength of the peak realm, also set foot on Killing God.

In an instant, Xue Jiajun couldn't resist anymore.

After being enchanted, the Yue family army of the god-killing rank swept the entire battlefield with a tyrannical and invincible posture.

"Courting death! Courting death!"

Xue Rengui felt the power of the demon clan in Yue Fei's body.

He knew that Yue Fei had been invaded by evil thoughts.

That extreme grief and anger is an excellent medium for the invasion of the demon king's evil thoughts!

"Kill! Kill!"

Yue Fei is now like a mindless killing demon god, whose goal is to kill all the creatures that can be seen in front of him.


With one blow, Xue Rengui flew upside down.

After being enchanted, Yue Fei has the strength of the altar realm. On this battlefield right now, no one can resist him!

If he is really allowed to wreak havoc, the entire land of Song Dynasty will become a dead zone!

"I'm coming!"

At this time, Li Jing flew towards him with a sword.

After killing Zhao Kuangyin, the powerful energy not only repaired his body, but also pushed him into the realm of the altar in one fell swoop.

After getting acquainted with the surging power in his body just now, he roared and rushed towards Yue Fei.

Anyone who has become a demon, everyone can kill him!


However, Yue Fei only punched lightly.


How fast Li Jing flew over was how fast he flew backwards.

With the blessing of devil energy, Yue Fei's strength has already crossed the threshold of the mid-level of the altar.

This time, the new Eternal Demon King paid a huge price for his own plan to come.

As long as the demonized Yue Fei can sacrifice enough lives and negative emotions to him, then he can organize another large-scale demon clan to descend.

This time, he will definitely come to the Earth Star!


Blood gushed out of Li Jing's mouth. He was confused, he had just advanced, and he was not Yue Fei's all-in-one enemy?

If it wasn't for the power in his body, he almost thought that the advancement just now was a dream!

"Ahem, I... I'm coming!"


At the critical juncture, Chen Yang, who was seriously injured, tried his best to control the iron pagoda and flew over with the last bit of strength.

The huge tower body knocked Yue Fei over with one blow.

Immediately, a steady stream of suppressive force moved toward Yue Fei.

He wanted to take advantage of the disappearance of the pagoda to suppress Yue Fei one more time.

At this moment only the Pagoda Iron Tower has the power to check and balance Yue Fei.

If not, everyone will die!


"Your Majesty, this?"

In the Great Zhou Immortal Palace, Jiang Ziya frowned.

Yue Fei was bewitched by the Demon King, which he did not expect.

If Yue Fei's trouble cannot be solved in time, Yang Jian will not be able to escape the fate of being massacred by Yue Fei after he arrives with his army.

Yue Fei has already set foot in half a step of the realm of the shrine.

Presumably soon, he will become the only strong man in the palace realm remaining in the Song Empire!


However, Ji Fa was unmoved at this time, and he said coldly: "Even if we want to exterminate this monster, we must first kill the generals and soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire!"

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