The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 949: The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon!

"I am, invincible!"

In the dark space, Guan Hai, who had been resurrected again and again, had an epiphany.

He is not afraid of immortality, so he is invincible!

What about the demons? Isn't it the soul of the dead under his knife?



This time, I saw him holding the sword with great faith.


With one blow, the demonized Guan Hai on the opposite side instantly turned into powder.

The golden light overflowed, and the endless golden light tore through the darkness.


"Report to Your Majesty, Lord Guan Hai has woken up!"

Cheng Mu was reviewing the memorial, but suddenly heard a guard reporting from outside the hall.

"Oh? Woke up."

He hurriedly stood up with a look of joy.

You know, he went back and forth to the Imperial Physician Hall many times in order to manage Hai.

At this moment, he finally heard the long-awaited good news.

In the battle of Songzhou Province, Li Ji sacrificed himself, and Xie Xuan was seriously injured. In addition, more than half of the soldiers under his command were lost.

These are already the biggest battle damage he can bear.

If Guan Hai really died, it would be a great loss to the Apocalypse Empire.

Of course, the final result is still satisfactory.

Guan Hai wakes up, the God of War of the Apocalypse Empire is back!

call out!

After a golden light.

Cheng Mu immediately rushed to the Imperial Physician Hall.

In the Imperial Physician's Hall, Guan Hai was still a little hesitant at this time.

He could clearly perceive that not only had he healed from his injuries, but his strength had improved again.

Even the blood knife beside him turned golden at this time.

The thick and pure immortal power in his body told him very straightforwardly.

He took care of Hai and completely escaped from the demon body!

"Many...thanks ancient."

He stood up and bowed deeply to the old man.

He knows.

Without Gu San's devoted care, how could he overcome the evil thoughts in his heart.

From the densely packed jars of secret medicine on the medicine table next to it, it can be seen that Gu San really paid a lot of effort and price this time.

"Hehe, the most important thing is that Mr. Guan can wake up!"

Gu Gu stroked his beard in satisfaction.

He knew the importance of Guan Hai to the Apocalypse Empire, and he did not smash the signboard of his **** of medicine.

And in the process of treating Guan Hai this time, he also learned a lot and improved a lot.

Today, he has already begun to advance towards a higher level of medical practice!

"See Your Majesty."

At this time, Cheng Mu's arrival interrupted the conversation between the two.

I saw Cheng Mu rushing to Guan Hai, carefully observing him up and down.

After thoroughly discovering that Guan Hai was normal, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ai Qing has worked hard!"

Cheng Mu patted Guan Hai on the shoulder.

In terms of credit, Guan Hai was unique in the battle to destroy the Song Dynasty.

Just talking about him killing Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei alone, this gave him three fierce generals in Song Dynasty.

Although Liu Bei's strength is not top-notch.

But as soon as he joined Cheng Mu's command, Liu Bei, who was not top-notch, also became top-notch.

The Baier Army under Liu Bei's command is also a special-level army.

"Chen Guanhai, willing to be driven by His Majesty again!"

Guan Hai fell to his knees with a plop. After beheading Guan Yu, after beheading his demons.

The brand new and invincible Guan Hai appeared.

Today, he can defeat even more powerful enemies for Cheng Mu.

"Get up!"

Cheng Mu helped him up and told him, "Take a good rest these days."

"Familiarize yourself with the power you just gained, there are more important tasks for you later!"

He could clearly perceive that Guan Hai had stepped into the realm of the Divine Palace.

It's just because Guan Hai's strength is not very stable when he first came to the Shrine.

But so what.

With Guan Hai's current talent, he might be able to control an invincible force overnight.

Although Guan Hai's qualification is only SSS.

But some people can break through the shackles of their own qualifications as long as their beliefs are strong enough!

But for the Apocalypse Empire.

Now that Hei Ling and Guan Hai are two powerhouses in the Divine Palace realm, Cheng Mu has the confidence to attack the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!

'A one-year contract? Ha ha. '

He sneered in his heart.

After half a year, there is no need for Ji Fa to do it himself.

The army of his Apocalypse Empire will also kill the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!


late at night.

A figure sneaked onto the coast of the Apocalypse Empire.

This is a silver-haired and white-faced man with a slender crusader sword on his back.

He lifted the tip of his nose and sniffed vigorously.

Then, after finding the direction of Tianqi City, his figure disappeared into the vast night.


Cheng Mu was sleeping soundly.

But the sudden palpitations made him suddenly open his eyes.

He can clearly perceive that there are powerful people who do not belong to his country appear in the country.

It's just that the breath was illusory, and he couldn't lock it immediately.

"How is this going?"

He sat up.

Logically speaking, with his strength, the entire Apocalypse Empire should be under his control.

However, it was that strange aura floating around that made him elusive for a while.

In other words, the strength of the comer is even stronger than him!

"My son, what's the matter?"

Li Shishi, who was soundly asleep, was woken up.

With a lazy face, she looked at Cheng Mu suspiciously.

"It's okay, there's a guest here."

Cheng Mu stood up, and the Qilin fairy armor in his body instantly emerged.

He didn't immediately choose to let the power of the country's destiny bless him, let's take a look first.

He had to greet the uninvited guests in the middle of the night!


However, at this moment, a loud noise tore through the night sky.

The dazzling golden light turned the entire Apocalypse City into daytime.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened? Has an enemy invaded?"

"Look at the sky! The sky!"

"My God, it's Master Guan Hai!"

At this time, the people of the entire Tianqi City were awakened. They walked out of the window and saw two figures colliding above the sky.

The huge power generated by the two people's fight turned the day and night upside down.

"Really, I don't know how to live or die!"

Cheng Mu flew out in a hurry.

In the middle of the night, I come from my hometown Tianqi City to play wild, don't you know that it is the most impolite to disturb people's dreams?


At this time, the battle in the sky continued.

Facing Guan Hai's pressing approach, the silver-haired, white-faced man shouted while blocking.

"Misunderstanding, this is all a misunderstanding!"

"I am Saint George the Dragon Slayer, here to slay dragons!"

He was sneaking forward, and finally reached the edge of Tianqi City.

However, just as he was about to enter Tianqi City, Guan Hai suddenly appeared.

Ever since, the scene just happened.

"Slaying the dragon? How courageous!"

When Guan Hai heard that St. George said he was a dragon slayer, Guan Hai became more and more furious.

Who can really be called a dragon in the Apocalypse Empire today? That's his Majesty Cheng Mu!

Dragon Slayer? This man is an assassin!

"Go to hell!"

He just wanted to try the power of the Divine Palace Realm that he had just mastered.

Under his hand, the golden Blood Prison Severing Soul Knife emitted an invincible light.

"There's a dragon hiding in your city! Really!"

St. George growled sharply.

However, Guan Hai's knife was louder than his voice.

Under Guan Hai's aggressive offensive, a trace of anger also ignited in St. George's heart.

"If you dare to stop me from slaying a dragon today, then you will die!"

He originally wanted to talk to Guan Hai, but it seemed that he couldn't succeed.

Since Guan Hai wanted to stop him from slaying the dragon, don't blame him for being rude!


The slender cross sword casts a cold light under the night sky.

The long sword danced, surrounded by silver streamers.

This is the first collision between the blood prison knife and the western cross holy sword, and it is also the fusion of golden light and silver light all over the sky.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

In a few breaths, the two fought hundreds of times.

That gorgeous move was like fireworks in the night sky.

In an instant, the entire Tianqi City became lively. Quite a few people simply walked out of the room, quietly watching the splendor of the sky!

"St. George?"

Cheng Mu originally wanted to kill the sky, but he was relieved when he saw Guan Hai appearing.

After raising his hand to isolate the power of the two of them fighting, he slowly thought in his heart.

"St. George, Dragon Slayer of England!"

Suddenly, he remembered.

He had heard this story before. St. George Slaying the Dragon was a household name in Western countries, and this person also existed in various video games. Moreover, this person has a very high reputation in the West, and it is heard that the flag of England before the earth and star mutation is also related to him.

I never thought that this foreign race in the West would sneak into their own Apocalypse Empire.

Cheng Mu instantly knew why he came.

Ao Shang, the lord of the Kunming Dragon Clan, was right that day, someone really was planning on their dragon clan.

Not only within the Huaxia clan, but also the foreign races in the West want to slaughter the real dragon of Huaxia?

What's more, this St. George wanted to touch Apocalypse City.

Who is the real dragon in the city now? It's Ao Yinyin!

Dare to covet your own people?

"kill him!"

In an instant, Cheng Mu sentenced St. George to death.

The majestic foreign race in the west dared to slaughter his wife and the dragon of the Huaxia clan. Just for this behavior, regardless of whether Ao Shang ever said the words to pray for Cheng Mu's protection.

This Saint George must also die!


In mid-air, the battle between Guan Hai and St. George continued.

Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu, Lu Bu and others who had not yet left also rushed over.

Seeing this silver-haired, white-faced foreign man, everyone became interested.

"Your Majesty, why don't you let us kill him together?"

Guan Yu stroked his long beard, his mind moved.

In terms of strength, they may be a little weaker than this alien, but they can't stand their numbers.

And sometimes, it doesn't mean that their strength is weak, so they can't kill this alien race.

"Don't worry, he can't escape."

Cheng Mu said coldly: "Anyone who dares to harass our Tianqi Empire will be killed without mercy!"

Even if Guan Hai couldn't kill this Saint George, wouldn't there be Cheng Mu, the big boss in the end?


In mid-air, Guan Hai became more courageous as he fought.

He felt that he had completely controlled the power of heaven and He even touched a trace of the power of reincarnation between life and death.

Indeed, the dragon slayer St. George is stronger than him.

The strength is around the late stage of the initial state of the shrine.

The sharp holy cross sword can also leave some scars on his body.

However, under the restoration of the power of reincarnation, Guan Hai's injuries healed within a few breaths.

And that continuous strength made him not feel tired at all.

Slowly, St. George, the dragon slayer, became more and more shocked.

He relied on his super strength to dare to cross the ocean and come to the Huaxia clan to slay dragons and stand up.

This is the case with dragon slayers, the more dragons they kill, the stronger they are!

But he didn't want to be stopped by a twenty-year-old boy before he saw the dragon of the Huaxia clan.

And although this twenty-year-old boy's strength is not comparable to his, his fighting skills, fighting experience, and fighting spirit are completely crushed by him.

In front of Guan Hai, this St. George is a reckless man who has no power and doesn't know how to drive him.

The golden Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife in Guan Hai's hand has already started to draw scars on his body!


Another knife.

The Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife sliced ​​off St. George's helmet, and the silver hair fell down completely.

Among the silver stars, Guan Hai actually saw the scales on St. George's forehead!

"You! Unforgivable!"

Under the absolute disadvantage, a mad killing intent flashed in St. George's eyes.

"Since you want to stop me from slaying the dragon, I will kill you all!"

next second.


Under an extremely strong force, his body actually began to change.

Giant head, claws, wings, dragon tail!

Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, he, St. George, turned himself into a giant dragon!

The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon!

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