The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 950: Slay the evil dragon, strong and weak

"go to hell!"

After turning into a black dragon, St. George opened his **** mouth!


As the black fleshy wings flapped, a mouthful of fiery dragon flames spewed out.

Under the burning of the dragon flame, the whole world became hot.

And the hurricane formed by the flapping of the black dragon's wings also blew the surrounding forests and trees whirring.

"Tremble, mortals!"

"Be afraid, mortals!"


Under St. George's wanton laughter, the whole world was shrouded in flames.

With such power, he was already guessing how many charred corpses would remain under his dragon flame.

However, in the next second.


A golden light flashed.

The sharp Blood Prison Severing Soul Knife sliced ​​across its scales, sending out sparks of gold and iron scraping.

The power when the blade collides with the scales is like being hammered together with thousands of pieces of gold and iron!

"Huh? So thick?"

Guan Hai jumped onto the back of the black dragon.

He found that the Western Twoleg still had some advantages. Just like this scale armor, it is almost indestructible.

Now the golden Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife is almost a fairy-level weapon.

But the extremely sharp fairy-level weapon couldn't break through the scales of the western black dragon?

"Hehe, it's useless!"

St. George was unscrupulous. He is the world-destroying black dragon, and his defense is invincible.

Not only can he resist physical attacks, he can also save most of magic damage.

After turning into a dragon, his strength was finally stabilized in the realm of the shrine!

Of course, this mid-sacred palace doesn't mean how much power he has mastered.

It's his strength, which is equivalent to the strong Chinese human beings in the middle of the palace.

As a black dragon, fire-breathing and claw attacks are already his extremely powerful attacking moves!


Immediately after confirming that Guan Hai's Blood Prison Severing Soul Knife could not break through his scale armor, he threw Guan Hai's head off and chose to fight Guan Hai in close quarters!

Click! Click!

The huge dragon claws swept down fiercely.

That extremely strong force swept Guan Hai away with one blow.

Then the huge dragon tail swept over and hit Guan Hai into the ground.


That huge power is like a powerful cannonball!

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, boulders flew randomly.

"Your Majesty, let's go!"

Seeing Guan Hai being knocked into the air, Guan Yu couldn't wait.

Guan Yu's Blood Prison Broken Soul Knife couldn't break through the black dragon's scales, but he wanted to try with his Qinglong Yanyue Knife!

"Need not."

However, Cheng Mu refused again.

Although the black dragon seems to have the upper hand now, everything is under Guan Hai's control.

What about being knocked into the air?

This black evil dragon has extremely strong power, but only such mediocre attack methods.

"If the dragon doesn't have another move, then it's time to die."

Even Cheng Mu didn't expect that the western black dragon in the middle of the palace would be so weak?

In fact, it wasn't that Guan Hai's blood prison knife couldn't break through the black dragon's defense, but that the black dragon's scale armor was immune to 90% of the physical damage.

In other words, Guan Hai slashed at the black dragon with 100% of his strength, and the black dragon would only bear 10% of the damage.

What is shown in this way seems to be invincible in everyone's eyes.


As soon as Cheng Mu's voice fell, a sword suddenly blasted out from the ground.

Dao Gang verified what Cheng Mu said just now.

Under the sharp knife, a scale armor of the black dragon was instantly shattered!

Dao Gang is not a physical attack.

Calculated according to the five elements, the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife belongs to gold, and the natural knife is the magic damage of the metal system.


Severe pain came from the chest.

The black dragon looked down, and a piece of scale armor on his chest had been completely shattered. The dark red dragon's blood was gurgling along the cracks.

"you wanna die!"

St. George was furious.

In the past, when he was in the west, he was invincible in the form of a black dragon. Even if the opponent is a clan of giant dragons, he can kill them.

However, he did not expect that someone from the Huaxia clan could actually hurt him from a distance.

The sharp knife gang also made him feel a little threatened at this time.

"Hehe, it's you who deserves to be damned!"


Guan Hai's figure rushed out from the ground.

Don't look at his awkward posture at this moment, but he has no injuries at all.

As a strong man in the Divine Palace Realm, if this attack hurts him, then he might as well take the blame and commit suicide!

"Die, two-legged reptile!"

After finding the black dragon's weakness, Guan Hai turned into a master of long-range attacks.



With the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife waving in his hand, the sky full of knives blasted towards the black dragon.



That great power, once again tore the sky.

But this time, there are no demons outside the territory watching.

He may have suffered from Cheng Mu several times in a row, and the new Eternal Demon King has begun to behave himself.

"This dragon is invincible!"

Facing the sky full of knives, St. George roared angrily.

When the densely packed blades were about to bombard him, his black dragon body suddenly turned golden.


There were continuous crashes.

After the sky full of swords, St. George was unscathed!

"Huh? How is it possible?"

Guan Hai was shocked. It was obvious that his sword gang could hurt the evil dragon just now, but now his attack was exempted again.

"Do you know why I am called the Dragon Slayer?"

St. George was triumphant: "You never know how many dragons died by my sword!"


With a sharp sound, countless golden sword energy shot towards Guan Hai like a storm.

That extremely powerful power seems to shoot through the entire land!


Guan Hai let out a cold snort, and the Blood Prison Soul Severing Knife in his hand turned into an afterimage.

Countless sword energy was blocked by him, and the whole world was dyed golden!

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

In Tianqi City, the eyes of countless girls narrowed into little stars.

Under Cheng Mu's protection, the sword energy all over the sky shattered in mid-air.

This is golden fireworks.

The golden fireworks covering the entire sky will make countless people in Tianqi City unforgettable forever!

"Come again!"

After blocking the sky-filled sword energy, Guan Hai threw out the sky-filled sword again.

However, this time, the result of Dao Gang's bombardment was exactly the same as before.

Instead, after absorbing the power of the huge sword gang, St. George once again set off golden fireworks in the night sky.

"The general doesn't believe it!"

Now that the knife gang has lost its effect, Guan Hai is here to go up with the knife.

He is fast.

St. George tried to trample him to death with dragon claws.

However, Guan Hai's knife was aimed at the golden dragon's claw.


Between electric light and flint.

When the blood prison knife was about to touch St. George's dragon claw, the color of his entire dragon changed again.

From gold to black again!

The thick black scale armor blocked Guan Hai's blood prison knife.

This time, Guan Hai returned without success!

"See clearly?"

In the city, Cheng Mu probably knew what was going on. He asked Lu Bu, Guan Yu and others if they had seen the changes in St. George.

"Hehe, there are some means."

Lv Bu nodded and said: "Your Majesty, if you will never fight this western dragon, you will use air attack as bait and force attack as reality!"

"This western dragon can only change one form at a time!"

They all looked out of the way.

Isn't this St. George's combat method just to show off his tricks?

Guan Hai uses physical attacks, then he becomes a black dragon immune to physical damage.

Guan Hai attacked with a gold-type sword, and he became a golden dragon immune to gold-type attacks.

Although this ability is powerful, there will always be mistakes!

"Well, Aiqing Guan Hai must have noticed it too!"

Cheng Mu nodded.

The generals under his command are not fools, but their extremely high aptitude makes them act extremely smart.

St. George thought he would be invincible with this ability?

Hehe, I'm still too self-righteous!



When Cheng Mu's words fell, Guan Hai shot out the sword again.

Guan Hai could not be seen under the densely packed knives.

"I told you, it's useless!"

St. George laughed unscrupulously.

His talent is like this, he can transform into a dragon of any department by killing any dragon.

As a dragon slayer, he didn't know how many dragons died in his hands.

Naturally, he can almost avoid any kind of elemental attack in this world!

This is his strongest move as a strong man in the middle of the palace!


The sky full of knives is coming.

St. George remained unmoved. He is waiting, after he absorbs the sky-filled sword, he will treat him in his own way.

However, under his contemptuous gaze, a stream of light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

That was the figure of Guan Hai.

With the cover of Man Tian Dao Gang, Guan Hai rushed over with the sword.


The boundless crisis of death gripped St. George's heart.

He wanted to turn into a black dragon, but the sky full of golden swords was already in front of him. Facing such a sword, he had to use the body of a golden dragon to resist.

If he hadn't turned into a black dragon...he could already feel a breath of death from Guan Hai's knife.

Just when he hesitated.

In this tenth of a second.


The golden Blood Prison Severing Soul Knife slashed down fiercely!

This is a shocking blow!

In St. George's horrified eyes, the Blood Prison Soul Breaking Knife went straight through his neck.


St. George's voice stopped abruptly, and he couldn't feel his body anymore.

The huge dragon head fell from the sky, and the bright red dragon blood gushed out like a rain of blood!

The huge dragon body fell, and Cheng Mu hurriedly moved it to an open area outside the city.

The arrogant, self-confident invincible dragon slayer St. George just died here!

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

At this time, Gu San rushed out carrying a clay pot.

While collecting dragon blood, he muttered: "This is a precious material!"

"When I make it into medicine, it will be another precious medicine for prolonging life!"

Although this western giant dragon is weak.

But for mortals, for the strong who have not yet advanced to the **** stage.

A mouthful of dragon blood is extremely nourishing.

"Your Majesty, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!"

Guan Hai also bathed in dragon blood.

What Gu San said was correct. Although the dragon's blood is of no great use to him, one ten-thousandth improvement in strength is also improvement.

What's more, this St. George is much stronger than ordinary western dragons.

After going through this battle, Guan Hai not only consolidated the foundation of the Jingu's initial state, but also stepped into the late stage of the initial state.

When he kills another strong man in the Divine Palace, then he will be able to step into the Central Realm of the Divine Palace properly!

"How does it feel? The power system of foreign races in the West is different from ours in China, right?"

Cheng Mu had expected that Guan Hai would win the final victory.

What he wants to tell everyone at this time is that the western alien races have a different power system from them.

"Although this power system is different, it leads to the same goal after all!"

He exhorted: "When meeting a foreign race in the West, even if the enemy is weaker than us, you must remain extremely vigilant and go all out!"

Sometimes, after all, the strength system is different, and the combat strength is also different.

Even though St. George's Dragon Transformation has the strength of the middle realm of the shrine, his attack methods are only a few tricks.

As long as you keep your head clear and go all out, you can easily kill them.

And if you get stuck in it, you will probably be consumed to death!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your guidance."

Guan Hai, Lu Bu and others nodded quickly.

This is the first time they have met this western alien.

"Your Majesty, can this western dragon be called a dragon?"

At this time Guan Yu poked St. George's body.

After being beheaded by Guan Hai, St. George maintained his dragon body after death.

"This kind of dragon is equivalent to a dragon heir who is not very powerful."

Although Cheng Mu knew that the real dragon of his Huaxia clan was beating the Western dragon clan.

But with the name of a dragon, the strength of the western dragon is actually not weak.

After all, that powerful body, coupled with the unique ability, still has some fighting power.

Cheng Mu roughly estimated St. George's actual combat power.

Divine Realm.

Under normal circumstances, St. George can be fierce within the strength range of the Shenmen Realm.

Once the altar-level powerhouse masters the mystery of teleportation, then St. George will not be able to stop the attack and kill in hidden moves!

"Hey, this is too weak."

Guan Yu suddenly lost interest.

This kind of dragon clan, which relies on its own special ability to be fierce, has great advantages in battle, but also has great weaknesses.

What qualifications does this extremely imperfect dragon family have to be called a dragon?

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