The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 951: Chen Qing's battle against Fan Kuai

The story of Guan Hai beheading the Western Dragon has become a story that the people of Tianqi City talk about in their daily lives for a long time.

After hearing the news, Ao Shang, the leader of the Dragon Clan in Kunming, sent someone to present him with a generous gift.

You see, this bodyguard is not in vain.

His daughter, Ao Yinyin, was not given to Cheng Mu for nothing.

The strength of the Kunming Dragon Clan has been hidden again!


After a few days.

Guan Hai has fully recovered, and he once again asked Cheng Mu to go to the Han Empire.

But this time, Cheng Mu agreed.

Qin and Han have joined forces, and Wang Mang and Murong Ke of Xinguo led the army to help.

On the Qin and Han battlefields, the army of the Apocalypse Empire needs a strong commander!

The recruitment mission of Lu Bu, Guan Yu and others is still going on.

Cheng Mu is actually confident.

Sending Guan Hai, the most powerful man, over there, the war in the Qin and Han Empire should also be over.


Han Empire, Jiangxia County.

The Mingzhou Legion led by Xu Da fought against an army of tens of millions led by Han Xin.

in quantity.

Xu Da's Sun Moon Army, Qi Jiguang's Qi Family Army, Chang Yuchun's Red Turban Army, Chen Qingzhi's White Robe Army, and Lu Meng's Tiger Warriors crossing the river.

The number of these five armies is only five million people.

Quantitatively, this is at a disadvantage.

But even so, Xu Da is confident that he can fight Han Xin's tens of millions of troops with five million super elites!

"What about the soldiers?"

Xu Da sneered: "Wait now, who is not a fairy?"

Although their strength is not the top in the Apocalypse Empire, they are the most powerful and have stepped into the initial stage of the altar!

Currently in the middle battlefield, such a strength configuration is enough!

"Marshal, my white-robed army requests the first battle!"

Facing tens of thousands of enemies, Chen Qingzhi couldn't wait.

If he didn't work hard, who would still remember the 'thousands of troops avoiding white robes? '

"No, Yuchun, you go together!"

Although Xu Da despised Han Xin in his eyes, he paid great attention to it in actual combat.

An army of tens of millions, even if it is ten million pigs.

But the commander of this pig is Han Xin!

So just to be on the safe side, Xu Da sent Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army and Chang Yuchun's red-turban army to go up first to test it out.

Among the current Mingzhou Legion, Chen Qingzhi's strength is the strongest, at the beginning of the altar.

As for Chang Yuchun's number two combat power, his strength is only half behind Chen Qingzhi's.

Two peerless fierce generals charge together, does he not believe that Han Xin can still be as stable as Mount Tai?



After Xu Da hand-picked, Chen Qingzhi and Chang Yuchun began to lead the army forward.

Now the entire Jiangxia county is an enemy.

Without any other considerations, Chen Qingzhi's main goal was Jiangxia County.

Because there, Han Xin, who is known as the soldier fairy, sits in charge!


Along the way, Chen Qingzhi felt as if he had entered the land of no one.

Although there are many soldiers of the Han Empire who want to resist his advance.

However, under the butcher's knife of the White Robe Army, these weak soldiers of the Han Empire were simply vulnerable.

After advancing several kilometers.

When Chen Qingzhi looked at Jiangxia County City from a distance, an army of brown armor stood in front of him.

"Oh? Are you finally willing to send out the elite?"

Chen Qingzhi's face showed joy when he saw the army standing in front of him.

Although he is only seventeen years old, his strength is top-notch!

"Yingbo has already died in Yizhou. Could it be that you are that Peng Yue?"

Facing the most domineering and bravest man in the enemy army, Chen Qingzhi asked aloud.

He is not afraid, but has a glimmer of hope in his heart.

He heard that Li Cunxiao had killed Yingbu. Among the remaining three famous generals in the early Han Dynasty, Peng Yue and Han Xin, he would always get one.

Han Xin didn't fight anymore.

After all, Qi Jiguang, Lu Meng and others are all his elder brothers!

"Fart your mother!"

However, the bearded man on the opposite side got angry, and cursed: "Your grandfather will change his name and surname, so does Fan Kui!"

"Grandson, your grandfather will send you on your way today!"

Fan Kuai roared, and rushed towards Chen Qingzhi with two axes in hand.

He is a strong general, the bravest general under Liu Bang in history.

Although Liu Bang died early in this life, his Fan Kuai's strength has become stronger instead!


He jumped up, and most of the ground was shattered by him.

Then there was a bang.

At the same time, Chen Qingzhi, who was flying into the air, felt numbness in his hands and pain in his jaw.

The blow just now almost knocked the spear out of his hand.

This Fan Kuai actually possesses the strength of the initial stage of the Divine Platform!

"Good boy!"

Although Chen Qingzhi was knocked back with one blow, Fan Kuai himself was not feeling well.

His condition was similar to Chen Qingzhi's, and his hands were numb.

In the first blow, both of them used brute force to fight.

"Come again!"

Fan Kuai spit out a mouthful of foam, and his aura rose again.

this time.


There was a sound like a heavy hammer from heaven and earth.

The great power of the fight between the two instantly caused several armies on the battlefield to raise their military spirits.

Without the protection of the army soul, those miscellaneous soldiers of the Han Empire would have been shocked to death long ago!

Under the roar of the army souls from all walks of life, the momentum between heaven and earth became more turbulent and complicated.

"Whirlwind flurry!"

After realizing that he was unable to take down Chen Qing for a long time, Fan Kui began to release his ultimate move.

I saw him holding the double axes horizontally in front of him, and the whole person spun quickly.

The hurricane formed during the rotation also began to wreak havoc on the world.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

The speed of whirlwind flurry is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Chen Qingzhi.

Chen Qingzhi originally wanted to take the initiative to attack and destroy the whirlwind with his long spear.

But just for a moment.

The force formed by the rapid rotation instantly sent his spear bullets flying out.

At the same time, the sharp ax blade also began to cut the armor on his body.

Click click click.

If the white armor on Chen Qingzhi's body was not strong enough, otherwise he would have been disembowelled at this time!


How could Chen Qingzhi, who was hit hard, be beaten in vain?

"Break it for this general!"

This time, the long sword pierced through the air.

That extremely domineering power is to break the spinning blade with one blow!


It was an earth-shattering blow.

Under this shot, Fan Kui instantly felt as if the power of a mountain was bombarding him.

The extremely powerful power broke the gap in the double axes in his hands.

And his whole body was thrown out like a spinning top.

His whirlwind dance was interrupted.

However, after defeating Fan Kui's Whirlwind and Flurry Dance with one blow, Chen Qingzhi also felt uncomfortable.

The huge counter-shock force knocked him back instantly.

And Fan Kuai's shattered ax blade shot into his body like a sharp arrow.

A hole was shot through in his armor.

There was a long slit in the waist!

"Hmph, looking for a dead end!"

Smelling the **** smell from Chen Qingzhi's body, Fan Kui smiled.

How powerful did he think this young fierce general was? Turned out to be like a brat!

Although he, Fan Kuai, was born as a butcher of pigs and dogs, he is not so stupid!

"go to hell!"

Taking advantage of Chen Qingzhi's injury, he rushed over immediately.

"Hmph! A mere injury!"

However, the injury at the waist aroused the ferocity in Chen Qingzhi's heart even more.

The stench of blood made him go berserk!

He, Chen Qingzhi, would not bleed to death for a mere injury!



The two fought together again, trying their best to send each other on the road with every blow!


And when the two coaches were fighting fiercely, their armies also fought together.

The white-robed cavalry took the lead in charging.

Opposite them was Fan Kuai's army of slaughtering enemies.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The 200,000 massacre heavy cavalry started a counter-charge.

They are all heavy cavalry, and when they attack each other, whoever lives and who dies depends on who is stronger.

Anyway, they slaughtered the enemy army and never retreated to avoid these two words!


After a few breaths, the two cavalry collided completely.

In an instant the earth shook.

At this time, even Fan Kui and Chen Qingzhi, who were fighting in the sky, were alarmed.

But they all have confidence in the soldiers under their command.

In this charge, their soldiers must have won.

However, under the billowing smoke and dust, the situation of the two armies did not meet expectations.

Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army is very strong, and it is already the peak strength of the super **** level.

It stands to reason that they can slaughter ordinary soldiers on the battlefield at will.

However, the problem is that Fan Kuai's army of slaughtering the enemy is not ordinary soldiers at all.

On the contrary, they are also very powerful.

The super **** level and the super **** level peak, that is, the strength gap between the first-class and the top.

In a chaotic and dangerous battlefield, first-class and top-level strengths are actually not that great.

There are quite a few white-robed army cavalry who can crush three or four enemy-slaying heavy cavalry soldiers in one charge.

However, after trampling three or four enemies to death, and after the horses under his command lost their speed advantage, they would also be trampled to death by heavy cavalry rushing towards them from behind.

The battle situation is such an anxious fight.

The white-robed army was one against ten, and the situation that no one could stop it did not appear!

"Kill through!"

But at this moment, seeing how anxious the battle was, the commander-in-chief of the white-robed cavalry gave an order.

In an instant, countless white-robed cavalrymen abandoned their horses.

I saw them leaping up, the scimitars in their hands wreaking havoc.

The densely packed horses and enemies became their best killing pedals.

In an instant, the heavy cavalry who slaughtered the enemy were killed.

They thought it was just a head-to-head cavalry fight, but they didn't expect that in the end, the enemy's white-robed fine cavalry turned into trapeze people one by one.

Who said cavalry had to sit on horses?

The white-robed elite knights sneered.

The balance of victory was tilted to their side!

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