The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 952: Abandoned Fan Kuai

"Go away!"

After the soldiers under his command fell into a disadvantage, Fan Kuai in mid-air looked disgusted.

He repelled the rushing Chen Qingzhi with one axe, and then rushed towards the battlefield on the ground.

Those soldiers who dared to kill Fan Kui, this group of white-robed cavalry really didn't know how to write the word "death"!

Not all generals can abide by the principle of not killing ordinary soldiers.

In his eyes, as long as he is an enemy, no matter how powerful he is, he must be killed!


He struck down with an axe.

In an instant, the whole earth was split into two halves by him.

The soldiers of the White Robe Army who were killing the enemy recklessly, at this time nearly 100,000 people died under his axe.

Even these white-robed soldiers are like ants in Fan Kuai's eyes. But with every ax he strikes, he goes all out!

"Puff, you are courting death!"

Seeing Fan Kui's lack of martial ethics, Chen Qingzhi ran away in an instant.

He rushed over sharply, and the spear in his hand pierced Fan Kuai's throat!

If Fan Kui dared to kill his soldiers today, don't blame him for being cruel!


Fan Kuai used the ax blade to block himself in front of him, and his whole body flew upside down as if being hit by a mountain.

Chen Qingzhi, who was in a completely berserk state, was not weaker than him at all.


After repelling Fan Kuai with one shot, the long spear in Chen Qingzhi's hand also swept down.


The earth, which was already devastated, was once again blasted out of an abyss.

Countless soldiers of the enemy slaughter army turned into a pool of flesh and blood, with stumps flying around.

He Fan Kuai dared to kill the soldiers of the White Robe Army, so how could he, Chen Qingzhi, be polite?

Under this fierce retaliation, hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the enemy army were killed in an instant!

This is the strength of the strongest.

Only the strongest can resist the strongest.

If the most powerful people wantonly attack ordinary soldiers, it is almost impossible for the soldiers under both sides to survive.

"You are courting death!"

Seeing the death of his beloved soldiers, Fan Kui's eyes turned red.

He can kill ordinary soldiers of the enemy army, but the enemy cannot kill his soldiers.


In a fit of rage, he finally learned to obey the rules.

He no longer attacked the soldiers of the White Robe Army, but rushed towards Chen Qingzhi with an axe.

"I'll kill you first, and then kill these ants!"

As long as Chen Qingzhi is killed, no one can stop him from killing these white-robed soldiers.


The two began to fight desperately.

That ferocious and brutal move directly changed the color of the world.

On the city wall in the distance, Han Xin fanned his hands gently after seeing such a scene.

In an instant, a powerful energy surged towards Fan Kuai's body.

With the support of Han Xin, Fan Kuai doubled in height.

His attack at this moment drove Chen Qingzhi into the ground in an instant.


Fan Kuai, who was at the beginning stage of the altar, stepped into the middle stage of the altar with half of his foot under Han Xin's hand.

With such a huge gap in strength, how can Chen Qingzhi match in a short time?

"Hmph! Ants!"

The boundless power in his body made Fan Kui feel invincible.

After not seeing Chen Qingzhi for a long time, he grinned coldly.

"Hehehe, go to hell!"

I saw him raising the double axes high, and the boundless power of heaven and earth condensed on the blades of the axes.

He wants to kill nearly a million white-robed soldiers with one move!



At the critical moment, a dazzling silver light burst out from the ground.

This is a silver spear the size of a mountain. Fan Kui couldn't help but feel palpitations at this moment because of the power of heaven and earth contained in the tip of the spear.


With one blow, the twin axes in Fan Kuai's hands were instantly crushed.

His whole body, like a kite with a broken string, flew upside down for a long distance.

Immediately, under the horrified eyes of everyone.

A huge blood-colored giant slowly appeared between the sky and the earth.

At this time, Chen Qingzhi slashed at Fan Kui fiercely with boundless power.

The White Robe Army does not have a very special military spirit.

The only thing that can be called the soul of the army is that Chen Qingzhi personally merged with the army under his command.

The military soul is him, he is the military soul!

So when facing the invincible Fan Kuai, he chose to become a military soul and kill the powerful enemy!


Fan Kuai crossed his fists and blocked them in front of his chest.

Indeed, at that moment just now, he was accidentally sent flying. He also suffered some injuries.

But now, he is an invincible half-step god-level powerhouse.

How could he lose so easily?


The next second, the giant gun struck.

After Fan Kui was ready to deal with it with all his strength, this shocking shot only sent him flying hundreds of meters away.

"Hehe, it's too weak!"

Before Chen Qingzhi closed his gun, he rushed over again.

At this time, Chen Qingzhi, who was like a giant in the world, became a living target for his fists.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every punch of his caused the world to tremble.

That powerful punch was like a tiger roaring!


Facing this annoying fly, Chen Qingzhi raised his huge palm and slapped it.

Although his shot just now did not seriously injure Fan Kui, how could Fan Kui, who was as weak as a fly, hurt him?

The white-robed army is a super-god-level pinnacle unit. After fusing the power of its army soul, Chen Qingzhi's strength can set foot in the middle of the altar.

As a giant of heaven and earth in the middle stage of the altar, he would naturally crush Fan Kui, who was only at the peak of the initial stage of the altar, in all aspects.

The battle between the two at this time was like a cat playing with a mouse.

Chen Qingzhi's attack was too powerful, and Fan Kui could only avoid it carefully.

It's just that while dodging, he can still seize the opportunity to attack once or twice.


ground battlefield.

After Fan Kui killed most of the white-robed fine cavalry just now, the white-robed sword and shield fighters in the rear took over the battlefield.

At this time, their enemy was five or six hundred thousand enemy-slaying long halberd soldiers.

The long iron halberd wanted to block the advancing pace of the white-robed sword and shield soldiers with a formation of long spears.


After Chen Qingzhi fused the power of the white-robed army's military soul, the white-robed army soldiers at the peak of the super **** level also stepped into the first stage of killing gods at this moment.

Although this duration will not be very long, it is enough for them to slaughter this group of weak enemies.

Click click click!

Bang bang bang bang!

This dense forest of long spears, which was proud of the enemy halberd soldiers, was chopped into pieces.

The halberds in their hands were vulnerable to the sharp blades of the white-robed soldiers.

Under the advance of the soldiers of the White Robe Army, the frontmost halberd soldiers began to die in battle.

That sharp sword can cut the body of the enemy halberd soldier in half.

For a moment, blood flowed into rivers, and corpses were everywhere.

Although the white-robed cavalry has been destroyed, the remaining white-robed soldiers are still not comparable to the soldiers of the enemy-slaying army.

In terms of the individual strength of the soldiers, the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire are the strongest in the world!

"Get the catapult ready."

The city wall of Jiangxia County.

Seeing the enemy slaughtering army that had fallen into an absolute disadvantage, Han Xin ordered the catapult support with a gloomy expression.

If the white-robed army continues to slaughter, then all the enemy army will be wiped out there today.

And Fan Kuai was not someone who would run away in despair.

That being the case, it is better to let the Tudi Army and the White Robe Army be buried here together!


On and under the city wall of Jiangxia County City, there are densely packed catapults at this time.

In order to block the army of the Apocalypse Empire here, Han Xin is fully prepared!

next second.

When thousands of catapults roared together, dense boulders occupied the sky.

These boulders, which were not enough for one person to encircle, killed countless soldiers under a wave of attacks.

Among them, there are Chen Qingzhi's white-robed army, and Fan Kuai's enemy-slaying army.

The support Han Xin mentioned was just to kill the soldiers of the White Robe Army.

As for how much of Fan Kuai's enemy-slaying army is left after the support, it depends on the luck of the soldiers of the enemy-slaying army!

"His grandma's, shield! Shield!"

"Everyone gather together! There are too many stones, a single shield can't stop them!"

"Brothers, follow me, even if you die today, you must kill these enemies!"

"Kill! The white-robed army is fearless!"

Facing the huge boulder that filled the sky, those who are rational and clear-headed will gather with their companions with heavy shields around them.

With a solid shield wall, it resists densely packed boulders.

However, there are still many people in the white robe army whose eyes are red.

What about the threat of death?

As long as they can kill the enemy, even if they are smashed to death, they have nothing to fear!


Those with strong strength will smash the flying boulder into fine powder with one blow.


There are also quite a few unlucky ones who were continuously bombarded by three or five boulders and hated Jiuquan!

"Han Xin, you are so cruel!"

In mid-air, Fan Kuai, who was struggling to kill, glared at him with a ferocious expression.

He is angry.

It wasn't that the soldiers under Qi's command died at the hands of the white robe army, but they died under Han Xin's catapult.

This feeling of being suddenly abandoned made his heart feel like a knife.

The number one fierce general who was counted by himself as a majestic man, was thrown away like garbage like this?

"General Fan is on the road with peace of mind!"

Han Xin heard Fan Kuai's roar, and he explained: "At this time, the enemy army only has five million troops."

"Today, if you and Tudijun replace this white-robed army, the pressure on Jiangxia County will be relieved by half!"

Chen Qingzhi and his white-robed army are among the top-notch army in the middle of the Apocalypse Empire.

If Fan Kuai's enemy-slaying army and the white-robed army can fight together, it will be a big victory for Han Xin!

On He stationed tens of millions of soldiers in Jiangxia County, even if one was killed in battle, there are still nine elites.

This Fan Kuai, let him go on the road with peace of mind!

"Ahhh! I'm not reconciled!"

Fan Kuai roared angrily!

Although what Han Xin said has some truth, who would be willing to be an abandoned son?

"Let me, the coach, open up the way for me to kill the enemy army today!"


With a burst of power, he stepped out a black butcher knife from his waist!

Butcher knife!

This is his natal weapon, this knife has killed countless lives.

Generally, he will not use it easily if he does not encounter an unrivaled and powerful enemy!

brush! Click click click! Rumble!

The black dog-slaying knife stood proudly in the sky, and thunder and lightning flashed between the sky and the earth in an instant.

Crazy bloodlust surged into Fan Kui's body, and his strength soared again!


This time, he used his real strength to fight against Chen Qingzhi, who was in the middle of the gods.

The dog-butcher knife in his hand had already started to draw scars on Chen Qingzhi's body!


Chen Qingzhi's eyes were also filled with crazy killing intent.

"If that's the case, then die!"

This is enough to kill gods and demons.

Under a cold light, Fan Kuai also raised the dog-butcher knife in his hand.

This time, both of them tried their best to kill the powerful enemy with the strongest moves!

The power of the entire world is concentrated on the tip of the spear and the blade.


In the next second, the spear was like a dragon, and the sharp blade pierced through the air!

Everyone only heard a sound like a peerless thunder.

Under the roar of thunder, Chen Qingzhi, who was like a giant, was cut in half with a knife.

And Fan Kui, who was going to die, also melted under Chen Qingzhi's gun!

After the spear tore Fan Kuai apart, it blasted towards Jiangxia County City with irresistible power.

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