The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 961: spaceship, out to sea

"Thank you!"

Cheng Mu remembered Xingyue's words.

Of course, he didn't tell Xingyue.

Even if Ji Fa doesn't mobilize troops against him half a year later, he will send troops to level Ji Fa's Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!

Half a year later, after the army under his command destroyed the Qin and Han Empires.

At that time, the general strength of the legions under the Apocalypse Empire should have been promoted to the rank of killing gods.

Since it is to kill the gods, it should kill the gods!


"His Majesty!"

After Xingyue left, Wang Tiechui hurried over when he heard the news of Cheng Mu's arrival.

At this time, his face was blood red, and his body temperature was extremely high.

It looked like he had just come out of the blacksmith's room.

The heat in his body suddenly raised the surrounding temperature a lot.

"Your Majesty is here, and your subordinates are about to report to His Majesty!"

Without Cheng Mu asking, Wang Tiechui said it himself.

"Senior brother Ou Yezi and I jointly built a ship."

"Although this ship is still in the experimental stage, it can already fly!"

Having said that, Wang Tiehammer looked excited.

"Oh? Spaceship?"

Although Cheng Mu had heard about it a long time ago, the feeling and result were different when Wang Tiechui said it himself.

What you hear is hearsay.

Only when Wang Tiechui personally reported it can he confirm this great victory!

That's right, it is the result of the battle, an extremely important strategic result!

At first, Cheng Mu was still thinking about how to transport his army to the sky to fight Ji Fa to the death.

The appearance of the spaceship solved this urgent need for him.

The real celestial soldiers and immortal generals all ride in immortal ships.

The spaceship jointly built by Wang Tiehammer and Ou Yezi already has the prototype of a fairy ship!

In other words, the army under his command will also become real soldiers and generals!

"Take me to have a look!"

Cheng Mu can't wait to see this important ship of the country!

With a spaceship, it will be extremely convenient to conquer other civilizations across the sea in the future!

"Please, Your Majesty!"

Wang Tiehammer leads the way.

His strong muscles made Cheng Mu feel like he was looking at a peerless general.

Ever since, he couldn't help checking Wang Tiehammer's strength.


I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.

I haven't seen Wang Tiehammer for a long time, and now Wang Tiehammer's strength is half a step away.

This is pure physical power.

Unknowingly, this Wang Tiechui embarked on the same path of practice as Li Cunxiao.

"Your Majesty? What's the matter?"

Hearing Cheng Mu's voice, Wang Tiehammer turned around and asked in doubt.

He was wondering if his hot muscles had burned Cheng Mu.

"Nothing, nothing."

Cheng Mu didn't express the result in his heart.

Although Wang Tiehammer's strength is a good thing, it is most appropriate for him to feel at ease.

If Wang Tiechui was not at ease, how could he create the spaceship that Cheng Mu was looking forward to so much?


After walking forward for half an hour, a huge courtyard appeared in front of Cheng Mu.

Wang Tiechui personally opened the courtyard gate for Cheng Mu.

His baby is hidden inside.

"Is this still a test product?"

As soon as Cheng Mu stepped into the courtyard, he couldn't help being shocked.

The experimental product Wang Tiehammer mentioned was as huge as a Tianlong battleship at this time.

"No, this spaceship is transformed from the Tianlong battleship!"

The Tianlong battleship was created by Cheng Mu, how could he not be familiar with it?

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Ou Yezi stepped forward and reported: "Your Majesty, the old man and brother Wang saw many idle Tianlong battleships on Kunming Lake, so they carried out the experiment on their own initiative."

"The propulsion and anti-gravity devices of the spaceship are also thanks to His Majesty allowing the old man and Brother Wang to build the teleportation array!"

The hull of their experimental spaceship was transformed from the Tianlong battleship, and its power and anti-gravity devices were inspired by the teleportation array.

Therefore, with the dedicated cooperation of the two blacksmith gods, the first spaceship of the Apocalypse Empire was born!

"Haha, thank you for your hard work!"

Cheng Mu was very happy, and jumped onto the spaceship.

Standing on this familiar Tianlong battleship, he is already imagining how invincible his future army will be!

On land, those with two legs are afraid of those with four.

And the four-legged ones are afraid they will fly!

Moreover, such a huge Tianlong battleship can not only station tens of thousands of soldiers, but also carry the powerful artillery of the Apocalypse Empire.

Under the cannon of the apocalypse, even if the opponent is a strong person in the Shenmen realm, he can be killed by a single shot.

Thousands of cannons are fired, and they can even threaten the strong in the altar realm!

A spaceship of such strength is enough to conquer the countries of Earth and Stars!

"Come on, let's sail!"

After Cheng Muyue boarded the spaceship, Ou Yezi immediately ordered his subordinates to set off.

next second.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

In a roar, the huge spaceship began to lift off.

Although the spaceship trembled a little during the lift-off stage, it was not affected at all for the powerhouses in the border town of Peerless Town.

A minute later, the spacecraft rose completely into the air.

Looking at the pedestrians who were as big as ants on the ground, Cheng Mu was full of energy.

"Let's go!"

He pointed to the far east.

He wants to take the east as the starting point, and take a spaceship to cruise around his own country.


Immediately, a more powerful roar sounded.

At this time, the heavy Tianlong battleship burst out at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling the whistling wind in his ears, Cheng Mu calculated the flying speed of the spaceship.

Not less than one hundred kilometers per hour.

In other words, the speed of the spaceship is faster than the galloping speed of his war horses.

It only takes two hours to go to the east coast!

For a supreme being, two hours is extremely long.

But for an army of one million, a distance of 400 to 500 kilometers in two hours, and it is still full of energy, that is a magic weapon!

In the past, although the army under the command of the Apocalypse Empire also had an extremely fast marching speed.

However, after soldiers have exhausted their physical strength, it is not suitable to join the battlefield immediately.

But it's different now.

Even if it is an expedition across the sea, the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire are always full of energy and fighting spirit!

"And set up a shield on this spaceship, which can not only prevent the wind, but also defend against the enemy."

After experiencing the speed of the spaceship, Cheng Mu made suggestions for improvement of the spaceship.

Even the anti-gravity formation and the push formation are engraved on it, and there is not much to add a shield formation.

And the more functions a spaceship has, the stronger it will be!

"Your Majesty is wise."

Hearing Cheng Mu's suggestion, Ou Yezi and Wang Tiechui exchanged glances.

There is light in their eyes.

Presumably, Cheng Mu's suggestion gave them great inspiration!


"Cheng Rui, do you think there are any big monsters in the sea?"

Along the coast of Zhangzhou, China, Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling traveled here.

Since the auspicious unicorn went to Songzhou Province to sprinkle auspiciousness that day, they felt more free without their little followers.

So after the two discussed it, they hurried here.

It was only after they came that they realized that there was no sea monster here at all.

Even a fish with a body length of tens of meters in the sea cannot stand the sword in Cheng Rui's hand!

Of course, this is just what Cheng Rui thinks.

The dried fish hanging more than ten meters long in the coastal fishing village were all caught by the fishermen themselves.

Everyone in the Apocalypse Empire is like a dragon, so the strength of the fishermen is also extremely strong.

It's like one of the peerless top masters going out to sea to fish, turning the river and the sea with a single sword.

Then walk on the waves, no matter how big the fish is, they can't escape their palms.

"There must be a big monster!"

Cheng Rui said with certainty: "Didn't mother tell us that Uncle Li Cunxiao became so strong by killing sea monsters in the sea?"

"We also go to kill the sea monster, and we can become as powerful as Uncle Li Cunxiao!"

In the palace on weekdays, Li Shishi would tell them some stories about the powerful generals of the Apocalypse Empire.

So after hearing the story of Li Cunxiao killing sea beasts and upgrading them, Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling wanted to follow suit.

"Why hasn't the big monster appeared yet?"

Cheng Ling felt that she had been waiting for a long time, and her stomach was growling with hunger.

"There must be, maybe it's hidden in the sea."

Cheng Rui looked at the vast sea.

In the next second, a crazy idea appeared in his mind.

"Let's take a boat to go deeper into the sea, there must be big monsters there!"

As he spoke, he fixed his gaze on the fishing boats docked on the shore.

He can't drive a big one, but a small one will do.

Immediately after finding a small boat, Cheng Rui bought the fishing boat with a large bag of gold.

Although they are small, they know this kind of thing very well.

"Are you going to go out to sea to catch big fish?"

Seeing Cheng Rui Cheng Ling, who was only eleven or twelve years old, buying a fishing boat alone, the fisherman who sold the boat asked curiously.

"Of course."

Cheng Rui pulled out the sword from his waist, his eyes full of pride!

His future is bound to be infinitely powerful, but he doesn't want to wait, so he has to become stronger quickly!


The fishermen who sold their boats didn't care.

There are many eleven or twelve-year-old boys like Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling.

After everyone in the Apocalypse Empire was like a dragon, an eleven or twelve-year-old boy was already an elite.

With a little practice, it's enough to stand alone!

Of course, another reason is that the auspicious unicorn suppressed the world.

In the waters of the Apocalypse Empire, it will always be calm and sunny.

I heard that the outermost area is guarded by soldiers from the Goddess Kingdom, and the sea area of ​​the Apocalypse Empire is the safest.


The fisherman could tell at a glance that Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling had the strength to ride the waves.

If a peerless powerhouse just drowned in the sea like this, wouldn't it be embarrassing and thrown to grandma's house?

"Thank you!"

After buying the fishing boat they wanted, Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling flew on it.

No paddles are needed.

With the help of Cheng Rui's Qi fishing boat, the small fishing boat rides the wind and waves, and sails quickly!

"What a young talent!"

Seeing such a scene, the fishermen who sold the boat just shook their heads enviously.

He was not so handsome when he was young.

Although he has the strength to ride the waves now, he is old and doesn't have that passion in his heart.

call out!

The boat rushed all the way, and soon the coastline disappeared behind them.

There were still many fishermen in the sea at this time, and they all smiled at the young and handsome Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling.

This is the young talent of the Apocalypse Empire, and it is also the pride of their hearts.

"Go on."

Cheng Rui gritted his teeth.

He knew that big monsters would not stay in crowded places. If there were big monsters here, they would have been killed by these fishermen long ago.

So under Cheng Ling's urging, he continued to drive the fishing boat.


They came to the deep sea.

There are no fishermen from the Apocalypse Empire here, nor are there soldiers from the Kingdom of Goddess that the fishermen are talking about.

There seemed to be something terrifying hidden under the pitch-black water.

Gululu, Gululu.

Suddenly, the black water began to roll.

"Big monster, a big monster is about to appear!"

Seeing the tumbling sea water, Cheng Ling couldn't help but jumped up happily.


As Cheng Mu's children, they don't even know what fear is!

"Ling'er, get out of the way, let brother come!"

Cheng Rui pulled out the long sword in his hand.

The clicking sound of the sharp sword was like a dragon chant!


Not long after, a huge lobster emerged from the sea.

This is a lobster man.

The moment it saw Cheng Rui Chengling, a hint of confusion appeared on its face.

However, the next second.

"Death to the monster!"

I saw Cheng Rui slashing down fiercely with a sharp sword in his hand.

The lobster monster that had just emerged was cut in half by a sword, and it will die with regret!

The dark green blood melted into the deep black sea Soon it was impossible to distinguish the color.

"Brother is awesome!"

Seeing the lobster carcass floating in half, Cheng Ling couldn't help clapping his hands.

Although this lobster monster is not big, it is strangely long.

If you don't see a big monster, you can kill a small monster.

"Huh? Presumptuous!"

But at this moment, the sea water around the boat began to churn.

Dense lobster monsters emerged from the sea.

Headed by a huge crab monster.

I just heard it say angrily: "How dare you act wild in our East China Sea Dragon Palace."

"Come on, take them down!"

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