The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 962: Entering the Dragon Palace, Cheng Mu's identity


Cheng Mu took a spaceship to the coast of Shenzhou Province.

While enjoying the worship of the people, he suddenly sensed the aura of his son and daughter.

In the next second, his face darkened.

Because he sensed that the aura of his sons and daughters was heading all the way to the deep sea.

The deep sea, that is a place that he has never conquered until now.

Now, after the birth of the hidden race, who knows what is hidden in the deep sea?


Impatiently, Cheng Mu grabbed a fisherman over.

He also had the aura of Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling on him. It seemed that he was the last contact.

"What did those two eleven or twelve-year-old boys and girls say to you?"

Cheng Mu didn't even need to press him, he just needed an answer.

"Your Majesty, have mercy! Your Majesty, have mercy!"

The fishermen who sold their boats to Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling were fooled.

Facing Cheng Mu's questioning, he replied in horror: "Just now, the young master and lady said to buy a boat to go fishing, and the grass people sold the boat to them."

This fisherman is very innocent. He didn't do anything against the laws of the Apocalypse Empire?

But the strength of Cheng Mu's palm almost broke his neck.

Cheng Mu is the emperor, and he is an ordinary citizen.

Even if Cheng Mu killed him here today, no one would ask why.

So he can only beg for mercy.


Cheng Mu was angry and furious.

He knew that his son and daughter would follow him, and they liked to make trouble since they were young.

Now two people sail into the deep sea, who knows what they will meet?

"Come on, let the nearest navy come over."

Cheng Mu couldn't wait.

He's not delusional.

It's because he knows that the source of blessing for his children is too deep.

For things like Fuyuan, who can tell whether the final result is good or bad?

In case they encounter any danger in the deep sea, Cheng Mu still has the confidence to be their backer.

The result is definitely different between the Armada and a single person.

"Also, Wang Tiechui Aiqing and Ou Yezi Aiqing, you go back by boat first."

"I ask you to mass-produce this spaceship within three months!"

Cheng Mu was very satisfied with the results of the two-hour experiment.

Now that the spacecraft is qualified, then strive for rapid mass production!

After half a year, he will equip all the Xeon main armies of the Apocalypse Empire with spaceships!

"Subordinates obey!"

Wang Tiechui and Ou Yezi took orders.

They are not combat talents, so they will not volunteer to stand up for Cheng Mu.

As long as they mass-produce the spaceship, that is the greatest allegiance to Cheng Mu!


After instructing Wang Tiechui and Ou Yezi, Cheng Mu rushed into the sea suddenly.

The next second, with his whistle, a giant sea beast came out.

This is the first sea beast that Ao Yinyin recovered.

Today, it seems to have become a citizen of the Apocalypse Empire.


The huge sea beast pushed aside the huge waves and swam towards the deep sea like a mountain.

Just then.

At this time, he was deep in the sea, and Cheng Mu suddenly felt that his strength was weakened.

"This sea is not mine anymore?"

He was blinded.

Because he clearly felt that the fate of the Apocalypse Empire could not come here.

In other words, even if Cheng Mu stood on the waters of the Apocalypse Empire, he would no longer be able to bless the power of national destiny.

He is the strength of the background of the gods, and he has always been the strength of the background of the gods at sea.

"what happened?"

Such a sudden change made Cheng Mu feel a little flustered.

This sea area is obviously his own, but the national destiny of his own country can't reach it?

"Is it possible?"

In the next second, a terrifying thought flooded his mind.

"Is it the Dragon Clan?"

He is also qualified to control the world only if he has heard of the Dragon Clan.

If this is the case, after the hidden dragon clan was born, the ocean would naturally fall under the control of the dragon clan.

This is also what Cheng Mu guessed, the reason why the fortunes of the Apocalypse Empire cannot reach here!

"It doesn't matter, the soldiers will cover the water and earth!"

In the end, Cheng Mu put all distracting thoughts behind him.

I came to find my son and daughter.

If you really meet the Dragon Clan, then first move out your identity with the Kunming Dragon Clan!


The sea beast continued to gallop.

Soon, the pitch-black sea area arrived.

Feeling that the breath of his children disappeared here, Cheng Mu's face turned cold.

"Rush down!"

Even if there is a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair under the deep sea at this time, he still has to break into it!


East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling were escorted by a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

Seeing the underwater palace full of strange splendor, Cheng Ling's face was full of joy.

"Brother, isn't this the legendary Dragon Palace?"

They have heard the story of Dragon Palace.

It is rumored that there are many treasures in the Dragon Palace, and there are enough shell beds for a person to sleep on!

"of course."

Although being escorted, Cheng Rui was not afraid at all.

At first he wanted to resist, but as soon as the opponent's power to suppress the country came out, he immediately surrendered.

The so-called hero does not suffer from immediate losses.

Since that big crab is stronger than him, he obediently admit defeat.

He is only five years old, although he looks like eleven or twelve years old.

But who would give a five-year-old a hard time?

"Report to the Dragon King, bring the criminals!"

Afterwards, General Crab escorted Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling into the Dragon Palace.

This is a huge crystal hall, and the floor tiles are all cast from white jade.

Longsi with different expressions and appearances looked at Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling in surprise.

Feeling the pure fairy power in their bodies, most of the dragon descendants actually showed a trace of horror.

"Where did this fairy heir come from?"

"My God, they look too good-looking, don't they?"

"Why were they kidnapped? Who dares to kidnap the heir?"

"It's over, it's over, if their immortal parents come over, wouldn't they be in big trouble?"

Some dragon heirs were already trembling.

Although their strength is hundreds of millions of times stronger than Cheng Ruichengling.

But I can't stand Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling's noble status!

The immortals in the mouth of these dragon descendants are at least true immortals in the Divine Palace Realm!

"You... what did you do?"

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, also frowned at this time.

He doesn't like teenage Xiansi.

I don't know if it was thousands of years ago, a fairy heir wearing a red bellyband killed his son and trampled his Dragon Palace.

Therefore, he generally does not dare to provoke the young heirs easily.

There is no way, I can't beat it!

This Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling looked weak, but Ao Guang was also worried about the forces behind them.

Now that the Dragon Clan is on the decline, even though Ao Guang is the leader of the Dragon Clan, he doesn't want to make any troubles.

The less trouble, the better.

"My brother killed a big shrimp monster!"

Cheng Ling looked at Ao Guang very curiously and answered.

She touched her head, and there were no horns on her head.

"That's it?"

Hearing this answer, Ao Guang was confused and angry.

He raised his hand to grab the crab general and slapped him twice.

"A lobster soldier dies when he dies, why did you bring them back?"

There are a lot of lobsters in my dragon palace, what if a lobster dies?

"Report...Report to the Dragon King, didn't you say to be extremely vigilant and be careful of the enemy?"

This crab general is about to cry.

It is obviously doing its best to protect the safety of the Dragon Palace, and it has captured even the weakest enemies.

But at this time Ao Guang rewarded him with two big ears?

"You really have no brains!"

General Crab's words made Ao Guang's seven orifices smoke.

"You wouldn't..."


However, before his words fell, a deafening crash sounded.

The entire Dragon Palace was alarmed, and countless dragon soldiers rushed out.

"What happened again?"

Ao Guang slammed the table in front of him.

With such power, could it be that the enemy came to attack him?

"Qifeng Dragon King is a sea beast with no eyes!"

A shrimp soldier hurried in to report.

"Sea beast? Isn't it enough to subdue or drive away?"

Ao Guang was very annoyed at this time.

Not only the shrimp soldiers and crabs in front of him annoyed him, but also the sea beasts outside.

He didn't know why, after a long time without being born, the overlord of the sea turned into a huge sea beast.

These sea beasts are not very intelligent, but their huge size and hard scales make ordinary shrimp soldiers and crabs no match.

Naturally, under normal circumstances, Ao Guang is unwilling to let his subordinates disturb this sea monster.

Conquering is the main thing, and killing is supplemented.

"Report! To the Dragon King, there is still one person on the sea beast."

At this time, another shrimp soldier came in and reported: "He said that if he doesn't return his son and daughter, then he will do it!"

It was Cheng Mu who arrived.

After seeing the words Donghai Dragon Palace, he decided to give courtesy first and then soldiers.

The sea beast under his command accidentally bumped into the palace gate just now, it was entirely because his posture of riding the sea beast was not proficient enough.

So a careless, did not brake and hit it.

If you are riding a fish or a dragon at this time, then maybe this kind of situation will happen.

"Return! Return!"

Hearing this blatant threat, instead of being angry, Ao Guang untied Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling with his own hands.

Then, bring them out in a hurry.

He just wanted to send them away quickly, and then continue his happy little days!

Outside the Dragon Palace.

Cheng Mu looked at the dense crowd of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, but in fact he was still a little apprehensive.

Break into the East China Sea Dragon Palace alone.

Just for the four words of East China Sea Dragon Palace, it is a bit overwhelming.

Ao Shang, the unknown master of the Kunming Dragon Clan, made him feel unfathomable, let alone the famous East China Sea Dragon Clan!

"Boy, dare to act wild in front of my East Sea Dragon Palace, die!"

Youlong Si has already seen Cheng Mu's strength, and it's only in the late stage of Shentai Tianxianjing.

Wanting to make a contribution, it rushed towards Cheng Mu with a weapon in hand.


The first move of that sharp long sword was to stab Cheng Mu's vitals.


Seeing the dragon heir with a clear killing intent, Cheng Mu hastily blocked it in advance.

In fact, he was prepared to fight in his heart, so he immediately knocked the dragon offspring flying with one blow.

He is indeed only in the late stage of Shentai Tianxianjing, but he is not something that an ugly dragon heir can bully.

This is a skinny snake. Although it has turned into a half-human half-dragon body, the characteristics of its skin are too obvious.


Cheng Mu was disgusted, so he decided to send this rambunctious snake on the road first!


Seeing that Cheng Mu dared to fight back, the rascal became angry.

He roared and charged again.

Seeing that a large group of dragon descendants around did not intervene, he actually felt a little lucky in his heart.

In this way, all the credit for killing the invaders will be credited to him!


What kind of immortal is Cheng Mu, who is only in the realm of the fairyland on the divine platform?

"call out!"

He was very fast, and rushed to Cheng Mu in the blink of an eye.

The disgusting stench made Cheng Mu dizzy.

"It can still attack with poisonous gas!"

Cheng Mu shook his head, forcing himself to stay awake.

Everyone only heard a click.

The Han Chi spear made a circle and directly pierced Lai Pise's ass.


There was a scream like a pig being slaughtered.

Although this rambunctious snake dragon heir also has the strength of the altar realm, his combat experience is seriously lacking.

Now Cheng Mu can torture and kill him with only a cold chi spear.

"you you you you!"

The pain in the backyard made Lapiser Dragon Si jump up.

He really wanted to take revenge again, but the piercing pain made him unable to lift the long sword in his hand.

Shameful, extremely shameful!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Immediately, under the sneering eyes of many dragon descendants around, this lazy snake fled away.

Presumably from now on, he will not come back.

"Shangxian! Shangxian!"

After Cheng Mu drove away the lazy snake, Ao Guang's figure also appeared at the gate of the Dragon Palace.

Seeing Cheng Mu who was so weak, his expression paused.

But soon, he suppressed the shock in his heart and changed his expression into a humble posture.

"I didn't know the presence of the Great Immortal, the old dragon really deserves to die!"

His attitude is extremely humble It is completely respectful from the heart.

"Oh? You know me?"

Cheng Mu could tell from his eyes that this Dragon King seemed to have known him a long time ago.

"Hehe, who in the Three Realms doesn't know the name of the Supreme Immortal?"

Ao Guang had a smile on his face.

Although the current Cheng Mu looks a little different from what he remembered, but he still dares to be sure that he is not blind!

"Well, who do you say I am?"

Ao Guang's words made Cheng Mu excited.

He also doubted his identity before, and his previous life might have been an incredible existence.

Today, is the answer finally coming to the surface?

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