The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 963: Xin Mi, Cheng Mu advances to the Shrine

"Shangxian you?"

Ao Guang is indeed an old fried dough stick that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

He heard the clue from Cheng Mu's words.

After carefully looking at Cheng Mu, he suddenly realized.

So he avoided answering Cheng Mu's question directly, and said with a smile: "Please don't make fun of Xiaolong."


"Shangxian is here in person today, Xiaolong will definitely invite Shangxian to drink a few cups!"

He knew that Cheng Mu might be reincarnated in this life.

In this case, he will not disrupt Cheng Mu's plan. There are some things that Cheng Mu doesn't know now, but how could he, Ao Guang, not know after living for hundreds of thousands of years?

"Well... good!"

The high expectations in Cheng Mu's heart fell instantly at this moment.

He was a little sorry, but not sad either.

What is his identity in the last life, he will know one day!

He was still guessing that this old dragon must not be so easy to fool, and it turned out to be so!

After Ao Guang learned that Cheng Mu had forgotten his identity in his previous life, he immediately kept silent about Cheng Mu's identity.

Since you can't get the answer you want, it's not bad to eat and drink in the Dragon Palace for nothing.

"Shangxian please!"

Ao Guang is still very enthusiastic.

He dispersed the dragon descendants and shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were watching, and welcomed Cheng Mu in person.

At this time, Cheng Rui stayed quietly by Cheng Mu's side.

He also had a strong curiosity about the identity of his father.

‘Could it be that my father is the emperor of heaven? '

"Daddy is amazing."

Cheng Ling didn't care that much.

At this time, her face was full of admiration, and her walking posture was full of arrogance.

Stepping back to the Dragon Palace this time, they were welcomed in respectfully!

"Go back and ground your feet!"

However, after Cheng Mu saw this troublemaker, he decided their fate for a period of time with a cold face.


"Father, don't want it!"

Cheng Rui wailed.

It wasn't long before he ran out, and he just saw something interesting.

If you haven't enjoyed yourself yet, will you be grounded?

"Practice your skills at home, when will you be promoted to ghosts and gods, and when will you come out again."

This time Cheng Mu gave the order to die.

Although Cheng Rui Cheng Ling is only five years old in real age.

But the strength of the Peerless Realm appears weak in the internal struggle of the Tianqi Empire.

With such strength as ants, they dare to come to the territory of the dragon clan to cause trouble?

If it weren't for the scruples of the East China Sea Dragon Clan, the consequences would be disastrous!


Cheng Ling was not happy either.

At this time, she felt that her father was not good at all, and she didn't worship her anymore!

Inside the Dragon Palace hall.

A steady stream of dragon girls shuttled between the jade tables.

The huge jade table was filled with all kinds of rare delicacies.

Cheng Mu didn't intentionally tease Ao Guang by saying that he wanted to eat dragon liver and phoenix marrow.

His attention has always been on Ao Guang and the surrounding dragons.

It was the same as meeting with Ao Shang, the lord of the Dragon Clan in Kunming.

Cheng Mu couldn't perceive Ao Guang's strength.

On the contrary, although there are many dragon heirs around, most of their strength is in the realm of the gods and palaces.

Cheng Mu was comparing the strength of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, trying to figure out the strength of the Kunming Dragon Clan.

Cheng Ling was really hungry.

Facing the table full of delicacies, she turned into a glutton by herself.

Cheng Rui was not polite either.

He wanted to have a good meal before being grounded!

"Come on."

At this time, Ao Guang walked over with a wine glass in person.

He respectfully apologized to Cheng Mu: "Today, the unsightly things under my command collided with the Immortal and the Immortal Heir. I will punish the old dragon three cups!"

After confirming Cheng Mu's identity, Ao Guang's attitude was genuinely respectful.

If he was facing an ordinary Shangxian, he might still be flattering and obedient.

But in front of Cheng Mu, there was no trace of flattery in his respect!

"The Dragon King is polite."

Cheng Mu hurriedly stood up, and he supported Ao Guang: "I feel guilty for disturbing you today!"

Although his previous life may indeed be an incredible existence.

But now he is just an ant in the fairyland of the gods and heavens.

His name is Cheng Mu, and he is not a substitute for someone in his previous life.

"Don't bother, don't bother!"

Ao Guang is very enthusiastic.

He not only greeted Cheng Mu, but also paid attention to Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling all the time.

"Come on, two immortal heirs, this is the crab that offended you just now."

He snapped off two huge crab legs and sent them to Cheng Rui Cheng Ling.

The crab general who brought Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling in at the beginning has already been stewed by him!

"Thank you, Uncle Dragon King!"

Although Cheng Rui and Cheng Ling like to make trouble sometimes, they are usually very well-behaved.

When they heard that this was the big crab that caught them just now, they immediately became impolite!


After arranging the two children, Ao Guang turned around again.

This time, he wasn't talking about humility.

"I don't know where Shangxian is practicing now? Later, the old dragon will send Shangxian some special products in the sea."

Sending things is a pretense.

Ao Guang is very curious about this life, what is Cheng Mu's identity?

If it is unusual...


Cheng Mu shook his head and explained, "I'm the emperor of a small country now, so I don't have much reputation."

How could he be someone who would hide in the deep mountains and forests to practice secretly?

"Where is the Shangxian! Congratulations Shangxian!"

Hearing Cheng Mu's answer, Ao Guang showed a more respectful expression.

He said: "Since Shangxian is now creating a fairyland, in the future Shangxian will encounter things that need to trouble the old dragon in the world, please don't be stingy!"

Ao Guang originally wanted to continue nesting in the sea and be his overlord of the world.

However, hearing that Cheng Mu is now the lord of a country, his mind is different.

"Hehe, thank you Dragon King!"

Cheng Mu was not polite either.

Free thug bodyguards? Although it may not be useful, Cheng Mu is not at a loss if he promises.

"By the way, Dragon King, do you know the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom?"

Now that the chatterbox has been opened, Cheng Mu did not hesitate.

If you can’t ask your own identity, ask another head office.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea has existed for so long, they must know a lot of things.

If we can find out the details of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, it will be very helpful for the war half a year later!

"Da Zhou?"

Ao Shang thought for a while, and replied with some uncertainty in his heart: "To the Immortal, are you talking about the Zhou Kingdom founded by Ji Fa, who surrendered himself as a king?"

He seems to be a little impressed.

After all, he still has some memories of the person who surrendered his status and led all the clans willingly to submit to the gods.

"Human King? What do you mean?"

Cheng Mu was confused: "Then Ji Fa, didn't she proclaim herself the Immortal Emperor?"

He didn't seem to have heard of the term "human king".

"Immortal Emperor? That Ji Fa is so courageous!"

Hearing the word Immortal Emperor, Ao Guang said coldly: "Immortal Buddha in the sky, who dares to call himself the Emperor of Immortals?"

"Even the Jade Emperor would not dare to bear this title!"

Immortal Emperor, Emperor of Ten Thousand Immortals.

Who dares to seal? Who dares to be sealed?

"Hmm. Maybe it was canonized by mortals."

Cheng Mu shook his head, but he didn't care. Even if the Immortal Emperor's name is very honorable, it is still just a title.

What he cared about at this time was still what Ao Guang said just now.

King of people!

"Human King!"

Ao Guang fell into a long memory.

He said slowly: "In ancient times, people lived on the earth."

"There are immortals, there are gods, there are Buddhas, there are demons, and there are human beings."

"All living beings are equal, and all races stand side by side."

"The supreme being of the human race is honored as the human emperor, alongside the demon emperor, the Jade Emperor, the Buddha and other nobles of all races."

"But after the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Ji Fa lowered his status to become a human king. He respected gods and Buddhas in the sky, and demons and ghosts in the lower ranks. He called himself the Son of Heaven!"

"The human race will live under the sky forever!"

This thing is very old.

If Cheng Mu hadn't asked today, Ao Guang would have almost forgotten about it.

"What? This Ji Fa!"

Ao Guang's words sparked anger in Cheng Mu's heart. This news is definitely a shame for the human race!

He didn't expect that his human race was sold by Ji Fa!

Sold to Mantian gods and Buddhas as slaves!

"Shangxian doesn't need to be angry."

Ao Guang personally poured another glass of wine for Cheng Mu, and comforted him, "Now that the Shangxian has established the Immortal Kingdom, he can get back the name of the Human Emperor in the future!"

"In this vast world, all races should be equal!"

Although they are considered true dragons, in the sky, dragons are like chickens and dogs.

When this status quo cannot be changed, Ao Guang can only hide under the deep sea.

on one's last legs!

"What the Dragon King said is absolutely true!"

At this moment, Cheng Mu found his mission.

Since he has this power, why doesn't he lead the people to live independently and equally in this world?

Immortals and Buddhas all over the sky, let them go to hell!

Although Ji Fa came from the upper realm.

But that upper realm is not the upper realm of the human race!

The ancestral land of the human race is on this planet!

He will kill anyone who dares to disturb the Earth Star, no matter if it is a demon, a god, an immortal or a demon!


In an instant, a huge force burst out from Cheng Mu's body.

Ao Guang was stunned.

Just like that, Cheng Mu jumped from the back of the altar to the realm of the shrine!

This is the advancement of faith, and it is also the beginning of Cheng Mu's complete rise of the human race!

"Congratulations, Shangxian!"

Ao Guang has already reacted.

At this time, he knelt down in front of Cheng Mu with a plop, and begged: "I also ask the gods for permission. One day the human race will be established, and my dragon clan can fight side by side with the human race!"

How could Ao Guang give up this opportunity.

Cheng Mu's body has begun to recover the aura of the emperor.

He is betting.

If Cheng Mu succeeds.

The dragon clan fighting side by side with the human race will also be completely independent from the world!


At this time, Cheng Mu exuded an aura of defying the world.

It was also at this moment that he sensed Ao Guang's strength.

One step further than the altar!

According to the name of the gods and, that realm is called Taiyi!

"Dragon King."

After his strength was promoted, Cheng Mu also set out his own conditions: "Every sea area of ​​our human race, its power is still in the hands of the emperor of our human race!"

Although the four seas can be classified as the Dragon Clan, the sea area along the coast of the Apocalypse Empire is the territory of the Apocalypse Empire.

Even the Dragon Clan can't intervene!

"Follow the god's decree!"

At this time, Ao Guang was delighted from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, even if Cheng Mu made a more exaggerated request, he would still agree!

The human race is also a family of holy shelters.

Being able to fight side by side with the human race, the dragon race will surely be able to recreate the glory of ancient times!

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