The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 965: 9 Feng Chaoyang

Nanyang, the coast of the Huaihe River.

After Yun Mo led millions of rangers from the Han Empire to surrender, the strength of Huang Zhong's subordinates had already expanded to a very strong point.

Although these rangers are currently unable to form combat effectiveness, not all of them are wholeheartedly submitting to the Apocalypse Empire.

But they took an excellent lead.

After Yunmo's Huyong army took the lead in surrendering to the Tianqi Empire, there would definitely be an endless stream of rangers from the Han Empire, and those who flocked to them would also belong to Shun Chengmu's command!

Everyone knows that the Han Empire is about to fall.

Even if Qin State sends troops to help now, so what?

"Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Guo Jia."

"Xu Da, Chang Yuchun, Lu Meng, Chen Qingzhi."

"Shi Dakai, Li Cunxiao, Li Xuanba, the sword bearer."

"You said, how come there are so many fierce people in the Apocalypse Empire?"

Yun Mo sat cross-legged on the ground with his legs spread apart, looking at the extremely powerful soldiers of the Apocalypse Legion with a confused look on his face.

He calculated that all the generals sent by the Apocalypse Empire were famous ancient generals.

Although the sword bearer was not a famous general, his reputation had already resounded throughout the Han Empire!

"There were not so many at the beginning, it should be Cheng Mu's talent."

Someone thought about it carefully and said their guess: "Cheng Mu's talent should be able to use the famous generals of the empire for his own use."

Some things cannot be hidden.

For example, Xu Da and Chang Yuchun belonged to the Ming Empire at the beginning.

Li Xuanba belonged to the Tang Empire.

"If they can join Cheng Mu's command, Cheng Mu must have a means."

This is also one of the important reasons why they chose to submit to the Apocalypse Empire.

When all the famous generals in ancient and modern times belong to Cheng Mu, what a terrifying and spectacular scene it will be?

"Isn't it rumored that Cheng Mu's talent is to enhance the aptitude of his subordinates?"

However, some people have raised doubts.

"For example, Guan Hai, who was originally an unrecognizable character in the Three Kingdoms period."

"But now, I heard that he is already the strongest in the Apocalypse Empire!"

Cheng Mu can train a dragon to become the number one strong man. They can't imagine how Cheng Mu was trained.

The best explanation is to increase Guan Hai's qualifications.

"OK OK."

Hearing the arguments of his subordinates, Yun Mo stopped them.

"It doesn't matter what his talent is, we just need to hold on to the thigh of God."

"No, it should not be called Mu Shen now, but His Majesty!"

He has fully accepted who he is.

Here, he is a weak chicken. So what if he recognized Cheng Mu as His Majesty?

In this chaotic planet, someone must stand up and lead the overall situation!

"Huang Zhong! Come out and die!"


But just as Yun Mo's words fell, there was a roar like thunder on the ground.

Everyone was awakened, and looked at the man flying from the sky with horror.

"It's Guan Ying, the famous general Guan Ying!"

Some people had already recognized Guan Ying's identity, and there was a tremor in their words.

Although Guan Ying wasn't as burly as Fan Kuai, his mighty power still overwhelmed everyone.

Moreover, Guan Ying is a famous founding general of the great Han Dynasty, and he has made countless achievements in his life.

As for Huang Zhong, in terms of his status, he is just an admiral of the Five Tigers of a small Shu Kingdom...

For a while, many people began to worry.

"Look at it all."

But unlike other people's worries, Yun Mo has absolute confidence in Huang Zhong.

After seeing Huang Zhong fight against Huang Fusong and other three powerhouses, he has completely become Huang Zhong's diehard fan.

"Although Huang Zhong of the Five Tigers is not as famous as a peerless general, Huang Zhong of the Apocalypse Empire can!"

He believed that although Huang Zhong of the Apocalypse Empire was not well-known, his strength was definitely stronger than that of Guan Ying, a Han general!

most of the time.

There are many generals in the Apocalypse Empire, like Huang Zhong, whose brilliance was overshadowed by Guan Hai, Li Cunxiao and others.

But their strength is really the top in the world.

"There are no weak people in the Apocalypse Empire!"

"call out!"

In an instant, a sharp arrow roared towards Guan Ying in the air.

With one arrow, the entire sky was torn apart.

It seems that Huang Zhong sensed Guan Ying's strength, so he responded with all his strength!

"Hmph! A little trick!"

Although the power of the arrow is strong. But Guan Ying cut off the sharp arrow with a single blow.

The strength he displayed at this time is that most of his feet have stepped into the realm of the altar.

But in fact, his strength is far more than that!

Guan Ying shouted sharply, and in the next second he appeared in front of Huang Zhong.


The **** golden knife slashed down, although Huang Zhong resisted with his bow.

But that berserk force sent his whole body flying.

"Are you actually suppressing your strength?"

Feeling the incomparable power coming from his hands, Huang Zhong's face was suddenly embarrassed.

This Guanying is definitely more than half the strength of the altar.

He deliberately suppressed his own strength, making himself look like a half-step altar-level powerhouse!

"Hehe, what's the use even if you know?"

Guan Ying laughed wantonly.

This is the reason why he is willing to come this time.

This is how he is, he likes to hide his powerful self.

The strength of the altar realm is hidden into a half-step altar. In this case, the powerful among the enemies will dislike him for being weak, and will not take the initiative to find him easily.

And he was able to survive well after feeding the baby.

It's just that today he wants to kill Huang Zhong, so he doesn't deliberately hide his strength anymore!


How can Huang Zhong admit defeat?

He roared angrily, and moved away from Guan Ying with a dodge.

His fingers are fast.


In an instant, dozens of arrows shot towards Guan Ying.

After facing an almost invincible enemy, Huang Zhong was already in a state of going all out.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Apocalypse Legion on the ground surrounded Zhao Yun, Guo Jia and others tightly.

If Huang Zhong is not low, even if they go to death, they will forcefully inspire the Apocalypse Army Soul again!

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

The sound of arrows colliding with blades sounded.

I saw Guan Ying roaring, powerful and powerful: "Grandpa, it's useless to say it, just accept death obediently!"

In order to avoid Ye Chang Meng Duo, every blow he made was absolutely deadly.


Another knife.

Although Huang Zhong tried his best to avoid it, he was still caught up by Guan Ying.

The golden knife with a cold light split Huang Zhong's armor this time.

That huge force sent Huang Zhong flying again.


A mouthful of warm blood gushed out from Huang Zhong's mouth.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that one of his sternum had been broken.


He wanted to move, but the pain that penetrated his soul made him cry out.

"Hehe, ants!"

Seeing that Huang Zhong lost his ability to resist with one blow, Guan Ying smiled contemptuously.

Ants are ants.

As soon as the power of his altar realm came out, Huang Zhong immediately died.

I saw him flying lightly in front of Huang Zhong, raising his knife to send Huang Zhong on his way.

"Get out!"

However, under the desperate situation, Huang Zhong burst out with unprecedented potential.


He went all out, and saw that he simply shattered the broken sternum in front of his chest to prevent the sternum from piercing his heart.

Then, the golden longbow in his hand began to change.

Click click click.

Under Guan Ying's confused eyes, the longbow in Huang Zhong's hand turned into a long knife emitting golden light.

On the gold-plated blade, there are nine lifelike phoenixes engraved.

Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Knife.

The name of this knife is Jiufeng Chaoyang Knife!


After forcing back the rushing Guan Ying, Huang Zhong stood up slowly with the Nine Phoenix Chaoyang Saber in his hand.

"Everyone calls me the **** of arrows!"

"However, I, Huang Zhong, live with a sword!"


After Huang Zhong yelled softly, the Jiufeng Chaoyang Knife emitted an extremely dazzling brilliance.

This is red light, red light all over the sky!

"Nine Phoenixes Chaoyang!"



In an instant, nine blood-red phoenixes screamed out from the blade.

Huang Zhong knew that it was impossible for him to defeat Guan Ying if he tried every move.

That being the case, it's better to inspire the strongest attack and go all out!

During the neighing of the blood-red phoenix, the entire world was covered.

These are nine blood phoenixes covering the sky and the sun. In front of the blood phoenix, the mighty Guan Ying was like an ant!


A blood phoenix spewed out flames.


There is also a blood phoenix fanning out the wind.

Claws, giant beak, blood wings, phoenix tail...

Under the siege of the nine blood phoenixes, Guan Ying was forced to retreat steadily for a while.

The rangers watching the battle on the ground were even about to cheer at this time.

However, in the next second.


A golden knife flashed, and a blood phoenix fell down instantly.

Then there were a few more knives.

At this time, although Guan Ying was sweating profusely, he was out of breath.

But under his knife, all the nine extremely powerful fire phoenixes turned into corpses.

For a moment, the world froze.

Huang Zhong's loyal fan Yunmo stared blankly at this scene, unable to believe this fact.

His idol, Huang Zhong, lost just like that?

That Guan Ying didn't seem to be in good condition at the moment, but he didn't have any injuries on his body.

In other words, even if Huang Zhong tried his best, he couldn't hurt Guan Ying in the slightest.

"Military soul! Military soul!"

Yun Mo couldn't help trembling.

He intends to inspire the spirit of his Tiger Warrior Army to fight for Huang Zhong!


Seeing the bloodless Huang Zhong, Guan Ying panted and asked, "Is there any other way?"

"If not, then hit the road!"

Although Huang Zhong didn't defeat him, the extremely strong strength he erupted just now won his respect.

At the same time, he felt a little lucky at the moment.

"Fortunately, this general is a strong man in the Heavenly Wonderland of the Shentai."

Just now Huang Zhong's Jiufeng Chaoyang was able to kill the half-step altar. If it wasn't for his strength, he would have died under Huang Zhong's counterattack at this time!

"Hehe, come again!"

Although Huang Zhong didn't have any strength at this time, he never fell down.

Since Jiufeng Chaoyang couldn't kill Guan Ying once, then he will do it again!

"Nine Phoenix..."

Huang Zhong exhausted his efforts. Even if he dies today, he will fight to the death!

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Huang Zhong who still wanted to use Jiufeng Chaoyang, Guan Ying became anxious.

Just now he was able to block the nine-headed blood phoenix without injury, but at that time he almost exhausted all means.

Now that Huang Zhong is coming again, how can he agree?


This knife is a knife that must kill.

Before Huang Zhong could say the word "Chaoyang", Guan Ying's blade had already appeared on top of his head.

next second.


There was a crisp snapping sound.

Under Guan Ying's suspicious gaze, the Jiufeng Chaoyang Saber in Huang Zhong's hand actually took the initiative to protect the Lord.

Although he chopped off the Jiufeng Chaoyang Saber with one blow, Huang Zhong was sent flying again by the huge force.

At this moment, Huang Zhong still had his last breath left.

In other words, he failed in baby feeding.

This must-kill knife was actually blocked by Huang Zhong!

shame! shame! It was he who lost the face of a strong man in the altar realm!


However, when Guan Ying wanted to make up the knife again, two huge army spirits appeared on the battlefield.

It is the Apocalypse Legion and Yunmo's Huyong Army.

After Huang Zhong fell into desperation, the soldiers of the two legions inspired their military spirits almost at the same time!


Guan Ying only felt that his own strength was being limited, and a huge coercion was pressing towards him.

The strength of Yunmo's Tiger Warrior Army is equivalent to that of the super god's peak-level troops.

This is the military spirit of the strength in the middle of the altar.

It's just that now in the territory of the Han Empire, the strength of the Huyong Army, which originally belonged to the Han Empire, has been suppressed.

Although the army soul strength of the Apocalypse Legion is strong enough to crush Guan Ying.

However, the gap in the number of people and the flaws brought about by forced stimulation gave Guan Ying a chance to escape.

When the power of the army soul of the Apocalypse Legion was about to overwhelm him, he chose to flee far away.

"Hehe, let's see how long your military soul can protect you?"

Army souls are limited after He just needs to wait until the army souls of these two armies disappear, then he can still come back and kill these ants!

"Ha ha!"

At this time, the whole world echoed his presumptuous laughter.


But in the next second, Guan Ying's laughter stopped abruptly.

Above the Huaihe River, a figure broke through the waves.

"The thief will die!"

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