The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 966: The brutal Zhang Shun


This is a broken knife.

Although the broken body was severed, the sharp saber energy still pierced Guan Ying's whole body in pain.


Facing a very strong knife, Guan Ying hastily raised his knife to block it.


In the next second, there was a crisp impact sound like a dragon's chant.

Although Guan Ying blocked the blow, the manic force still hit him.


This is an overwhelming force.

Just like a monster in ancient times, Guan Ying could fly hundreds of meters away with a single blow.

Guan Ying is a strong person at the beginning stage of the altar. Being able to knock him into the air with one blow is enough to see the strength of the one who has seen it!

It's Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun, the commander of the Navy of the Apocalypse Empire!

"You, you are going to die today!"

Seeing Huang Zhong with only one breath left, Zhang who rushed to help was full of murderous aura.


The breath that burst out from his body burst into the sky, and the whole person continued to chase Guan Ying.


Before Guan Ying was ready to block and counterattack, Zhang Shun's broken knife struck him.

In an instant, the thick and hard armor became two halves.

Guan Ying vomited blood and fell down.

In front of Zhang Shun at this time, Guan Ying has no power to fight back!

"You you you you, who are you?"

Seeing Zhang Shun appearing suddenly, the seriously injured Guan Ying was stunned.

He has never heard that there is such a powerful general under the Apocalypse Empire?

"My prestige, what qualifications do you have to know?"

Zhang Shun wanted to make Guan Ying die with peace in his eyes.

He had stepped into the half-step Wangchuan Realm a year ago. But now, he is already a real Forgotten River Realm powerhouse!

Ascension to the altar into the palace of the gods.

Crossing the River of Forgetfulness is on the other side.

Since Zhang Shun is a ghost fairy, his strength is stronger than the same level of the gods at the beginning of the altar!

The gate of ghosts, the way of ghosts, the river of forgetfulness, the other shore.

Shenmen, shrine, and altar.

The strength of the early ghost immortals is indeed inferior to the strong ones in the Shenmen realm.

However, there are four realms in the journey of ghosts and immortals, under the accumulation of accumulation.

The ghost immortals in the Forgotten River Realm are just a little bit stronger than the strong ones in the Divine Platform Realm!

"You! Arrogance!"

Faced with Zhang Shun's contempt, Guan Ying was angry and angry.

Anyway, he is also the most powerful person in the initial stage of the altar, and he can be regarded as the overlord of the upper party.

Being so despised by Zhang Shun today, raging anger ignited in his heart!

"If you want to kill General Ben, it's just a dream!"

Although he was seriously injured, it didn't mean that he lost his ability to resist.

"Extremely healing!"

He growled.

In an instant, the wound on his chest surged with blood and flesh.

Under the restoration of the extremely strong life force, the hideous wound on his chest healed in a second.

Even his strength and aura instantly returned to their peak state!

Because he was afraid of death, he had many ways to save his life.

And this [Extreme Healing] ability is his strongest life-saving skill.

As long as Zhang Shun can't kill him in one blow, then he can use the [Extreme Healing] ability to recover from his injuries again and again!

This is an almost rogue-like recovery skill.

Although it is impossible for Guan Ying to use [Extreme Healing] an unlimited number of times.

But he knew that as long as he could use it two or three times, he would be able to consume Zhang Shun to death!

"Hehe, lingering!"

Facing Guan Ying who had recovered, Zhang Shun sneered contemptuously.


Guan Ying can rely on the [Extreme Healing] ability to recover, so he has to see how many times Guan Ying can recover!


Another knife.

Duan Dao chopped off Guan Ying's arm.

Immediately, blood gushed out, and the broken arm fell.

"So what if you regain your strength? You are still an ant in front of me!"

The domineering Zhang Shun roared: "I want to take a good look today, what ability do you have?":

He slashed again, cutting Guan Ying's severed arm into rotten flesh.


Guan Ying couldn't help but let out a miserable cry from the pain of the broken arm.

But there was also a crazy look on his face at this time, and the pain aroused the fierceness in his heart: "Extremely healed!"

On his second dip, his arm recovered again.

"Go to hell!"

After recovering, he rushed towards Guan Hai fearlessly.


This is an active counterattack.

This sharp knife carried Guan Ying's full of anger.

Although he is afraid of death. But in the fight, in the anger that filled his head, he had no fear at all.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind: "Kill Zhang Shun!"


Under the breath of fearlessness, Guan Ying actually gained the upper hand in the first strike.

Swish Swish Swish Swish.

Then he attacked like a storm, every blow was full of anger!

"Your grandpa, I will give birth to a baby, and he is invincible in the world!"

This is a hearty attack.

Guan Ying was venting his anger to his heart's content, while Zhang Shun was also retreating steadily under his onslaught.

"I am invincible! I am invincible! No one can kill me!"

The extremely powerful [Extreme Healing] skill gave Guan Ying the confidence to be invincible.



With the last blow, Zhang Shun was sent flying by Guan Ying.

At this moment high above the sky, only Guan Ying was left standing proudly invincible!

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

Laughter, wanton and insane laughter.

Guan Ying gasped heavily, only feeling his heart dripping with joy.

He did it, he is invincible today!

"Hehe, are you done?"

However, amidst the maniacal laughter, a cold sneer came in.

I saw Zhang Shun flying back slowly.

He admitted that Guan Ying just now was very strong and brave.

But what is the use of these?

At best, it just made Zhang Shun's palm a little numb!

"You, how is it possible?"

Seeing the intact Zhang Shun appearing in front of her, Guan Ying was taken aback.

I was so invincible and brave just now, but I didn't hurt Zhang Shun at all?

"Where is this big brother?"

On the ground, Yun Mo and the others did not recognize Zhang Shun's identity.

But after seeing Zhang Shun's formidable strength, they couldn't help guessing.

"This person is so brave, he should be a famous general."

In the hearts of these rangers, only peerless famous generals have such strength.

"Could it be that this person is Guan Hai?"

The rangers of the Han Empire have only heard of Guan Hai's name, but have never seen his real appearance.

So most people guessed that this is the number one God of War in the Apocalypse Empire, Guan Hai!


But at this time, someone in the crowd said: "If it is Guan Hai, this Guan Ying died during the first cut just now."

"This person came along the Huaihe River, he should be Zhang Shun, the commander of the Navy of the Apocalypse Empire!"

There are smart people in the crowd.

Many smart people can guess Zhang Shun's identity with just a little calculation.

"Zhang Shun? Zhang Shun, the white strip in the waves?"

Someone suddenly realized.

However, some people questioned: "Then Song Jiang's Liangshan hero was wiped out by Huo Qubing a long time ago?"

"I participated in that battle, and the famous Wu Song, Lu Zhishen and others were not as strong as Zhang Shun!"

At the beginning, Song Jiang's Liangshan camp came to Dahan as a wandering force, which triggered a big war.

In the end, the Liangshan camp was crushed by the champion Hou Huo Qubing, and many rangers in the crowd had participated in this battle.

"You guys are really pigheads!"

Yun Mo had already thought of the reason, and he reprimanded: "This is Zhang Shun from the Tianqi Empire, not Zhang Shun from Liangshan!"

No matter who enters the Apocalypse Empire, it will definitely become very powerful.

The same is true for Huang Zhong and Zhang Shun!



After discovering that Guan Ying could not come up with any new fighting methods, Zhang Shun was not polite.


Guan Ying, who was out of breath, couldn't resist this knife.


With a scream, his newly recovered arm was cut off again.

But this is not the most painful.

Swipe, swipe, swipe.

I saw Zhang Shun slashing four times in a row.

Under these four cuts, Guan Ying's other arm, first leg, second leg, and third leg were also severed.


Amidst the miserable cries, Guan Ying only felt that his life had lost its joy.

At this moment, he can't feel happiness anymore, and his whole body is full of pain.

"Come on, extremely healed!"

Zhang Shun put away his knife, and stood quietly beside Guan Ying. He wanted to see which leg Guan Ying would heal first.

"Forgive...forgive me!"

Guan Ying was scared.

When all the anger was vented, when he knew that he was not invincible.

Facing the butcher knife in Zhang Shun's hand, he felt deep fear in his heart.

The fearlessness just now was caused by the anger in his heart, he didn't want to die!

"Where's your backbone?"

Zhang Shun poked Guan Ying who was like a stick with a knife.

How arrogant this person was just now is how embarrassed he is now.

"My lord, please forgive me, I swear to you that I will follow your lord's lead in the future!"

If the third leg is gone, it will be gone. Even without the third leg, Guan Ying can still live in another identity.

"Oh, trash!"

Zhang Shun didn't tease Guan Ying, who had completely lost his fighting spirit.

I saw him snap a knife.

Amidst Guan Ying's begging for mercy, he cut off Guan Ying's head.

For a moment, the world was quiet.


"Good... so strong."

Seeing Zhang Shun torture and kill Guan Ying, Yun Mo and the others below could only feel the chill in their crotch.

"Both of Guan Ying's heads were chopped off, this Zhang Shun is so cruel!"

It was the first time they met a strong man who cut off his head.

Just like that, the impression of Zhang Shun's cruelty and viciousness was confirmed in their hearts.

"Shh, don't talk, he's flying over."

Seeing Zhang Shunfei approaching, millions of rangers silenced at the same time.

They were afraid, so Zhang Shun cut them off with a knife!


"Remove the army soul."

The first thing he did when he flew back, Zhang Shun made the soldiers of the Tianqi Army and the soldiers of the Huyong Army hide their military spirits.

The Huyong army is fine, at this time the million rangers are still alive and well.

But the remaining 500,000 soldiers of the Apocalypse Army are all injured now.

It took less than a quarter of an hour to forcefully stimulate the army spirit, and all the half a million soldiers of the Apocalypse Legion were seriously injured.

If this army spirit lasts for a while longer, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Zhang... cough cough... General Zhang Shun."

Guo Jia is now the only one among the many commanders of the Apocalypse Legion who can still speak.

He tried to get up off the stretcher.

However, he tried several times to no avail.

After Huo Qubing broke the [Heavenly Jealousy] skill that day, the extremely strong backlash made him really useless.

"Mr. Fengxiao, you should rest well."

Zhang Shun pressed him on the stretcher.

Looking at the weak Guo Jia, the seriously injured Zhao Yun, the unconscious Zhang Wanlong, the unconscious Huang Zhong...

In his heart, a deep emotion rose.

In the Battle of Nanyang, the most powerful army of the Apocalypse Empire suffered heavy losses.

The Apocalypse Legion should not be able to participate in the next battle!

If that's the case, let's all go home together.

"Everyone, Your Majesty has orders."

Zhang Shunling said: "Your Majesty ordered us to return home quickly, and please prepare to board the ship!"

He came first.

And after he killed Guan Ying, the army under his command also arrived here.

This is a super fleet that is too powerful to breathe.

Although the Huaihe River is vast, it is almost impossible to cross it by manpower.

But the Tianlongfu ship driving on the Huaihe River is really like mountains standing in the river.

In front of the Tianlongfu Ship, the vast and savage Huaihe River also became weaker.

"My dear, what kind of monster is this?"

"Giant ship! It's really a giant ship!"

"Mom asked me why I was talking on my knees, because the boat is really big!"

"This **** is on land, right? With this size, it's bigger than an aircraft carrier!"

"Is this the navy of the Apocalypse Empire? His grandma, I have decided that from today I will become a glorious naval ranger!"

"Are we going to board the ship, so excited!"


The moment Zhang Shun's fleet appeared, it completely conquered the rangers of the Han Empire who had just surrendered.

At this moment, everyone opened their mouths wide, unable to calm down the shock in their hearts for a long time.

The power of the Apocalypse refreshed their cognition again and again!

"And you."

At this moment, Zhang Shun turned around.

He raised his hand and grabbed Yun Mo like a chicken.

Threatened: "Tell these people, if they sincerely submit to my Apocalypse Empire, then they can board the ship with peace of mind!"

"Anyone who makes trouble will be killed without mercy!"

These rangers of the Han Empire seem to have some strength.

That being the case, by the way, Zhang gave them a chance to board the Fujian!

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