The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 967: Battle of Jiangxia (1)

Jiangxia County City.

When Zhang Shun picked up the soldiers of the Tianqi Army and the rangers who surrendered, the news of Guan Ying's death reached Han Xin at this time.

I saw Han Xin's face was ferocious, and he clenched his fists.

He really wanted to deal with Zhang Shun, Huang Zhong and others. But he knew that once Han Xin left, Jiangxia County's defense line would be broken.

Now after Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi found out the truth of Han Xin.

Xu Da has already led the army and started the final general attack!


Millions of troops set out together.

At this time, the entire Jiangxia County was turned into a sea of ​​war.

Not only the Jiangxia County City, but many small cities around the County City are now densely populated with Han Empire soldiers.

These small cities are like hard nails, hindering the advancement of the army of the Apocalypse Empire!

"This commander will lead the Sun and Moon Army to attack Jiangxia County."

"General Qi, you lead the Qi family army to advance from the west road and support you at all times."

"General Lu, you lead the tiger warriors across the river to advance from the east road, pay attention to support!"

"Yuchun, you and General Chen Qingzhi take a break for a while."

"If the battle situation changes, listen to my commander's order!"

Xu Da commanded in an orderly manner.

As the coach of the Mingzhou Legion, Xu Da naturally assumed the main offensive task.

In terms of heads-up, he is indeed no match for Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi.

But he has a very strong commander skill.

As long as he leads the army to attack, not only the army under his command, but also the nearby friendly troops will also be benefited.

At Xu Da's strength. This kind of gain can at least allow soldiers to increase their ranks by half a level!

Qi Jiguang is also a famous general in Mingzhou, and Xu Da handed over the most difficult battlefield on the West Road to him.

On West Road, there is now a famous Han general Peng Yue sitting in charge.

It was this Peng Yue who fought Chang Yuchun just now.

The two were evenly matched, and there was no winner.

But Xu Da could tell that Peng Yue's army was stronger than Chang Yuchun's Red Scarf Army.

If Chang Yuchun hadn't retreated in time, the Red Scarf Army would have suffered heavy casualties!

As for Lu Meng's East Road.

This should be the most reassuring path for Xu Da.

Lu Meng's strength is not weak, and the cross-river tiger warriors under his command are now proper super god-level peak troops.

Against Feng Yi, it should be more than enough!


After giving the order to split the battle, Xu Da took the lead in leaping out.


At this moment, a blue energy emanated from his body.

Just like a big cyan aperture, the aperture spreads like ripples.

With the blessing of Xu Da's commander-in-chief skills, the soldiers of the Sun and Moon Army under his command took the lead in advancing.

The pinnacle of the super **** level...the initial stage of killing gods!

Xu Da's Sun Moon Army is not just formed! On the battlefield of the Han Empire, the Sun and Moon Army had fought fiercely several times.

Their strength has also been promoted to the peak of the super **** level.

But now, facing the well-known Han Xin, Xu Da's attack is the strongest.

Although Chang Yuchun and Chen Qingzhi did not participate in the battle at this time.

But Xu Da has confidence.

Under the condition that he led the army to conquer, the 3 million troops under his command were enough to flatten Han Xin's tens of millions of troops!

"No, not ten million!"

"Nine million!"

Xu Da snorted coldly: "At this time, even if Han Xin is a true soldier, it is impossible to raise all these nine million soldiers to the first stage of killing gods!"


After reaching the attack distance, the catapults in the Sun Moon Army began to roar.

Due to the distant battlefield of the Han Empire and the extremely high manufacturing process. The apocalypse cannon made by Tina has not yet been transported to the battlefield of the Han Empire.

Of course, Xu Da doesn't need it right now!

The roar of the catapult was just a routine during the first battle!

Rumble! Rumble!

When hundreds of catapults roared, under the cover of the catapults, the Sun and Moon Heavy Cavalry rushed out first.

Xu Da was holding a **** knife.

The dark blade exudes a bone-chilling coldness!

At this time, in front of Xu Da, it was the famous Han general Ban Chao who was facing him.

Ban Chao, a famous military strategist and diplomat of the Han Dynasty. He has little ambition, reads a lot of books, throws his pen into the army, and attacks the Huns in the north.

Everyone only remembers his contributions to the Western Regions, but they don't know that Ban Chao is also a famous general.

"Boys, follow me!"

Ban Chao was riding a thousand-mile blood horse at this time, and the millions of troops behind him were all cavalry.

This is the iron cavalry of the Huns, an elite army that Banchao personally surrendered to the Empress of the Western Regions.

The Xiongnu were born kings of the grasslands, and they were extremely skilled in bowing horses.

Although the million Xiongnu iron cavalry is only a light cavalry. But Ban Chao is confident that he will destroy Xu Da's 200,000 sun and moon heavy cavalry in millions!


Millions of war horses galloped together, and the whole earth was filled with smoke and dust.

The huge roar seemed to knock Jiangxia County down.

Han Xin stood on the city wall, staring fixedly at the first confrontation between Ban Chao and Xu Da.


In the next second, there was a sound of landslides and ground cracks.

Two huge streams of smoke intertwine together. In the brown-yellow smoke and dust, the sound of fighting and screams could be heard from time to time.

Han Xin wanted to explore it with his spiritual sense.

However, on today's battlefield, the auras of many powerhouses are intertwined.

Even Han Xin's consciousness was disturbed.

In his hazy consciousness, he seemed to sense that Ban Chao's Huns cavalry were rapidly annihilated.

"what happened?"

He scolded angrily, and the extremely strong breath scattered the smoke and dust in the sky.

After the smoke cleared, a scene that horrified everyone appeared.

After Xu Da smashed Banchao with one blow, the Sun and Moon cavalry pierced through the formation of millions of Hun cavalry in a few breaths.

Rolling, rolling from beginning to end.

After reaching the initial stage of killing gods, these 200,000 sun and moon cavalry became the killing gods on the battlefield.

Are Banchao's Huns cavalry strong?

It is very strong, and it is also a proper special-level unit, which can become the overlord of one party.

And with Ban Chao's blessing, they went from overlord to prince.

However, there is still a huge super **** level between the prince and the **** killer!

If it was a year ago, Ban Chao's princely Hun cavalry could fight against Cheng Mu's army.

However, this is not a year ago.

The army of the Apocalypse Empire has long been separated from the category of princely class.

It has already begun to leap from the peak of super **** level to the first step of killing gods.

The strength gap between peerless and second-rate.

This time, Xu Da's Sun and Moon Army can really defeat a hundred with one!

"Block! Block!"

Ban Chao, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, was about to burst into tears.

This is his invincible Hun cavalry, the overlord of the grassland.

To this day, he can rely on these millions of elite riders to gallop across the Western Regions, unstoppable.

But that's it.

His invincible Hun cavalry shattered.

Broken into flesh and blood, shattered into dregs.

A scarlet road of flesh and blood continued until it ran through Ban Chao's Xiongnu cavalry!

"Hehe, the mantis is like a cart!"

Xu Da sneered, and the black long knife in his hand emitted a gloomy light again.

His figure appeared in front of Ban Chao again.


With one blow, Ban Chao, with a ferocious face, flew upside down again.

But this time, Ban Chao's injury was not as serious as before.

At this time, his mouth was spurting blood, and the whole person fell into the army, and his life and death were unknown.

Ban Chao is only the middle-level strength of Shenmen.

And in front of Xu Da, who is half-stepped on the altar, how can he be Xu Da's all-in-one enemy?


On the city wall, although Han Xin really wanted to do it.

But he held back. He knew the time had not come, the time was wrong!

"Let you be arrogant for a while."

He roared in his heart.

If Ban Chao died here today, it would mean that Ban Chao's fate was unlucky.

And if you want to wipe out the Mingzhou Legion of the Apocalypse Empire, it is worth sacrificing a few generals and a few armies!


The life and death of Ban Chao was uncertain, which aroused the anger in the hearts of the Xiongnu cavalry.

The Huns were inherently cruel and violent.

Amidst the strong blood, many Hun cavalry have already started to run away.


Under their life-and-death attacks, the advancement of the Sun and Moon Cavalry was somewhat affected.

Among the cavalry of the Sun and Moon Cavalry, one accidentally died under the siege of the Huns cavalry.

However, the results achieved by the Huns cavalry were only small and short-lived.

Their ferocity could not even cause the Sun and Moon heavy cavalry to riot.

The sun and moon heavy cavalry who came back to their senses once again raised their butcher knives.

"To die? Grandpa will send you on your way!"


Under the repeated attacks of the sun and moon cavalry, most of Ban Chao's Huns cavalry had been hacked to death.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground, and there were broken limbs and broken arms everywhere.

That bright red blood has gathered into a foul-smelling river!

"Stop going crazy!"

Seeing Xu Da leading the army to wreak havoc, some people on the city wall couldn't stand it any longer.

"I am Li Guangli, why don't the enemy generals die quickly?"

Li Guangli, General of the Han Dynasty.

He thought he could not lose to Li Guang, so he ignored Han Xin's order and jumped off the city wall.

His army was originally stationed behind the Banchao Huns cavalry.

Now that Ban Chao has failed, it should be Li Guangli's turn to play.

"General Lee..."

Seeing Li Guangli attacking without authorization, Han Xin just wanted to get angry.

But in the next second, Li Guangli's voice came: "If I can't take the head of the enemy general, then I will die in battle!"

He is very confident, but also very arrogant.

If Liu Che hadn't ordered it himself, he wouldn't have been under Han Xin's command.

He is also a general, he refuses to accept Han Xin!

"This mediocre!"

Seeing Li Guangli who didn't know what to do, Han Xin's face turned livid.

If it wasn't for the urgent situation of the battle, he really wanted to kill this man!



After Li Guangli joined the battlefield, his army of one million roared towards him.

Li Guangli is not a fool, how could he not see the battle situation?

He is very smart, so he sent troops on his own initiative.

Because he saw that although Ban Chao's Huns cavalry were weak, they still consumed most of Xu Da's Riyue heavy cavalry.

After all, two hundred thousand people are fighting against a million people.

Even if one person kills each other, it would take five cuts.

What's more, these million Hun cavalry are not pigs and dogs, they will resist.

So Li Guangli believed that after killing most of the Xiongnu cavalry, the combat effectiveness of the sun and moon heavy cavalry had begun to decline.

Going out at this time just happens to be able to make meritorious service!


The archers under Li Guangli attacked first.

Under the volley of hundreds of thousands of archers, dense arrows enveloped the entire battlefield.

Under the sharp arrows, Ban Chao's Huns cavalry were the first to suffer.

These Hun cavalry are all light cavalry, with light armor. As for the protection of war horses, that is pitiful.

Under the rain of arrows, hundreds of thousands of Hun cavalry could not escape.

In an instant, tens of thousands of Hun cavalry were shot to death.

"Li Guangli, I want to kill you!"

Ban Chao was angry.

He had just been awakened by his subordinates.

He was in pain all over, but when he woke up, he saw such a scene.

The soldiers under his command died at the hands of his own people. What does Li Guangli mean by this?

"Hehe, dying man!"

However, Li Guangli did not take Ban Chao seriously.

He is studying Han Xin of the day.

When Han Xin can give up Fan Kuai, then he can also give up Ban Chao.

"Anyway, it's trash, if you die, you die!"

Since Ban Chao couldn't beat Xu Da, why not die on the battlefield and leave a famous name?

As for the Xiongnu cavalry under Ban Chao's command.

"For mere alien races, use your lives to hold back the enemy!"

Li Guangli has completely abandoned Ban Chao and the Huns cavalry.

As long as he can kill the sun and moon heavy cavalry even if the Hun cavalry is dead today, he will not have any soft-heartedness.

He never accepted that these million Hun cavalry were his own!

"Ding ding dong! jingling dong!"

However, under the sky full of arrows, the Sun and Moon Heavy Cavalry did not suffer any damage at all.

The thick armor on their bodies bounced off the arrows from all directions.

And the vests on their horses are thicker than the armor they wear.

Such a thick defense cannot be broken by a few arrows at all!

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