The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 971: Battle of Jiangxia (5)



One punch, one knife!

Taking advantage of Peng Yue's madness, Qi Jiguang found an opportunity to fight back.

Although Peng Yue broke his left arm with one punch, melting the flesh and blood of his entire left arm.

But his knife in a desperate counterattack pierced Peng Yue's heart!


In an instant, the long knife shattered the heart!

Peng Yue looked at his empty chest, his eyes opened wide.

"Ho ho... **** ho...."

He spurted blood from his mouth and wanted to cover the hole in his chest with his hands.

However, it was another knife.


Qi Jiguang exhausted his last bit of strength.

This knife cut off Peng Yue's palm and also cut off all his hopes.


Peng Yue still wanted to speak, but the boundless darkness completely occupied his consciousness.

When his body fell, it also declared Qi Jiguang's victory.

Who said the weak cannot defeat the strong with the weak? As long as you choose a good combat strategy, you can leapfrog and kill the enemy even if you cross a large rank!


After confirming that Peng Yue was dead, Qi Jiguang spurted blood one after another.

To be able to persist until now, he is already at the end of his strength.

But soon.


An extremely strong life energy poured into Qi Jiguang's body.

After killing Peng Yue, Qi Jiguang officially stepped into the first stage of the altar!

Although the altar is no longer the strongest combat power of the Tianqi Empire, generals like Qi Jiguang are still working hard.

They don't want to become the Apocalypse Empire, Cheng Mu's burden and hind legs!

"Who else?!"

Qi Jiguang, whose strength had recovered to its peak state, was suspended in mid-air.

At this moment, he sat here quietly to see which other Han generals would dare to come to die? !


"General, let's go!"

In the distance, soldiers under Feng Fengshi's command called for a fight.

Seeing that Peng Yue's Hanzhi elite had suffered heavy losses, they were already eager to help!

"No hurry, no hurry!"

Feng Fengshi was a little panicked at this time.

He saw with his own eyes that Qi Jiguang beheaded Peng Yue with a single blow.

He now only has the strength of the middle realm of Shenmen. Facing such a brave Qi Jiguang, he dare not go up!

Originally, the main force on the West Road battlefield was Peng Yue and the elite of the Han Dynasty, and Feng Fengshi was completely soy sauce.

Let him go up to die at this time, he will not go!

"General, if you don't support the friendly army, they will die!"

However, although Feng Fengshi was afraid, the soldiers under his command were fearless.

Under the blessing of the power of the eight army souls, they don't know what death is at all.

Only a general like Feng Fengshi who has not been affected by too much power of the military soul is in the mood to think about life and death at this time!

"They are finished, this is their mission!"

Feng Fengshi said coldly: "Pass on my order, withdraw troops to garrison Jiangxia City!"

What about the Qi family army who can't beat Qi Jiguang? Then go back and hug your thighs.

He, Feng Fengshi, did not believe that Jiangxia County, where Han Xin, the Bing Xian, was in charge, could still be ill?

"General, but..."

Hearing that Feng Fengshi was going to withdraw his troops, the surrounding guards immediately became excited.

This was the first time they had the thought of disobeying the general's order.

They clearly saw that there are still more than half of the elite of the Han Dynasty left. Although many Han heavy cavalry crashed to death on the shield wall of the mandarin duck formation, the remaining hundreds of thousands of heavy cavalry rushed in along the gate of the mandarin duck formation.

In this battle, what if these heavy cavalry broke through the formation of the Qi family army?

"Presumptuous! Do you want to disobey orders?"

Finding that his subordinates dared to question him, Feng Fengshi was furious.

He cursed: "Is this remnant army or Jiangxia City important? Or is the great Han's country important?"

"Listen to the general's order and immediately lead the army back to Jiangxia City!"

If it wasn't for worrying that killing people would cause riots under his command, Feng Fengshi would have drawn his sword at this time!


The order to return to aid Jiangxia City finally persuaded the surrounding soldiers.

Although they are not afraid of death.

But they also know that Jiangxia City is more important than these hundreds of thousands of remnants of the Han army!


Not long after, Feng Fengshi began to lead the army to retreat.

Although Qi Jiguang in mid-air saw such a scene, he did not stop it.

"Withdraw from Jiangxia City? Hehe!"

Qi Jiguang sneered: "Then wait for the arrival of this general in Jiangxia!"

He will go to Jiangxia County City.

After destroying these surviving elites of the Han Dynasty, his Qi family army will show off Jiangxia City!


ground battlefield.

Feng Fengshi led the army and left quietly. And the heavy cavalry of the Han Dynasty, who was deeply trapped in the mandarin duck formation, had no idea that they had been abandoned.

Or, even if they know, what's the use?

Once they are deeply trapped in the mandarin duck formation, they will die!

Rumble! Rumble!

After all the remaining 400,000 Han heavy cavalry entered the mandarin duck formation, the huge mandarin duck formation began to rotate.

At this time, the heavy cavalry of Han did not dare to charge recklessly.

They also didn't want to crash into the wall of the mandarin duck formation like their companions just now!

Click! Click!

Click! Click!

The rapidly turning array of mandarin ducks made these heavy cavalry of Han lose their direction in an instant.

Immediately, they found that their companions had disappeared as well.

The mandarin duck formation divided their formation and divided them into tens of thousands of cavalry squads.

Is it easy to kill cavalry who are not only alone but also have limited horse legs?

Of course it's easy to kill!

In an instant, a group of Qi family soldiers surrounded him.

They are still a small mandarin duck formation of twelve people.

I saw that they surrounded the dozens of Han heavy cavalry tightly, and forced the horses to retreat with heavy shields.

Then the spear stabbed the cavalry on horseback to death, and the sword chopped the fallen enemy into a pulp!

They can actually cut horses' legs too.

But Qi's army has always pursued the fine military style of diligence and thrift.

These hundreds of thousands of war horses are also a great wealth!

"Go away! Go away!"

The Han heavy cavalry roared.

They are not afraid of death, but they don't want to die so foolishly!

Their horses were tightly clamped by several heavy shields, and the group of them were also clamped on the horses' backs and could not move.

Facing the life-threatening spear, they couldn't resist at all!

The strength of these Qi Family Army soldiers was stronger than them in the first place, and now with such a tight cooperation.


In an instant, all the Han heavy cavalry who fell into the mandarin duck formation were left with deep despair.

And after tasting the good taste of killing the enemy and advancing, Qi Jiguang did not issue an order to recruit prisoners.

Let's kill all these big men and elites here!

Qi Jiguang hoped that after this battle, the Qi family army under his command would be the real initial stage of killing gods, not the initial stage of killing gods blessed by Xu Da's skills!


Outside Jiangxia City.

Han Xin on the city wall seemed to have noticed something unusual.

However, after careful consideration, he didn't think that one of his arrangements would go wrong.

On the East Road battlefield, although Feng Yi is not the strongest, he will be a famous general of the Han Dynasty anyway.

If he meets an unknown Lu Meng, he should not be defeated!

On the West Road battlefield, Peng Yue, who is in the realm of the altar, can almost guarantee that the West Road will not be defeated.

Besides, he also added Feng Fengshi's insurance for Peng Yue.

Although Feng Fengshi's strength is not strong, but with the blessing of the fusion army soul, his army is now a super god-level peak army!

Desperately, Han Xin decided that Qi Jiguang's Qi family army would not gain the upper hand!

At this time outside the city, Zhao Chongguo also led his army to formally fight with Chang Yuchun's Red Scarf Army.

It was only when the soldiers were fighting hand to hand that Zhao Chongguo realized that what Chang Yuchun said just now was true.

Crushed! Really crushed!

The Pingnu army under his command was smashed to pieces after colliding with the Red Turban army.

More than half of the 200,000 heavy cavalry that made the Huns frightened were lost in one round!

"Hold on! Even if they die today, they won't be able to move forward!"

Zhao Chongguo roared loudly.

Now Cao's participation in Xu Da's battle is coming to an end.

The berserk Xu Da has gradually become weak.

As long as Cao Shen can successfully kill Xu Da, then their big men will win the final victory in this battle!

"Block? Hehe! Don't know how to live or die!"

However, Zhao Chongguo's roar sounded like **** to Chang Yuchun's ears!

How could these Han chickens and dogs be able to resist his own Red Scarf Army.

If it is placed in the long river of the world, the Pingnu army, which can kill even the Huns, is indeed very powerful.

But the Red Scarf Army from Mingzhou is a ruthless person pushing from south to north!

What's the meaning?

That is to say, the torrent of history is the unification of the north by the south.

The only man who forcibly bulldozed the northern enemies based on the south!

And the Red Scarf Army is the main force of that ruthless man who dominates the world. Such a fierce soldier in the south, how could these slave troops be able to resist?


Chang Yuchun gave the order to crush again.

The 200,000 red scarf cavalry not only crushed the 200,000 Pingnu heavy cavalry, but also trampled to death many Pingnu heavy shield soldiers!

And behind this weak line of defense of Pingnu heavy shield soldiers, there are half a million Zhao Chongguo's hard work.

Pinnu marksmanship!

The Pingnu heavy cavalry made the Huns frightened, and the Pingnu sharpshooter was the army that really made the Huns despair.

Their bows and arrows shot farther, faster and harder than the Huns!

And these 500,000 Pingnu divine archers are Zhao Chongguo's real fangs!

"Eliminate them!"

Zhao Chongguo has ordered the Pingnu sharpshooters to start attacking.

Although there are still many Red Turban soldiers who have not reached their range, Zhao Chongguo can't wait any longer.

If the red scarf cavalry were to tear apart the defense line of the Pingnu heavy shield soldiers, then all his half a million efforts would be lost here.


In an instant, the sound of arrows was like thunder!

Pingnu Shenshe under Zhao Chongguo's command still has some strength.

Those extremely powerful arrows shocked many red scarf cavalry with pain all over their bodies.

Even many red scarf cavalry were pierced through their armor by sharp arrows and their hearts were torn apart!

"Is this your confidence?"

Chang Yuchun rushed up with a knife.

He discovered the attack characteristics of this group of pinnu marksmen.

After the arrows shot by Pinnu hit the enemy's vital parts, such as the head, heart, throat and other parts, they will burst out with double damage.

That's why these arrows couldn't penetrate the back armor, shoulder armor, and arm armor of the soldiers of the Red Scarf Army under his command, but they could penetrate the armor of vital parts such as the breastplate and helmet!

When Chang Yuchun was unable to attack these Pingnu sharpshooters, he could only vent his anger on Zhao Chongguo!

"Go to hell!"

His long knife slashed Zhao Chongguo's head straight!


Facing Chang Yuchun's attack and killing, Zhao Chongguo rushed forward without any fear.

Although he is a half-step God Stage Realm.

But he learned that Chang Yuchun had just fought with Peng Yue a few days ago, and his injuries have not recovered.

And he didn't need to kill Chang Yuchun.

As for blocking Chang Yuchun, he has confidence in his subordinate Ping Nu's sharp shot!

In the whole world, there is no one who is immortal!

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