The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 972: Battle of Jiangxia (6)


With one blow, Zhao Chongguo vomited blood and flew backwards.

Chang Yuchun came over with a murderous look, his voice was like thunder: "Block me, what are you using to stop me?"

He, Chang Yuchun, is also the number one general in Mingzhou, and the strongest general in the Ming Empire in history.

As long as they can put the words number one and strongest, their combat effectiveness cannot be measured by ordinary generals!

"You...don't be crazy!"

Zhao Chongguo clutched his chest, his face was pale.

He thought that even if he couldn't kill Chang Yuchun, there would be no problem in surviving Chang Yuchun's attack.

However, he underestimated Chang Yuchun and overestimated himself.

Even if he blocked Chang Yuchun's long saber, the ferocious force of the Ba saber still made him feel like a heavy hammer.

"Rampant? What can you do if this general is rampant?"

Chang Yuchun bared his teeth and smiled.

He almost thought that Zhao Chongguo was a stubborn stubble, but he didn't want to be just a paper tiger.

To block himself, what can Zhao Chongguo do to block him?

"I kill you!"

Facing Chang Yuchun's ridicule, Zhao Chongguo felt ashamed.

He wanted to fight for breath. Even if he can't beat Chang Yuchun today, he can't lose so embarrassingly!



However, his fierce attack was easily blocked by Chang Yuchun, and then Chang Yuchun turned his left hand into a palm and slapped him in the chest.


In an instant, Zhao Chongguo spilled blood on the battlefield again.

crushed, desperate.

Zhao Chongguo only felt that he was going to die.

He tried his best, why couldn't he beat Chang Yuchun?

In a daze, he turned his head and saw the soldiers still fighting on the ground.

At this moment, his heart became firm again.

"I can't fall, I can't fall!"

This powerful force of faith drove him to stabilize his figure, he wanted to survive Chang Yuchun's knife!


Facing the stubborn Zhao Chongguo, Chang Yuchun screamed at the sky with his sword.


Zhao Chongguo wanted to block Chang Yuchun with a shield? What an idiot!


With one blow, the situation changed suddenly.

The long knife struck the shield in front of Zhao Chongguo, and then penetrated Zhao Chongguo's body unabated.


After waiting for the majestic saber energy to hit the distant mountain top, a slight click sounded in Zhao Chongguo's body.

next second.

The shield in his hand turned into iron powder sawdust, and his whole body fell down.

Chang Yuchun's saber ripped his body apart, under the mutilated body, who would know that this is Zhao Chongguo, the famous general of the Han Dynasty?

"General Zhao!"

On the city wall, blood and tears suddenly flowed from Han Xin's eyes.

He knew it, he knew it completely.

The palpitations just now did not happen without incident, but some people died in battle like Zhao Chongguo!

Is the elite of his big man so vulnerable?

Can his carefully prepared three-way battlefield still be unable to stop the advance of the Apocalypse Empire?

At this moment, Han Xin also felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart!


After killing Zhao Chongguo, Chang Yuchun pointed his sword at Han Xin on the city wall.

despair? Powerless? Ashamed?

Ha ha, now is not the moment that makes Han Xin most desperate.

Chang Yuchun sneered.

Han Zhibingxian, he is sure to kill!


"Kill them all!"

The general's invincibility once again inspired the morale of the Red Turban soldiers.

After Chang Yuchun killed Zhao Chongguo, the red scarf cavalry also completely tore up the defense line of the Pingnu heavy shield soldiers.

Zhao Chongguo's Pingnu marksmanship is indeed powerful.

But in the face of the counterattack of the red scarf archers, they also suffered heavy losses in an instant.

Red Turban Archers don't need to have the same crit talent as Pinnu Shenshe. Under the crushing of strength, their arrows were enough to shoot through the bodies of these Pingnu soldiers.

Under the sharp arrows, corpses littered the field!

This time, the fierce soldiers in the northwest were once again defeated by the fierce soldiers in the south.

"Hold on, hold on!"

Seeing such a scene, Han Xin's mouth was bleeding.

He really wanted to help the soldiers.

However, Han Xin has really tried his best to raise the strength of these soldiers from the princely level to the peak of the super **** level.

The power of his life has been completely burned to these soldiers of the Han Empire.

Even if Han Xin died here today, he would not be able to provide any more help to these soldiers.

"Block them! Block them!"

Han Xin's call seems to have played a little role.

Facing the iron hooves of the red scarf cavalry, the collapsed Pingnu heavy shield defense line was gradually restored.

The remaining Pingnu heavy cavalry also rushed over with the determination to die.

They wanted to use their bodies to buy a little more time to kill the enemy for the Pinnu Sharpshooter behind them.



When the red scarf infantry rushed over, Ping Nu, who was still showing off his power just now, misfired.

The red scarf shield soldier walked in the front, and that hard shield made Pinnu Shenshe's crit talent lose its effect.

This is a cold and ruthless shield, and there is no vital part for them to shoot at.

Naturally, under the shield of the shield soldiers, these ferocious Pingnu marksmanship were beaten back to their original shape!

"Kill Xu Da! Kill Xu Da!"

When the soldiers of the Red Scarf Army began to massacre the Pingnu army, Han Xin closed his eyes in pain.

Now all his hopes are pinned on Cao Shen.

As long as Cao Shen can successfully kill Xu Da, then the Mingzhou army under Xu Da's command will completely return to its original shape.

At that time, the peak of the super **** level will face the peak of the super **** level.

This is Han Xin's last hope!

"Kill? Dream!"

Han Xin's roar spread throughout the battlefield, and naturally reached Chang Yuchun's ears.

At this time, I saw Chang Yuchun walking through the air, and arrived at the battlefield outside the city in a few dodges.

Here, Xu Da's Sun and Moon Army is fighting with Guangli's remnant army and Cao's elite.

Under the deep siege, the Sun and Moon heavy cavalry has been wiped out. Most of the sun and moon longbowmen have also been damaged.

Only the invincible Sun Moon Heavy Steps are still standing strong at this time.

Facing enemies that were several times their size, they fought from east to west, and from south to north.

The blood of the enemy stained their armor red, and the corpses under their feet were piled on top of each other.

Although the cavalry is strong, the bow and arrow are good.

But the absolute main force on the battlefield is still infantry!

"Go to hell!"

Cao Shen also fell into a state of madness at this time.

He wanted to consume Xu Da exhausted, and then killed him without any effort.

However, the invincibility of the Sun-Moon not only killed the elite of the Cao family under his command, but also made him, the general, cold.

Cao Shen originally thought that the Sun and Moon Army should have been in a weak combat state after fighting Ban Chao's Xiongnu Jingqi and then Li Guangli's Guangli army.

Even if his Cao Clan's elite can't be compared with the Sun and Moon Army, they should be almost the same, right?

It's a pity that every time his full confidence will be torn to pieces here.

Cao's elite, who have half a foot into the god-killing rank, still can't stand the sword of the sun and moon heavy infantry!

What kind of monster is the sun and moon heavy infantry? He is the strongest face in Mingzhou Province!

The sun and the moon are bright!

The Sun Moon Army represents the majestic Mingzhou Province, and it is the hope and sustenance of hundreds of millions of people in Mingzhou Province.

If the Sun and Moon Legion cannot be called the strongest, which legion in Mingzhou Province can be called the strongest?

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