The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 973: Battle of Jiangxia (final)


Cao Shen turned from defense to offense.

He risked his life so that his soldiers would not be slaughtered!

In order to be able to kill Xu Da, he even gave up his defense to confront Xu Da.

In the air at this time, Cao's participation in Xu Da's battle was completely outraged.

Every time the two fight, they can leave deep scars on each other's body.

A hazy rain of blood fell, it was their scattered blood.

And because Cao Shen's strength has risen to a higher level, the injuries on Xu Da's body now look more hideous and terrifying.

The left waist is pierced, the left arm is torn, the leg wound is deep with bone visible...

Xu Da is now a blood man, and the armor on his body is also tattered.

Fortunately, the high-quality armor on his body blocked the attack on his vital parts, otherwise he would have returned to the fairy temple long ago!


Cao Shen attacked again.

That extremely powerful move left damage on Xu Da's waist again.

As for Xu Da, he was also sent flying horizontally by this huge force.


His body collided with the top of the mountain in the distance, and he didn't know how many weeds and trees were broken in a short time.

"do you died?"

Cao Shen was out of breath.

He bared his teeth in pain from the wound on his body.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on the top of the mountain filled with smoke and dust, and he hoped that Xu Da, who was in the way, would not appear again.

"Ho! Ho!"

Unfortunately, things backfired.

With heavy gasps, Xu Da crawled out again dragging half of his crippled body.

I saw him spit out his painstaking efforts, and his whole body was like a disabled person.


It's just that although others are useless, the knife in their hands is still sharp.

As the black sharpness overflowed, a steady stream of back-feeding power poured back into his body from the black blade.

This is a psychic sword.

It was worried that Xu Da would not be able to hold on anymore, so it used its blade energy to hang Xu Da's breath.

"Ah ah ah ah ah, you go die!"

Seeing Xu Da who was still standing strong, Cao Shen roared and rushed over.

Today he is determined to tear Xu Da's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

He wanted to see if Xu Da, whose whole body had been turned into rotten flesh and blood, could still live?


This blow was full of anger from Cao Shen.

The power of the initial stage of the altar could even shatter the peak of the mountain behind Xu Da.


An earth-shattering collision.

The dazzling light illuminated the entire world, leaving only a dazzling white light on the entire battlefield.

Countless people closed their eyes, and the roar continued in their ears.


Seeing the man in front of him, Cao Shen was taken aback.

Didn't he kill Xu Da? Why did Chang Yuchun appear in front of him?

Now that Chang Yuchun is here, doesn't it mean that Zhao Chongguo has failed?


Seeing the scars all over Xu Da's body, Chang Yuchun felt boundless anger.

This person, **** it!


Another knife.

Caught off guard, Cao Shen looked at the knife mark on his chest in horror.

He was overwhelmed by Chang Yuchun.

Chang Yuchun's knife cut him in half!

"Bah! Chicken and dog!"

Seeing Cao Shen's body falling, Chang Yuchun spat hard.

Although he didn't advance when he killed Zhao Chongguo just now, Zhao Chongguo's huge life force still greatly repaired his body.

He has completely recovered from his injuries from the previous battle with Peng Yue, and his strength has improved a step further.

Although Cao Shen and Chang Yuchun are the same strength in the initial stage of the altar.

But Cao Can, who was exhausted by Xu Da's struggle, does not have a trace of the demeanor of a strong man at the beginning of the altar?

He, Cao Shen, only wanted to kill Xu Da.

But I don't want Chang Yuchun to be watching from the sidelines!


After Cao Shen died, Xu Da sat down regretfully shaking his head.

He was so tired that he almost passed out just now.

He originally wanted to advance to the realm of the gods in the fight with Cao Shen, but it was a pity that he was still one step behind.

If it wasn't for Chang Yuchun, he would have died just now!

"Why should Xu Shuai be discouraged?"

After absorbing Cao Shen's life force, Chang Yuchun only felt that half of his foot had stepped into the middle of the altar.

He comforted: "When Xu Shuai recovers from your injuries, you will not be far from the realm of the altar."

Xu Da's desperate fight just now must have had an effect.

Although he cannot be allowed to set foot on the altar immediately, it will definitely not be far away!


Xu Da nodded, only feeling a strong sense of weakness.

So he ordered: "The next battle will be left to you!"

He tried his best, but couldn't stand it anymore, and was about to faint.


Chang Yuchun sent Xu Da, who was about to faint, back to the rear of the battlefield.

At this time, he became the strongest on the battlefield.

Although the fighting among the soldiers under his command continued.

But he knew that Chang Yuchun had won Jiangxia City!


"Report! General Ban Chao died in Jiangxia City!"

"Report! The enemy general Chang Yuchun killed General Zhao Chongguo!"

"Report! The enemy general Chang Yuchun killed General Cao Shen!"


Feng Fengshi was still on the march, and a series of bad news reached him.

Looking at the **** battle report, he suddenly fell off his horse with a plop.

"You can't go to Jiangxia City, you can't go to Jiangxia City!"

If only Ban Chao died in battle, then he still has some hope at this time.

But the death of Zhao Chongguo and Cao Shen completely pulled Feng Fengshi into the abyss of despair.

Han Xin and Han Bingxian, who he had great hopes for, failed.

Since the battle of Jiangxia, none of the generals of the Apocalypse Empire has died.

With such a huge gap in strength, Feng Fengshi didn't want to go to Jiangxia City to die!

"Pass down the general's order, return to Chang'an City! Return to Chang'an City!"

Jiangxia city can't go at this time, but he can always go back to the capital Chang'an, right?

Now that he still has millions of elites under his command, he forgives Liu Che for not daring to kill him!

"General, what about Jiangxia City?"

The surrounding soldiers heard the bad news with their own ears.

As soon as they left, Han Xin in Jiangxia City really had no hope at all!

"Jiangxia City?"

Feng Fengshi said angrily: "Is Jiangxia City or Chang'an more important?"

He knew that in the face of greater interests and harm, the soldiers under his command still understood.

'This Han Xin! '

At the same time, he cursed inwardly.

It's not that the soldiers under his command always like to challenge him and question him.

It was because of Han Xin's fusion of military soul.

With the blessing of the fusion army soul, these soldiers only want to go to battle to kill the enemy! In order to kill the enemy, even the commander's order can be questioned!

"Follow...follow the general's order!"

Upon hearing Chang'an, the surrounding soldiers immediately stopped talking.

That's right, how can a mere Jiangxia City be as important as the capital Chang'an?


Jiangxia City.

Han Xin didn't know Feng Fengshi's withdrawal at first.

It was also after Feng Fengshi and the army under his command were completely away from the battlefield that he noticed the abnormality.


A mouthful of black blood spurted out of his mouth.

Feeling the sudden drop of the strength of the fused army soul, a look of extreme horror climbed up his face.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

In such a short time, the strength of the fusion army soul was cut in half.

Of the eight army souls, there are only four left!

That extremely strong backlash turned Han Xin into a **** in an instant!

He couldn't believe it was a fact, it was really a shocking news!

Four of the eight army souls are discarded, that is to say, now there are four armies under his command that have all been wiped out!

All hope is gone!

In a hurry, Han Xin's eyes darkened and he passed out.

"General, what's wrong with you, General?"

Seeing Han Xin who suddenly fell to the ground and fainted, some guards rushed up.

They tried Han Xin's pulse, although they found that it was too weak to detect.

"Military doctor! Military doctor!"

In an instant, fierce roars resounded throughout Jiangxia City.

Han Xin fell, and the entire battlefield became precarious!


"What did you say?"

"General Qi Jiguang not only killed Peng Yue, but also wiped out all the Han elites under Peng Yue's command?"

Chang Yuchun was also shocked when he first heard the news.

He had fought against Peng Yue, so Peng Yue's strength was not weaker than him at all.

And he never thought that Qi Jiguang, who was half-stepping on the altar, would actually kill Peng Yue, who was in the altar.

This is really shocking news.

He, Chang Yuchun, knew that Qi Jiguang was very strong, but he did not expect to be so strong.

It is not something ordinary people can do to kill the enemy with a higher rank.

Shocked, he couldn't help looking at coach Xu Da who was still fainting.

Even Xu Da, the main player, failed to do it, but Qi Jiguang did it!

"Report to the general."

At this time, the messenger also looked proud, and he replied: "Not only that, but after seeing General Qi's invincible posture, Feng Fengshi, the general of the Han army, led his army to escape!"

To have such an invincible commander in my own army, every soldier in the Mingzhou army will be extremely proud!

"Then Feng Fengshi ran away?"

Hearing this news, Chang Yuchun was immediately happy. He sneered and said, "Did he go to Jiangxia City to die?"

If Feng Fengshi was really that stupid, then he would reluctantly accept this head.

He had a hunch that as long as he killed a few more or half-step gods, Chang Yuchun would be officially promoted to a strong man in the middle of the altar!

"Back to the general, they originally wanted to go back to Jiangxia."

"But I don't know why, they suddenly turned to the west again!"

Everyone hopes that Feng Fengshi will come to Jiangxia to die.

It's a pity that this person escaped too fast!

"Hehe, those who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Chang Yuchun shook his head and didn't take this matter to heart.

He heard that Han Xin vomited blood and fainted, maybe he also heard the news!

Immediately, he issued the general attack order:

"Follow me and flatten this Jiangxia City!"

Now that Han Xin is dead, the time has come to seize the city!

Rumble! Rumble!

This is the drum of the general attack.

After the Red Scarf Army joined the battlefield, Li Guangli's Guangli Army was completely destroyed.

Even Cao Shen's elite Cao family, only a small half of them are left to linger!


Boundless despair shrouded the battlefield, and the remaining soldiers of the Han Empire showed mournful expressions.

Outside Jiangxia City, the corpses had already been stacked to half the height of the city wall.

For the Soldiers of the Sun Moon Army and the Red Turban Army, they could fly into the city with a single leap by stepping on the enemy's corpse!

"Ahhh! I'm fighting with you!"

"Thiefs of the Apocalypse Empire, even if I die today, it is impossible for you to step into Jiangxia City!"

"Brothers, brother, I'm one step ahead!"

"The soul of the great man, fight to the death and never retreat!"


Facing the butcher's knives of the soldiers of the Sun Moon Army and the Red Turban Army, the surviving Cao elite remained vicious.

Now in mid-air there are still four fused military souls under the military After the death of the main general Cao Can, the power of the military souls and the extreme will to die inspired them to fight to the death!

They can die, but they must die for the country!

Although Han Xin was dizzy, the power of Bingxian still shrouded the battlefield.


Li Guangli, who was seriously injured, wanted to sneak into the city.

But at this time, Chang Yuchun attacked with a knife.

He has been looking for this person, how could Chang Yuchun not want the life energy given away for nothing?

I saw the soldiers of the Han army who were still fighting stubbornly under the city.

Without hesitation, he gave the order to kill.

Han Xin will die here today, let the soldiers of the big man be buried with the soldiers!

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