The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 984: trap! burn one's boats!

"Hmph, a mere shield wall!"

Although Bai Qi turned the tide of the battle with three shots, it's not about the number of people.

The 300,000 soldiers of the Killing God Army have no advantage at all in front of the millions of soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire.

Xiang Yu's Western Chu army has been wiped out in half.

The shield wall of a mere hundreds of thousands of people can be torn apart!

"Xuanjia heavy cavalry, follow me to kill the enemy!"

On the battlefield at this time, there is still a heavy armored cavalry raging on the battlefield.

This is Li Xuanba's Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry, the strongest card of the Tangzhou Legion in the Tangzhou Province of the Apocalypse Empire!

Rumble! Rumble!

Under the charge of 300,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry, all the Western Chu soldiers along the way were shaken back.

Although there are some Western Chu cavalry who are not afraid of death want to stop.

But their strength, in front of Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry, is really as vulnerable as paper!


Under the iron cavalry, tens of thousands of Western Chu cavalry were crushed into meat in an instant.

Seeing such a powerful Xuanjia heavy cavalry, who else would dare to stand under the horse's hooves at this time?

"Block them!"

The extremely strong aura of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry made even the hundreds of thousands of heavy shield soldiers of the Killing God Army tremble in shock.

But it's not that they are afraid, but the whole earth is trembling!


This is the collision of spear and shield.

What needs to be tested at this time is whether the shield of the god-killing heavy shield soldier is thicker? Or is the spear in the Xuanjia heavy rider sharper?


In the next second, two armored troops collided.

Under the charge of 300,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry, a hole was torn open in the shield wall of the god-killing heavy shield soldiers.

Although countless Xuanjia heavy cavalry died under the long swords of the god-killing heavy shield soldiers.

However, the huge number of 300,000 is enough to crush this shield wall!

When a gap appeared in the thick shield wall, the cold cavalry tore the gap into pieces!

Three hundred thousand Xuanjia heavy cavalry drove straight in, and it was like entering a no-man's land in an instant!


However, after all the Xuanjia heavy cavalry rushed into the gap in the shield wall, the dark shield wall suddenly moved.

The shield wall moved extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it surrounded a huge round wall of heavy shields.

Xuan Jia is riding inside, and they are outside!


In the next second, one hundred thousand killer archers drew the longbow in their hands.


The sharp arrows were densely packed towards the Xuanjia heavy cavalry in the circle.

Murderous, icy cold murderous!

Under the blessing of the extremely cold murderous aura, the arrows of the killer archers tore apart the battle armor of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry with a bang.

Under the overwhelming arrows, tens of thousands of Xuanjia heavy cavalry were shot to death in one wave!

Conspiracy, the God Killing Army had already set a trap for Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry.

At this time, the surrounding shield wall is still shrinking step by step.

They want to suppress the living space of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry, and let the 300,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry all be wiped out here!

"rush out!"

The commander of the Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry roared.

Just trying to stop them with a shield wall?

Rumble! Rumble!

Under his leadership, the Xuanjia heavy cavalry began to break through.

Since the god-killing heavy shield soldiers formed a circle, the shield wall became thinner.

Their thick shield wall just now can be torn apart, let alone the shield wall of the Killing God Army at this time!


Under the rapid gallop, Pentium's five thousand heavy cavalry at the front collided with the weak shield wall.

next second.

The sky is falling apart.

There was a roar like the sky falling.

Amidst the loud noise, amidst the thick fog of blood.

The seemingly weak shield wall of the God-killing Army did not move at all.

The Xuanjia heavy cavalry crashed to death on the shield wall, and the sky was stained red with blood!

"How is it possible? Turn! Turn!"

The tragedy on the shield wall made the commander of Xuanjia heavy cavalry tear up.

How did the originally fragile shield wall become like an iron wall at this time?

In this charge alone, five thousand Xuanjia heavy cavalry crashed into the shield wall and died.

At this time, the galloping horses behind could not stop for a while.

In other words, at least ten thousand Xuanjia heavy cavalry will die here.

Thinking of this, the commander of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry felt cold inside.

The invincible Xuanjia heavy cavalry under his command actually suffered heavy losses here!


At the same time, the second wave of attacks from the Killing Archers also arrived.

This time, the arrow's attack was even fiercer.

Although the remaining Xuanjia heavy cavalry are already struggling to resist.

But facing the densely packed arrows, they were completely unstoppable and unavoidable.

Under this wave, at least 50,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry have died in this encirclement!

"Rush out! Rush out!"

Such a huge casualty made the eyes of the commander of Xuanjia heavy cavalry turn red.

He gritted his teeth and personally led the soldiers under his command to rush over.

Rumble! Rumble!

This time, everyone held the posture of seeing death as home.

Is the shield wall that kills the **** army really so strong? They don't believe it!

"Oh! I don't know if I'm dead or alive!"

In the army, looking at the Xuanjia heavy cavalry who dared to charge towards the shield wall, Bai Qi had a slight sneer on his face.

This is a trap he carefully set, and the shield wall is full of killing intent!

Condensed into a shield wall with killing intent, as long as he is there in vain, it is almost indestructible!

What if there is an accident?

Bai Qi looked outside the shield wall!

He transferred the remaining ten thousand God-killing heavy cavalry over.

If these Xuanjia heavy cavalry can really break through the shield wall with their remnants, then there are still Shenshen heavy cavalry waiting for them outside the wall!

From the moment he saw that there were 300,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry in the Xuanjia army, Bai Qi set a dead end for this heavy cavalry!

Rumble! Rumble!

The remaining Xuanjia heavy cavalry was tottering.


In the next second, another five thousand heavy cavalry hit the shield wall.

As Bai Qi had expected, the shield wall at this time was still indestructible, motionless!

And behind the five thousand Xuanjia heavy cavalry, the remaining 200,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry have also rushed over.

"Everyone has to die! Everyone has to die!"

At this time, Bai Qi's heart was full of boundless pleasure!

The Xuanjia Army had killed so many soldiers of the God Killing Army, and it was finally time to pay the price.

Rumble! boom! tread!


The tragedy that Bai Qi had foreseen did not appear.

Under his surprised gaze, the remaining 200,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry in the rear stepped on the corpses of their companions, and jumped out from the shield wall on their horses.

This is a leap, a leap that horrifies everyone!

After the commander of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry found that the shield wall was almost impenetrable, he chose to sacrifice another 5,000 Xuanjia cavalry.

Then he piled up a hill with the corpses of 10,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry.

And the living Xuanjia heavy cavalry jumped out of the siege stepping on the mountain of corpses piled up by their companions!

The iron cavalry jumped into the air, and the fire phoenix neighed!

"how is this possible?"

Bai Qi stood up in shock, murderous.

He has already seen the scene of the massacre of his God-killing heavy cavalry.

These ten thousand god-killing heavy cavalry were prepared by him for the remnant Xuanjia army, and he was wary of the remaining thousands or tens of thousands of Xuanjia heavy cavalry rushing out of the shield wall.

After all, if more than 200,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry can be killed in one hit, it is already the limit of the shield wall of the god-killing heavy shield soldiers.

It's a pity that the scene that made him proud did not appear.

The remaining more than 200,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry did not hit the shield wall.


After losing nearly 100,000 companions, the Xuanjia heavy cavalry who rushed out vented all their anger on these ten thousand god-killing heavy cavalry!



"Hack them!"

"Kill through! Kill through!"

The Xuanjia heavy cavalry who charged out waved the butcher knife in their hands, and turned more than ten thousand god-killing heavy cavalry into meat paste in a single charge!

Immediately afterwards.

They turned their horses' heads again and rushed towards the direction of the killer archers.

Those who dare to kill their black armor heavy cavalry will let these dirty archers taste the taste of iron cavalry today!

"Yu! Fight to the death!"

At this time, a trace of worry had risen in Bai Qi's heart.

He didn't expect that his perfect trap would be cracked.

Only 100,000 people were killed, which was far from what he expected.

It was originally a battle of total annihilation, but I didn't expect that the commander of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry had a lot of brains.

Resolutely gave up the five thousand heavy cavalry again, and exchanged the life of the five thousand heavy cavalry for the lives of two hundred thousand Xuanjia heavy cavalry!

Now the Xuanjia heavy cavalry that broke through the encirclement has rushed towards the position of the killer archer.

What he was worried about in vain was whether the heavy shield soldiers under his command could support them before the Xuanjia heavy cavalry slaughtered the killer archers.

At this time, Bai Qi had no hope for Xiang Yu's Western Chu army.

Not even the god-killing class arms.

This Xiang Yu and the Western Chu army under his command are really strong and weak!

What about the invincible Xiang Yu?

Bai Qi glanced at Xiang Yu. If all the troops under his command were dead, this battle would still be a big defeat for Xiang Yu!



boom! boom!


Xiang Yu was actually not that invincible at this time.

After Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba both went berserk, he fell into a disadvantage again.

Although the power of hitting the tripod was able to hit Shuang Li, he vomited blood.

But Li Cunxiao now has the ability to avoid injury and recover from the Thirteenth Taibao.

And Li Xuanba also has his own unyielding will, and he can avoid injuries.

Coupled with their own strong recovery ability.

So in the end, even though Li Cunxiao's breastbone was smashed and Li Xuanba's head was smashed, they were still able to fight vigorously.

Xiang Yu was also scarred at this time.

In order to crush Li Xuanba's head and Li Cunxiao's breastbone, his left arm was forcibly torn off by the two of them!

After losing an arm, Xiang Yu's strength was greatly reduced!

"Let's see who of you can have the last laugh."

Bai Qi watched such a tragic battle, but he didn't intervene.

At this time, the soldiers of the Killing God Army under his command could hardly stand it anymore, so he didn't have the heart to manage Xiang Yu.

Anyway, no matter who gets the last laugh, Bai Qi is still the last fisherman!


"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"burn one's boats!"


Finally, Xiang Yu couldn't hold it anymore.

When he saw the soldiers under his command being slaughtered like pigs and dogs, when he saw himself being bullied and suppressed by Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba.

As the overlord of Western Chu, how could he sit still and wait for death?

In an instant, under his roar, Xiang Yu's strength leapt into the real shrine!

"Even though I only have one arm today, I will smash your corpses into thousands of pieces!"

All his life force was used to improve his own strength.

So what if the broken arm has no time to recover?

He, Xiang Yu, possesses the mighty power of the Divine Palace Realm today, which is enough to crush Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba!

at the same time.

Under the benefit of the BUFF of the Last Stand, the remaining soldiers of the Western Chu Army also started a deadly battle mode.


In the state of going to death, the remaining 500,000 Western Chu troops also stepped into the first stage of killing gods!

This is the real Overlord of Western Chu, this is the real tiger soldier of Western Chu!



After his strength advanced to the Shrine, Xiang Yu sent Li Xuanba flying with one punch.

That powerful fist tore open Li Xuanba's chest with one blow.

Under the shattered muscles, Li Xuanba's heart was also torn to pieces!

seriously injured!

Serious injury with one blow!

The power of the murderous Xiang Yu's punch instantly made Li Xuanba lose his fighting power!

"You die too!"

After blasting Li Xuanba into the air, Xiang Yu rushed towards Li Cunxiao with a murderous aura.


This punch.

Although Li Cunxiao tried his best to block with both fists. But his arm was broken when he just touched Xiang Yu's fist.

Immediately afterwards, the giant fist hit his chest with undiminished power.


Li Cunxiao only felt that his internal organs were broken, and he spat out the broken heart fragments.

The sternum that was originally was completely shaken to pieces!


After Xiang Yu fought his last battle, he became a truly invincible existence!

"Ahem...Are you going to die?"

Li Cunxiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He saw Li Xuanba struggling to get up in the distance, his eyes were full of confusion and unwillingness.

He Li Cunxiao is not afraid of death.

But unwilling!

This Xiang Yu is an out-and-out villain! traitor! thief! Treacherous!

Everyone gets it and kills it!

"My Li Cunxiao, how could I die in the hands of a villain like you?"

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