
"There is no way to hate the sky, there is no ring to hate the earth!"

Li Cunxiao roared, and he shattered all the flesh and blood in his body.

Beneath the bright red flesh is a body that has been tempered to a golden glow.

A ray of sunlight shone down on the golden bone, exuding a dazzling golden light!

The golden light is dazzling, making everyone look like a golden god!

"Little man, go to hell!"

After turning into a man with golden bones, Li Cunxiao roared and rushed towards Xiang Yu.

In order to be able to step out one's own path, in order to make oneself stronger than other practitioners of the physical body.

Golden bone practice is a brand new path of physical cultivation that Li Cunxiao has opened up for himself!

He tempered his muscles and bones, melting all the life force in his body into the golden bones.

As long as the golden bones are immortal, then Li Cunxiao is an immortal existence!


Everyone saw the golden man of God fighting with Xiang Yu.

The golden bone fist, Xiang Yu who hit it with one punch, took three steps back.

It's not that Li Cunxiao's strength has advanced to the shrine.

It was because he was in the golden bone state, and every blow mobilized the strength of his whole body's golden bones.

This is the real all-out blow.

All the power in Li Cunxiao's golden bones bombarded Xiang Yu's body, without the slightest leakage or overflow!

Under this punch, Xiang Yu only felt a hole in his chest.

His sternum was also shattered!

"Get out!"

The enraged Xiang Yu fought back, and Li Cunxiao was sent flying with a single slap.

He roared: "I am the overlord of Western Chu, not a dirty villain!"

"My life, my path, are all in my own hands!"

He was justifying his own name, and he also angrily accused Li Cunxiao of insulting his reputation.

"Little man?"

"Winners and losers, don't care about trifles!"

He, Xiang Yu, is not a capricious villain, but is just looking for a way of hegemony for himself.

When Cheng Mu made him feel the despair that he couldn't escape, even if he died, he would not belong to Cheng Mu's command.

He is the Overlord of Western Chu, if he wants to be the one above hundreds of millions of people!

Since he was already king in the last life, why should he be king again in this life?

Only after destroying the Apocalypse Empire and killing Cheng Mu can he fulfill his ambition in this life!

"Bah! Treacherous villain!"

However, no matter how Xiang Yu justifies himself, Li Cunxiao will not change his opinion.

He scolded angrily: "It's your honor, Xiang Yu, to be under my Tianqi Empire!"

How many people are crying and begging to join the Apocalypse Empire and Cheng Mu's command?

However, there are so many famous and capable people in the world, how many of them can finally enter Cheng Mu's eyes?

You know, Xiang Yu was the target of Cheng Mu's strategy from the very beginning.

When Qin Ning went to the battlefield of the Qin Empire in person, he also invited Xiang Yu's son-in-law Fan Zeng to Tianqi City to form an alliance of intent.

He Li Cunxiao and Xiang Yu even fought side by side.

However, when it was this kind of relationship that was about to become close relatives, Xiang Yu actually rebelled.

How could Li Cunxiao accept this?

This capricious villain Xiang Yu.

Unforgivable sin! Unforgivable sin!

"You villain, you deserve to die!"

Li Cunxiao roared and rushed towards Xiang Yu again!

After turning into a body of golden bones, he felt that his control of power was more refined and handy.

At this time, he was indeed inferior to Xiang Yu in terms of strength.

But his body of golden bones has given him the strength to fight Xiang Yu.



With a leap, he slapped Xiang Yu's head again with his golden fists.


This is like the sound of gold and iron colliding.

After a roar, Xiang Yu blocked Li Cunxiao's surprise attack with his fist.

But the next second.


Li Cunxiao's knee hit his chest hard.

This elbow strike made Xiang Yu feel the qi and blood surging in his chest, and his sternum was broken!



With a cry of pain, Xiang Yu ruthlessly withdrew his right fist and smashed it on Li Cunxiao's ribs.


There was another sound of gold and iron clashing.

Li Cunxiao was blown away, and a hideous and terrifying crack appeared on the golden rib.

It's just that Li Cunxiao, who has lost his flesh and blood, can no longer make an expression of pain, he doesn't even have painstaking efforts, let alone the act of bleeding and vomiting blood.

I saw him stretch out his golden palm and lightly sweep the cracked ribs.

In an instant, the crack on the rib was repaired, and the hideous cut disappeared without a trace!

This is Li Cunxiao's golden body!

He gave up the opportunity to let himself step into the Divine Palace Realm, but instead solidified his golden bones even more.

Now he is a golden bone, both indestructible and full of resilience.

A mere crack can't hurt him at all!


Seeing Li Cunxiao appearing in front of him unscathed again, Xiang Yu felt great horror in his heart.

He obviously slapped Li Cunxiao's skull flat, and cracked Li Cunxiao's ribs with a punch.

But at this time, where is there any trace of being slapped on Li Cunxiao's smooth golden skull?

The hideous crack on the ribs also disappeared!

"My life! My way!"

Facing Xiang Yu's astonishment, Li Cunxiao also said these six words slowly.

He abandoned all the vital parts of a person, condensed his golden bones, and embarked on a brand new and perfect path of body cultivation.

At this time, he has no vital points at all, no weaknesses.

If he wanted to kill Li Cunxiao, he would have to crush every inch of his body!

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

Xiang Yu roared. He shook his head desperately.

If Li Cunxiao really became invincible, wouldn't it be possible that his previous practice path was all fake?

What they cultivated at the beginning was the power of flesh and blood.

Absorb the power of heaven and earth and stimulate the power in your own flesh and blood.

Step by step, he cultivated his body into an existence that was even more terrifying than ancient giant beasts.

This is the way! This is the right way!

However, at this time, Xiang Yu saw an extreme path of practice in Li Cunxiao!

After Li Cunxiao practiced the golden bone, he was able to match the mighty power of the first stage of his shrine with the strength of the back stage of the altar!

Incredible! Incredible!

"Brother Cunxiao, you are really a role model for my generation!"

In the distance, Li Xuanba who stood up was also greatly inspired.

He already understood the significance of Li Cunxiao's Road of Golden Bones.

The power of pure flesh and blood. Once the flesh and blood are destroyed, the injury will vomit blood at least, and the flesh and blood will melt at worst.

When their bones are broken, even if they have a strong recovery ability, their strength will be greatly reduced.

But Li Cunxiao, who has a golden body, doesn't have this problem.

He was covered in golden bones, without flesh and blood.

At this time, he can eliminate and exempt all kinds of physical injuries!

As long as Xiang Yu can't smash his golden bones, then Li Cunxiao is invincible!

"However, this journey will eventually lose a lot of fun in life."

Li Xuanba looked at Li Cunxiao's empty hips again.

After becoming a body of golden bones, Li Cunxiao's next step should be golden tendons, golden blood, golden body, and golden skin.

In the end, he turned into gold and became an undefeated golden body.

"What's the difference between that and a monk?"

Thinking of this, Li Xuanba still shook his head. This path is not suitable for him, he doesn't want to become a pure golden man.

He still wants to continue to experience the joy of flesh and blood!

"It can be used as a reference!"

He thought about it, maybe he could refer to Li Cunxiao's road of golden bones and walk out a road that belongs to Li Xuanba!


Afterwards, he took his double hammer and rushed towards Xiang Yu again.

Today's Xiang Yu has reached the end of his strength.

At this moment, he could finally beat this guy to death.

Li Cunxiao's Demon Dragon Halberd and Xiang Yu's Overlord Halberd had already fought together, and the winner had not yet been decided.

"In this way, I, Li Xuanba, will be entrusted with the important task of sending Xiang Yu off for the last time!"



Li Xuanba, who had recovered from his injuries, attacked with a hammer.

With such a strong force, Xiang Yu couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of painstaking effort.

The flesh and blood on his back was smashed to pieces by Li Xuanba, and a steady stream of life force was lost along with the blood.

Although there is still a larger force of life in his body that is rapidly repairing this wound.

But Li Xuanba's other hammer struck.


The Zijin hammer hit Xiang Yu's right fist.

That huge power shattered Xiang Yu's hand bones.

next second.


An even bigger force emanated from Xiang Yu's right fist, this is the huge energy in his flesh and blood!


With this hammer and punch, Li Xuanba was sent flying again.

The unstoppable punch hit his chest.

At the critical moment, when his flesh and blood were all crushed by the sharp fist, a trace of gold appeared in his breastbone.


The sound is like a drum hammer.

Although Li Xuanba flew backwards at an extremely fast speed.

But his golden sternum forcibly blocked Xiang Yu's punch.

The flesh and blood on his chest was gone, and two golden sternums were broken.

But even so, Li Xuanba could still feel that his injury had become lighter.

At the beginning, he was punched violently by Xiang Yu. He was seriously injured and half dead, and lost his ability to fight.

After resting for a long time, he recovered after taking a lot of pills.

And now.

Although Li Xuanba was injured, the two broken golden sternums on his chest were recovering as if they were alive.

Even the melted flesh and blood on the chest slowly grew.

Now he still has the ability to continue fighting!

This is the power of the golden bone, the power of the golden bone he learned from Li Xuanba!

"Stop going crazy!"

Seeing that Xiang Yu punched Li Xuanba away again, Li Cunxiao took the opportunity to hug Xiang Yu's right arm suddenly.

Xiang Yu's left arm had been broken by them just now.

And now, just break Xiang Yu's right arm again.

No matter how strong the Overlord of Western Chu is, he is a tiger with no teeth and five claws!


At this time, Li Xuanba also rushed over.

He naturally saw the opportunity.

After Li Cunxiao hugged Xiang Yu's right arm, his golden hammer was unhindered.

With a "boom", the Zijin Double Dragon Hammer hit Xiang Yu's head hard.

Today, he will make Xiang Yu's skin torn apart and his head bloomed!

"Get out!"

Xiang Yu was terrified by the crisis coming from above his head.

He wanted to break free from Li Cunxiao's shackles.

On the contrary, no matter how hard he tried at this time, he couldn't break free from Li Cunxiao's arms.

In order to trap Xiang Yu's right arm, Li Cunxiao forcibly interlaced the bones of his hand with the bones of the right arm.

If it wasn't Xiang Yu who broke his arms today, it was him who broke Xiang Yu's right arm!


Li Xuanba's golden hammer had already appeared on top of Xiang Yu's head.


With this blow, Xiang Yu only felt that his right shoulder was broken.

At the critical moment, he sideways avoided Li Xuanba's golden hammer, but his shoulders were tightly locked.

Under this hammer, he felt that his right arm had lost all feeling!

"Haha! Come again!"

Li Cunxiao felt it, and the right arm he was holding loosened a little.

That is to say, as long as Li Xuanba's sledgehammer hits well.

Soon, Xiang Yu's arm will be removed!

"Go away! Go away! Go away!"

The severe pain made Xiang Yu go crazy.

He smashed Li Cunxiao fiercely with his head, this is his only means of attack at present.

Now Li Cunxiao's whole body is clinging to him, his legs are bound and he cannot attack!

For a moment, he smashed himself into a **** mess.

Li Cunxiao's golden skull was also full of dents.

Even so, Li Cunxiao still did not let go.

His bones are hard!


This is another blow from Li Xuanba.

Every time now, he aimed at Xiang Yu's head and smashed it.

But strangely, his last sledgehammer fell on Xiang Yu's right shoulder.


This time ~www.readwn.com~ Xiang Yu felt that the ability to repair injuries in his body also weakened.

His shoulder bones were completely smashed, and his entire right arm could not move for a while.

"Time...ahem...is it time?"

Feeling that the power in his body was beginning to drain, Xiang Yu's face was sad at this moment.

His [Break the Boat] skill has a time limit.

Under the desperate situation, he still failed to defeat the joint efforts of Li Cunxiao and Li Xuanba.

However, after seeing the demeanor of the Western Chu army on the ground, he felt a little relief in his heart.

He Xiang Yu is not known as the overlord of the weak Western Chu.

The Western Chu army under his command is not known as the weak Western Chu tiger!

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