On the ground battlefield.

Xiang Yu's death battle also added an aura of "break the boat" to the remaining Western Chu army.

After being bullied by the Flying Tiger Army and the Xuanjia Army for so long, the soldiers of the Western Chu Army began to fight back angrily.

In fact, it is not that they can slaughter the enemy, but that they have the strength to die with the enemy.

For the soldiers of the Western Chu Army who were massacred at the beginning of the battle, these were enough!

In the name of Xichu tigers, they are willing to defend with their lives!

Rumble! Rumble!


"To die! To die! To die!"

"Brothers, we are a hero again after eighteen years!"

"Xuanjia Army, kill the enemy!"


At this time, the four armies were all in a deadly battle.

Everyone's morale is like a rainbow, and everyone regards death as home.

In the fight without fear of life and death, the battle situation has become very tragic.

At this time, there were less than 200,000 soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army, and everyone was scarred.

Under the continuous impact of Bai Qi's killing **** army and the deadly fighting Xichu army, there are fewer and fewer Flying Tiger Army soldiers on the battlefield.

The situation of the Xuanjia Divine Army is a little bit better.

Although the Western Chu army had chosen to die together, their superiority in numbers at the beginning allowed them to take the initiative.

At this time, Bai Qi's phalanx of killer archers had been pierced.

Countless god-killing archers died under the horseshoes of Xuanjia heavy cavalry.

Bai Qi's heart was bleeding.

Now that he saw the soldiers under his command being slaughtered, he was helpless.

His god-killing heavy cavalry was replaced during the fight with the Flying Tiger Cavalry, and the remaining 10,000 heavy cavalry also died under the knife of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry.

At this moment, he could only hope that the heavy shield soldiers under his command would be faster.

this time.

As long as the god-killing heavy shield soldiers drag down the Xuanjia heavy cavalry again, there is still hope that the battle situation can be reversed!

Looking at the brave and invincible Xichu army who were defying life and death, Bai Qi also apologized to them.

Xiang Yu's Western Chu Army is not trash!

"Kill them! Kill them!"

As the only heavy cavalry rampant on the battlefield at this time, the Xuanjia heavy cavalry is still the target of the hatred of the killing **** army and the Western Chu army.

Rumble! Rumble!

After his strength was promoted to the first stage of killing gods, the Western Chu cavalry who had been wandering around rushed over.

There are not many Western Chu cavalry remaining, and there are less than 200,000 remaining of the 500,000 cavalry.

But now the 200,000 Western Chu cavalry rushed towards the Xuanjia heavy cavalry with a fearless attitude.

"I really don't know how to live or die!"

Look at the Western Chu cavalry who dared to send them up, the 200,000 Xuanjia heavy cavalry also showed cold killing intent.

At this point they are invincible.

Under their trampling, Bai Qi's God-killing archers had already lost half.

Now this Western Chu cavalry wants to come up to die? Then send them on their way!


After the Xuanjia heavy cavalry pierced through the phalanx of the killer archers again, they rushed straight towards the Western Chu cavalry.

These Western Chu cavalry are only light cavalry.

When two hundred thousand light cavalry collides with two hundred thousand heavy cavalry, there is no need to guess the outcome!


Amid the earth-shattering roar, the two remaining cavalry armies on the battlefield collided.

In a second, when the two armies collided, the more powerful Xuanjia heavy cavalry crushed the Western Chu cavalry in front.

At this time, the red armor on the Xuanjia heavy cavalry has completely turned reddish brown.

It was the imprint left on it after the blood of the enemy dried up.

After crushing the Western Chu cavalry at the front, a long **** road was opened up by the Xuanjia heavy cavalry.

Seeing them cut through half of the Western Chu cavalry formation.

next second.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

These Western Chu cavalry suddenly gave up all their defenses, and rushed towards the Xuanjia heavy cavalry with their whole horses.

They are not afraid of life and death, even if they die, they will pull the Xuanjia heavy cavalry off their horses.

This is a group of tireless death team.

They rushed towards the Xuanjia heavy cavalry with the belief that they would perish together, and the corpses all over the ground also became an obstacle for the heavy cavalry at this time.

For a while, people turned on their backs.

Not only the Western Chu cavalry turned their backs on their backs, but even the Xuanjia heavy cavalry fell off their horses a lot.

After the Western Chu cavalry died, the charge speed of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry was hindered!

"Opportunity! Go! Go!"

Bai Qi growled excitedly.

He was just worried about how the heavy shield soldiers under his command could surround the Xuanjia heavy cavalry again.

The appearance of the Western Chu cavalry gave him a chance.

Taking advantage of the Xuanjia heavy cavalry being dragged back, a steady stream of god-killing heavy shield soldiers rushed over.

In order to make the heavy shield soldiers under his command move faster, Bai Qi even gave an order to clear the field.

The remaining God-killing archers began to attack. The sharp arrows not only killed many cavalrymen on both sides, but also killed the soldiers around the two cavalry battles.

There is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy!


But soon, the counterattack of Xuanjia Bowmen arrived.

After gaining the upper hand in numbers, the originally scattered Xuanjia Bowmen gathered together again.

At first they worried that the bows and arrows they shot would hurt friendly troops.

But at this time, the God-killing archers gathered together became their perfect target.

Click click click!

Under the sky full of arrows, both sides started the clearing mode.

This is a fight to the death.

Even at this point, no one dares to say that they will definitely win.

In mid-air at this time, the military spirits of the four armies had long been bleak.

Most of the soldiers under his command are dead, so where is the morale to support these most powerful army souls?

At this time, the four army souls are just to see who can persist until they dissipate in the end!

Trapped in the dragon formation.

Hei Jiao finally breathed a sigh of relief seeing the gradually stabilizing trapped dragon formation.

"Is this battle finally over?"

In the first battle, the four armies fought to the death, and the two sides were almost wiped out...

This is too tragic.

At this time, under the feet of Heijiao, there were two more corpses of dragon descendants.

That was when Xiang Yu, Li Cunxiao, and Li Xuanba all chose to die, and when Xiang Yu fought his last battle, he could only sacrifice the lives of the two dragon heirs.

It's just the next second.

When he turned his head and saw several large armies attacking from a distance, his black dragon's complexion changed suddenly!

"Hold on! Hold on!"

Another person has come, and another dragon heir will die here!


"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Shi Dakai roared.

After all, the trapped dragon formation is the territory of his Shenzhou Legion!

After getting the double Li Zhanbaiqi Xiang Yu, he immediately led an army to help.

It's just that when he arrived, the tragedy of the battle was beyond his imagination.

The total number of soldiers fighting on the battlefield today is just over one million, and mutilated corpses can be seen everywhere on the ground.

The smell of blood has filled the entire trapped dragon formation.

You must know that the four armies in this battle are four million soldiers fighting!

By now, the four armies were almost completely destroyed.

"It turned out to be the enemy's reinforcements?"

Bai Qi frowned when he saw Shi Dakai leading the army appear.

They were at a disadvantage in this battle.

Now that the reinforcements from the Apocalypse Empire arrived first, that would be boundless bad news for him!

"General, General Meng Tian is rushing over!"

At this time, a sentry hurried over to report.

Emperor Tianqi has reinforcements here, and so does Daqin!

"how much longer?"

However, Bai Qi was not happy.

If the time is enough, that's okay, if it's too late, will Meng Tian come to collect their bodies?

"Go back to General, General Meng Tian will take half an hour!"

The sentinel answered hastily.

As long as half an hour, Meng Tian's million soldiers of the Great Wall Army can arrive at the battlefield!

"It's too late! It's too late!"

Bai Qi roared. Half an hour, that is an hour! Time for a stick of incense!

At this time, the veins on his face popped up, and he couldn't help trembling with fear.

He had already seen Shi Dakai's army start to charge, and the iron cavalry was about to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

The remaining Flying Tiger Army and Xuanjia Divine Army will also begin to retreat in an orderly manner, and Shi Dakai's army will take over the entire battlefield next!

"I lost! I lost a complete defeat!"

Bai Qi clenched his fists.

The appearance of Shi Dakai's army became the last straw that crushed him.

The God Killing Army who had hoped to counterattack would all die here now!

"General, we... shall we withdraw?"

A guard suggested.

This battle is already very tragic, even if it is killed to the end, there will be no real winner.

When the time comes, everyone will die together, won't they still want to die in battle?

But those who are still alive at this time have a chance to live again.

Abandoning the Western Chu Army, the remaining 100,000 soldiers kept the last fire for the Killing God Army.

Let the next battle be handed over to Meng Tian and the others!

"Withdraw? Where to withdraw?"

Bai Qi roared angrily.

They are in the trapped dragon formation, and it is impossible to get out without killing all the enemies.

And even if they killed all the enemies, they wouldn't know what was outside the formation.

Entering the Han Empire, this is an act of death!

"Since you are going to die, then everyone will die together!"

With a grim look on his face, Bai Qi made up his mind.

"My Killing God Army will not lose! It is impossible to lose!"

Even if Shi Da rushed to help him today, he would let his army die on the battlefield in a dignified manner.

They will not be allowed to die as losers!


Bai took off into the air, and the life force of his whole body began to burn rapidly.

He flicked his fingers and said sharply:

"With the blood of killing gods, I order the armies!"


In an instant, the Western Chu Army and the Xuanjia Army who were fighting on the battlefield found that they had switched spaces.

Even the army of King Yi who was rushing to attack suddenly changed direction at this moment.

They ran back in the direction they came from.

At this moment, the only ones left on the battlefield are the Killing God Army and Flying Tiger Army who suffered the most losses!

"This battle begins for you, and it will end for you!"

Bai Qi's breath was fluttering, and his whole body was exhausted.

He exchanged his own life for the dignity of the army under his command!


Shi Dakai, who came galloping, immediately noticed the abnormality.

Not only the soldiers under his command, but even himself was replaced by Bai Qi.

This is too outrageous, right?

If fighting in an area with steep terrain, wouldn't Bai Qi make all the enemy troops fall into the abyss?

"Stop, turn!"

It's just that this place is not a dangerous place, and the use of this method in vain only hindered him from leading an army to support it.

As long as he changes direction again, his King Yi Army will still be able to rush to the battlefield!

Today he is in vain, but he is still going to die!


In fact, there is no need for Shi Dakai to do it himself. At this time, Bai Qi only has half his life left.

He has no power, no strength, just like an old man.


At this moment, his eyes are wide open, he wants to see with his own eyes the killing **** army and the enemy die together.

As long as Li Cunxiao's Flying Tiger Army is completely annihilated, then his Baiqi Killing God Army will not lose.

"It's a draw! A draw!"


on the battlefield.

Soldiers on both sides have lost their minds.

There is only one thought left in their minds at this moment, and that is to kill all the enemies in front of them!

If the knife is cut off, then pick up a knife from the ground and continue chopping.

The hands were severed, but they still had teeth, and bones.

At this time, the military spirit in the air had completely dissipated.

But the soldiers of the four armies did not lose their morale.

The remnants of the Killing God Army and the Flying Tiger Army fought together, and the number of the two remnants decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Bai Qi is already useless, and he can no longer provide benefits to his soldiers.

This is the most primitive way of fighting.

The knife sees blood, the knife kills!

Not far from the side, the Xuanjia Divine Army also made a desperate attempt under the attack of the dying Western Chu Army.

Although they have a numerical advantage.

But a one-to-one battle loss is a huge damage to the Xuanjia Divine Army!

After Bai Qi used his tactics again~www.readwn.com~ the army formation gathered at the beginning collapsed again.

At this time, the four remnants of the army, the soldiers are fighting each other, and each is going to die!



last blow.

In mid-air, Li Xuanba's golden hammer finally hit Xiang Yu's head.

And Li Cunxiao also tore off Xiang Yu's right arm!

When the power of [Break the kettle and sink the boat] dissipated, when the Western Chu army under his command died.

Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, ended his second life.

"Although I die today, I am still the overlord of Western Chu!"


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