The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 990: The power of the ranger protagonist

"Haha, the enemy really took the bait!"

At the moment when the thunderous crossbow roared, the sword-wielder laughed loudly: "Destroy them!"

In an instant, the entire battlefield froze!

Flying swords, flying swords all over the sky!

Before Murong Ke could react, the flying sword that sounded like a dragon chant passed through the army formation under his command.

Ding Dang Dang, the sound of clicking and popping sounded.

Under the control of the soldiers of the Excalibur Army, the Million Flying Sword wiped out most of Murong Ke's reinforcements with one strike.

Under the sharp sword, blood flowed like a river, and corpses littered the field.

At this time, only Murong Ke's 300,000 Dayan heavy cavalry remained on the battlefield.

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Looking at the corpses here, Murong Ke's face was pale.

My own Yan soldiers have just arrived on the battlefield!

Under this wave of flying swords, 700,000 people of his Great Yan army were slaughtered?

fear! Horror! unbelievable! Difficult to accept!

At this moment, Murong Ke would rather believe that this is just a dream!

"Haha, good job guys!"

The sword bearer laughed.

What is his purpose in forming the Excalibur Army of Millions of Swordsmen? For today!

A million flying swords.

Wouldn't it be great to take the head of an enemy thousands of miles away?

"Boss, there is still a little experience!"

"Yes, yes, I feel that entering the border of the town is only one percent away from the last."

"Keep working harder and kill all the enemies here!"

"As long as I am promoted to the border of the town, I can walk with the sword!"

"Excalibur Army, kill!"

The temptation of upgrading has attracted the rangers of the Excalibur Army to fight with high spirits.

Everyone wants to step into the fairyland of Zhen Guo people and be a real sword fairy in the world.

Now their fencing skills can only be fencing once a thousand meters.

And the power is too small, just like Murong Ke's Dayan heavy cavalry were not hacked to death just now.

But that won't be the case anytime soon.

They want to enter the fairyland of Zhen Guoren and become real sword immortals in this world!


The sword bearer also rushed over.

His target is Murong Ke.

Although Murong Ke, who is strong in the mid-level of Shentai, is enough to crush him in the mid-level of Shenmen.

But with a sword in hand, how can the sword bearer dare not fight?

If you really can't beat him, call out the soul of the Excalibur Army and blast Murong Ke to death!

"Seven Star Royal Sword!"

He roared, seven sharp swords surrounded his body.

Under the sword of killing evil, his whole body turned into a silver streamer!


Murong Ke is full of anger at the moment, and now the sword-wielder is coming up to die, he wants to tear the sword-wielder into pieces!


With one blow, one of the seven sharp swords surrounding the sword holder's body broke instantly!

"In other words, it can only be attacked up to seven times!"

The sword bearer frowned, but he was not injured.

Seven Star Yujian is his strongest defensive move. Seven swords, that is equivalent to being invincible seven times!

"Before the seven swords break, I will kill you!"

Then he roared angrily, with sword energy like a rainbow.

As long as he is not attacked by Murong Ke, his sword wielder will be invincible today!


However, in the next second, he flew upside down.

How strong is Murong Ke in a state of rage? A swordsman with a huge difference in strength cannot resist it at all.

With one blow, the sword holder blocked it with the Slaying Evil Sword in his hand.

But that extremely strong force shattered a long sword around his body again.

He only has five chances left.

"Five Sacred Mountains Town Heaven!"

After realizing that it was difficult for him to pass a move in Murong Ke's hands, the sword wielder changed his combat thinking.


He shouted angrily, and the afterimages of five huge mountains moved towards Murong Ke to suppress them.

What should I do if I can't beat it? Then reduce the strength of the enemy first!

Wuyue swordsmanship is one of his strongest cards for the sword bearer.

Even if Murong Ke can't be killed here today, Murong Ke's strength can be greatly reduced!

Rumble! Rumble!

The five mountains enveloped the battlefield with extremely strong power.

At this time, even Shi Dakai and Meng Tian who were fighting in the sky were affected.

This is the power of skills, almost unshakable power of skills!

"Go away!"

Feeling the heavy burden suddenly appearing on his body, Murong Ke roared angrily.

With one blow from him, a crack appeared on the originally thick mountain!

The strength of the sword bearer is still too weak.

The power of Wuyue Zhentian is still not strong enough.


It's just that the mere rift did not affect the power of the five mountains.

So what if there is a crack in a mountain? At this time, there are still four mountains under the sword of his sword holder!

The afterimage of Wuyue has already pressed down on Murong Ke's head.

It is impossible to suppress Murong Ke, but it will definitely make Murong Ke feel uncomfortable!

"Get out!"

Murong Ke also noticed something unusual.

He didn't know why the sword-wielder who looked like an ant was so resistant to beating.

At this moment, how could he still unleash such a powerful attack?


It was a blow of extreme anger.

With this blow, two of the five mountains of the sword bearer were immediately cut off.

The power of Wuyue Zhentian has been greatly reduced.

next second.


Under the tremendous power, the remaining three mountains pressed on Murong Ke's body.

The turbulent aura in Murong Ke's body was suddenly restrained at this moment.

He wanted to break free, but the power of the seal covered him like a tarsal maggot.

"It should be fine."

The sword wielder wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"As long as I can suppress his strength to the initial stage of the divine platform, then I will have a chance to kill him!"

At this time, the relationship between the sword holder and the Excalibur Army is that the soldiers are strong and weak.

As the most powerful ranger army in the Apocalypse Empire, they represent the strongest combat power of the ranger in the Apocalypse Empire.

At the same time, they also explained how strong they are as protagonists!

On the battlefield at this time, the soldiers of the Excalibur Army have completely controlled the battlefield.

Under their wave of raids, even the Dayan heavy cavalry with extremely thick defenses were slaughtered.

If one sword can't break through Dayan's heavy cavalry's defense, then two swords will be used.

At this time, they don't need to attack with swords at all, but go deep into the battlefield by themselves.

Facing the Dayan heavy cavalry who looked thicker and stronger than them, the soldiers of the Excalibur Army in fluttering white clothes were unparalleled in style.

They showed extremely powerful fighting skills and extremely graceful killing skills.

While waving the long sword, the 300,000 Great Yan army began to come to an end.

"Stamp them to death! Trample them to death!"

There was a Dayan Heavy Cavalry roaring in horror.

They ride war horses and have the strength to fight back.

Rumble! Rumble!

Before dying, many Dayan heavy cavalry chose to fight to the death.

Their iron cavalry was fast and powerful.

However, under their rapid galloping, the white figures were like butterflies on the battlefield.

The rangers of the Excalibur Army moved left and right, jumped up and down, and killed randomly with their swords.

Even galloping war horses can be cut in two with one sword.

A very small number of unwary people were knocked into the air by Dayan's heavy cavalry, but a golden shield blocked all the damage for them.

As the most powerful ranger of the Apocalypse Empire, who doesn't have a few life-saving skills?

In less than half an hour, the remaining 300,000 Yan heavy cavalry were slaughtered.

What is invincibility? This is true invincibility!



The entire army under his command was annihilated, and Murong Ke, the commander in chief, spurted blood from his mouth.

Despair, boundless despair.

He really didn't expect that there was such an invincible army in the world?

The white sword robes seemed otherworldly and refined, but each of these people was a fierce and cruel killing god!

On the battlefield at this time, none of his Dayan Army soldiers left a complete corpse!

"Hehe, are you desperate?"

The sword bearer sneered.

The Excalibur Army under his command either did not make a move, or became a blockbuster.

If it weren't for his lack of strength as a coach, he would have advertised that the army under his command is the most powerful army in the world!

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you!"

In utter desperation, Murong Ke roared and rushed towards the sword holder.

Even if he dies today, he will kill the sword bearer and this hateful sword army here!


This time, all the efforts of the sword bearer at the beginning were in vain.

Murong Ke, who ran wildly, roared angrily and broke away from the physical suppression.

He has regained the strength in the middle of the divine platform.


Under one blow, the sword bearer had no time to react.

Two of the flying swords around his body broke off at this moment.

In other words, he can only withstand two attacks from Murong Ke at most.

When all the seven sharp swords are broken, it will be the death of his sword holder!

"Damn it!"

In desperation, the sword bearer can only choose to inspire the army soul of the army under his command!

He tried his best, but the gap between the middle realm of Shenmen and the middle realm of Shentai could not be bridged.

Coupled with Murong Ke's madness and rampage, then he should still be prudent!


Suddenly, millions of flying swords flew into the air at the same time.

This is a scene that some people are very familiar with.

Under the combination of millions of flying swords, a huge divine sword appeared in midair.

Click click click!

This time, the face of Hei Jiao turned green.

The Divine Sword Army's Soul of the Divine Sword Army split his trapped dragon formation as soon as it appeared!

"Too bad!"

He will kill all the dragon heirs in the Shenmen Realm under his command.

If this goes on like this, he will kill the Dragon Heir with the strength of the Divine Stage Realm.

At this time, the trapped dragon formation is already irrevocable and indestructible.

A little bit of abnormal movement may cause restlessness in the trapped dragon formation.

At that time, if something happens to the trapped dragon formation that has absorbed the life force of so many dragon descendants, the entire Han Empire will be reduced to scorched earth.

At this moment, every step of the black flood dragon is cautious!


After the divine sword was suspended in the air, the sword holder manipulated the huge divine sword and slashed towards Murong Ke.

The Million Sword Army has the strength of the peak of the first stage of killing gods.

In other words, the power of this divine sword is comparable to the full blow of a strong man at the beginning of the Jingu Palace.


At this moment, Murong Ke only felt that he was locked.

The huge power emanating from the divine sword made him unable to move!

He was terrified, and his whole body was trembling with fear.

Although he clamored just now that he was not afraid of death, but now that death really came, how could he bear it?

"You can't kill me! You can't kill me!"

He still has countless riches and honors waiting for him in He doesn't want to die here!


However, the sword wielder has decided to kill!

"I can't wait to find an opportunity to upgrade, so you can go there with peace of mind!"

"If His Majesty Cheng Mu likes you, you can come out of the fairy temple!"

Murong Ke, who is strong in the middle of the altar, is a sea of ​​experience for the sword holder!

Such a huge experience value is not necessary, could it be that he is a fool?


Excalibur cut down!

Murong Ke, the number one general of the New Kingdom and the commander of the Great Yan Army, was wiped out in an instant!

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