The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 991: Fight against Ran Minqi Huojun!

"How? How?"

Under the power of the divine sword, Meng Tian was also extremely frightened at this time.

He stared blankly at the land full of corpses, and his whole body fell into deep despair.

Unrivaled, this white-clothed Excalibur army is unrivaled!

"Hehe, die!"

While Meng Tian was in a daze, Shi Dakai rushed over.


This time, the desperate Meng Tian did not resist.

With one blow, Shi Dakai's fist shattered Meng Tian's chest.

"Dead, all dead!"

As he was dying, Meng Tian saw that the soldiers under his command also died at the hands of the Excalibur Army.

This is an irresistible force that cannot be defeated. There is such a powerful army in the Apocalypse Empire.

It was only before his death that Meng Tian felt deep remorse.

"Back then, I, Great Qin, should have such an invincible soldier."

"It's a's a pity..."

As Meng Tian murmured, his body fell, and a picture flashed in his mind.

In the beginning, the Qin Empire did have an army of Xeon Rangers, but after Ying Zheng learned that the commander's name was "Emperor Hou", he immediately turned this army into a rebel army!

"In the Great Qin, only the widow Yingzheng can be called the emperor!"

These are Ying Zheng's original words.

That Emperor Hou and the Emperor Hou Army touched his taboo, so this group of people were killed.

Yingzheng's thunderous tactics caused Daqin to lose a team of super elites!

"There is nothing to regret!"

In the next second, Shi Dakai punched out again.

Under the golden fist, Meng Tian's body was also turned into powder.

Kill people and exterminate corpses, cut grass and roots.

After killing Meng Tian, ​​the Great Qin Empire lost another powerful general.

"Thanks for your hard work."

After all the dust settled, Shi Dakai slowly flew to the side of the sword holder.

Although the sword wielder is not considered a top powerhouse, his strength is the weakest among the generals of his Shenzhou Legion.

But the Excalibur army under the command of the sword bearer is strong!

With the strength of the first stage of killing gods, he raised his hands and killed the Dayan army who was at the peak of the super **** level.

Although Murong Ke and Meng Tian are dead. But Shi Dakai knew that they would not die with peace!

"Shi Shuai!"

The sword holder cupped his fists and said, "It's still thanks to Shi Shuai's trust!"

Meng Tian found Murong Ke as a reinforcement, and Shi Dakai's reinforcement was the sword bearer.

From the beginning, they didn't intend to fight one-on-one.

It's just that the strength of the Excalibur Army crushed the Dayan Army, and naturally the battle ended immediately.

Even the hundreds of thousands of remaining soldiers of Meng Tian's Great Wall Army died under the joint attack of the Excalibur Army and the King Yi Army.

When the King Yi's army soul tore apart the **** city wall in the sky, the war officially ended.

And Shi Dakai's trust also allowed millions of soldiers of the Excalibur Army to officially step into the realm of township.

Million Immortals are born!

"Take a good rest, you may need your support in the upcoming battle!"

Shi Dakai patted the sword bearer on the shoulder and said, "As long as we wipe out the Qin army here, then this battle will be equivalent to defeating Qin and Han countries in one battle!"

"The war of our Chinese civilization will end soon!"

This is the reason why Guan Hai agreed to set up the trapped dragon formation in the first place.

The Yinlong envoy sent news that Yingzheng Yujia had personally conscripted.

In order to stifle all the variables in the cradle, in order to let these Qin soldiers die with peace of mind, the trapped dragon formation became the best choice.

Even if Ying Zheng came in person at this time, it would not affect the Qin soldiers in the trapped dragon formation.

The Qin soldiers were defeated and wanted to flee back to Qin? There is no way for them to escape!

Although the dragon heirs who set up the trapped dragon array suffered heavy losses.

But if the Qin and Han countries can be defeated in one fell swoop, what is this loss?

"Design, please rest assured Shi Shuai!"

The sword bearer patted his chest.

After being taught by Cheng Mu, he was not as straightforward as before.

And as the most powerful ranger army in the Apocalypse Empire, he also has the responsibility to assist Shi Dakai in killing all incoming enemies!

"Shi Shuai, right now there are only six armies left in Qin, Sima Cuo, Meng Ao, Meng Wu, Li Xin, Ying Ji, and Ran Min?"

After being ordered to slap his chest, the sword-wielder confirmed his next opponent.


Shi Dakai nodded and said: "Bai Qi, Xiang Yu, Meng Tian, ​​and Murong Ke have now been executed."

"The strongest combat power of the Qin Empire was also wiped out."

"Next, it's these six people!"

"It's just that among these six people, we must pay special attention to Ran Min and his begging army. As long as we wipe out Ran Min and his begging army, the remaining generals of the Qin army will not be a problem."

Although the enemy army is strong, it is still not enough to look at the Shenzhou Legion.

For example, under the command of Sima Cuo, Meng Wu, Li Xin and others, they were all the most elite troops in the Warring States Period of China.

Qin Zhirui, Qi Zhiwu, Wei Zhiwu, Zhao Zhifei cavalry.

If it is an ordinary lord or an ordinary country, it will be a laugh when it has one of the troops.

But in front of the powerful soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire, these special arms are still not strong enough.

Of course, it's not that their arms are not strong enough, but that they haven't belonged to the Apocalypse Empire.

Once they belong to Cheng Mu of the Apocalypse Empire, then these special arms can also emit dazzling brilliance!

"Then Ran Min's begging army, leave it to me!"

Since Ran Min's begging army is the strongest, let's hand over the most advanced enemy to his sword-wielding Excalibur army.

After the soldiers under his command advanced to Zhenguoren Fairyland, he couldn't wait to test the power of a million current sword immortals.

'I heard that His Majesty Cheng Mu has recruited a million Taoist soldiers. Ha ha! '

The sword-wielder snorted coldly in his heart: 'A million Taoist soldiers, are they as powerful as my million fairy sword? '

For a long time, the Sword Sect and Dao Sect in the Apocalypse Empire have been in competition.

Although Zhang Sanfeng devoted himself to cultivation, not all his disciples were like this.

The so-called rivers and lakes exist where there are people.

Naturally, on the road of Daozong's development, it touched the interests of Jianzong.

It is unlikely that a conflict will break out.

But secret rivalries and competitions have always existed.

Now that there are millions of sword-wielding immortals born, it can be regarded as being able to overwhelm the Taoist sect!


But soon, while the Excalibur Army was still repairing, there was a message from a sentinel.

Ye Xuan's Shenzhou Army is fighting Ran Min's begging army in Berkshire!



After learning that Li Cunxiao led the army to the north, Ye Xuan chose to advance from another road.

Berkshire is located in the northeast of Yizhou County.

After Ye Xuan led his army to rush for a day and a night, he found traces of the enemy here.

"Report to General, Ran Min's begging army is found ahead!"

Those million barbarians are too eye-catching.

The Sentinels of the Shenzhou Army recognized the identity of this army with just one glance!

"How did you meet them?"

Ye Xuan frowned.

He thought about meeting Sima Cuo, Li Xin, Meng Wu...

However, Ran Min's appearance now made his mind tense.

In the First World War of the New Kingdom, the news that Ran Min's begging army slaughtered Zhang Han's Lishan Army had long been sent back to the country by the Yinlong Envoy.

Naturally, Ye Xuan also knew the strength of the begging army.

This is a barbarian army of millions of people, and with the support of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, their strength has already reached the initial stage of killing gods.

If they want to bite them down, Ye Xuan's Shenzhou Army may have to knock out a mouthful of teeth!

Even, pay the price in blood!

"General, are we going to fight?"

At this time, a subordinate asked.

"Since the begging army is strong, why don't we take a detour?"

Their Shenzhou Army is not the strongest army under Shi Dakai's command.

When facing the extremely powerful begging army, they can choose to avoid the battle.

Save your strength, and then kill as many other armies of the Qin Empire as possible!

"No, let's fight!"

However, Ye Xuan quickly made up his mind to fight!

He sternly said: "If we meet a strong enemy and take a detour, then how can our Shenzhou Army have a strong day?"

"These barbarian beggars are not truly invincible, they will bleed and die if they are cut with a knife!"

"I heard that General Li Cunxiao's Flying Tiger Army has been completely annihilated, and General Li Xuanba's Xuanjia Army has not survived."

"We evacuate, who will face this army of beggars?"

Even if he dies in this battle, Ye Xuan will fight Ran Min!

Although the sword bearer's Excalibur army is powerful, it is impossible for them to kill all the Qin army.

If all are counting on the Excalibur Army of the sword bearers, then what is the role of these large armies here?

What's more, Ye Xuan is the only SSR in the original Shenzhou, and his starting qualifications are enough to disdain all the generals of the Apocalypse Empire.

Such a genius from all ages should show his edge at this time!


Under Ye Xuan's mobilization, the soldiers under his command were instantly full of fighting spirit.

"That's right, those barbarians are flesh and blood after all, if we kill them, they will die too!"

"Brothers, the world no longer knows about our Shenzhou Legion, this battle will make our name known!"

"Mere barbarians, I will kill them with one sword!"

"Stop bragging, let's fight to the death!"


With high fighting spirit, 200,000 Chinese cavalry galloped out.

This is the signal for the beginning of the war, and also the beginning of the rise of Ye Xuan's Shenzhou Army!


"Hehe, I don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing that Ye Xuan dared to lead the army to attack first, Ran Min sneered.

At this moment, in front of the three or four meter tall barbarian soldiers under his command, what is a mere two hundred thousand heavy cavalry?

"Kill them!"

As soon as he gave an order, the barbarian beggars under his command swarmed out.

Although the individual strength of the barbarians is strong, their low intelligence is their blemish.

So every battle of the Qihuo army is a crushing push of the whole army!

When these barbarian beggars can't effectively implement the strategy, the primitive, simplest and crudest way of fighting is their best way of fighting!

Rumble! Rumble!

When a million barbarians charged together, their power was greater than that of 200,000 Shenzhou heavy cavalry.

This is a little giant!

While running, the ground was crushed by them!


When the Shenzhou heavy cavalry was about to collide with the barbarian beggar army, the fast-running Shenzhou heavy cavalry suddenly changed direction.

But before turning around, they threw all the spears in their hands.

Hedging against a million barbarians? They are not so stupid.

The suicide behavior of Zhang Han's Lishan cavalry attacking the barbarian begging army has long been a negative teaching material for all the armies of the Apocalypse Empire.

So the first wave of gifts Ye Xuan prepared for the barbarian beggar army was 200,000 sharp spears!


Carrying the power of galloping two hundred thousand sharp spears broke through the sky, and all of them flew rumblingly towards the army of the barbarian begging army.

Jingle jingle! Click click click!

These mentally retarded barbarian beggars only protect their heads.

In an instant, tens of thousands of barbarian beggars were pierced by spears.

Those who didn't hurt their vitals could continue to get up and charge. But there are still many unlucky guys who died under the spear completely!

"Hmph! Rush over!"

Ran Min snorted coldly.

What is the casualty of a mere 10,000 people?

As long as his barbarian beggar army can rush into the enemy's formation, it will be a merciless massacre!

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