The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 992: The Fearless Shenzhou Army


However, just after the Shenzhou iron cavalry turned back, what appeared in front of the barbarian begging army was rows of crossbow arrows glowing with cold light.

This was carefully prepared by Ye Xuan for these barbarian beggars.

After knowing the strength of the barbarian begging army, it became Ye Xuan's best strategy to fight far away first.


Although these are ordinary crossbow bolts.

However, under a wave of salvos, a large number of barbarian beggars were still shot to death.

The three-meter-long arrow body can penetrate several barbarian beggars with one blow.

For a moment, only the roar of crossbow arrows remained on the entire battlefield.

Under waves of crossbow arrows, the charging speed of the barbarian beggars was slowed down!


At the same time, the Shenzhou heavy cavalry who had just left rushed over again.

The sharp spears shone coldly in their hands again.


The spear shoots quickly!

Under the attack of these 200,000 spears, the barbarian begging army at this time lost tens of thousands.

In the state of continuing to charge, how could these barbarians still have the ability to block.

These spears flew from their flanks, and many barbarian beggars were penetrated horizontally.

The sharp spears nailed them to the ground, which became an obstacle to the barbarian soldiers charging in the rear!

For a while, even the power of the barbarian beggar army's charge was weakened.


Seeing that the soldiers under his command were severely damaged, Ran Min finally couldn't sit still.

He stood up murderously, and rushed out with a long knife in his hand.

"Ants, die!"


With one blow, the huge knife gang destroyed the world.

He wants to destroy the crossbow phalanx of the Shenzhou Army with one blow!

"you dare!"

Seeing Ran Min make a move in person, Ye Xuan, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed out.


under a sword.

Although he flew upside down, Ran Min was blocked by him.

next second.

"Ahem, Divine Army Soul!"

In the rush of his heart, he inspired the military spirit of the Shenzhou Army!

Since it was a battlefield for his soldiers, he would not let Ran Min intervene.

Let these barbarians beg for living soldiers and leave them to the soldiers under their command!

"You really don't know how to live or die!"

Seeing Ye Xuan alone trying to block him, Ran Min said angrily: "Today, this king will show you what despair is!"



Another knife.

Ran Min not only inspired the souls of the begging army at the same time, but also chopped down Ye Xuan with a single knife.

Under this extremely strong knife, Ye Xuan is like a boat in the wind and rain.

He was shaky.

If he is not careful, he will die under Ran Min's sword!

Ran Min is a real powerhouse in the middle of the altar.

And he, Ye Xuan, is just a young man who has just entered the altar.

"Hehe, if you want to kill me, try!"

Feeling the shock pain from his hands, Ye Xuan roared with a hideous face.

He is a peerless arrogance, the only existence among hundreds of millions of people!

Today, he will fight against Ran Min, who is in the middle stage of God Stage, with the strength of the initial stage of God Stage.

"If I die today, it will prove that I, Ye Xuan, are not worthy of fairy-level qualifications!"

After the earth star opened the upper limit of qualifications.

Ye Xuan, who originally had SSR ghost-level qualifications, has also been officially promoted to fairy-level qualifications!

Even if you are a fairy, how can you lose?

"Sky Moon Severing Slash!"

Rumble! Rumble!

I saw his long sword standing in the air, and golden lines of gods vibrated out from the sword body.

Surrounded by golden divine patterns, his strength soared rapidly.

Finally, the long sword cut down!


Ran Min only felt that his knife was split!

The huge force coming from the blade knocked his whole body into the air.

Ye Xuan's blow actually aroused a power comparable to that in the middle of the altar.


Slashing Ran Min with a sword, Ye Xuan rushed forward again.

"Sky Breaking Sun!"

Surrounded by golden divine patterns again.

Under the blessing of the power of the golden divine pattern, Ye Xuan turned into a golden streamer and bombarded Ran Min's body.


With this blow, Ran Min was thrown into the mountains ten thousand meters away.

The whole mountain was cracked, and the land was flattened.


But in the next second, an extremely strong momentum struck from a distance.

Under Ye Xuan's heavy gaze, Ran Min stepped into the air with a murderous look.

At this moment, there were wounds all over Ran Min's body, and his whole body was bloody.

But with every step he took, his aura and killing intent became stronger!

"You! Damn it!"

When Ran Min appeared in front of Ye Xuan again, his eyes also turned blood red, which was a sign of running away!

He, the barbarian king, was wounded by Ye Xuan, a yellow-haired boy.

This is a disgrace, a great shame!


With this knife, the world trembled, and all gods and ghosts were shocked!

Just when the blood-red blade touched the divine pattern on Ye Xuan's sword, the golden divine pattern was shattered.

The crazy power of death entangled Ye Xuan's body.

At this moment of life and death, Ye Xuan couldn't help shouting: "Shield of Shenzhou!"

He is not fighting alone.

And the most powerful military soul of the Shenzhou Legion is his biggest trump card.


When the **** Shenzhou Army Shield appeared in front of Ye Xuan, Ran Min's blood knife also arrived.

The **** long knife slashed on the Shenzhou army shield, and cut a deep knife mark on the army shield in an instant!

But soon.


The counterattack force vibrating from the Shenzhou Army Shield hit Ran Min like a heavy hammer.

cough cough! cough cough!

A gulp of painstaking effort spewed out from Ran Min's mouth.

In an instant, his strength became stronger!

"Hold on! Make it quick!"

Sensing the increasingly violent aura in Ran Min's body, Ye Xuan knew that he might not be able to die well today.

Ran Min in the runaway state, every blow was blessed with the power of a domineering barbarian!

As a special race, barbarians have the talent of brute force and manic combat.

In a manic state, Ran Min's strength is no longer what Ye Xuan can match.

If Ye Xuan wanted to survive, he could only pin his hopes on the soul of the Shenzhou Army! And, the army under his command slaughtered the clean barbarian beggars!

"Sword of Shenzhou!"

With a roar, Ye Xuan also summoned the Sword of Shenzhou!

With the blessing of the sword and shield, he can finally fight Ran Min with dignity!

The soul of the Shenzhou Army is the sword and shield!

And the soul of the barbarian begging army is the Blood Slaughter Order!

The Blood Slaughter Order has no offensive ability, and its greatest effect is to bless the barbarian begging army to a state of rampage.

Now Ye Xuan has the protection of Shenzhou Sword and Shield.

As for the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army under his command, Ye Xuan believed that they would not let him down!

Rumble! Rumble!

After all the members entered the runaway state, the speed of the barbarian begging army soared.

The sharp crossbow arrows could no longer stop their rushing pace. Even the Shenzhou heavy cavalry were almost overtaken by these barbarian beggars several times!

Seeing that the enemy was about to rush over, the surviving commander of the Shenzhou Army shouted loudly.

"Shield wall!"

Even if they die today, they still have to block the impact of the barbarian begging army!

Click click click!

Soon, under the commander's command, solid shield walls stood on the battlefield.

Those sharp spears became an excellent weapon to kill the barbarian beggars.

At the same time, the Shenzhou archers in the rear also began to show off their power.

Under the sky full of arrows, many barbarian beggars were shot into hedgehogs.

But after the rampage, the defense of these barbarians soared. Coupled with the thick armor on his body.

For a while, some barbarian beggars were still running even though their bodies were filled with arrows.

Most of the attacks of the Chinese archers were blocked.


In the next second, the violent barbarian beggars slammed into the shield wall.

They are as high as the shield wall of the Shenzhou Army.

Although the dense spears pierced their bodies.

But the huge power they carried when they charged still continued to rush forward with their bodies.

In just one breath, the first layer of the Shenzhou Army shield wall was smashed to pieces.

Although there is a small commander who uses defensive skills to resist the impact of the barbarian beggars.

However, the barbarians in the runaway state have already stepped into the realm of half-step national suppression with their own talents.

This is a unit that is about to step into the mid-level godslayer.

At this time, no matter how powerful the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army were, they could not confront the barbarian begging army who were stronger than them in strength, momentum, height and shape.

Although the huge Jin Empire was divided into three, the huge territory still gave birth to three extremely powerful arms.

Lu Bu's Xuanji Army, Murong Ke's Dayan Army, and Ran Min's Barbarian Begging Army!

And among these three armies, the barbarian begging army is the strongest!

This is a special race plus special arms, even in the Qin and Han Empires, there is no such a special army!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After breaking down the first shield wall of the Shenzhou Army, the runaway barbarian beggars turned on the slaughter mode.

Their huge hammers and axes can smash the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army into a pulp with one blow!

With every sweep, countless Chinese soldiers were knocked into the air!

Soon, the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army on the first shield wall were all dead.

"Desperate them! Desperate them!"

However, although the barbarian beggars were powerful, the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army did not take a step back!

Ye Xuan was right. Although these barbarian beggars were powerful, they were not invincible.

You will bleed if you are cut, and you will die if you are killed!

Under the vigorous counterattack of the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army, the number of barbarian beggars was also reduced to a certain extent.

Soon, the second shield wall of the Shenzhou Army rushed over.

After losing the power of charging, the speed at which the barbarian beggars broke through the shield wall was slowed down a lot.

And the time gained allowed the Shenzhou archers to kill more enemies!

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that 30% of the soldiers under his command had been lost, Ran Min in mid-air became impatient.

The massacre he thought didn't happen.

Under the fearless resistance of the soldiers of the Shenzhou Army, the barbarian beggars did not achieve satisfactory results.

"If half of the soldiers are lost in this battle, it will be my big defeat!"

Ran Min was extremely insane.

If he had to pay the price of 500,000 barbarian beggars to kill the millions of Shenzhou soldiers, then he would definitely not want to!

He is an invincible barbarian begging army, how could he pay such a tragic result?


With one blow, a knife mark appeared on the Shenzhou Shield in Ye Xuan's hand again.

Ye Xuan only felt that his arm holding the shield was about to be broken.

It's not that the Shenzhou Shield is not strong enough, but that he is too weak at the initial stage of the Divine Platform!

Talent can improve his fighting skills, but it can't bridge the gap in strength between him and Ran Min!

However, when he saw the brave and fearless soldiers of the Shenzhou Army under his command, Ye Xuan became more motivated to fight.

"Haha, today I will drag you to be buried with me even if I die!"

Ran Min's begging army should be the strongest in Qin's army at the If they can solve this powerful enemy for the friendly army, then they will be extremely valuable even if they die!

On the battlefield, how can there be soldiers who will not die?


At the same time, under Ye Xuan's gaze, the 200,000 Shenzhou heavy cavalry had taken the route of the barbarian beggars.

You can't hit these barbarians in a frontal collision, but attacking from the rear will always achieve unexpected results!

And after entering the state of deadly battle, Ye Xuan found himself getting braver as he fought.

So what if you are at a disadvantage now?

At this time, there is still a glimmer of hope in his heart!

Only those who fight to the end can win the final victory!

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