The Hero Kneels

Chapter 101: Promotion and salary increase, marry Bai Fumei

Inspector is a post in the underworld.

Inspectors are not considered to be organized by ghosts, but they have the right to supervise and detect ghosts. They are a bit like the official Disciplinary Inspection Commission. They are considered to have positions of power, and it doesn’t matter whether they have spiritual roots or not as inspectors, as long as you Just enough to be fair and stern.

Before Master Wuxiang came, he carefully looked at Ye Dou's information and found that this young man had a very clean foundation. He had just graduated and was lonely and lonely, but he worked various jobs to support himself until he graduated. It is also more flexible, which is suitable for supervising this position.

I also heard that this person has been hit with the powerful curse of "Beauty in Pink". Originally, few people could survive the curse for three days, but the other party was not only alive, but also still vigorous, which was enough to prove the other party's strength in martial arts.

"Ghost jobs are very dangerous. Although inspectors don't have to go to the front line often, they are also dangerous, and the salary is naturally a lot."

Xue Fei next to him took over the conversation and thought about it: "I remember that the salary of the inspector should be 10,000 yuan!"

"Okay, let's go then!"

Ye Dou immediately took a step forward and went straight forward, astoundingly decisive.

Ever since he knew that he did not rely on secret books to learn spiritual arts, and that he had lost spiritual roots and could not cultivate spiritual power and spirituality, he was actually less interested in being a ghost messenger.

He was very excited to hear that the monthly salary of an inspector could start at 10,000 yuan.

This kind of ghost inspector, brother is determined.

That's a salary of 10,000!

A grand blueprint for promotion and salary increase, becoming CEO, and marrying Bai Fumei, has appeared in front of his eyes, which is like a dream and a dream.

"Amitabha, let's go then."

The old monk nodded and left the inn with everyone.

Several people got into the two black SUVs parked at the door one after another, one for Ye Dou and the old monk.

After getting into the car, the old monk asked Ye Dou directly about Dali Vajra Palm.

Ye Dou knew all the answers, and explained the moves and methods of this martial art that he knew one by one.

He looked at the old monk's complexion. Although the opponent's vitality was not strong, his eyes were full of light. He estimated that the opponent's internal skills were much stronger than Liu Gangdan's.

Perhaps, we should find an opportunity to learn from each other and see how the old monk's martial arts are doing?

"Amitabha, Lord Ye, what do you think of the current situation?" Seeing Ye Dou's fighting spirit, the old monk seemed to have guessed something, so he changed the subject.


Ye Dou shook his head slightly: "The situation is not optimistic now, there are too many supernatural disasters, ghosts are rampant, and there is also the worship of the secluded sect, and the situation will definitely collapse."

"Master Ye, this is a bad statement."

The old monk shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid you still don't understand the real situation now."

Ye Dou didn't speak, and listened to the old monk's words.

"Although ghosts are difficult to eliminate, worshiping the secluded sect is sure to make waves, but as long as the underworld is there, they can't cause any major trouble. Underworld has existed for thousands of years, and there are not only ghosts, impermanence, judges, and night wandering gods. The **** of sun tours, the head of a horse, and the most powerful Yama."

The old monk talked about it, and it seemed that he was quite confident in the powerful forces of the underworld.

"What the **** is a bull-headed horse-face? Why did I feel that the underworld was a little weak..." Ye Dou had ten thousand questions in his heart.

"I don't know if Shizhu Ye has heard of the player?" the old monk said solemnly.


Ye Dou originally wanted to pretend he didn't know, but he directly dumped the blame: "I once heard a rebooting master say the word "player", saying that the players are playing a mysterious game, but I don't understand what the player and the game are what."

"It's that villain who chews his tongue all over the place again." The old monk shook his head angrily.

"What? The rebooting monk is the master's apprentice?" Ye Dou was stunned.

It is said that a famous teacher produces a high-level apprentice, but why would the dignified and dignified Master Wuxiang teach a liar like a rebooting monk?

There must be a story to tell.

Master Wuxiang coughed a few times and said slowly: "Let's not talk about that scoundrel... No matter how strong the supernatural event is, there will be a limit. The underworld has the strength to solve all the supernatural and ghosts at present, even the strongest ghosts dare not. Presumptuous in front of the underworld, but players are different."

"What's the difference between the players?" Ye Dou's expression was slightly strange.

Master Wuxiang frowned slightly, his eyes were silent, and he seemed to be remembering something: "The spirit of the underworld can easily deal with ghosts, even those hundred-year-old ghosts can't compete with the underworld, because most of the ghosts have no entity, weak and insane, There are many ghosts who don't even know anything, which is nothing to worry about, but the player is an existence above the ghosts."

He paused for a while and continued: "The players have strange and unusual strength, and their bodies are unusually strong. They look like ghosts but are not ghosts. They are more difficult to deal with than ghosts, especially those players who run wild."

"I remember that when I was young, I investigated a disappearance case, but I met a runaway player. This is the only runaway player I encountered in my life."

Master Wuxiang showed an anxious look on his face, and the expression on his face was a little stiff.

Ye Dou asked in a deep voice, "What's the result?"

He can find some bad clues from the other party's expression.

Master Wuxiang folded his hands together, showing a sad look on his face: "Lao Na was already a judge back then, and as a result, thirteen impermanence and another judge in the team were all killed in battle, and Lao Na also fell in realm because of his serious injuries."

"...However, after so many people died, the old man only severely injured the runaway player. His physical recovery ability was amazing. In the end, he could only watch him escape. Now the runaway player is still at large and nowhere to be found."

Ye Dou didn't speak, he could only mourn in his heart.

He still understands the strength of Impermanence. He has seen the battle of the judges. He has personally killed players who ran away. He knows that the judges are very powerful. If there are two judges and a dozen players who can't handle the impermanence, what is it? the existence of rank?

In his mind, a player who wields a sword with one hand, Tyrannical Swordsman!

"But in fact, the most worrying thing is the so-called game. The game can give players all kinds of strange abilities, and even give them the ability to live forever. This kind of game that can create monsters, UU reading is the The source of our greatest worry." Master Wuxiang said solemnly.

Ye Dou was silent.


He has always been curious about the so-called game, thinking that there are treasures in it, so he took the opportunity to get a player quota, but found that the game has a high probability of turning players into man-eating monsters, making him completely Discarded the idea of ​​becoming a player.

The mysterious game was so worried by the underworld, and it was even said to be taboo.

What kind of game is that?

There was no sound in the car, and after a while, the vehicle stopped.

"Amitabha, we've arrived at the ghost dispatch headquarters!"

Master Wuxiang smiled slightly, opened the car door and slowly got out of the car.

Ye Dou followed him out of the car and couldn't help but look up, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

This should be a suburb, and I saw a pure black building standing in front of me. The building uses black glass, which is not reflective at all, and there is no font marking on the outside, and there are no buildings around it. It looks like a thick and thick Big black chimney.

This is the black mysterious building in the legend of the city.

It seems that there was a post on the Youshi City Forum a long time ago, listing the top ten mysterious buildings in Youshi. This black building is the first existence, and after a long time, it is the headquarters of the ghost.

Well, this is too surprising.

"This is the eighteenth floor of hell, how does it feel? Isn't it very stylish?" Xue Fei walked over and couldn't help introducing.

Ye Dou could only laugh.

This thing looks more and more like a black chimney, where is the style?

and also,

Why is it called the eighteen layers of hell?

Sounds weird.

Isn't there really the eighteen layers of **** in myths and legends?

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