The Hero Kneels

Chapter 102: People go to high places, urine flows to low places

"Actually, it looks a little dark and rough on the outside, but the environment inside is very good." Xue Fei giggled and stepped forward with her long legs.

Under the leadership of Master Wuxiang, Xue Fei Yedou and the others quickly entered the building.

This underground building is very modern. The glass doors are made of thick bulletproof glass. There are fully armed guards in front of the entrance hall, as well as extremely high-tech induction doors and identification systems. The security is very complete.

After several people walked into the elevator, Xue Fei pressed the elevator button, but the elevator did not move up, but down.

After a while, the elevator door opened on the sixth floor of the basement, and outside the door appeared several men wearing impermanent trench coats, white and black.

"Master Wuxiang, Hall Master Luo has been waiting for a long time." A ghost stepped forward, and the others looked at Ye Dou one after another, seeming to be quite curious.

Master Wuxiang nodded and quickened his pace. Ye Dou followed him through a few checkpoints and came to a very spacious reception hall.

Seeing that there are two thrones in the hall, Master Wuxiang stepped forward and stood beside the white throne, and on the other black throne sat a woman in black leather.

This woman's body exploded, and the black leather coat was almost squeezed by the other's full breasts. The other party's eyes were slender, and her pretty face revealed glamour and charm. She looked like a pretty mature beauty.

But the woman exudes a queen-like aura all over her body, with a pair of beautiful eyes containing divine light, and her body's blood fluctuates obviously.

As soon as Ye Dou came in, he felt four eyes staring at him.

In fact, there are still many people looking at him here, but none of the others caused him any pressure, only the pressure from these four eyes made him feel.

This is a direct look from a master, which means that these people have strong spirits far beyond ordinary people. They should have specialized in martial arts. It seems that their cultivation is not low, otherwise they will not cause any pressure on Ye Dou, who has strong spirits and spirits. .

"There are indeed colleagues who practice martial arts among the ghosts, and there are more than one. I really want to learn from them."

Ye Dou cracked his mouth, feeling excited in his heart.

Although I knew that there were masters of martial arts in the Guicha team, I didn't expect how many masters came at one time.

If this is a fight with these few, I don't know who is stronger and who is weaker, and whether I can defeat them.

In the face of this needle-like gaze, he was not wrong at all, and the fighting intent in his eyes rose, staring back one by one like a raging fire.

His gaze surprised those few people, and three of them immediately became hot. It could be seen that the masters all wanted to learn from this young man.

very good,

This is the spirit of martial arts!

"Sure enough, blood can calm the soul. I can't think of another martial arts master in the Hall of Impermanence."

Palace Master Luo, who is like a queen, couldn't help but praised, but then shook his head: "If it wasn't for your spiritual root, I would directly promote you to Bai Wuchang, what a pity!"

Master Wuxiang nodded: "Lao Na and Hall Master Luo have discussed it. Even if there is a problem with Linggen, such a person can do something. You can let him serve as an inspector. Do you have any opinions?"

The people around didn't say much. They were all leaders in the Hall of Impermanence of the Underworld, and they all had the right to speak. Everyone just exchanged suggestions with their eyes, and no one spoke immediately.

Although this young man named Ye Dou is young, he is full of qi and blood, and his eyes are full of light. Such a person is obviously a martial arts master who has both internal and external cultivation. Everyone is malicious towards such martial arts masters, so naturally they will not speak out against them. .

"Palace Master, I don't think it's right." A general manager of the Impermanence Hall said suddenly.

"Not right? ***, why do you think it's not right?" Master Wuxiang asked.

*** is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a black impermanence uniform with a cold face. He was in the four hot gazes just now, but he was the only one who didn't respond to Ye Dou.

He said solemnly: "We Hei Wuchang have always been doing the inspection work. After all, Bai Wuchang's martial arts physique is slightly stronger, but many times it is not useful as a spiritual master. Although many Bai Wuchang say that the ability to face ghosts is not bad, but from the In terms of comprehensive ability in all aspects, it is not as good as Hei Wuchang, I think it is better for Hei Wuchang to hold the supervisory position.”

"Besides, this guy is just a newcomer, and he doesn't have any qualifications to be an inspector, which makes it really unconvincing and doesn't conform to the rules."

A middle-aged man in black uniform next to him also nodded: "Yes, although the inspector doesn't have to fight with ghosts directly, he will also deal with ghosts, and there are certain dangers, so let a newcomer who is a trainee take the job. The inspection is really not right."

Master Wuxiang in a white monk's robe frowned slightly.

Wearing a white impermanence, Liu Gangdan said unhappily, "What is a mere clerk, and what is an inspector, it is best for Hei Wuchang to be in charge? You are discriminating, why can't we Bai Wuchang be better than you Hei Wuchang? ?"

*** calmly said: "This is not discrimination, I'm just stating a fact, you Bai Wuchang have a strong physique and rely on blood to kill ghosts, but in general, your spiritual skills are weak, and you can deal with fewer scenes. Let's talk about this The newcomer called Ye Dou is a waste of spiritual roots and has no growth potential, so it will be like this in this life."

After saying this, the hall fell silent.

Yes, Ye Douqiang is strong, but he is a waste of spiritual roots, and there is no way to absorb spiritual energy to cultivate, which means that the other party has no growth potential, and his life has come to an end.

And the other party is a novice with no achievements, so if the other party becomes an inspector, some people will really be unconvinced.

"Bullshit, you are bullying us Bai Wuchang, knowing that we have few Bai Wuchang people, and you are still suppressing us, I don't accept it!" Liu Gang couldn't help but shout again.

"It's not what you think. I have other positions here that are suitable for him. For example, we have been short-staffed recently, and we have always been short of regional patrols. It is no problem to be a patrol with his strength..."

"Nonsense, with such a high martial arts cultivation, you let him be a patrolman?"

He and the two of them were wrangling with each No one can tell who.

"Bai Wuchang specializes in martial arts, and Hei Wuchang specializes in spiritual skills. There are some differences between the two. It seems that the competition is quite fierce."

Ye Dou listened, feeling a little impatient, and simply interrupted: "Since some people don't agree with me as an inspector, then it's okay to be a patrolman. What is that patrolman for?"

*** smiled and cast a glance of approval: "The patrol work is very suitable for you, since it is not a ghost organization, you only need to be responsible for the stability of an area, and you don't need to run around, with your ability, you should be able to To deal with ordinary wolf-level supernatural disasters, even higher-level supernatural disasters are directly reported, and there are special people to deal with them, and the safety factor of patrolling is very high."

"That's the equivalent of a security guard? How about the salary?" This was Ye Dou's biggest concern.

"The monthly salary is 5,000, civil servant treatment, and various subsidies."

*** said: "And the underworld has specially formulated an identity for you, so that you can mix in as an ordinary person and will not be noticed."

After Ye Dou listened, he simply nodded: "Then I'll be a patrolman."

Liu Gangdan said in shock: "Brother Ye, don't listen to his nonsense. This patrolman is equivalent to a liaison officer, without any special rights, and is three levels lower than the inspector. Apart from being free, there is no benefit at all."

"Everyone, to tell you the truth, I joined the underworld just to protect myself, not to take risks. I really like this patrol work. It doesn't matter if the money is less, please arrange for me an area with less supernatural events. Another one of my requirements will be satisfied." Ye Dou said towards the ****.

It is said that when people go up, urine flows down.

Today he made a urine-based choice and went downstream.

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