The Hero Kneels

Chapter 103: Wu Lunzi

fight with you?

The solemn smile froze, stunned, staring at the opponent's eyes full of fighting intent and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Wu crazy?

No, it's a martial arts lunatic!

He has met this kind of martial arts madman, and he will learn from others wherever he goes. It is very troublesome. It is very troublesome to fight with them. If you don't fight with them, you like to pester you. I did not expect that this seemingly timid young man is also A madman.

I am a dignified black impermanence leader who cultivates spiritual skills, and I want to compete with you?

"We are all colleagues, working together in the Hall of Impermanence, and we will be injured if we are not careful when we fight."

"Come on, don't worry, I'm measured, I'm just discussing, don't be so polite, and you are also a martial arts master, right? I like a master like you." Ye Dou looked at Zhuang Yan, and the fighting intent was bristling. combustion.

Fighting with ghosts really feels too weird. He still likes to fight with people. The more exciting the fight, the more refreshing it will be.

He especially likes the kind of fierce martial arts sparring, the kind of refreshing feeling of using all his strength to decide the winner and loser, and the line between life and death.

The solemnity in front of him made him have this idea.

The closer you get to him, the more you can feel the majestic blood on the other party's body. The other party's eyes are also full of divine light, which makes him feel no worse than Hall Master Luo.

Most importantly, the gloomy and arrogant appearance of the other party made him unhappy.

"Don't worry, come on, hit me, there is a way to kill me." Ye Dou hooked his fingers at the solemn.

Zhuang Yan felt that his forehead was sweating, and he was provoked by a newcomer in front of so many people. Because of his identity, he could not directly reprimand and suppress him.

"Unauthorized fighting is forbidden in the underworld, and my martial arts cultivation is not weak, and my spiritual skills restrain you. Once you do it, you will be completely suppressed... I don't want to bully the small." solemnly said.

"Complete suppression? Bullying the small with the big? Hahahaha... Say it again?" Ye Dou couldn't help laughing, his eyes fixed on Majestic, his fighting spirit soared.

Zhuang Yan frowned and looked at the other party, and did not speak for a while.

Looking at the other party's choice before, he thought that the other party was an ordinary coward, but he didn't expect that the other party was a martial madman who was not afraid of the sky and the earth.

The best way to deal with the martial arts is to knock them to the ground.


Hall Master Luo, who didn't speak much, finally spoke up: "Whether we are an inspector or a patrolman, we all have to examine our personal abilities. After all, any underworld staff has the ability to fight ghosts. I remember that there was a wolf-level disaster before. It involves the Soul Reaper, and it has not been resolved yet, so send Ye Dou, if he can solve the supernatural disaster, we will make the final decision."

Master Wuxiang nodded and said: "We are looking for a **** impermanence-level ghost to go there. After all, the disaster level of that supernatural disaster is very likely to be higher than the wolf-level elite, and ordinary black impermanence may be deprived of souls. ."

"What supernatural disaster?" Ye Dou frowned slightly.

"A ghost building appeared in the Xiaguan area in the west of Youshi City. After the ghost building appeared, it led to more than ten disappearances. We specially sent a ghost messenger to investigate, but a soul searcher who was in charge of the investigation mysteriously disappeared. , wait until the next day the soul searcher's body is found, the eyeballs are also dug out, there are traces of ghosts." Master Wuxiang said solemnly.

Ye Dou asked, "How's that soul searcher's combat power?"

"This soul searcher's spiritual power has just entered the third rank, and there are many spiritual arts that can be used, and ordinary wolf-level elite ghosts can handle it alone."

Master Wuxiang said: "This person is also an elite in the soul searcher, and he is also a candidate for the impermanence of the future. He has also practiced martial arts and has strong blood. In theory, he will not be caught by ghosts, so it is speculated that the ghosts may be An extremely rare ghost, it must be dealt with by an extremely vigorous ghost messenger."

"Interesting, I'll take it." Ye Dou nodded.

Although he hated the test, in order to see more ghosts and become a patrolman who could easily get money, he still took the test.

Please, this is your chance to become a civil servant.

A monthly salary of 5000RMB a month, where can I find such an opportunity?

He also has confidence in this test. First of all, his skill has been greatly improved compared with before. He has already cultivated to the sixth level of the wedding dress magic skill, and his own blood energy has opened the second block, and there are also medicines to assist him.

It is expected that no matter how strong that ghost is, it will not be as strong as Comrade Corpse King.

Even if the other party can reach the standard of the corpse king, are you afraid that you can't solve it by eating a Viagra?

The impermanence in the hall could no longer be seen, and some people whispered, the ghosts are a kind of troublesome ghosts, and their ability to possess is extremely strong. Once they appear, they must have two impermanence shots to kill them.

As a result, the Hall Master and Master Wuxiang actually agreed to Ye Dou, a novice, to kill the Soul Reaver, which was simply a cross-level battle.

Xue Fei and another female impermanence whispered and frowned, but after all, this was a decision made by the big leader, and there was no way to change it, and it was difficult for them to protest.

I don't know why Hall Master Luo and Master Wuxiang agreed to this matter.

Just do it.

In this hall, Ye Dou got a briefing and got the general information about this mission.

The so-called ghost building is in Xiaguan District. A massacre occurred a month ago. After the massacre, the entire building began to die.

So I received a report that the ghost messengers went to destroy the ghosts, but the ghosts and the ghosts were really eliminated. After the ghost messengers left, the residents of the whole building often claimed to be haunted, and some people kept disappearing.

So a soul searcher surnamed Xu entered it but disappeared. The next day, he was found dead at the door of the building with his eyes gouged out.

This kind of thorny case that led to the death of ghosts was directly transferred to the Hall of Impermanence, and the impermanences were dispatched instead of ordinary ghosts. At present, there have been impermanences who have gone to the ghost building to investigate, and it is speculated that it is very likely to be the ghost house. For, and did not take action.

It's not easy to deal with Hei Wuchang, which is like a ghost, because the ghost's soul is strong and resistant to spiritual arts, and it can get on the body of Hei Wuchang, who is not strong in blood.

After learning about the relevant information, everyone dispersed.

Ye Dou was left alone by Hall Master Luo, and was taken to a more elegantly decorated office. There were flowers and grass in the office, as well as ancient wooden tables, chairs, benches, teapots and bookshelves. It was absolutely antique.

Hall Master Luo lightly poured a cup of fragrant tea for Ye Dou, and then sat across from him, looking hopeful and smiling.

I have to say that this Hall Master Luo is very beautiful, with an exploding figure and an unusually charming face. He was just as lazy as a royal sister, but now he has the smell of a fairy going down to earth to get rid of the mundane world.

Judging from the age of the other party, he should be less than thirty years old. How did such a beautiful woman become the biggest leader of the Hall of Impermanence?

"Ye Dou, where did you learn your martial arts?" Hall Master Luo asked lazily amid the fragrance of tea.

"I bought it from a crazy old man who sells martial arts secrets, and then I practiced accordingly." Ye Dou answered the gentleman in a straightforward manner.

A gleam of light flashed in the beautiful eyes of Hall Master Luo, and Ye Dou felt that all his clothes had disappeared after being stared at by the other party.

This look is so sharp that he can't help but want to cover his lower body so that it doesn't go away!

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