The Hero Kneels

Chapter 104: martial arts master

"Forget it, the matter of that ghost building is a test for you, but you have to deal with it carefully. If you can eliminate the ghosts in it, then you can sit in the position of inspector smoothly, and you can also learn from our impermanence hall. Treasures of martial arts." Lord Luo warned.

Ye Dou's eyes lit up: "What kind of martial arts are there in the Temple of Impermanence? Are there any martial arts that are powerful in martial arts novels?"

"Martial arts novels? You shouldn't read too many martial arts novels, right?"

Hall Master Luo smiled and shook his head: "Our Impermanence Hall is divided into two branches: White Impermanence and Black Impermanence. Bai Wuchang specializes in martial arts, and most of them practice traditional martial arts such as Bajiquan, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan, and Shaolin Kungfu. These martial arts functions To enhance people's qi, blood and spirit, we ghosts will practice special methods to absorb spiritual qi into the blood, thereby killing ghosts, but the effect is definitely not comparable to those flying martial arts in martial arts novels.


Ye Dou could only observe three seconds of silence.

Immediately, he lost the slightest interest in the so-called martial arts in the Hall of Impermanence.

What Bajiquan, Xingyiquan, Taijiquan, these martial arts in reality are too inferior, they are simply not as good as the peerless martial arts in martial arts novels, any peerless martial arts can kill these traditional martial arts in seconds.

"In addition, as a newcomer, don't be so high-profile, Zhuang Yan is also one of the eight leaders of the Temple of Impermanence, and your mind is not so open." Lord Luo advised.

"I understand... I see that Hall Master Luo has extraordinary vigor and blood. I don't know what kind of martial arts he is practicing. If there is a chance, I would like to ask Hall Master Luo to point out the martial arts under him." Ye Dou looked at the other party with burning eyes.

His long-suffering Luo Palace Master's beautiful eyes contained divine light, and his body was also the most vigorous, not even weaker than he is now. He felt excited by such a presence.

So he really wanted to see the skills of this Hall Master Luo, and also wanted to know who he was and the real martial arts masters in the world, who was stronger and how much the gap was, so that he could have a better understanding of his own strength. position.

He just wanted to know what level he could be considered among the ghosts today.

A charming smile appeared on the face of Hall Master Luo: "You men think about who is stronger all day long, and you are the representative of them, a martial idiot."

She slowly got up, stood up straight and came, facing Ye Dou with her domineering figure.

"Actually, I'm also curious about your strength. It's no problem to learn from each other, but it's good so far. The spiritual power contained in my blood is very high, and I have a dark energy. I hope I don't hurt you."

"Great, thank you for your advice." Ye Dou smiled.

He was very excited, and finally had the opportunity to know how much his force value was, and to be able to fight against this impressive leader of the Hall of Impermanence.

The two just stood still in the room. It seemed that the room was big enough to fight each other in a short period of time.

"Underworld Martial Arts is actually about the unity of qi and blood. It is necessary to combine qi, blood and essence, qi and spirit into one, and then use the spiritual qi absorbed by the spiritual root to disperse it into the blood qi, so as to achieve a state of physical fitness and invincibility of ghosts and ghosts. , it is very helpful for physique and performing spiritual arts."

"I come from a family of martial arts, so I have a deep understanding of martial arts and have fully mastered the dark energy. You have to be careful."

Hall Master Luo smiled sweetly, raised a pair of snow-white palms, aimed at Ye Dou, and the footsteps were suddenly windy.


Ye Dou only felt that the other party's figure suddenly circled around him at a speed that was difficult to grasp, and the speed was extremely fast. It was obvious that the other party was constantly approaching, but he couldn't catch the other party's movement trajectory at all.

It doesn't feel good!

"Vajra Palm!" He aimed in one direction, and suddenly slapped the opponent with his palm.


The force of the palm is strong, and it is pushed out horizontally with the inner strength of the tyrant, with the raging wind, the air is torn apart, and there is no wind or waves in the whole living room, and there is a gust of wind.

Is this inner strength?

Hall Master Luo's pretty face was frosty, but his heart was shocked.

The so-called internal skills refer to internal martial arts. Today, only a small number of advanced people outside the world know how to cultivate. I didn't expect that this young man in front of him has completed the practice, and has really achieved a state of no wind and waves.

Immediately, her qi and blood became one, and she cunningly slapped a palm. This palm contained at least one-third of her spiritual energy, but when she patted the opponent in front of her, she found that she underestimated the enemy.

The opponent's palm is too strong!

So she immediately increased her qi and blood, and with a dark force, she suddenly added force and shot.

Luo Dianzhu is a talented person who has long cultivated the dark energy to the extreme. With the addition of spiritual energy, it will strengthen the blood energy. Even if it is useless, it has great formidable power under one palm, and has extremely strong penetrating power.


The two immediately clapped their palms together, setting off a stormy sea.

Ye Dou directly took two steps back.

Hall Master Luo followed with two steps back, although there was no expression on the pretty face, but his heart was not happy.

Because there was an electric shock in the other's palm just now, her whole right arm was almost paralyzed.

This caused a violent storm in the heart of Hall Master Luo.

"What a domineering internal strength, I already have Qi and blood, and the spiritual power in the blood is extremely powerful, and it is invincible under the use of dark energy. I didn't expect that he would be able to take it down."

Although he didn't use his full strength, the other party seemed to have reservations.

It's interesting that you don't have to fight against me with all your strength...

Sixty-four styles of Bagua Palm!


Hall Master Luo flipped his palms up and down, and cast out afterimages, his steps swayed and circled with the figure, shrouding the opponent in his own stormy attack.

Ye Dou took a few tricks one after another, feeling that he couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed, and immediately stepped on Lingbo's microstep to dodge the attack, but the opponent's strength was getting stronger and faster, so he couldn't react in time and was overwhelmed.

After more than 30 moves, he was caught off guard. He was stamped on the chest by the opponent's palm, and his body directly retreated five or six steps. There was an extra scarlet palm print on the chest that was originally invulnerable.

Hall Master Luo over there immediately withdrew his palm and said with concern, "Are you alright!"

She was careless just now, didn't hold back her strength, and started a little too hard.

"Palace Master Luo is really good at martial arts. I would never have imagined that there is a martial arts master like Palace Master Luo!" Ye Dou was quite shocked, feeling the burning pain of the palm print on his This palm is extremely penetrating, making his thirteen Taibao Heng Lian almost broke his power.

Although he didn't activate the second gear, and the wedding dress magic didn't push to the extreme, he did his utmost to use both the Vajra Palm and Lin Bo's micro-steps to the extreme, and he could be considered to go all out.

Unexpectedly, this Hall Master Luo was useless even with spiritual skills, so he repelled himself within thirty or so moves. He was indeed the master of the Hall of Impermanence. This amazing fighting power really made him feel inferior.

You must know that when you raise your hand, it is a thousand jins of energy, and the infuriating power of the wedding dress magic is extremely domineering, and what you shoot is broken.

It turns out that there are such powerful martial arts masters in this world.

So excited!

"Your family kung fu is really extraordinary." The beautiful eyes of Hall Master Luo flickered with amazement. She looked at Ye Dou again as if she was looking at a monster.

She grew up in a family of martial arts, and cultivated the sixty-four palms of Baguazhang to the point of perfection. After she came into contact with spiritual skills, Anjin followed suit. Later, spiritual power made her blood energy and body reach an unbelievable level. It took her more than 40 years in total.

I didn't expect Ye Dou to be so young, yet his strength is so strong.

"You didn't cultivate your own kung fu, right? How did you get it?" Hall Master Luo suddenly noticed something and asked with narrowed eyes.

Announcement: This book will be put on the shelves at noon on Friday after the strong push from the starting point. Eighteen is working hard to save the manuscript, and strive to put it on the shelves for 18 more, so that book lovers will be happy. If it can't be done, the Eighteen will apologize.

PS: Eighteen chests, big skin, white buttocks, big long legs, wearing women's clothes, but you will never see it, hee hee

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