The Hero Kneels

Chapter 108: Ghost House 3


Ye Dou raised his big foot and stepped on the table tennis boy directly under his feet, rubbed and rubbed again, until the opponent turned into a puff of dust.

Who knew that just after the boy disappeared, another door opened over there, and another identical boy appeared in front of Ye Dou.

It can be seen that this thing is not an ordinary ghost.

"There is a kind of fight with me, don't shrink your head." Ye Dou simply shouted loudly, his voice echoing throughout the building.

As soon as he finished speaking, a few more doors opened behind him, and some men, women and children with empty eyes came out one after another. These men, women and children, plus the little boy, made up a total of sixteen people.


Yes, this building started from the haunting incident. A full sixteen civilians died. Could it be that the souls of these sixteen people are trapped here?

These women, old and young, had all kinds of life-killing weapons in their hands, including bricks, benches, kitchen knives and shovels.

Ye Dou didn't look at the sixteen weirdos with killer weapons, but narrowed his eyes and looked at the door opposite the door that was locked by the anti-theft door.

He stepped forward and rushed towards the sixteen weirdos who were rushing towards him with various weapons, like a tank driving into a grove, and he turned the people who were hit by these weirdos on their backs. fly.


After overcoming all obstacles and coming to the security door, Ye Dou raised his foot and kicked the iron door into the air.

As a result, there was nothing in the house.

Empty and deserted.

is the ground is very clean.

He came to the back room and couldn't help squinting.

I saw a row of large wine jars in front of them, which looked like a row of stone piers, with a total of seventeen.

There is a black-and-white photo of a dead person on each wine jar. These black-and-white photos are different from men, women and children. They correspond to the sixteen people who should have died a long time ago. However, these people in the photo have no eyeballs, staring at one another. Both empty and blood-stained eye sockets.

But where did this seventeenth great wine jar come from?

And there are no photos above the seventeenth wine jar.

Looking carefully at these wine jars, these wine jars are not covered with lids, and black gas is slowly emerging from them, and it looks like some strange tentacles are wriggling.

bang bang…

Ye Dou shot out with a palm and smashed these wine jars directly.

A black stench of blood splattered all over the ground, and a pair of human eyeballs also flowed out.

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream from outside, and through the window, you could see the sixteen undead monsters over there, gradually turning into a black gas and disappearing.

"Still no soul?" Seeing that there was no soul flying, Ye Dou looked at the seventeenth remaining wine jar.

This wine jar without photos was the strangest, and it made him suspicious.

Just as he was about to wave his palms to attack, the wine jar suddenly moved and disappeared into the wall in an instant.

stop me!

Ye Dou shouted violently, and the whole person slammed into the concrete wall, hitting one wall after another like a bulldozer until he caught up with the big wine jar.

Mighty Vajra Palm!

He suddenly took out his palm and slapped the big wine jar with force.


The big wine jar immediately spewed out thick black mist from it, as if a volcano had erupted.

not good!

Seeing the billowing black mist coming, Ye Dou suddenly stepped back, only to find that the black mist turned into a figure and wrapped around him...

Time passed long and quickly.

Before you know it, the last rays of the sun disappear from the horizon.

Li Lan and the others could not help frowning.

"That eldest brother impermanence went in for a whole day and didn't come out. Could something go wrong?" There was a ghost chatting next to him.

"No, that leader is impermanent. Ordinary wolf-level supernatural disasters should not be difficult for him, and even wolf-level elite supernatural disasters can escape."

Li Lan frowned as she listened to the conversation of her subordinates.

They have also organized a group to investigate this ghost building. There are many strange places. Ordinary ghosts should not enter it at night. She once reminded the big brother Ye Dou not to delay the time until the night, but the other party still It didn't come out, most likely something happened.

At this moment, this cloud-shrouded building became more and more terrifying and frightening, with a gloomy wind blowing.

Suddenly, it was vaguely visible on the fourth floor, and a figure of a man appeared, beckoning downstairs.

"It's Big Brother Ye, Big Brother Ye is back." Li Lan recognized the figure, couldn't help shouting, took two steps forward, and waved upstairs.

"Leader, where is Big Brother Ye?" The rest of the people looked at the fourth floor in confusion, but they could only see pitch black.

They don't understand at all, what is Li Lan talking about?

"It's Brother Ye, he finally came out, and it looks like he's fine!" Li Lan said and took another step forward.

She had just walked to the pitch-black corridor, and a sturdy and long-looking arm stretched out of the black corridor out of thin air, grabbing Li Lan directly, and then every ghost who approached the stairway was captured by one The long-haired arm that suddenly appeared was grabbed and dragged by the arm vigorously towards the stairway.

"No, back off!"

Li Lan noticed something was wrong, and immediately exclaimed, a dazzling dagger appeared in her hand.

Immediately, she swung the green dagger in her left hand to cut off her arm, but when the dagger was swung, it was as if it was slashing on top of fine steel, and it took three consecutive slashes to cut off the arm that grabbed her.

Being dragged into the ghost building by the arm is like being possessed by a demon, motionless, and the body is involuntarily dragged by the arm into the ghost building where the thick ghosts spread.

Li Lan had a bad feeling.

She could see that the ghost building was changing, producing an unexpected change, as if it had come to life. Now that it was sucked in by the ghost building, even the ghost messenger would die.

At this moment, the body of a colleague has already been dragged into the corridor, and the body disappeared as soon as it touched the corridor, as if it was eaten by some monster.

Seeing that the teammates were about to be dragged in by the sturdy arm, the remaining ghosts cast spirit spells to attack the source of those sturdy arms, and all kinds of spirits flashed into the corridor with fire, and they disappeared. It's like a stone sinking into the sea.

And there are more and more strange arms appearing, attacking the ghosts, Li Lan bears the brunt, and is tightly entangled by three arms, and the short sword in his hand cannot be swung at all.

Just when Li Lan was helpless and pulled into it by her arm, a wall on the building collapsed.

A muscular figure descended from the sky and fell heavily in front of everyone.


With a muffled shout, the sound wave swept through everyone at the scene with a wave of air, causing everyone's eardrums to ache and their breathing to stagnate.

Those dragging arms disintegrated and fell to the ground as if they were shattered by sound waves.

When everyone looked at the arms that fell to the ground, they turned out to be pale human bones.

Everyone raised their heads in astonishment, looked at the source of the sound, and found that the other party was Ye Dou who had entered the building for a whole day.

Ye Dou stepped forward abruptly under everyone's eyes, and his entire body did not enter the dark corridor, and disappeared like Li Lan. Five seconds later, the other party appeared again, holding a confused look in his hand. Li Lan, different from a few other ghosts.

"Everyone listen."

Ye Dou's voice was high-pitched and shocking.

Then everyone came back to their senses, and everyone didn't speak, just stared blankly at the tall man.

Li Lan also reacted, and stared blankly at Ye Dou, who was holding her, blushing.

Everyone understood that just now, they were rescued by this big brother Ye.

It's just that this big brother Ye looks a little strange, his body seems to have grown a lot taller, and his whole body is also glowing red, like a little red giant.

"Get out of here immediately!" Ye Dou ordered.

"Leave now!"

"Go quickly!"

The ghost messengers immediately began to retreat after hearing this, and they also noticed that something was wrong with the ghost building.

But Ye Dou turned his head and looked ahead, frowning: "Damn, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out."

Everyone looked up and saw that the other three residential buildings in front were all shrouded in black mist.

I don't know when it started, and it became dark, so that everyone present couldn't see or touch anything...

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