The Hero Kneels

Chapter 109: Ghost Building 4

Li Lan opened her eyes and found herself standing in an unfamiliar corridor.

"Where am I? Why did I come to this place?" Li Lan felt that this place was very unfamiliar, and she couldn't remember exactly what happened before, and everything felt muddled.

"Sister Li Lan, play games with me."

Suddenly, a little girl beside her tugged at her sleeve.

"No, my sister doesn't like playing games." Li Lan didn't know what to say, but just squeezed the magic talisman in her hand, and the hairs all over her body counted down.

The little girl in front of her was as pale as paper, her lips were purple, and the small half of her head had been opened. Through the open head, you could see that there was nothing in this little head, it was empty, and this little girl had no eyes. Eyes staring at himself.

Needless to say, this little girl is a ghost.

Amulet - Exorcism!

She didn't keep her hand, and directly threw out a magic talisman that flashed white light.

This talisman immediately seemed to stick to the little girl's body like an arrow from the string, and a white light erupted, turning it into ashes.

But before Li Lan could breathe a sigh of relief, the little girl appeared behind her again. This time, she unknowingly grabbed Li Lan's sleeve and swayed, "Sister Li Lan, you can play games with me."

"Amulet, White Shield!"

She hurriedly withdrew, sticking a magic talisman on her body, and was immediately shrouded in white light.

"This is no ordinary ghost!"

Based on experience, Li Lan made a conclusion that she did not waste her magic talisman. She estimated that she did not have a magic talisman that could kill the opponent. Even if the magic talisman completely shredded the opponent, the little girl would probably appear in front of her again.


His own spiritual protection was of no use to the little girl at all.

I saw that pale little hand, unhindered, touched her through the halo formed by her defensive talisman.

"Sister, just play with me."

The little girl took a step forward, spreading her thin arms.

"Illusiveness? Breaking the void!" Li Lan was clever, waved a magic talisman in his hand, and performed the phantom-breaking technique.

Suddenly, the little girl disappeared.

The scene in front of her suddenly changed, and instead a community square appeared.

This community square is very familiar, but it is also very deserted, empty and nothing.

"Has the illusion been destroyed? I seem to have been here before, no, I seem to live here, and the front is my house." Looking for the house in his memory, Li Lan pushed open a door beside the street in confusion. .

After walking for a while, she walked into a rather neat and clean room. The room was pink, and there was a burst of birdsong and flowers. There was also a thin blanket covered with rust and yellow pear flowers, which looked very warm and familiar.

So familiar.

Is this really your own house?

"I'm so sleepy, so cold, my eyelids are so heavy, I really want to sleep like this." Li Lan felt extremely tired when she walked to the bed, so she walked directly into the bedroom and lay down on the bed.

She felt very strange, she was already a master of spiritual arts, and she absorbed spiritual energy every day to refine spiritual energy, and her body was already extraordinary, but now she had no strength to do anything, and she was so tired that she wanted to sleep immediately.

What exactly happened here?

Not right!

"Hey, what's in the blanket?" Li Lan, who was vigilant, noticed something strange.

She got up quickly and looked carefully.

Indeed, there seemed to be something squirming in this blanket.

What the **** is in my quilt?

Li Lan took a deep breath, then suddenly stretched out her hand.

But before she opened it, the quilt was lifted by herself, and a little girl emerged from it.

The little girl didn't say anything, just stared at Li Lan with empty, eyeless eyes, and said nothing, like a puppet.

Her skin was pale, her lips were purple, and there seemed to be something squirming in the hole in the hollow half of her head.

"you again?"

When Li Lan saw the little girl, she just felt like she wanted to vomit.

Because a lot of blood flowed out of the empty eye sockets of the other party, dripping on the bedding, which was extremely miserable.

"Sister, return the eyeball to me, my eyeball is in your hand..." The little girl pointed at Li Lan's hand.

"The one in my hand is obviously a talisman..."

Li Lan looked at the right hand holding the magic talisman, suddenly closed her mouth, and her right hand began to tremble slightly, because she actually held two dead eyes in her hand.

She quickly dropped the two disgusting things in her hands.

"Give me back the eyeballs, give me back the eyeballs, give me back the eyeballs..." The little girl yelled at Li Lan, stood up slowly, and rushed towards Li Lan.

"The Rune - Moon Spirit!"

Li Lan once again took out a magic talisman from the talisman and threw it directly at the opponent.

A blue moon flickered and Yuehua quickly slashed towards the little girl, splitting the little girl in two in a blink of an eye.

However, the little girl who was divided into two did not fall down. The cut body did not bleed a drop of blood. It began to heal gradually, and it turned into the appearance of a complete little girl again.

"What? The Moon Spirit Talisman is useless?"

Li Lan's whole body is not well, and her body is shaking.

What the **** is this little girl?

Why can't she be killed all the time, the other party has been following her.

"Sister, it hurts so much."

"Sister, I can't stand it."

"Sister, forgive me."

The little girl screamed frantically, her voice kept changing, and she became a woman, a man, and a child.

Every vocalization is different and sounds incredibly weird.

However, in just a second thought, the surrounding scenery changed again.

The seemingly unfamiliar community square appeared in front of Li Lan's eyes again.

It's just that the square is full of traffic, people come and go, the lights are bright, and there are some vendors selling goods.

Some people go shopping, some people sell snacks, some people are bargaining.

Everyone seemed to have smiles on their faces and seemed to be very lively.

But for some reason, the big guy looks weird and his skin is a little pale.

Li Lan felt that she was even more confused, her spirit was very bad, and she didn't seem to wake up.

elder sister!

With a shout Li Lan looked at a little girl with pale skin, purple lips and empty eyes beside her.

Yes, this little girl is her only sister. She has been blind since she was a child. She has to support her wherever she goes, otherwise she will fall down and cannot be separated from herself.

She likes her sister very much and takes her with her wherever she goes.

"What do you want to eat? My sister bought it for you." Li Lan said dotingly.

"Sister, I don't want to eat, I'm going to take you to a place where someone wants to see you." The little girl murmured.

"Okay, then take me there."

Li Lan said with a smile, as her sister was about to walk into the door of a building.

"Li Lan! Wake up."

At this moment, a high-pitched and clear voice came, the voice was as loud as thunder, the sound made people's eardrums, but also made people refreshed.

Li Lan turned around and looked, and saw a tall young man in a white impermanent uniform standing behind him, staring at her sister on her left hand.

She suddenly felt her sister's hands were cold and seemed to be shaking.

"What do you want to do to my sister?"

Li Lan instinctively put her hand on the talisman around her waist, but she always felt that something was not right.

Taking a closer look, all the pedestrians around looked at the tall young man, and their eyes were rounded. No, these people have no eyes at all, they are all empty eye sockets, and there is blood gurgling inside.

"I let you get away last time, but this time, you are asking for your own death." The little girl's voice turned into an old and shriveled voice, like an old witch talking.

As soon as the words fell, the passers-by around them went crazy and rushed towards the young man in white with their teeth and claws.

In an instant, the other party was completely overwhelmed by the crowd...

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