The Hero Kneels

Chapter 110: Ghost House 5


There was a burst of anger, thunder bursts, the air waves rolled, and the smoke and dust were swept away.

Seeing that the young man in white was flushed, the blood on his body was like a volcanic eruption, hot and domineering, and the vicious passers-by around him, under the impact of this scorching heat, turned into fly ash and dissipated into nothingness.

"Die, you ghost!"

Only the little girl was not affected, and she screamed and turned into a white shadow on the young man in white.

King Kong shoots the case!

The young man in white approached with lightning speed, and slapped the little **** the forehead.


The little girl disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Li Lan's head immediately became more awake, and she found that the square became extremely deserted and empty, with only a few white street lamps emitting a faint light. Except for this young man in white, everything else disappeared.

She seemed to remember something.

She is Li Lan, the soul searcher of the underworld.

I came here specially to assist a superior who came to deal with the supernatural disaster, and ended up getting stuck in it.

I don't have a sister at all!

"Li Lan, it's too dangerous here, you have to leave immediately, I'll find the others." The young man in white walked towards him.

"Who are you? Don't come near me! The Binding Talisman!"

Li Lan was very alert to the person in front of her, and the magic talisman in her hand had already been thrown out.

Seeing that the young man in white raised his hand again, he used the palm of his hand to forcefully smash the spiritual technique transformed by this talisman.

"A spiritual art that can be destroyed with one hand?" Li Lan's eyes narrowed, her hands were sealed, her fingers clasped backwards, and she suddenly opened.

Spirit Art - Ten Finger Spirit Whip!

As her fingers opened, a whiff of white aura erupted from her hand immediately, and then a white long whip with the thickness of ten fingers flew towards the other party in an instant.

King Kong shoots the case!

Ye Dou waved his palm and smashed one of the long whips. This long whip shattered into countless powders of light, while the remaining nine white-light shining long whips entangled his body in an instant.

He was trapped abruptly, and his body could no longer move. The more he struggled, the tighter the whip became.

"The spirit of the underworld is really strange. The whip formed by this spiritual power can actually trap me temporarily." Ye Dou was slightly amazed.

It seems that the various spells in those Xianxia TV series are considered LOW compared to the spirit spells performed by ghosts.

As far as he knows, the drive of spiritual power is related to the spiritual power of the ghosts. Most of the spiritual arts use magic talismans to stimulate, so as to display various spiritual arts, and some spiritual arts need to press the handprint, and the power is far more powerful than ordinary. The talisman should be larger.

The sturdy Ye Dou, who was bound by the thick and thin light whips of nine fingers, suddenly swelled the muscles of his whole body, and pulled the light whips away abruptly. Then he strode forward to Li Lan, pressed his palm lightly on the opponent's forehead, and said loudly: "Li Lan Lan, wake me up!"

Li Lan didn't have time to resist, but only felt that the man in front of her was like a warm stove, exuding raging heat, very warm, and there was also a steady stream of heat from that palm, making her feel comfortable.

Suddenly, her eyes softened, her sleepiness and chills gradually disappeared, and many memories reappeared.

"Brother Ye, thank you so much just now."

Li Lan let out a long sigh and finally regained all her sanity. She looked around faintly: "Where did my colleagues go, how did things turn out like this?"

Ye Dou: "I don't know. I encountered a big wine jar before, and I took a big wine jar and spewed out a lot of black gas, and then it became like this... Now this situation is a bit like a ghost hitting a wall."

At this time, it was pitch black between the sky and the earth, and the place where they stood was the community square, but the surrounding area was covered by a thick black fog, making it impossible to see beyond the community square.

After a while, Li Lan said based on her own observation: "Now the level of supernatural disasters has clearly exceeded the level of wolf-level elites, maybe the wolf-level king... No, the disaster level should have reached tiger level."

Ye Dou nodded silently.

He also knew about the level of supernatural disasters. Tiger-level supernatural disasters can cause dozens or hundreds of casualties. Now this strange ghost building has turned the entire area into a ghost, and more than ten ghosts are not aware of it. traced.

Obviously, the scale of the supernatural disaster exceeded the limit of this action level, and it was upgraded to a tiger-level supernatural disaster.


There was a gust of wind all around, and the howls of ghosts and wolves sounded.

At the end of the darkness a dozen shadows appeared.

Taking a closer look, these ten or so shadows turned out to be ghosts who just disappeared. The leader of them was a middle-aged man. All of these people had empty eyes and walked gropingly.

"It's the dead soul searcher Lao Xu!"

Li Lan choked and lost her voice: "Xiao Li, Xiao Wang, Xiao Zhang, they are all..."

This made her face change greatly.

In just a blink of an eye, my colleagues have become such ghosts, isn't the soul searcher Lao Xu dead? Is it an illusion again?

Break the phantom!

Li Lan took out a magic talisman and threw it at the ghost team in front, but nothing happened.

Are these not hallucinations?

what is that?

Ye Dou noticed that these ghosts were carrying a big wine jar behind them, with a big red word "brewing" sticking to the outside of the jar, and thick black smoke was exuding from the mouth of the jar.

He had seen this weird wine jar before!

Under the leadership of the soul searcher Lao Xu, the ghosts moved stiffly and walked neatly, like robots.

"Li Lan, come with me." With a calm voice, Li Lan was immediately grabbed by Ye Dou and pulled into his arms.

"You... this is such a warm feeling."

Being hugged by the person beside her, Li Lan's eyes were wide open and she was about to get angry, but she found that the other party was not looking sideways, and a hot breath flowed into the other party's body, making her feel extremely comfortable and resisting the cold around her.

"Let's go!"

After Ye Dou finished speaking, he picked up the opponent and ran.


He directly smashed the concrete outer wall of a building with his palm and got in,

The group of ghosts behind them followed closely, and the frequency of their movements was even faster. The big wine jar they were carrying was getting thicker and thicker, and there seemed to be something strange wriggling in it.

"The front is the exit!"

Ye Dou saw a seemingly thick strange and said very confidently.

At this moment, a thick black mist suddenly spewed out of the wine jar.

Something was wrapped in the black mist and attacked Ye Dou with lightning speed.


Ye Dou pushed Li Lan towards the wall.

King Kong looks back!

Before he could think about it, he suddenly turned his head and slapped it.

This palm collided with the black mist that came flying.

Ye Dou's body shook violently, and he hurriedly retreated to the rear. The black mist was truly extraordinary, and the powerful Yin Qi contained in it seemed to have substance, pouring upwards along his arm.


But after the majestic palm hit the black mist, it burst open.

The black mist dissipated, and an arm with long green hair appeared. This arm had sharp fingers, and there was a strange red glowing eye in the palm of the hand. It did not belong to human beings at all.

Li Lan saw the strange hand clearly, and her face was pale, because the yin qi emanating from this thing was so heavy that it was almost suffocating.


Forcing the strange hand back, Ye Dou slapped the opposite wall with a palm again, and a warm wind blew on his face.

The strange hand paused for a while and then rushed over again, faster than before, with a faint sound of breaking the wind.

with full force!

Ye Dou didn't hesitate, and immediately used the magic of the wedding dress to the extreme. The domineering thunder and fire infuriated, like a surging river, rushed to the palm of his hand, and suddenly slapped the palm of his hand, and collided with the strange hand again. .


In the face of such a majestic thunder and fire infuriating, the sturdy arm gradually began to tremble, and the arm that was the size of a bucket began to shrink rapidly and smoke. After a few breaths, it was like a deflated balloon, shriveled and reduced in size. turned into a normal person.

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