The Hero Kneels

Chapter 111: Ghost House 6


In the big wine jar, a scream came, and the strange hand finally shrank back.


Ye Dou jumped, passed the broken wall, and came to a bright place.

Outside, a group of Li Lan and a group of ghosts were lying on the ground. Some people were confused, some people were panting, and some people's eyes were blurred, as if they had just experienced a nightmare...

"Everyone wake me up."

"Wake up soon."

Li Lan woke up all the confused colleagues at the scene one by one.

Then everyone climbed up one after another, their eyes blurred.

Ye Dou raised his head and realized that it was still daytime. Looking at the time on his phone, it was less than five hours, and it was just past noon.

This ghost hits the wall so hard that even the time has passed.

"Don't follow me below, wait for me outside the community. If I can't come back before dark, then the mission has failed."

Ye Dou said, strode forward and walked towards the opposite side, leaving Li Lan and the others directly.

Li Lan's heart was full of mixed feelings.

She knew that she and this group of colleagues had hindered each other. Facing this kind of tiger-level supernatural disaster, the combat effectiveness of ordinary ghosts was indeed weaker, so that everyone was confused.


She gritted her teeth and ordered everyone to leave the area.

The following can only be handed over to the only big brother Ye who was not affected by the hallucination.


Why did Big Brother Ye go to the building opposite? It was the opposite direction from the ghost building.

Ye Dou went straight across the square in the middle of the community and came to the opposite building.

The building seemed to be inhabited, many windows were open, some air conditioners were still running, and various clothes and bedding were fluttering in the wind on the drying racks.


There is not a single person to be seen in this building.

Do not,

in front of this building,

There is one person.

Ye Dou's eyes were deep, and he slowly looked at a potbellied old man sitting in the shade downstairs. The other party was the old security guard who guarded the ghost building.

He stepped forward, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Uncle... Uncle?"

The groggy old security guard raised his head and half-squinted his eyes: "Why?"

"Master... Does Ma Dongmei live here?"

"Ma... Ma What Mei?"

"Ma Dongmei!"

"What plum?" The uncle shook his head, seemingly deaf.

Ye Dou shook his head, suddenly raised his big foot, put his foot on the door of the face of the potbellied old security guard, and directly kicked him to the ground.

"Ma, your sister's Mei, this is the time, why are you still acting with me, and acting so fake?" Ye Dou stared blankly at the other party, very today.

I saw that the old man whose face was smashed and sunken didn't bleed at all, and he got up from the ground like a normal person. His voice was extremely sharp: "Hee hee, I didn't expect it, how did you find me?"

"Discovered? Do you think I'm stupid? You think I can't see such a big goal here!" Ye Dou widened his eyes.

At any rate, he has cultivated the first chapter of the Sutra of Essence Washing. Although Tianyantong has not yet successfully cultivated, he can still see some clues, and the position of this old man is really eye-catching.

"Keep your eyes, I can let you live." The old man shouted.

Ye Dou replied to the other party: "If you swing your sword from the palace, I can consider being my attendant little eunuch."

"Stupid, you stupid mortals, do you know what power is? Eyes are human power, eyes are power, I want your eyes... your eyes!"

The originally twisted head suddenly cracked like a flower, and a pair of large blood-red eyes protruded from the head, and then the entire fat body burst, and a big wine jar was drilled out of the other's belly.

There was a big red brewing character on the wine jar, which contained black gas, and the eyes propped up by two blood-red flesh beards protruded from the inside, as if there were some terrifying creatures inside.

Without further ado!

Ye Dou rushed forward immediately, not planning to give the other party any breath.

However, just as he took a step, a strange creature suddenly emerged from the wine jar and landed in front of the wine jar.

This creature was blood-stained all over, and its body was like a human brain full of folds and ravines, and the brain was covered with all kinds of eyes with tentacles.

More aliens than aliens.

How could a ghost grow into such a virtue?

What species are his parents?

Ye Dou complained in his heart, but did not stop attacking, and continued to slap his palms.

The eyes on the monster suddenly stretched out like a long whip, and it launched a swipe at a very fast speed.

Lingbo microsteps!

When the Peerless Qinggong was displayed, Ye Dou was full of wind, and his figure almost showed an afterimage, directly avoiding those strange eyeball attacks.

After a while, I came to the back of the wine jar.

King Kong angry!

blah blah!

A pair of Vajra palms slammed into the big wine jar.

The Vigorous King Kong Palm, which was capable of splitting mountains and rocks, didn't blow away the wine jar. It was estimated that this thing was even harder than steel, and I didn't know what material it was made of.

As a result, a lot of flesh-colored tentacles suddenly protruded from the wine jar, and Ye Dou, who was in front of him, was tied tightly, and he was forcibly stuffed into the big wine jar.

"Dare to attack my body, hahaha, I don't know whether to live or die, go to die, my body can absorb the essence of your body, see how I **** you dry." The monster screamed.

But as soon as the words fell, the wine jar began to shake, and began to spray all kinds of red-red liquid from the outside like a volcanic eruption. People vomit.

"This, this... What the **** is going on here?" The monster was dumbfounded.

It was about to step forward to check what happened when it heard a "bang" sound.

Countless **** water flew out from the big wine jar, and then there were obvious cracks on the outside of the big wine jar.

Immediately afterwards, a figure with a **** body flashed out of the big wine jar.

This person is not Ye Dou, who is he?

"Ha, it stinks, it really stinks!" Ye Dou pinched his nose with his left hand, feeling like he was about to vomit.

His right hand was holding a heart-like thing, which was beating thump-thump-thump, with a strange triangular eye on it, and a large mouth under the eye, with flesh-colored tentacles in the mouth, strange and unusual.

"'re not dead? Give me back my heart." Seeing this, the monster shivered in anger, and his whole body trembled.

"This thing is your heart? Okay, I'll give it back to you!"

Ye Dou shook the heart in his hand and threw it directly on the ground and stepped on it into meat sauce.

A white soul the size of a grape flew out of the heart and was directly swallowed up by the soul ring, and you also had an extra tadpole on the soul ring.


Is this thing a ghost?

"Ah, you dare to destroy my heart, I will never share the sky with you!"

The monster's anger immediately swung its long whip like a beard to hit him.

Mighty Vajra Palm!

Who knew that Ye Dou's extremely domineering palm reached him one step faster than the opponent, and directly slapped the opponent's body that looked like a melon.


The monster's body was really fragile, and it flew out like a sandbag, but the opponent was so elastic that he was not shot to death.

"how can that be!"

The monster's body slammed into the opposite wall, and just as he was about to get up, he was slapped on the ground by a pair of fleshy palms with powerful coercion, and frantically slapped the ground.


After finally counting the palms, the head seemed like a ghost, and it was photographed into a muddy flesh, and finally turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared.

Another egg-sized white soul flew out of the wine jar and was swallowed directly by the soul ring, leaving two more white souls on the soul ring.

Is it finally over?

Ye Dou looked up at the sky, only to see that the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and there were rays of sunlight.

This ghost is really weak and has no frontal fighting ability. He overturned the opponent without even taking the medicine.

He felt strange that this kind of ghost was obviously very weak, but he played with more than a dozen ghosts and himself.

Moreover, this monster is not human, but not a ghost. It is more like a monster than a ghost.

I really don't know what the predecessor of this ghost is?

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