The Hero Kneels

Chapter 112: Teach you to be a man!

Not far away, on the roof of a residential building.

Xue Fei turned her face and asked, "Master Wuxiang, are you satisfied now?

Master Wuxiang, who was wearing a white monk robe, lowered his long eyebrows and nodded slightly: "Well, this person's strength is really extraordinary, and even the ghosts that players roar into can be eliminated. This kind of pure martial artist is really rare in the world. Our doubts can be reassured."

Xue Fei asked again, "What is the ghost that just appeared? Why have I never seen it before?"

Master Wuxiang explained; "That's the ghosts that players change into after they die. Strictly speaking, they are what we call monsters. They are essentially different from ghosts in the ordinary sense. After these players die, their souls will directly Change into all kinds of monsters, they have special abilities, and their forms will undergo great changes, all of which are also called monsters."

Xue Fei nodded thoughtfully: "Are you a player again? The abilities of these players are too exaggerated. They are like monsters when they are alive, and even their souls can become monsters after death."

"Yes, this is one of the reasons why the superiors are so focused on that game, the presence of these players is too unstable, and there is evidence that the number of players is increasing recently."

Master Wuxiang turned and said: "According to the information, the player level in this ghost building is very low, and they should have only experienced one or two games, and he is an old man who likes to drink and collect wine jars very much, because he has no confidence. Then I entered the game world to survive, so I chose to commit suicide."

"After committing suicide, he turned into a Specter and began to madly slaughter the residents he had grudges before, and collect their eyeballs. Although this Specter has no combat power, it can rely on human eyes to hypnotize people and create hallucinations. This ability is not inferior to those old ghosts who have existed for decades."

Xue Fei's face was full of shock: "Players are so terrifying? You have such a powerful power just after death, Master Wuxiang, you asked Ye Dou to eradicate this evil ghost, aren't you afraid that he will be killed by ghosts? ?"

"Goodness is goodness, you probably don't know the abilities of this Lord Ye Shi."

The old monk said with a smile: "Palace Master Luo and Lao Na both think he is the masked ghost who held the three legs and went to pick the head of the red hall master."

"What? That masked ghost is him?" Xue Fei was dumbfounded.

In the ancient tomb of General Mountain, she was chased by Xu Guishou because she was holding the third leg of the corpse king. Seeing that the other party was very clever, she threw the third leg to the other party, thus diverting Xu Guishou's attention. to protect themselves.

Later, she heard that this ghost had an amazing performance. She wanted to thank him, but she couldn't find anyone. She didn't expect that the other party was the legendary existence who dared to use three legs to pick the red hall master to cover his head.

This is a real talent!

"He doesn't want to talk about this, and we don't want to break it. After all, everyone has a little secret. According to the meaning of Hall Master Luo, he specially arranged this mission to find out his bottom line. After all, the underworld has to guard against the player organization. , as well as the invasion of the worship of the secluded sect, now it seems that his martial arts are so pure, there may be no problem..."

The old monk couldn't help but sighed: "My unfilial disciple finally did something good and found a general for our White Impermanence Hall. After all, it is not easy for him to resist the hypnotic effect of ghosts on his own. This mission has been accomplished, but unfortunately he is a waste spirit..."

Xue Fei also nodded regretfully, understanding why the old monk sighed.

Yes, no matter how good the opponent's martial arts can be, without spiritual roots, it is impossible to become a ghost organization, and it is impossible to cultivate spiritual power. Such martial arts talents can only stop outside the avenues of heaven and earth, which is a pity.

Underworld headquarters.

Eighteen-story Hell Building.

The Hall of Impermanence was a little deserted, and only a few people stood in the hall.

Hall Master Luo changed into a purple lace-trimmed dress, his fair thighs and jade arms were exposed, his red lips were bright and attractive, and his figure was still that domineering. He was definitely an S-rank stunner like a queen.

Such a woman is enough to make any man's hormones explode.

But thinking of the other party's 62-year-old age, enough to be his own grandmother, Ye Dou instantly changed from a demon to a Buddha, and silently recited Amitabha Buddha in his heart.

"So, that ghost has been solved perfectly?" Hall Master Luo asked Ye Dou, who was sitting opposite.


Ye Dou looked at the other party's pretty face, and said calmly, "That ghost can confuse even ghosts. Fortunately, I have strong blood and I haven't been disturbed too much. After several fights, I tried my best to eliminate it."

Hall Master Luo nodded and said nothing.

Master Wuxiang snorted and was about to speak.

"Being able to destroy that ghost does mean that he has good strength? But I already have a candidate for the inspector on my side." Zhuang Yango on the side said immediately.

He looked at Ye Dou, his eyes were cold and expressionless, as if he was waiting for something.

Master Wuxiang wondered: "Oh, who is the candidate for the inspector who dares to ask?"

"It's my son Zhuang Mu."

With a solemn smile, "I have discussed this proposal with Hall Master Luo. Zhuang Mu's qualifications and potential are higher than Ye Dou's, and he is the best candidate to be an inspector. One is an ordinary person and the other is a genius from our underworld. This is not at all. ratio."

Ye Dou didn't speak.

Master Wuxiang couldn't speak for him, he could only shake his head slightly.

He also knew that Zhuang Mu's qualifications and spiritual talent were indeed sufficient, and it exceeded the requirements of the inspector's post. Even if Ye Dou completed the task, he couldn't compare with the other party.

Hall Master Luo frowned slightly, as if making a decision.

At this time, Ye Dou took the initiative to speak: "I said before, it doesn't matter whether I am an inspector or not, it would be good for me to be a patrolman, and the salary should be lower if the salary is low."

Zhuang Yan raised his brows: "If you really want to be a patrolman, it's easy to handle. I can let you pick a piece of the patrol site. Although you can't practice spiritual skills, you can barely be a patrolman."

"Okay, then we'll settle it." Ye Dou nodded slightly.

"The patrol is responsible for the liaison patrol work, which is equivalent to the work of an investigator. There is no danger, and it is very suitable for an ordinary person like you." A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Zhuang Yan's mouth.

"Forget it, since Ye Dou chose to be a patrolman, let him do it. You go and get the map, and now divide the patrol area for him." Hall Master Luo commanded at this time.

Nodding solemnly, he immediately picked up a map in the main hall and spread it out on the table in front of him.

"Ye Dou, choose a place yourself." Hall Master Luo stood up and said.

Ye Dou smiled and stretched out his head to look, and saw a map of Youcheng on the table, with various red boxes drawn on the map, and there was almost no space left.

Solemnly pointed to the map: "As long as there is no red box, you can choose, and other places will be occupied by others."

"I'll choose which one is the least haunted by ghosts." Ye Dou smiled, very frank.

To be honest, his goal as a patrolman is to become a civil servant, get an iron job, work leisurely, have his own time to practice martial arts, and get the latest supernatural events.

Regardless of salary, being a patrolman can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Nodding solemnly, he pointed to the Xuanwu District in the north of the city, and his tone was somewhat mocking: "Because of the thinness of the spiritual veins, the number of ghosts and monsters in this area is relatively small, you can choose this place, but the management scope is relatively large. not enough…"

"Then Maiqiao is here? If there are few ghosts, I would choose this place, and the place looks a bit small." Ye Dou asked while looking at the place very close to his residence.

Zhuang Yan nodded slightly and curled his lips: "Although there is no spiritual meridian bursting point here in Maiqiao, it is a pity that it is at the junction of several spiritual meridians, and the formation rate of ghosts is slightly higher, which is not suitable for a waste like you."

His voice was not loud, but it was very clear, so that everyone at the scene could hear it clearly and clearly.

A blue vein on Ye Dou's forehead suddenly jumped, and he turned his face: "Hey, why are you repeating what you just said?"

Zhuang Yan didn't care and repeated: "I said this place is very suitable for a waste like you."

"What's the matter, you call me trash? Come on, let's fight and see who is trash." Ye Dou glared at each other, burning with anger.

"I'm afraid I'll kill you, and we'll soon become colleagues... In fact, it's not a colleague. It should be said that I am your superior, and you will soon become my subordinate."

Zhuang Yan pouted his lips, with a smile on his face: "Young man, you are just entering the industry, you are too arrogant to talk and do things, and you will suffer a big loss. In front of the leader, you'd better lower your head and keep your voice low, otherwise it will affect your work. Yes, I'm teaching you to be a man, do you understand?"

Are you my leader?

Teach me how to behave?

come, come,

Now let me, this subordinate, use his fist to teach you how to be a leader. No, it should teach you how to be a ghost!

It will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow, and the eighteenth chapter will be updated one after another. You can see all the chapters at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, book friends who like this book, please subscribe and hit the ticket to Eighteen, your subscription, although only one or two cents per chapter, is the source of power for Eighteen, I am grateful!

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