The Hero Kneels

Chapter 18: 's launch testimonials!

On the shelf testimonials!

Eighteen sat at home for nearly two months, worked more than 12 hours a day, never had a day off, ate steamed buns and instant noodles. .

Here, I would like to thank my editor-in-charge Kylin, thank you Kylin!

You are my strong backing. When this book encountered a crisis, it was your cheering me up that gave me strength. I recommended it again and again to give everyone a chance to meet more readers. Thank you, you are the best editor I have ever seen!

In fact, the people I want to thank the most are the readers. Thank you for your love and support. Your existence has given me endless motivation. Eighteen has nothing to repay, and I can only repay you with the 18 chapters updated on the shelves.

After 12 noon today, 18 consecutive chapters will be released. In order to complete this task, the eighteenth was completed at 3:00 in the morning last night. I am still dizzy, but I have to do it.

PS: The eighteen chapters on the shelves will be updated at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. It is best to watch it again at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, when you can feel good enough.

It must be said here that authors all rely on subscriptions to eat, and Eighteen is no exception. Here, I ask book friends to subscribe automatically.

Subscription is very cheap, you can watch it for many days with a few yuan of starting currency. It is estimated that you can spend about 2 to 3 cents a day to watch the daily update of [Kneeling of Heroes]. According to the update speed of 18, all book friends Looking at a month, it is estimated that it only takes a few yuan to cover the whole package [Kneeling of Heroes].

However, Eighteen can only get half of the subscription, and the other half is the starting point. If you calculate it, you can get one or two cents a day. It is normal to get three or four yuan a month. I should be right.

These few dollars are a drop in the bucket for book lovers, but it is a must for authors to support their families, so subscription is very important. Eighteen here, I urge book friends who like this book to click "Automatic Subscription" and cheer on Eighteen Charge.

Eighteen will work harder to update the code to repay everyone!

Sincerely, salute.

July 20, 2018 at 3:15 am.

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