The Hero Kneels

Chapter 103: beat coconut

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hey hey hey...

Ye Dou grinned slightly and laughed wildly, and the muscles all over his body were trembling slightly.

The two faced each other, angered.

Master Wuxiang noticed that the atmosphere was not very good, and took two steps forward to block the sight of the two, and persuaded: "Amitabha, Lord Zhuang, please pay attention when you speak, you are one of the leaders of the Temple of Impermanence, there is no need to follow Newcomers start disputes."

"Haha, the master is too worried, how can I provoke a dispute, it is because this newcomer does not know the sky and the sky, he is obviously an ordinary person, but he dares to provoke his superiors many times. I really don't know what will happen to this role in the future. Death?" Zhuang Yan did not give face to Master Wuxiang, but directly criticized.

"You mean that an ordinary person like me can't beat you, a ghost?" Ye Dou was stiff and cold, his blood was boiling.

"Hey, that's what I mean, ordinary people can't be the opponents of ghosts, no matter how good your blood is, no matter how good your martial arts are, you are vulnerable to impermanence-level ghosts that have been strengthened by spiritual skills and spiritual blood. If you dare to fight with me, I can crush you to death in minutes, young man, do you understand?"

A solemn gloomy face warned.

"Pinch me to death in minutes? I really can't ask for it. Come on, you can pinch me... No more bbs, do it." Ye Dou took two steps forward, with a violent attack in his palm.

This is the second time!

The first time I endured, the second time?

See if I don't beat your **** out.


He kicked his legs suddenly, the marble floor tiles under his feet cracked, stepped forward and slapped the opponent.


The solemn reaction was very quick, seeing the opponent reaching out to call, he immediately raised his hand to catch the opponent's palm, and the other hand clenched into a fist, ready to fight back.

As an existence whose spiritual blood has fully strengthened his physical body, his physical body is no longer ordinary, and it is not a problem to lift a thousand jins.

Who knew that the moment he touched the opponent's palm, his right hand felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his entire arm was numb, resulting in the slap not being fully followed, and a big slap on the face.


The sound is crisp.

Zhuang Yan tilted his head to the side, opened his mouth and spewed out three white teeth, plus a mouthful of blood.

There was silence all around, and everyone else present was dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Ye Dou did what he said, and slapped the high-ranking leader directly.

This is the rhythm of subordinates hitting leaders, no, it should be said that temporary workers hit the rhythm of the director.

Ye Dou Pills!

Zhuang Yan was stunned for several seconds before he regained his senses. The five bright red finger prints on his face were unusually conspicuous, and his left cheek was slightly swollen.

He never imagined that he would be beaten and slapped by a temporary worker. His face was swollen and his teeth were knocked out. How could he bear it?

"Boy, you are courting death!"

Zhuang Yan was enraged, his eyes flashed with white aura, and his whole body's spiritual power followed, his hands began to squeeze the handprints, and the spiritual technique was ready to go.

Spiritual Art - Nine-fold Spirit Sealing!

The voice of Hall Master Luo Qingling suddenly sounded in the main hall. The solemn and solemn rage did not take a breath, and a spiritual light talisman flashed on his body. After that, the entire figure was drained of strength, and his knees went soft and he knelt down on Ye Dou. opposite.

This action seems to be kneeling for grandpa, and it is neat and tidy.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy?" Ye Dou didn't expect the other party to kneel so decisively.

The other party almost shouted "Odosan" directly, and then came up and hugged his thigh.


He raised his head solemnly, gritted his teeth and looked at Hall Master Luo, who had just performed his spiritual technique, his face was deformed, and he said coldly, "Rosie, what do you mean? Are you trying to be my enemy?"

"Zhuang Yan, don't look at where this place is. Just put aside the matter of choosing a jurisdiction for the time being, leave immediately, and let me go back and calm down, otherwise don't blame me for being rude,"

The sudden action of Hall Master Luo interrupted the rhythm of the coming storm.

"Humph! I'll keep this account for now, Rosie, I'll tell my uncle about this, and you won't regret it." Zhuang Yan took a suffocation, turned and left the hall, and could only put down a paragraph. harsh words.

Ye Dou took a big step, and wanted to catch up and fight again, slamming this leading comrade who likes to mess around.

Rosie stood up to stop the opponent, blocked the opponent's fighting vision with her full chest, and placed her slender hand on the opponent's broad shoulder, looking at the opponent with her beautiful eyes, and pointed to her chest: "Do you still want to fight? Then hit me, hit here, hit hard!"

Seeing Hall Master Luo's two coconuts, Ye Dou was stunned and couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

No way, other women are only two big meat buns at most, but Hall Master Luo is different. They are two obvious coconuts. Today, they are wearing a low-cut lace skirt, and these two coconuts are even more prominent. Said that Sister Luo is domineering.

Now the other party asks him to hit these two coconuts, he absolutely can't do it.

Sister Luo.

I can't do it with coconut. I really want to drink coconut milk, but I'm afraid you will beat me to death.

Seeing that the other party had calmed down, Rosie slowly said: "Ye Dou, Zhuang Yan is one of the eight impermanences in the Hall of Impermanence, he is already several decades old, and he is still so arrogant and arrogant, this time you sell me a thin noodles. , don't start with him first, okay?"

"Okay, since Hall Master Luo said so, it is better for me to be respectful than to obey, and I am a peace-loving man."

Seeing the two coconuts of this beautiful boss, they were swaying in front of him. Ye Dou felt that his anger suddenly disappeared, and he didn't know what the other party used. Instead of being as hot as before, it turned out to be completely calm.

The Master Wuxiang next to him smiled and shook his bald head, thinking in his heart: Where do you love peace? You are a martial idiot. Fortunately, the palace master secretly used the meditation spell, otherwise it would be difficult to clean up.

"Do you know why I stopped you just now?"

Seeing that the other party had calmed down, Hall Master Luo said faintly: "You underestimate the solemnity. He is the top five masters in the Hall of Impermanence, and he is both a spiritual and martial artist. I know that your martial arts are strong and you can hide your clumsiness. It's a pity that you are the most powerful now. If you can fight him to lose both, if you give him the chance to perform high-quality spiritual arts, I am afraid that he will not survive for 5 minutes!"

Ye Dou's eyelids twitched: "Is that old guy really that powerful?"

"Of course, you are proficient in martial arts, but you don't know much about spiritual arts. If you are a master of both spiritual and martial arts, martial arts are only support, and spiritual skills are the killer. If you really want to fight, you will suffer a lot, unless your martial arts cultivation is improved to a new level. Otherwise, it will be difficult to win..." Hall Master Luo said faintly.

After listening, Ye Dou stopped talking, thoughtful.

Hall Master Luo's vision is precise, and what the other party said is definitely not false.

But the other party doesn't know that he can open the second gear, and he can also eat Viagra to transform into a blue giant. He really doesn't know who wins or loses. Of course, eating Viagra and transforming is a trick that must not be used.

It's just that once you eat Viagra and turn into a Big Blue, your trump card will come out, which will lead to a lot of trouble and even life-threatening.

However, people who practice martial arts are all bloody, and the other party has caused trouble again and again, and today has reached the limit of his patience.

He will never give Zhuang Yan a third chance!

Do not,

He was looking for an opportunity to slap the other side down.

Better kill this shit!

It's a big deal, I won't mix in the underworld in the future.

"Amitabha, Master Ye, Master Zhuang is deliberately provoking you twice. He is actually testing the limits of Hall Master Luo, so don't take it too seriously." Master Wuxiang said.

"Is he trying to test Hall Master Luo?"

Ye Dou immediately noticed that things were not simple, and he was probably thinking things were simple.

He felt strange before. As one of the eight impermanences, Zhuang Yan has a lofty status, why he always hates himself as a newcomer, this matter itself is very strange.

After a long time, there is another secret.

Master Wuxiang nodded, with a smile on his face: "Hehe, to be honest, donor Zhuang and Wuchang Temple are not of the same mind, he is always planning something behind his back, and causing a lot of trouble to Hall Master Luo... And, why are you? You have to conflict with him in the Hall of Impermanence, here Hall Master Luo must stop you, you will never be able to really do anything in the Hall of Impermanence.”


Hearing the old monk say this, Ye Dou suddenly became enlightened.

No wonder the two conflicts were stopped by Hall Master Luo, because this is Hall Master Luo's territory. As the master of a hall, she would definitely not allow her subordinates to fight each other in the Hall of Impermanence. If it spreads out, it will have a bad influence.

After a long time, it's not that they don't give a fight, but that the location of the fight is wrong.

Mom sells batches!

I would have known that I had changed the place to be solemn.


How can I feel that this old monk is coming up with a bad idea, it seems that the other party wants to beat up solemnly.

Moreover, the political struggle in this underworld is a bit complicated, and there is such a deep doorway hidden here.

"Master Wuxiang, you have too many words, why should you say what you shouldn't say... You should take Ye Dou to dinner first, and let him study relevant regulations and supernatural courses in the academy class, and the library of the underworld will also take him to see , and strive to let him graduate within two weeks." Hall Master Luo commanded.

"Amitabha, Lao Na understands."

The old monk nodded and looked deeply at the worried Hall Master Luo.

Now that paranormal events occur frequently, the number of disasters is too large, and the ghosts are scattered all over the country to perform tasks, resulting in a constant shortage of manpower in the underworld.

In the last battle of General Mountain, the Red Hall Master who worshiped the You Sect took advantage of the understaffing and terrain advantages of the underworld ghosts, causing the underworld to suffer a secret loss, resulting in more than forty impermanence cursed, hundreds of ghosts injured, one The judge was also seriously injured and is still in the intensive care unit.

Fortunately, the corpse king was captured Otherwise, the action of the underworld in Jiangjunshan would be to lose his wife and lose his troops.

After this incident, it also directly caused the personnel of the underworld to be more tense in the recent period. Now there is no one to deal with the small supernatural incidents that occur in some areas, so Hall Master Luo is in a hurry to let Ye Dou in two weeks. Immediately take office.


Who said that there are too few ghosts who can cultivate spiritual power to the level of impermanence. It is very good that one of the ten ordinary ghosts can cultivate to impermanence within ten years.

Of course, Ye Dou is not the same as a ghost. He is definitely a martial arts talent that is unique in thousands of miles. Hall Master Luo will never let the other party just be a patrol!

Thanks for the support of the book friends who subscribed, rewarded, and voted, especially the book friends who are willing to fully subscribe to [Kneeling of Heroes]. When you read this chapter at the starting point, your efforts and even your life in the past few months of the 18th century will be worth it. Got affirmed. Since then, you have also gained an identity, that is, the parents of the eighteenth.

The elders of the country can tolerate me, and I will not make money in the world. Eighteen bows to all the parents who have supported me!

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