The Hero Kneels

Chapter 118: Kill you

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In the cafeteria, there was a lot of people talking.

Ye Dou was surrounded by the crowd again with his shocking appearance, but his appearance caused public outrage among some foodies.

"Is it this rice bucket again? My favorite beef with sauce was bought by this kid."

"My pig's trotters were also taken away by this guy."

"Damn, my char siu was eaten up by this guy too."

"I got a chicken. I took all my roast chickens. Has all the meat in the cooked food area been eaten today? It's really unreasonable."

"I thought I hadn't seen you for a few days. This guy went out on a mission, but he came back. It looks like he can only be vegetarian today!"

A group of foodies grimaced, watching this newcomer named Ye Dou take out the garbage, pouring plates of delicious food into their mouths, most of the food was not even chewed, and the other's mouth was like a bottomless pit.

When the big guy was upset, a dull voice suddenly echoed in the cafeteria: "What did you say? Where did my bacon claypot go? Didn't you say there is no limit today?"

The voice of the aunt in the cafeteria came: "All the bacon claypot rice prepared today has been eaten by everyone. It is the new young man who seems to be called Ye Dou, the big stomach king."

"Ye Dou? The one who doesn't even have spiritual roots?"

The voice was like a dull thunder, full of disgust and anger, resounding in the ears of everyone.

Everyone looked for the sound and saw that the leader of the Hall of Impermanence was solemnly furious in the hall.

Behind him are the other leaders of the Hall of Impermanence, including Hall Master Luo and Master Wuxiang. It is estimated that the leaders were going to lead the exclusive dining room, but they didn't get the food they wanted.

It's just that the Zhuang leader of the Hall of Impermanence was so angry that he even scolded the streets by name.

"Who are you saying is a waste? There are only three things, I can't bear it anymore, I must beat you well today." Ye Dou put down an empty face plate heavily, wiped his mouth with his big hands, and strode forward with determination in his eyes. .

"Just because you want to fight me, I'm your leader now!"

"Palace Master Luo, I want to discuss with this solemn, please don't stop me today." Ye Dou looked at the leader of Sister Yu who opened and closed one eye.

Zhuang Yan sneered: "I am very happy to teach you a lesson, but Hall Master Luo will not agree. My martial arts cultivation is not weak, and if I make a move, I may die. As the Hall Master, she will not see you injured or killed in vain. …”


Before he finished speaking, Hall Master Luo's lazy voice sounded: "If you want to learn from each other, you can learn from each other. Anyway, I have no opinion, but this is a personal grievance between you, and it is not easy for me as a leader to interfere."

"This... Hall Master Luo."

Zhuang Yan hesitated, not knowing what to say, he never thought that Hall Master Luo would agree.

"Zhuangyan, are you afraid?"

Ye Dou looked at the other party and smiled slightly: "If you don't speak, you will acquiesce."


Zhuang Yan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand what this sentence meant.

"You ridiculed and insulted me more than once, and I would slap you in the face. Isn't this routine in online novels now? But I have endured it until your third time. If you follow this scenario, you will probably die today."

Ye Dou was full of smiles, and his fighting spirit erupted.

"you you…"

Zhuang Yan was angry, and he pointed at Ye Dou and was about to scold.

"What are you? Don't let your farts, hold back your heart, squeeze hard without farts, and exercise. Why do you keep your farts, or are you exercising?"

Ye Dou moved his neck and body: "It's useless if you want to fart, I have to beat you up today, come and come!"


In an instant, he stepped on the marble floor. The seemingly thick marble on the ground made a crackling sound, and the hard and thick marble was torn apart.

Ye Dou suddenly burst into flames, his figure broke through the air, and there was a thunderous whistling sound all around him.


In the blink of an eye, he had already crossed more than ten steps and came to Zhuang Yan.

Mighty Vajra Palm!

The palm wind whistled, just fierce and tyrannical.

Seeing this, Zhuang Yan knew that he could not hide, and immediately raised his arms to meet him.


When the fists and palms met, Zhuang Yan suddenly felt a strong force, his arms trembled slightly, and his entire body slid ten meters out on the marble floor.

What a lot of strength!

Zhuang Yan's body trembled violently, and the blood energy in his whole body was immediately mobilized.

He has rich experience in melee combat and fighting skills, and can be called an expert. Since his blood has been integrated into spiritual power, his physique has been greatly strengthened, and his combat power has increased many times, and his physique has long been far superior to ordinary people.

With the blood rushing, the muscles clapped, and the spiritual energy in the solemn blood was stimulated, making him seem to swell a whole circle.


In an instant, a roar erupted in the entire cafeteria, and almost the entire floor of the cafeteria trembled slightly, as if a heavy object fell to the ground.

In fact, this was all the result of Ye Dou's sudden stomping. With the power of the stomping, the marble on the ground shattered into slag, and his whole body flew out like an arrow, and slapped the opponent in front of him with his palm.

Zhuang Yan couldn't help stepping out of the lunge, his fists were placed in front of his chest, in a posture of Bajiquan, and the bones of the whole body made a crunching sound, like a bow and arrow ready to go, ready to go. Shoot anytime.

He looked at Ye Dou who was attacking wildly, his eyes were full of icy killing intent.

Everyone in the cafeteria was dumbfounded and retreated. No one expected that Ye Dou, a young rookie, would dare to fight against his immediate boss, and he was still in the cafeteria where everyone was eating.

Immediately, the surrounding pots and pans flew around, shouting again and again, and many people were booing.

After all, it is unheard of to be a leader in the cafeteria.


In a blink of an eye.

The two collided fiercely, setting off a shocking wave and fighting together.

Ye Dou slapped his palms horizontally, up and down, left and right, one palm faster than the other, constantly colliding with the solemn fists, making a sound similar to slapping metal, and rattling in the cafeteria.

How powerful is his strength, Zhuang Yan was beaten back and forth again and again, his arms were numb, and his heart fire immediately rose, and he increased the strength of the use of qi and blood again, accumulating his spiritual power and dark energy on the fist.

He saw that his fist was coated with a layer of white shimmering light, which slammed into Ye Dou's heart.

The punch was so powerful that even the air crackled with the power contained in it.

It is estimated that if a fist hits anyone, it will be too much to bear, and even the cement wall can be pierced.

"Marriage dress magic!"

Ye Dou's whole body swelled up, and Naba Lie's bone-piercing internal force made the blood vessels on his arms bulge, and his whole body swelled in a circle, becoming taller and stronger.

With a harsh wind on his right palm, he greeted him head-on.


The fists collided again, and the two of them each took a few steps back.

Stepping forward from Ye Dou, Vigorous King Kong's palm was full of fire, and Zhuang Yan on the other side was also full of fire, his fists smashed like a gust of wind, and within ten seconds, the two had already fought more than twenty moves.

"Good boy, that's amazing." Zhuang Yan took a few steps back and tapped his slightly trembling hands. UU reading

The opponent's palm contains a strange thunder and fire energy, and every time he touches and fights, he can feel tingling and paralysis, as if he was electrocuted.

The ghost knows what this is, is it the legendary internal power?

Is there such a thing as inner strength?

Ye Dou raised his red palms, looked at it, and couldn't help grinning.

"It's really interesting, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, and the so-called dark energy is quite penetrating." He adjusted his breathing, the magical power of the wedding dress was full of fire, and the violent infuriating energy caused the whole body to swell with it.

"Interesting, do you think your martial arts is powerful? Then I will kill you with martial arts!"

Zhuang Yan knew that the young man in front of him was really extraordinary, and he couldn't hold him down if he didn't use real means, so he slowly took a deep breath, and then the muscles of both arms instantly swelled up, and they were all covered with a faint white light. packaged.

This is a symbol of Qi and blood that contains spiritual power and is used to the extreme!

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