The Hero Kneels

Chapter 119: outrageously strong

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"It's incredibly strong!"

The onlookers stared at the two people fighting in the cafeteria in shock: "Zhuang Yan is the leader of the Impermanence Hall, known as the second person in Lingwu Shuangxiu, second only to Hall Master Luo, and a representative figure in the black impermanence, a mere newcomer unexpectedly How can you confront him head-on?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this young man's skills are definitely no worse than any martial arts master present."

"Amitabha, Lao Na can be considered an eye-opener today. It was unexpected that Lord Ye Shi's martial arts were so good."

Master Wuxiang and several other impermanent leaders stared at the cafeteria with horror in their eyes.

"Everyone, needless to say solemnly, how many of you can beat this young man named Ye Dou?"

Hall Master Luo asked with interest.

A group of impermanence bigwigs around were silent, and their faces were embarrassed.

"This young man has a unity of energy and blood, and his strength is infinite, but his attack techniques are unparalleled. It is estimated that there are no more than three people who can face him in the Hall of Impermanence. I am afraid that Lao Na is not his opponent."

Master Wuxiang sighed, with a little thought flashing in his eyes, and asked: "Palace Master Luo, if they fight like this, I am afraid that others will have a lot of criticisms against us in the Temple of Impermanence."

"Criticism? As of now, someone has reached out to our Impermanence Hall, is I, Rosie, still afraid of criticism?" Hall Master Luo smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Master Wuxiang and the others stopped speaking.

It was noon, and there was an endless stream of people dining in the cafeteria, but now there are more and more gatherings. The big guys stretched their heads and watched. When they saw someone fighting in the cafeteria, they immediately screamed with excitement.

If the cafeteria wasn't big enough, it would have been crowded by the crowd watching the excitement.

"Isn't that one of the eight great impermanences in the Hall of Impermanence?!" Someone exclaimed and recognized one of them.

"Darling, isn't Zhuang Yan known as Lingwu Shuangxiu, has few rivals? Then who is the other young man? Dare to fight Zhuang Yan like this, and it's a rhythm of death."

Some knowledgeable people can see that the two people fought extremely fiercely, and they hardly kept their hands. They meant to kill each other, and their shots were extremely fierce.

As one of the Eight Great Impermanences, Zhuang Yan has a high position, and he actually fought a young man in the cafeteria, which makes people feel a little unreal.

Many people are guessing the identity of the young man.

Who the **** made the leader of the Hall of Impermanence so angry that he didn't hesitate to do it in public places like the cafeteria.


A shelf containing food was smashed, vegetables, radishes and eggs fluttered, and the dining hall immediately became colorful.

Ye Dou really didn't keep his hands at this time. When dealing with Zhuang Yan, the old fritters, he felt that he was at a disadvantage.

Vigorous Vajra Palm's moves are simple and direct, and there are not many changes, causing him to be monotonous in his moves, and his internal strength is so powerful that anyone can't bear it with just one palm, but it's a pity that he can't hit the opponent at all.

As long as the strong and powerful palm force is exerted, it will be easily dodged and moved away by the opponent, or will be restrained by the opponent's other moves, and the attack will fail.

There is no way, whoever calls the Vajra Palm to go back and forth like four moves, respecting the Tathagata, King Kong patting the table, King Kong looking back, King Kong glaring, and the fifth move Angry King Kong, that is not a move.

Although this palm technique has been cultivated by Ye Dou to the level of perfection, and the strength and vigour of palm technique has been brought into full play, it is still not enough to deal with a master of spiritual and martial arts like Zhuang Yan.

A few times he was even pressed and beaten by the opponent. As long as he waved his hand, he would find an opportunity to suppress him.

Anyway, his thirteen Taibaos practiced body protection horizontally, with rough skin and thick flesh, invulnerable to swords and guns, and his fighting style was beneficial to him.

As for the Qishangquan that has not yet been successfully cultivated, Ye Dou does not intend to use it now.

Although Zhuang Yan has always been able to gain the upper hand, he is very depressed. Every time he is about to take down the opponent, he is forced to move back with the opponent's move that he is not afraid of death, causing him to fail again and again.

As a martial arts master who has experienced hundreds of battles, he intends to abolish the opponent without injury, but he does not want to defeat the opponent at the cost of being seriously injured.

No long fight!

Zhuang Yan made a decision immediately, made a false move, and took a few steps back.

He suddenly fell to the ground, his limbs landed on the ground, his limbs were bent, his head was raised high, and he looked like a big toad.

This is toad gong, not a martial art in martial arts novels, but a technique of using crouching to exert force. There is such a martial art in reality, but it was learned by solemnly.


Zhuang Yan suddenly squatted on all fours, jumped out from the ground, and slammed a pair of palms to the front. The speed was extremely fast, and there was a faint shrieking sound.

This toad gong is actually the most powerful one among the moves Zhuang Yan has learned.

He once used this trick to dent the armor plate of the tank in one fell swoop, and also shifted the tank abruptly by several centimeters.

Therefore, he is confident that one hit will kill him!

Ye Dou had always been at a disadvantage, and Zheng was worried that he had no chance, but when he saw the opponent leaping over like a big toad, it was estimated that the outcome would be decided ahead of time.


I was afraid that you would be cowardly, but now you have brought it to the door yourself.

Ye Dou said nothing, the magic power of the wedding dress was full of fire, the muscles all over the body were tense, the clothes were inflated and inflated, and the inner strength was exercised. .


The four palms slammed together fiercely, and a turbulent air wave like a turbulent sea was suddenly set off, making the surrounding people feel the strong wind, the clothes on their bodies flew, and many people retreated.

Ye Dou could feel the violent and sturdy energy contained in the palm of the opposite side, and it kept coming. This was the strongest attack of spiritual blood and dark energy. The strong attack force made him feel what is called Taishan pressing the top.


Zhuang Yan also felt the domineering and mighty power in the opponent's palm, which caused severe pain in his palm.

"Interesting, this is spiritual blood plus dark energy? Rage King Kong!"

Ye Dou smiled slightly and finally used his trump card.

Immediately, the infuriating qi, which was already domineering and unparalleled, suddenly increased like an explosion.


The palms of the two of them seemed to detonate a bomb, and the shock wave caused them to withdraw one after another.

After Ye Dou stood his face was blushing and uncertain, this was not because he was injured, but because the infuriating qi of the wedding dress was too domineering, and the effect of the infuriating qi of the Furious King Kong was indeed increased. True Qi, but the degree of explosion is also multiplied. He was shocked by his own burning True Qi, and he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

It seems that the power of this Angry King Kong paired with the wedding dress infuriating is too domineering, it is almost like a little dynamite, and it is more self-mutilating than Qishangquan, so it cannot be used indiscriminately.

Zhuang Yan stood there trembling all over, his charred hands smoking blue smoke.

Is this inner strength?

How can you burn people's hands?

Simply unheard of.

"It's rare, there is a master like you in the world classics, and your attainments in martial arts are indeed beyond mine. But what about that, I'm Lingwu Shuangxiu, what I'm best at is spiritualism, so I'm a black impermanence, and It's not white impermanence."

There was a sneering smile on the corner of Zhuang Yan's mouth, and he slowly raised his head and arms to aim at Ye Dou: "Spiritual Art - Heart-piercing Arrow!"

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