The Hero Kneels

Chapter 121: style mutation

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Underworld, Tribunal.

Ye Dou sat in the dock of the trial court with shackles and shackles on his hands.

There was an old man with a gutter nose sitting in the front seat opposite, reading out a guilt aloud, his voice was hoarse and high, and his mouth was flying.

This old man is one of the four judges of the underworld, his name is Zhuang Xiaoqing. It was the judge who arrested him with his spiritual skills before, and the other party was the solemn uncle.

What a fuck!

Ye Dou could only sigh in the sky. Who would have known that there was someone above Zhuang Yan with such a big background. He was also one of the four judges of the underworld, and the judge was one level higher than Impermanence.

As soon as he put his nephew down, his uncle handcuffed himself directly, and sent him to the dock of the underworld court without a word.

How can this plot go this way?

Isn't it supposed to bring down Zhuang Wuchang and replace him, get a promotion and raise salary, gain countless admiration and fans, and then marry Bai Fumei?

The style of painting changed so quickly that he couldn't accept it.

Just after the fight, within half a day, he was sent to the court of the underworld.

If he put his experience in those fantasy novels, he would definitely send a truckload of blades to the author.

A good face-slap plot, why did it look like this?

"Ye Dou, the battle between you and Majestic really opened my eyes. I didn't expect that you were pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, and only at the end did you come up with the ultimate move, and he was beaten by you." The person sitting beside Ye Dou listened. Hall Master Luo couldn't help but sigh.

Play pig eat tiger?

Grandma Luo, I have always been a tiger, what is it like to be a pig?

Ye Dou laughed twice.

In fact, this solemn is really powerful. Although the quality of the opponent's martial arts is not as good as his own, he has a deep understanding of martial arts and has extremely rich experience in battle. Miscalculation, hard-hearted efforts, and I really can't do the other side.

If Zhuang Yan can completely use his skills to deal with him, consume his internal strength and physical strength, and take advantage of the flaws in his moves, then the winner will most likely be the opponent.

It can be said that he killed an old master with random fists.

"Many thanks to Hall Master Luo, I have always wanted to experience the life-and-death confrontation between people. This time I am finally satisfied. Even if I am sentenced, I am willing to do so." Ye Dou smiled, his expression quite satisfied.

Yes, this fight was really cool, it made his blood boil, he was full of fighting addiction, and he learned a lot from it, and his horizons suddenly broadened a lot.

"Don't worry, you've done a good job. I won't let Judge Zhuang sentence you to heavy punishments. At most, there will be small punishments. After all, it's a good thing to let Zhuang Yan rest for a while." Hall Master Luo whispered in Ye Dou's ear.

The other party sighed Ruolan, and the breath gently blew his ears, which made people ticklish.

Ye Dou raised his brows after hearing this, no wonder the Hall Master Luo suddenly indulged his subordinates to fight in the cafeteria. It turned out that the other party also had plans, it was simply foresight.

"Amitabha, Lord Ye, you don't need to worry about any serious crime. Our Impermanence Hall will guarantee you. Even if Judge Zhuang is one of the four major judges, he will not dare to mess around. Recently, he has been involved in too many things in the Impermanence Hall. I won't let him succeed." Master Wuxiang on the left said indifferently.

For the first time, Ye Dou felt that this kind-hearted old monk was as cunning as the other's apprentice rebooting monk.

But the other party gave him a reassurance.

It seems that this matter is far from being as simple as he beat Zhuang Yan, but an invisible battle between the Hall of Impermanence and this Judge Zhuang.

In other words, are there open and secret battles between the various departments of the underworld?

This is somewhat unexpected.

The indictments have been read out, and it seems that there is a long list of them. Anyway, there are too many incriminations.

Judge Zhuang raised his head and looked at Ye Dou coldly: "Ye Dou, a new trainee in the Hall of Impermanence, can you plead guilty?"

"Confess? What's my guilt? No guilt!" Ye Dou replied succinctly.

"The facts are clear, the evidence is conclusive, and I can convict you even if you don't plead guilty!"

Judge Zhuang's voice was majestic and powerful, and he immediately announced: "This old man will use the power of the judge and decide alone. Ye Dou is guilty of sabotage of official duties, assault of a superior, intentional injury, and suspicion of espionage... Combined punishment for several crimes, you will be sentenced to eighteen The seventh layer of hell, the **** of the mountain of swords, is tortured!"

"Bah, ten years? I fight and sentence me to ten years, or go to the eighteenth floor of hell?" Ye Dou almost spit a thick phlegm on the other's face.

"I object. The fight between Zhuang Wuchang and Ye Dou was caused by personal favors. Zhuang Wuchang also agreed to this competition before and asked for my consent." Hall Master Luo stood up and said.

"Amitabha, this old man can testify." Master Wuxiang also stood up.

The two leading figures stood together like this, and the other leaders of the Hall of Impermanence also stood up to express that they could also testify, and most of the people in the auditorium stood up for a while.

The corners of Zhuang Xiaoqing's mouth twitched slightly, knowing that this time the Hall of Impermanence wanted to make trouble, he simply said: "Everyone, although this is a private fight, it is extremely bad in nature. This old man will not condone any beating the leader. It's disrespectful!"

"Judge Zhuang, you are one of the four major judges, and you have a lot of power in your hands. Zhuang Yan is your nephew. If you judge in person like this, you shouldn't avenge your private revenge publicly, right?" Hall Master Luo said.

"It's unreasonable. As a judge, how can the old man avenge his personal revenge, but the other three judges can't make a move, and only the old man can make up his mind."

Zhuang Xiaoqing took out a few photos and pointed to the photos: "The results of the examination in the ward have just come out. Zhuang Yan's internal organs have been shattered, the bones in his chest and face are broken in many places, and his life is in danger. Look at this palm print. How exaggerated, this is simply intentional murder."

The solemn appearance in the photo is full of tubes, with shimmering magic talismans sticking to his limbs, his face swollen like a pig's head, a ventilator tube stuck in his mouth, and a big purple sunken palm print on his chest.

This is the injury caused by Vajra Palm!

Ye Dou stuck out his tongue.

It has to be said that the effect of this Vigorous Vajra Palm on ghosts is average, and the power of hitting people or objects is really dangling.

At that time, he didn't show mercy, because the other party had too much killing intent on him, so he gave the other party a full punch and a palm. As a result, the effect of this attack was extraordinary, thinking that the other party would be seriously injured even if he didn't die. Now it seems that the other party needs to cultivate well. several years.

Hall Master Luo said: "It's normal for him to have no eyes during the competition, and it is normal for him to be injured. Zhuang Yan used the spiritual art piercing arrow, a trick that is forbidden to be used against humans, but he failed. There is nothing to say. Give us the impermanence hall, and the punishment measures will also be implemented by our impermanence hall."

"Dear jurors, have you seen that, this is viciousness, and this is killing people."

Zhuang Xiaoqing ignored Hall Master Luo, and turned his head in indignation and said, "In the name of the four major judges, my judgment against Ye Dou is reasonable and legal, and no protest or modification is allowed, otherwise our underworld will no longer be disciplined. your opinion."

There are eight jurors in the jury seat. After a few discussions, the results will be handed out.

"Four votes against, four in favour." Zhuang Xiaoqing was stunned.

This answer was not what he wanted to see.

He couldn't help but look at the two colleagues beside him. In addition to him, the main judge, in each underworld verdict, there were also two deputy judges. When the jury's decision was tied, it would be up to the two deputy judges.

There is still a way to influence Zhuang Xiaoqing of the other two judges, but the feelings of the Hall of Impermanence must also be considered. After all, if the Hall of Impermanence really does not agree and uses the right of appeal, then the matter will be completely escalating, and he and the Hall of Impermanence are also counted. made a fuss.

After a moment of deliberation, the three made a decision, and Zhuang Xiaoqing also made certain concessions.

He took out a piece of final verdict and read aloud: "This judge has officially issued a verdict. The criminal suspect Ye Dou beat his is in critical condition. Although the two had an agreement to discuss before, he shot. Ruthless, bad behavior, lawless..."

"The verdict is as follows. From now on, Ye Dou will be driven out of the underworld, dismissed from all positions, restored to his status as an ordinary person, his memory will be cleared, and he will never be hired."

"What? For such a talented person, you want to erase his memory and never hire him? What a joke!" Hall Master Luo was the first to object, and the leaders in the seat were not happy either.

"Amitabha, Lao Na does not agree, the underworld is now hiring people, and Judge Zhuang is suspected of avenging private revenge by doing this." Master Wuxiang shouted.

Liu Gang jumped up and shouted, "We don't agree, we don't agree, we don't agree..."

Xue Fei and other people in the Hall of Impermanence all shouted, and the courtroom turned into a duck pond for a while.

Zhuang Xiaoqing patted the chopping board in succession: "Silence, give me silence, this is the court of justice, not your impermanence hall!"

At this moment, a clear and powerful voice came from everyone's ears: "I accept the verdict, when will it be executed?"

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