The Hero Kneels

Chapter 122: Dianhua-Fengyoujing


In the dormitory, Hall Master Luo was sitting across from Ye Dou with his thighs crossed.

At this moment, Ye Dou was wearing shackles on his hands and shackles on his feet, looking like a prisoner.

"Ye Dou, are you really going to accept this result?"

Hall Master Luo asked, his voice was cold, and his beautiful eyes flashed with strange brilliance: "Our Impermanence Hall has the right to appeal once, and can let other judges take over this case. You will definitely get a light sentence, or even reduce the punishment to a minimum."

"I accept this penalty decision and do not intend to appeal."

Ye Dou smiled and said sincerely: "The underworld is actually not what I thought before, there are open and secret battles between various departments, and even if the hall master Luo covers me, I am afraid that my life in the underworld will not be very pleasant in the future, my talent is limited. However, Zhuang Xiaoqing is one of the four judges of the underworld. It is easy to hide with open guns, but it is difficult to guard against hidden arrows. I can see that he is not the kind of leader who does not remember the deeds of villains."

Hall Master Luo did not speak this time.

Because what Ye Dou said was right, Zhuang Xiaoqing was extremely powerful. There were four judges in the underworld: Suzaku, Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu.

While he has a high weight on the direction, he also has a strong sense of power. In order to fight for power, he even interferes with the operation of the Hall of Impermanence, and there are rumors that this person's character and strength are somewhat disproportionate.

Even if Ye Dou escaped punishment this time, the other party will definitely find a way to find fault. The tasks of the ghosts are too dangerous, and it is impossible for them to watch over Ye Dou for a long time. If Zhuang Xiaoqing is sincere, then Ye Dou can It's really dangerous.

"Palace Master Luo, you should understand the choice I made. I was very happy during this time, and I don't want to cause any more trouble to the Temple of Impermanence."

Ye Dou pointed to himself: "And you can see that I like freedom very much. I'm like a wild horse that can run away at any time. I can't stay in a strictly controlled system for a long time."

He had already made a decision in his heart.

At first, he came here for the spirit of the underworld, the exorcism of the curse, and the iron job of the civil servants. As a result, he could not practice the spirit of the underworld. The method of expelling the curse was too disgusting, and there was nothing he wanted in the underworld, so his purpose was only What remains is the iron rice bowl of civil servants.


He literally offended a big boss in the underworld to death.

If you want to mix in the underworld system, you will probably face all kinds of difficulties.

It is estimated that these difficulties will not only be malicious in the future, but may even be fatal.

He doesn't like to be involved in all kinds of conspiracy methods, and he doesn't like to be killed by that big guy all day long.

If you follow the plot in the online novel, you should stay here, and then use your golden fingers to level up and level up wildly, and then pretend to slap the face, step on Zhuang Xiaoqing and others, and put them one by one. The man knelt down and called Grandpa, and the woman knelt down and licked herself.


This is just a **** plot in a brainless novel, and it will only appear in that kind of brainless novel.

He had personally experienced the strength of the four judges. It was just a small magic trick that tied himself in the second block form and couldn't move. It was so terrifying.


His golden finger is not suitable for the underworld. If he wants to develop, he must have enough resources and space, as well as a confidential and comfortable environment. It is not a good thing to leave the underworld now.

Looking at the decisive look in the other party's eyes, Hall Master Luo nodded and asked casually: "Tomorrow, the judge will perform amnestics on you, you will forget everyone here, forget everything that happened during this time, and you will be tampered with. Memory, what else do you want me to help you with?"

"Ahem, I'm afraid I won't be able to return the money from Hall Master Luo." Ye Dou said calmly.

Before, I had advanced my salary to Hall Master Luo, but it was actually the money that Hall Master Luo himself lent.

Hall Master Luo smiled: "You don't need to pay it back, that's what I personally funded you. In fact, I want to give you more compensation. After all, this time, our Impermanence Hall actually used you to attack Zhuang Xiaoqing's lineage. In this regard, we are impermanent. It is true that what the temple has done is not bright enough, and I am ashamed."

"Thank you, Hall Master Luo, then I have one last request."

Ye Dou paused: "Before the execution tomorrow, let me eat the food in the cafeteria again."

Hall Master Luo smiled again, shook his head, and there was a sparkling light in his eyes.

The dormitory door opened, and Rosie walked out of the dormitory.

The two ghost guards in law enforcement uniforms immediately closed the door and locked it, with a plan to guard against it.

A group of people who were guarding the door gathered around.

"Palace Master, what did Ye Dou say?"

"Yeah, we can use the right of appeal to save him directly."

"That's right, why does he have to accept this punishment?"

Liu Gangdan Xuefei and others stepped forward to ask.

"He is very determined, and the judgment will be executed tomorrow." Hall Master Luo said lightly, then turned around and left, as if he didn't want to talk more.

"Palace Master Luo, can't you persuade Ye Dou more?"

"What the **** is Ye Dou thinking? No, I want to see him."

"That's right, what is this kid thinking? Let me in, I'll talk to him personally."

Liu Gang bombed Xue Fei and others, and couldn't help but want to get close to the dormitory, but was stopped by the two guards at the door, so they could only be eager to try.

"Amitabha, since this is Master Ye's own decision, then everyone should not interfere too much, the child is not a fish and knows the joy of a fish. Everyone leave here immediately and go back to your post." Master Wuxiang commanded in a loud voice.

Seeing that the leader had spoken, the big guy dispersed.


Zi Fei fish knows the joy of fish?

No one knows what Ye Dou thinks, UU reading www. But the other party should have their own considerations, and it is not easy for them to interfere too much.

in the dormitory.

With his shackled hands, Ye Dou took out all kinds of medicines from his small bag, including Indian God Oil, Viagra, Fengyou Jing, Liushen Hualu Water, Yunnan Baiyao, Donkey Gum Tonic Blood Granules, and the simplified version of Shiquan Big tonic pills and so on.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to wash my memory directly." He muttered to himself, and picked up Liushen toilet water and balsamic essence.

This time, he bought a lot of medicines and health care products, and he chose all the medicine bottles with the description of the efficacy, because after he found the medicine after the golden finger, the medicine text on the bottle would also change. .

Of course, the label text must fit snugly against the vial.

Looking at the white soul on the soul ring, Ye Dou frowned slightly.

In the past, he had consumed a lot of white souls, such as the magic wedding dress and Qishangquan, as well as the Shiquan Dabu pills, etc., but now the number of white souls has been greatly reduced, and there are only four tadpoles on the soul ring. Flashes white light.

"Four white souls? It looks like I'm going to save some time. Which one is better?" Ye Dou narrowed his eyes, and finally focused his attention on the bottle of essential oil.

The effect label on the bottle of the essential oil says: Refreshing, Cooling, Pain Relieving, Carminative, Relieving Itching. It is used for headache, dizziness and motion sickness caused by mosquito bites and colds.


The golden finger appeared, and Ye Dou directly touched the bottle of wind oil.

With a flash of brilliance, the original green wind oil essence turned dark gold, and the white soul on the soul ring was missing.

Look towards the explanatory label on the surface of the bottle.

I saw that the effect font on the label has also turned into dark gold, which reads: Concentrate and concentrate, it can detoxify insects, and it is suitable for the cultivation of various spiritual abilities.

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