The Hero Kneels

Chapter 123: clear memory

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"I guessed right."

Ye Dou has a happy face.

The essential function of cheats for cheats is to correct the deduction, and the best effect is to use fake cheats.

For the function of the golden finger, it directly strengthens the increase, greatly enhances the main medicinal power in the medicine, and even makes the medicine produce qualitative sublimation.

After the wind oil essence was strengthened, it seemed to be strengthened into the elixir he wanted.

Immediately, he unscrewed the cap of Fengyoujing, and Ye Dou smelled it directly with his nose.

Suddenly, a dark golden airflow rose from the bottle and went straight into his nose.

The smell of this dark golden gas is extremely cool, like the wind oil essence, but it is not, but it smells better, and it is more refreshing to the brain. It immediately made an incredible ethereal feeling in his mind, as if his body and mind were in an instant. Sublimation, flying to another world.

Ye Dou couldn't help thinking of the lyrics of a song, and couldn't help but sing: "I want to become a fairy, I am happy, and the wine is beautiful, it is wonderful..."

What is fluttering like a fairy, the feeling now is fluttering like a fairy.

Brother is going to fly!


After a shock, Ye Dou immediately fell from the immortal world to the mortal world. He quickly put the lid on Fengyoujing, and after a closer look, a third of the dark golden liquid was missing from the Fengyoujing.

"It consumes a lot of money, and I can't waste it." Without saying a word, he sat on the bed and started the method of washing the marrow sutra.

The king is in the world of Yijinjing, he has ascended to the Tao and washed the marrow, the world is invincible, the golden bell covers, the pure yang boy builds longevity, and the dark ice and fire break through the void!

The Sui Sui that Ye Dou cultivated came from Longhumen, not the ordinary version of Sui Sui Sutra. It is known as the first of the four Shaolin magic arts, which can develop the "brain domain" and focus on the cultivation of the "spirit" in the essence, qi and spirit-here refers to the Spirit, soul, will, understanding.

Rumor has it that after the Sui Sutra is completed, it has many abilities, which can wash people's hearts, eliminate murderous intentions, and stop martial arts. It is known as undefeated!

When you are successful in your practice, you will be able to unlock the six magical powers of Buddhism, and even have the ability to travel through time and space with the eyes of the sky!

Previously, he spent a whole red soul to concoct the first chapter of the bell without beginning, and the chapter on the bell without beginning of cultivating the Sutra of Cleansing Spirit did not achieve much success, but felt that his spiritual power had risen a little, and his eyesight had increased. Become stronger, in addition to this method, it is difficult to make an inch.

After all, he didn't think of any medicines that could help the cultivation of the Sui Sutra.

With the fortified wind oil essence, it is different.

Ye Dou closed his eyes immediately, and with the help of the medicinal effect of the concentrating artifact, he directly entered the ethereal and phaseless realm that Buddhist monks dreamed of, and practiced the Sutra of Washing Marrows wholeheartedly.

The next afternoon, Ye Dou slowly opened his eyes.

In fact, it was not that he wanted to open his eyes, but a deep intuition told him that someone was coming outside the door, and it was time to open his eyes.

At this moment, the bottle of wind oil essence in front of him was empty and consumed.

As for the effect of last night's training, Ye Dou is not very easy to say. He just feels that his senses seem to be getting stronger. The bulging feeling of Mei Xing is faintly beating, like a heart beating. It is estimated that his mental power has increased. .

This marrow-washing nerve is amazing, and the effect after cultivation is simply indescribable.

He always feels that he has become more sensitive, but it is difficult to say exactly what has become more sensitive.

"The door should be opened, there are three people in total." He glanced at the door.

blah blah blah!

Sure enough, the dormitory door opened.

A judge and two guards entered.

After a while, Ye Dou walked out of the dormitory with heavy shackles and shackles, and took the elevator to the cafeteria of the underworld.

At this time, it was noon, after 1:00 pm, and the cafeteria was empty. Here he saw the figures of Master Wuxiang, Xue Fei, Liu Gangdan and others, but he did not see the royal sister Luo Palace Master.

In addition, there are several judges in charge of law enforcement. Zhuang Xiaoqing, one of the four judges, is not here.

A few cafeteria aunts and helpers in the front pushed a pot of steaming hot meat of various colors to Ye Dou.

The fat aunt Chen in the cafeteria pointed to these meats with a stainless steel spoon, her eyes shining with tears: "These are all things you like to eat, eat as much as you can, and let's go, everyone will not forget yours."

"Thank you, Miss Chen."

Ye Dou said happily, he didn't expect that he was quite popular in the cafeteria.

"...You, it's better to leave, so that we can relax a lot, and leave quickly after eating, everyone in our cafeteria doesn't want to see you again." Who knows that Sister Chen's face changed in the next second.

Ye Douhan: "..."

"Hurry up, you have half an hour to eat. After eating, our judge will directly erase your memory." One of the cold-faced middle-aged judges said loudly.

"Ha ha."

Ye Dou laughed twice, buried his head and started eating, and after a few bites, he greeted Master Wuxiang, Liu Gangdan and others to sit down and eat together.

Several people forced their faces to smile and sat beside Ye Dou with a bit of bitterness in their expressions.

"Let's eat together, it's nothing, we'll see you in the future, and it's a pleasure to be with you." Ye Dou chatted with everyone while eating, chatting with each other, like a normal chat, this time The speed of eating is not very fast.

Thirty minutes passed quickly.

"Ye Dou, I will perform amnestics immediately, come here..." came the cold voice of a judge.

Ye Dou wiped his mouth, got up and walked over. .

The cold-faced judge in charge of execution took two steps forward and stood opposite Ye Dou.

Ye Dou waved at Master Wuxiang, Xue Fei, Liu Gangdan and others: "Goodbye, everyone, thank you very much for your care this week, I will miss you."

"Woooooo... Ye Dou!"

Liu Gangdan couldn't help but grinned wide, and suddenly burst into tears, crying loudly.

"Hey, why are you crying? We're not mourning Ye Dou, he's still alive." Xue Fei looked at the exaggerated Comrade Liu Gangdan and felt a little ashamed.

"I cry because I'm sad, and I'm sad because... woohoo!" Liu Gangdan cried even more fiercely, and stretched his bare head to the next door.

"What are you doing?" Xue Fei directly slapped the big bald head away.

"I just want to find a shoulder to lean on."

"Go away, you are relying on the old lady's chest!"

"Amitabha, can you two be more serious?"

Depend on!

Ye Dou couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth as he looked at these heartless people seeing them off.

In vain I say goodbye so affectionately, you...

"Look at my eyes." The cold-faced middle-aged judge stared round, and the seeds of his eyes flashed with a burst of white brilliance.

Ye Dou only felt that his eyes were covered with white light, and a cold current hit the depths of his mind, as if it was a big, tyrannical hand trying to ingest something in his mind.

Naturally, he would not let the other party succeed, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the bulging feeling on the top of his head became more and more obvious.

" this okay?"

After a while, the cold-faced judge withdrew his hand and wiped a drop of sweat on his forehead: "What happened, this should be a success, but why does it feel like the spiritual power mud cow has entered the sea?"

"Judge Zhang, are you okay? If you can't, let us use the Hall of Impermanence to perform ecstasy to clear your memory." Someone said.

"Cough, it's nothing, it should be successful."

Judge Zhang snorted and ordered Ye Dou, "Ye Dou, take ten steps forward."

Ye Dou's face was expressionless, his eyes were blank, and he did so with stiff steps.

Judge Zhang nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, you can take him out of the underworld. As for the finishing work of instilling memory, I will leave it to you in the Hall of Impermanence!"

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