The Hero Kneels

Chapter 141: I can't believe it


Ye Dou felt the burning pain in his chest and shoulders. He looked at the injuries on his chest and shoulders. The trauma had been stopped and worsened. In the first moment of the previous injury, he had actually sealed the wound with internal force and did not let the injury continue to deteriorate. .

Now it seems that the wound on his chest is deep into the bone, and the flesh next to his neck has also been completely penetrated, leaving five blood holes. Wound benefits, and there is a cold air that spreads through the muscles.

This is Yin Qi.

It has been condensed into sinister poison by ghosts, and its effect on the human body is almost equivalent to that of poison.

The domineering true qi of the wedding dress is constantly dispelling the sinister poison that burns like maggots, so that there is a trace of yin qi around the wound.

Up until now, it wasn't the trauma that hurt him the most, but the sinister poison contained in the female ghost's attack, but fortunately, the sinister poison was restrained by the true qi of the wedding dress, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.

The surroundings were still deserted, and there was no one, but he could hear some sounds in the distance, which had broken the mysterious silence before.

This is all thanks to the haunted incident that happened yesterday, which led to a poor crowd at Cross Street tonight. The shops on both rows of the street were closed. In addition, the female ghost deliberately concealed the movement, so that there was no one nearby when there was such a big movement. Noticed.

After the poison in the wounds in his body was almost completely burned by the infuriating energy, Ye Dou took out a tablet of medicine from the pocket of the tattered jeans that only had a small part left.

It is Yunnan Baiyao that has been enhanced by enlightenment.

He directly took out a dark golden capsule and stuffed it into his mouth.

Immediately, an incomparably cool medicinal power scattered from the mouth, spread from the lungs, spread to the limbs and bones, and then gathered in the wound.

The originally hot and painful wound immediately felt an indescribable coolness, and the flesh and blood that had not yet healed slowly healed at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

About ten minutes later, the wound began to scab over.

"It really is a miracle medicine for life and death." Ye Dou nodded contentedly.

In the battle just now, it wasn't that the female ghost broke his Thirteen Taibao Heng Lian, but he deliberately broke the skill so that the opponent would attack recklessly. Only then did he seize the opponent's handle and subdue the female ghost in one fell swoop. .


With the powerful fighting power of the female ghost just now, it is difficult for him to find a way to restrain the opponent in a short period of time.

The reason why he dared to sell blood like this is the most important reliance on Yunnan Baiyao, which has been enlightened in his hands.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

He coughed a few times, spit **** saliva, and felt that the injury had stabilized, and then he took a step forward.

Not too far away, there was a sound of sirens.

A fast-paced police car drove over and stopped in front of Ye Dou. The door opened and two or three vigilant police comrades walked up.

There was even a black pickup truck behind, and two ghosts in black leather coats also got out of the car.

It is estimated that the father and daughter of the Wang family just reported the case at 110, but the police not only disturbed the police, but also the ghosts of the underworld.

Taking a closer look, he even knew these two ghosts.

The petite female ghost is exactly Tian Tian who led him in the interview at the beginning, and the tall young man.

Tian Tian saw that Ye Dou's clothes were tattered and bloodstained all over his body.

She knows Ye Dou's fighting power. This impermanence, who is even ranked in the top five in the underworld, has been beaten hard, but she didn't expect the other party to be injured like this. Judging from the injury, it seems that he has just fought someone hand-to-hand.

"Are you OK?"

"Hey hey hey, how did you make it look like this?"

The two couldn't help but ask around.

"It's okay, I'm a patrolman in this area, there won't be any problem in such a situation." Ye Dou said with a smile.

There is a linkage between the ghost guards and the guards. Tian Tian is a ghost guard in the south of the city. In theory, Gao Yedou has a level. Monitor any abnormal situation through the 110 alarm platform. Once there is a disturbance, the underworld will send a ghost guard immediately. Launch action to destroy ghosts, then isolate and wash away the memories of ordinary people.

"You are injured, and it is very serious. Who can hurt you so badly around here? Let me use spiritual techniques to help you heal." Tian Tian's expression revealed disbelief, and she took out a Guanyin in her hand. .

A fierce man who beat up the big boss of Impermanence Hall, was beaten into such a miserable appearance, and anyone else would be shocked.

"All right."

Ye Dou didn't refuse Tian Tian's help, and directly asked the other party to stick the magic talisman on his body. Immediately, a cool feeling shrouded his whole body, and there was a tingling feeling in the scab.

"I met a **** who worshipped You Sect. This **** is very good at biting people... Let's not talk about it. I'm not in serious trouble at the moment. You should go back first." Ye Dou smiled indifferently.

Tian Tian and the others gasped when they saw the crisscross wounds on Ye Dou's body. Although the wounds had scabbed over, they gasped, but the two large wounds were black in purple, as if they had been invaded by extremely strong yin qi.

"Is it really all right? I still have some talismans here to dispel yin qi." Tian Tian hesitated.

"No, it's almost healed." After Ye Dou consumed a lot of infuriating qi from the wedding dress, nine-tenths of the poisonous qi in his body had been dissipated, and he only needed to rest and rest.

"I'll send you to the Chengnan Base in the Psychiatric Identification Center, it's safer there." Tian Tian arranged.


Ye Dou nodded and got into the SUV.

This time, he lost a lot of blood energy, which caused his face to be pale and his body to be a little tired. After getting into the car, he slowly closed his eyes and entered a state of breathing regulation.

In fact, he really wanted to infuse a few donkey gelatin blood granules to take it right away, but now that he is in the car of the ghosts, he will not take the medicine for now, so as not to cause unnecessary suspicion.

It is certain that the ghosts of the You Sect have already found their hiding place, and the cross street has become unsafe. It is better to return to the base of the underworld first, so as not to be brought down by the You Sect.

According to his understanding, Baiyou Sect has been fighting with the underworld for thousands of years. Although most of the time they are at a disadvantage, but one hides in the shadows and tells that he does not dare to cause trouble under the eyes of the underworld, but it is hard to guard against. Find a safe place to hide.

When he came to the mental appraisal center, Ye Dou was received by Bai Lao. After the other party figured out the situation, he directly found a temporary dormitory for Ye Dou.

After this battle, Ye Dou felt that his strength was really not enough.

"My combat power is not weak for ghosts. Even the top impermanence-level ghosts can be defeated. It's a pity that the ghosts don't have the magic to deal with ghosts. They can only fight with their bodies. The powerful ghosts on the opposite side are still not enough to see. ." Lying in the brand-new single-person dormitory, Ye Dou was full of thoughts.

Recalling the previous battle, the more he thought about it, the more his heart skipped a beat.

"The wedding dress magic has been cultivated to the ninth level. In addition to the seven times the attack of the Seven Wounds Fist, it is still unable to completely suppress those powerful ghosts, and I almost suffered fatal injuries." He thought carefully.

The so-called ghosts can condense the emptiness of the soul into substance, because ghosts can absorb the negative spirits of the world, that is, yin qi.

Once a ghost condenses its body into a substance, its ability to hurt people will be greatly increased. With its sinister poison, its ability to become illusory and invisible, and its extremely fast speed, it is difficult for people to defend.

Most importantly, ghosts are difficult to kill with one hit, and also have the ability to recover, unless they are completely restrained from their attacks, such as magic!

"Now Baiyou Sect has found me. What if I meet the Red Hall Master and come to take revenge in person? Do I have to hide here and not go out..." Ye Dou recalled that in the General Mountain, he met the Red Hall Master. Hall Master.

Hall Master Hong's yin stance, like a real yin qi, is like the top of Mount Tai, and it still makes him shudder and feel a sudden cardiac arrest.

What should I do if I encounter the Red Hall Master himself?

Can only eat Viagra to fight?

No, Viagra's transformation takes only three minutes.

After three minutes?

What if he inflicted heavy damage on the Red Hall Master?

With the ghost's recovery ability, I am afraid that he can't kill the opponent. Under the war of attrition, the first person to fall is likely to be himself.

"If I encounter high-level ghosts again... Then I have to consider greatly strengthening the defense and save lives first. High-level old ghosts are not so easy to be killed by one blow, so they can only fall into a protracted war of attrition. It's all about surviving."

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes.

"You have to find a fake cheat book that suits you? As for which hard skill is the best defense..."

He was full of thoughts and had no clue.

Because now there is not even one fake cheat book about defense, and I don't know if I can find it.

But the idea is completely correct. It is necessary to improve hard work to save life first.

"I remember that although the ninth-level wedding dress magic is close to Dacheng, the wedding dress magic after Dacheng is the real full version of the wedding dress magic. The full version of the wedding dress magic will have a qualitative change. Do you want to impact the tenth-level Dacheng realm? "Ye Dou narrowed his eyes.

According to the records of the secret book, the tenth level of the wedding dress magic art will have a qualitative change. It seems that most cultivators, when they reach the seventh or eighth level, can't bear the infuriating qi of the sky, thunder and earth, and will automatically dissipate the power. Re-cultivation, even the protagonist in the novel can't cultivate to the tenth floor and then lose his gong.

That is to say, no one has ever lost their gong on the tenth floor of the wedding dress magic art.

Next, he intends to forcibly try to reach the tenth-layer realm of the wedding dress magic.

As long as the impact is successful, his combat power will increase a lot.

I carefully checked my own situation. At present, my inner strength is true, my blood is not full, and my spirit is a little weak. I can't help it. The previous battle consumed too much.

Then make up for it.


Shiquan Dabu pills.


Donkey glue blood granules.

Ye Dou's second words were good, he directly consumed two white souls to infuse two bottles of medicine.

He directly stretched out his hand and poured Shiquan Dabu Pills and Donkey Gum Tonic Blood Granules into his The small bean-like dark-golden pills immediately dissolved and flowed into his lungs. deficit.

After a while, under his conditioning exercises, his blood qi slowly began to boil, a warm air began to rise continuously, and even the wounds on his body seemed to tingle.

"The remaining yin qi has been removed, the blood qi has been replenished, and the true qi has been replenished... Now it's time to hit the tenth floor of the wedding dress." Ye Dou closed his eyes, concentrated his energy, and directly entered the state of cultivation.

The ninth level of the wedding dress magic is very domineering, and it is very painful to run. Ye Dou is also clenching his teeth to support the operation of the inner work.

In a short time, his forehead and upper body were soaked with hot sweat, his expression became painful, and the veins on his forehead jumped.

Now practising the magic wedding dress, the true qi of the thunder and fire that day is really a burden to the human body. Once you practice it with all your strength, it will be like hundreds of millions of ants biting at his body's meridians, and sometimes it will be as painful as Knife cut.


He held back.

Everything is to become stronger, to save lives.

I don't know how long ago, when the power of a bottle of Shiquan Dabu pills was completely catalyzed into internal power, his cultivation stopped and he slowly opened his eyes.

The ninth-level wedding dress magic is not so easy to break through. This time, the training only made his inner strength a step further. Ye Dou just felt that his skills were stronger and his attack power was stronger, but he was still far from the tenth level.

"It will not break through to the tenth-level Great Perfection Realm for a while and a half, and it requires great perseverance to practice. It is better to find the soul and other martial arts secrets before practicing."

Ye Dou wiped the hot sweat on his forehead with a ruthless expression on his face: "I don't believe it anymore. With such a dangling existence, I'm afraid I can't handle a few old ghosts!"

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