The Hero Kneels

Chapter 142: Lingbo Microstep Evil Usage


In the early morning of the second day, before the sun jumped over the horizon, Ye Dou took two donkey gel granules to fill his belly, and then prepared to leave the underworld to start his own journey of searching for secrets.

no way,

This Chengnan base located in the psychiatric identification center has no canteen and does not include meals.

As soon as he came to the base hall in the basement, he found a lot of ghosts in the hall with magic talismans on their bodies.

These ghosts were miserable, with varying degrees of injuries on their bodies. Some of them looked very ugly. Tian Tian and her tall colleague were also among them. Their faces were bloody, and they were quite embarrassed.

"What's wrong? What the **** happened last night?"

Ye Dou immediately stepped forward to ask Tian Tian.

"Something really happened."

Tian Tian's face was pale, she straightened her messy long hair, and replied: "Last night there was a vicious murder case in the south of the city. Just two streets away from the cross street where you live, there is a dance hall with more than 60 men and women, all of them. Dead, the corpses were all dismembered into pieces, and they were placed into various human platters, and the police were terrified."

"Across the cross street? All over 60 men and women died?" Ye Dou raised his brows.

He guessed that it was some kind of powerful ghost, but he didn't know if he came to seek revenge.

"Looking at the traces at the scene, it should be that the ghost deliberately slaughtered ordinary people. When we rushed out, we collided with the ghost and fought with both hairs. Many colleagues were injured, and the ghost slipped away..." Tian Sweet sighed slightly.

"Is there only one ghost?" Ye Dou asked after pondering.

"Yes, the other party is very powerful."

Tian Dian's head looked embarrassed, and warned: "Recently, our underworld is trying to eliminate the influence of the You Cult, and there may be chaos outside. You'd better not run out at will. After all, the curse on your body will attract ghosts of the You Cult... Do you want me to help you find some poop?"

"Don't worry about it, girl, don't mention **** in the future, we are still good friends."

Ye Dou touched Tian Tian's head with his big hand, causing the other side to roll his eyes.

He didn't care, got up and left.

It is so close to his residence that such a serious supernatural disaster has occurred, and it is estimated that it must have something to do with him.

Maybe the one who came to trouble him this time was the ghost sent by the red hall master again, but he was hiding in the ghost base, and the other party couldn't find him, so he vented his hatred and started killing.

Of course, this is just speculation, it seems that worshiping you is also provoking the underworld.

Ye Dou was thinking as he walked.

"In this way, Hall Master Hong has no way of pinpointing my position just by relying on Lady Pink's curse. There is a lack of means. I will be absolutely safe in a short period of time, unless I am unlucky and confront the other party."

It was so long after the General Mountain incident that Baiyou Sect found himself through the curse of Pink Pink Lady. Obviously, Pink Pink Lady did not have the ability to accurately locate.

As long as your luck is not too bad, it is safe for the time being.

What I have to do next is not to hide in this ghost base, but to brush my soul as much as possible, find cheats to improve my strength, at least increase my strength to a situation where I can quickly escape in case of danger.

After all, I have found the underworld as a great backer. If I really encounter an existence that cannot be resisted, hiding in the underworld department is also an unbeatable retreat...

days thereafter.

The murder case in Youcheng has risen sharply, and the police are so busy that they issued a wanted order directly on the TV. It was to expose a pair of murderer brothers who looked like murderers and offered a huge reward of 2 million yuan.

Officials directly determined that the murderer’s brother was a perverted murderer, with countless lives in his hands, killing people and eating human flesh.

The Internet on TV was full of vicious photos of the murderer brothers, which shook the entire secluded city, and everyone reduced the chance of going out at night.

Many lively evening entertainment venues are closed, food stalls, nightclubs, etc. are all in danger, and business is greatly affected.

Of course, these are all smoke bombs released by the government to cover up frequent supernatural disasters, so as not to cause turmoil and panic and cause greater chaos.

The ghost guards fully cooperated with the police to obtain the testimony of witnesses, and at the same time, they used ecstasy to directly wash out or modify the memories of the witnesses, which was to cover up several difficult incidents smoothly.

Ye Dou has been leaving early and returning late in the past few days, and the supernatural events did not seem to affect him at all.

He is a patrolman, similar to the existence of a regional investigator, and his salary is only 5,000 yuan. There is no need to fight ghosts with the ghosts with monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan, and go around to relieve supernatural events. Besides, he is "injured" and needs to rest.

But out of curiosity, he followed Tian Tian and other ghosts to visit one or two crime scenes.

Every scene was messy, with internal organs, intestines, heads, and limbs flying all over the place, blood like a pond, and he also saw many familiar scratches, and at a glance, he knew what the ghosts were doing.

He could also feel the obvious residual Yin Qi at the scene, which was not left by ordinary ghosts, and even smelled a faint dark fragrance at the scene.

It's a lady in pink!

These cases must have something to do with the Red Hall Master who worships You Sect.

It is estimated that the underworld has recently attacked the worship of the secluded sect very fiercely, and the other party has used this method to retaliate.

"Osmanthus cake, freshly baked sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

"Come and see, the latest version of the villain's book."

"The antiques of the Ming Dynasty and the antiques of the Qing Dynasty are on sale."

Youcheng Enamel Street has always been very lively during the day, and today is no exception. Except for the stalls on both sides of the road, the Enamel Street is full of traffic, crowded and bustling.

This street, which was built in the 1980s, has changed from a concentration of wholesale products to an antique trading place, and later became a holy place for department stores and small commodities, and is famous for its wide variety. Here you can Seeing this kind of strange trade goods, the enamel street has almost become a scene of the secluded city.

Ye Dou was wearing jeans and a T-shirt with a small bag on his waist, and was strolling leisurely on the enamel street.

"Is it across from Xinhua Bookstore? After three rounds of searching, I couldn't find the one who sold fake cheats. Could it be that the other party moved the place, so the clue is broken?" Ye Dou looked at the bustling Enamel Street and shook his head slightly.

There are everything here, ranging from small jewelry to all kinds of electrical antiques, and even inflatable dolls in public. There are also stalls selling villains, used books, and various magazines, but I haven't seen any fake cheats. of.

Does it still look white?

Do you want to go to the top of Taobao and Jingdong to have a look, or go to the drama manager of Yang Mimi's crew with a cheeky face, and use carrots and cucumbers to ask each other the origin of the secret book?

As he frowned, thinking about what to do next, an angry voice entered his ears.

"Go away! Your peerless martial arts are not easy to sell at all. Are you a fool? I don't sell your books..."

Hearing the words "Peerless Martial Arts", Ye Dou's ears perked up, looking in the direction of the sound, only to see a fat woman with a big chest and a big belly roaring at the door of the Xinhua Bookstore.

This fat woman is using her proud upper perimeter, which is comparable to a bowling ball, to madly attack a seemingly thin young man with glasses in front of him.

"Boy, don't sell your book, what's the age... Do you think you're lying to a child? It's still so expensive? It's a shame to be a liar!"


After the fat woman finished speaking, she closed the door of Xinhua Bookstore, and before closing the door, she would throw two or three blue books on the ground.

The young man with glasses hurriedly knelt to the ground, picked up the blue book and blew it, so as not to stain the books, he cherished these books very much.

"Tsk tsk tsk...Can you let me read your book?" A young man who looked rather strong came over, with a sunny smile and snow-white teeth.

Jiuyang magic? Ming Yu Gong? Great move of heaven and earth?

This person was Ye Dou, and when he saw the secret book in the opponent's hand, the name of the peerless martial arts was written, and he couldn't help it immediately.

The young man with glasses saw that the other party was not malicious, and handed out the cheats directly: "Please be careful, these cheats are all handmade, don't break them."

Ye Dou couldn't wait to open the pages of the basic book, and after taking a close look, he couldn't help shaking his head: "How could it be blank?"

The shell paper of these few cheat books in front of them is exactly the same as the cheat books obtained by him and Liu Gangdan. The book case is mounted with needle and thread, and even the title page has a martial arts introduction. It is written in beautiful small letters and looks very delicate and simple. .

It's just that the content inside is empty and there is nothing.

"Blank? The books I sell are blank, hand-bound, what's wrong?" The young man with glasses was a little surprised.

"Uh, the cheat book I'm looking for is the kind of cheat book with descriptions of martial arts, and illustrations of various martial arts moves." Ye Dou sighed.

"You... why are you looking for that kind of secret book?" The young man with glasses asked nervously, looking a little afraid of the strong young man in front of him.

"Hehe, I just want to find the person who wrote the cheats, and then..."

Who would have guessed that before he finished speaking, the young man with glasses ran away, faster than a rabbit, as if he was running for his life, and disappeared into the intricate crowd in a blink of an run what? "

There was something strange about this, and Ye Dou felt that it was necessary to catch up and ask.


He stepped on Lingbo and took a slight step, chasing after him like a whirlwind.


The footsteps are like phantoms, tossing and turning, setting off countless beautiful skirt flowers on the street.

what! what! what!

The corners of the skirts of the ladies wearing skirts on the street were flying, revealing the true colors of triangular objects of various colors, causing them to cover their skirts again and again.

"I'm going! White, fan's, bear's, cherry, lace, and Pikachu's...Ahem, this eldest sister is so irritated, she didn't wear anything... It's a pity that her face is too ugly!"

Ye Douyan watched all directions and listened to all directions, and printed all the things that should not be seen, and all the things that should be seen.

Only today did he find out that Lingbo's microbuoy can still be used in this way!

Well, this method is too evil, it is better to use it sparingly in the future, lest one day I will be chased and beaten by a group of Obasan, and then the police uncle will come to the door, and when the pervert is caught, it will be a shame.

Anyway, I am a temporary civil servant, so I can't be so blatant.

He paused, slid his body, came directly to the panting young man with glasses, stretched out his hand to hold the other's shoulder, and asked, "Why are you running? I just want to find the author who wrote these fake cheats."

"I'm sorry, I'm the author of the fake cheats, I don't have money to accompany you, please don't hit me..."

The young man with glasses looked up and was startled. He felt a lot of pressure on his shoulders. He cried and fell to the ground.

Ye Dou was a little confused: "Hey, what's your situation?"

Thank you Mingkai for your huge reward of 20,000! Hao is Hao!

book from

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