The Hero Kneels

: The plot modification about the punishment of the underworld!

Due to the too much effort to put the eighteenth edition on the shelves, there is a slight problem with the plot direction, so it is hereby modified.

There are not many changes, the specific changes are as follows.

1. After Ye Dou defeated Zhuang Yan, Ye Dou was not punished or washed out of his memory because Judge Long testified that he was making a contribution to arresting the Corpse King in Jiangjun Mountain.

2. Ye Dou volunteered to be a temporary worker patrol, a temporary civil servant who eats public meals and guards an area of ​​Cross Street.

For the plot change, Shiba is sorry, and I won't play the 18th update again in the future, it's too hurtful, at most 10 is better.

This 18th update is just like the 18th ban, which makes me emaciated, ahem, thank you for your understanding and support, and I promise not to revise too much in the future!

In order to thank the book friends for their unspoiled kindness, the Eighteenth is ready to break out once and ten times to thank all the book friends.

Of course, I haven't saved the manuscript yet. Let me owe it first. When I have accumulated ten chapters to save the manuscript, I will definitely send it out at one time.

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