The Hero Kneels

Chapter 143: If you want to practice magic, swing your sword from the palace

"I wrote the fake secrets of the peerless martial arts. I have caused many people to suffer from bad breath, diarrhea, and mental illness..."

The young man with glasses almost burst into tears, and went straight into the rhythm of confessing and lenient: "That's the fault of my youth and ignorance... I will never write fake cheats again in the future, please let me go, eldest brother."

"So you wrote the Peerless Martial Arts Cheats?"

Ye Dou raised his brows with joy, immediately lifted the other party up, shook the other party's arm excitedly and said, "Talent, do you know that I've been looking for you for a long time, do you still have that kind of fake secret book written in your hand? I want all of them. It's gone!"

The young man with glasses was shaken like a candle in the wind, feeling a little dizzy, and some couldn't figure out what happened.

Li Yongzheng, 33 years old this year, unmarried, unemployed, mourned!

As a graduate of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, Li Yongzheng not only writes hand-made small letters, but is also a fan of martial arts novels.

In the early years, martial arts movies were popular, and he made a living by making fake martial arts cheats. Many crews came to customize hand-made versions of martial arts cheats with him. Later, when martial arts movies declined, he set up a stall on the enamel street to use fake cheats as real ones. Specifically to deceive those martial arts fans.

Relying on the knowledge of meridians and the five elements of yin and yang learned from the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, he compiled the martial arts in martial arts novels to life, and a thousand yuan a book made many people flock to it, and even brought a peerless martial arts trend belonging to the enamel street and became a martial arts fan. A peerless master in the middle of the mouth.


The limelight did not last long, and he was approached by readers and their families.

Because of blindly cultivating the peerless internal skills compiled by these people, some practiced to the point of severe pain in the five internal organs, some had crooked noses and slanted eyes, some even had a stroke and went to the hospital, and some even became mentally ill.


He was chased and beaten by these former readers and family members.

He was hospitalized several times.

Since then, Comrade Li Yongzheng has learned to be good, and will not sell fake cheats to harm others, but he has no advantages, and he can't even find a decent job, and his girlfriend left him because of this, and then he followed the trend. Enamel Street sells some handcrafted fake cheat shells to mess around with.

The sun and the moon are like shuttle, Li Yongzheng is 33 years old in a blink of an eye, and now even food, clothing, housing and transportation have become a problem.

Ye Dou was sitting in the other party's dilapidated shack, listening to the other party's story, he couldn't help feeling that fate was impermanent, and then asked: "Li Yongzheng, do you still have this kind of fake secret book by your side? Show it to me. "

"The fake cheats have been sold to me at a low price, and only the two most proud of them are still in the collection." Li Yongzheng replied, took out two cheats from a shoebox behind him, and handed one of them to his hand. past.

"When everyone is in the second year of secondary school... These two books are the best ones I wrote. I used a lot of knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine in them, and they are theoretically feasible. At the beginning, there were also professors from the traditional Chinese medicine hospital who specially studied me. One of the cheats, and even praised my writing well…”

Li Yongzheng introduced with pride, his slightly dim eyes finally recovered.

It's just that when Ye Dou saw the name of martial arts on this exquisite cheat book, he couldn't help but gasp.

The secret book in his hand is indeed a peerless martial arts, and it is extremely well-known. As long as any man has heard of the name of this peerless martial arts.


This is it!

When Ye Dou mentioned the Sunflower Collection, he immediately thought of the eight characters "If you want to practice magic, swing your sword from the palace"!

It is rumored that this sunflower collection was written by a former eunuch. Or it is so fast that even if the opponent sees the flaw in the move, the opponent has no time to counterattack, and the flaw is fleeting.

The martial arts in the world cannot be broken by fast, and the Sunflower Collection has indeed grasped the essence of fast.

If you practice this martial art, you will definitely be able to match the speed of those ghosts, or even exceed the speed of those ghosts.



Ye Dou turned to the first page, his eyelids trembling.

The eight familiar characters appeared in my eyes:


Seeing these eight characters, he really wanted to slap Li Yongzheng.

If you write fake cheats, just fake cheats. If you don't change a word, how can I practice?

He took a few patient glances, and frowned even more.

These words seem to make a lot of sense, but in the eyes of Ye Dou, who has become a martial arts master, they are completely unreasonable, and they are purely fooling people, but the writing is better, and it looks unpredictable.

Fake is fake, even though it's made up like...

Peerless martial arts are peerless martial arts, but unfortunately it is a special sunflower collection.

Can I say something mom sells a batch?

"Brother, this sunflower book is the secret book I wrote when I was the most frustrated in my life. At that time, I became a pauper, and my girlfriend left me. I wished I could swing my sword from the palace and be a lonely man in the future. At that time, I was filled with righteous indignation, so I wrote the sunflower Collection..." Li Yongzheng looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, as if he had entered an unbearable" Ye Dou couldn't help interrupting with a dry cough.

This one is also really weird. He wants to swing his sword from the palace after losing his love. How can a divorced couple live? Do they all go to their own palace?

"...Ah, big brother, aren't you satisfied? I have another copy here."

Seeing Ye Dou's displeased expression, Li Yongzheng hurriedly handed the second cheat book to Ye Dou and said solemnly, "You are satisfied with this book, I spent a lot of effort and visited many people in order to write this cheat book. Famous martial arts masters, record their heroic and vigorous posture, I remember that there was a famous traditional martial arts master who practiced swords, and I bought this cheat book at a high price, but I did not sell it."

"This Dugu Nine Swords is definitely my hard work."


Dugu Nine Swords!

Hearing the name, Ye Dou immediately stretched out his hand to grab the cheat book directly.

It really is the Nine Swords of Dugu! js3v3

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