The Hero Kneels

Chapter 144: Dugu 9 swords

Seeing the four big characters on the cover, his eyes immediately glowed.

The Nine Swords of Dugu was created by Jian Mogu seeking defeat. This kind of swordsmanship uses no tricks to win but one trick to kill all enemies and traitors, defeat all heroes and heroes, and defeat all the world's invincible hands.

In his life, this peerless swordsman wanted an opponent to let him defend a move, but he couldn't get it. In the end, he buried the sword in the empty valley and lived his whole life.

The swordsman is the invincible swordsman, and the swordsmanship is also the invincible swordsmanship.

And it is the most top swordsmanship in the gold-based martial arts, no one!

I can't wait to open the page, and I can see that there is a detailed introduction of Dugu Nine Swords on the title page.

Ye Dou couldn't help but nodded when he saw it. He flipped through the pages and found that there were extremely detailed illustrations of characters performing martial arts. A villain was holding a long sword, which looked lifelike. Each chapter even had detailed annotations, which seemed to and really no different.

If it weren't for him being proficient in martial arts now, maybe he would really think that this is the legendary Dugu Nine Swords.

"Cough, I want these two cheats, one thousand yuan."

Without saying a word, he directly took the two thousand yuan bill: "Is it enough? Say it if it is not enough."

Looking at the two thick stacks of banknotes, Li Yongzheng was shocked, his eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly: "Enough is enough, definitely enough!"

He is now even having a problem with food and clothing. He is extremely short of money. He never thought that someone would take the initiative to buy his fake cheats. It was a rhythm that he never expected. Not to mention giving him a thousand dollars, even giving him five hundred yuan a copy. , he felt more.

Ye Dou didn't care. He had made a fortune recently. Men with money were completely different from those without money. Furthermore, he felt that the other party's secrets were worth the price.

"By the way, how long does it take you to create a fake cheat book?" Ye Dou asked.

"If it is made with all my strength and the quality is guaranteed, I can complete a peerless martial arts secret book in about ten days, which contains various materials and materials, as well as various illustration settings, etc., to ensure that the fake is the real one..." Li Yongzheng replied quickly .

"Cough, let's do it, I will buy you a copy of your unique martial arts secret book for every thousand dollars in the future. Of course, the quality is not lower than the Sunflower Collection and Dugu Nine Swords. What do you think?"

Ye Dou suggested.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Li Yongzheng was inexplicably horrified, and felt that the God of Wealth, who was mostly a showy head, came down to earth: "Are you really willing to spend a thousand yuan to buy me a fake cheat book in the future?"

Although his cheats are fake and real, they are all guys. The production cost is not high, but it takes time to write.

"Don't hesitate, I'm a martial arts fan. I collect all kinds of martial arts secrets, especially your fake martial arts secrets. I will do what I say, and now I can customize a peerless martial arts secret with you."

Ye Dou smiled, then took out five hundred yuan from his pocket and slapped it on the table: "I will pay you five hundred yuan in advance, and it will be delivered to your door after you finish writing."

Li Yongzheng swallowed his saliva, stretched his hand to five hundred yuan in disbelief, and asked, "Brother, what secrets do you need? I have basically read all the martial arts secrets, enough to write them. "

"Oh? Well, first, you can list some excellent hard skills for me." Ye Dou asked lightly, which was a test of this person's skills.

"Excellent hard skills? There are excellent hard skills in various novels, right? Shaolin Golden Bell Cover, Innate Astral Qi, Jiuyang Magic, Buddhist King Kong Indestructible Magic, Inextinguishable Golden Body in the Wind and Clouds, One in Sword God Villa String whip, big Kassapa air mask, horizontal training of thirteen Taibao..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Dou interrupted him and asked, "Wait a minute, tell me which hard skills can be practiced with Heng Lian Shisan Taibao, and the effect is better."

"Let me think about it, it is rumored that the horizontal training of the Thirteen Taibao is a horizontal training of thirteen kinds of hard skills stacked together. The external training of muscles, bones and skin, and the internal training of breath are purely physical defense skills, and it seems that it also enhances vigor and blood qi. The effect is a very pure horizontal practice kung fu."

Li Yongzheng frowned and paused: "Yes! Jiuyang Shengong, Innate Astral Qi, and the Buddha's King Kong Undestruction Shengong are the most suitable. These three types of kungfu are internal kung fu, and they can be combined with the pure external kung fu thirteen Taibao cross-training. It is more effective in cooperation.”

"About what I thought."

Ye Dou nodded, very satisfied, and asked again: "Jiuyang Shengong is the essence of internal power, a person who has already practiced the wedding dress Shengong, and then practices the Nine Yang Shengong, the two will conflict, so the Nine Yang Shengong is removed. "

Based on his experience in cultivating martial arts secrets, he can conclude that a person can only cultivate internal skills of the same attribute, especially when the internal skills are of similar grades, conflicts can easily arise.

In addition, the true qi power of the wedding dress magic is even stronger than the Jiuyang magic, and it can swept thousands of troops after practicing it to the top. There is really no need to practice the Jiuyang magic, so the Jiuyang magic is discarded.

Li Yongzheng nodded and analyzed with a serious face: "I also think so, according to the principles of martial arts, internal skills of the same attribute and level will be mutually exclusive, and most of the wedding dress magic and Jiuyang magic will conflict."

"Then only the Innate Astral Qi and the Buddhist Vajra Indestructible Magic are left. Among them, the most special effect is the Buddhist Vajra Indestructible Magic, which is also known as the Peerless Magical Art."

"The so-called diamond indestructible magic, after the completion of the master, can turn on the power to become a golden man, and when it reaches the peak, there is a layer of invisible qi around the body, and the hidden weapon of the enemy has not yet reached the body, and has been shaken. King Kong's Indestructible Magic is invulnerable and has no cover, and the only way to break it is to wait for the time to transform and use high-strength internal force to break through."

Li Yongzheng squinted slightly: "Although this hard skill is strong, it requires a boy's body to cultivate to the realm of great success. In addition, it is best to need pure Buddhist internal skills to exert the greatest effect."

Ye Dou pouted.

Buddhist kung fu is a hassle, and he will have a boy's body at any time. He can't practice it himself, because he has a great dream, that is, to be a big stallion.

No way, who called himself more refined.

"Then there is only innate qi! Let's talk about innate qi." He snorted.

As if Li Yongzheng wanted to endorse it, Lang Lang said: "There are actually several versions of Innate Astral Qi. Let's talk about the strongest version first. It is rumored that it is the originator of ,,,,. This skill is a magical skill of Xuanmen's astral qi, and it is also an instant Xuanmen. In internal power, the innate qi that is practiced is a kind of yin to soft qi, but it produces pure yang qi that is pure to yang, and it is even more powerful than Jiuyang Divine Art.”

"And it has the effect of automatic self-defense. When it is completed, in order to practice the supreme profound art of not destroying the body, the most prominent feature of Innate Astral Qi is the ability to defend and rebound, and at the same time, it can greatly improve the strength when making moves. Strength, innate qi is the pure yang righteousness between heaven and earth and the yang qi in the human body... I am afraid it is the most divine weapon in the Xuanmen hard art. It is estimated that this innate qi can only refer to the legendary martial arts innate realm. !"

"Do you need a child's body?" This was Ye Dou's concern.

"You don't need a boy's body to cultivate to the top, and the power may be weakened. This is the characteristic of the Xuanmen practice."

Ye Dou made a direct choice: "I'm about to get the Innate Astral Qi! Give me the strongest version of the Innate Astral Qi... and give me some blank cheats." js3v3

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