The Hero Kneels

Chapter 145: ask for a sword

After giving Li Yongzhi his contact information, Ye Dou returned directly to the temporary dormitory of the psychiatric identification center with two cheat books. [WWw.SuiMеng.lā

After taking out the two cheat books, he directly threw the cheat book of the Sunflower Collection aside. This kind of cheat book is useless for the time being, and it is purely for collection. Maybe there will be more souls in the future, and it can be used as a reference to learn from the peerless martial arts books.

He would never learn this kind of bullshit. He also wanted to enjoy the blessings of Qi people, find more girlfriends, make more money, and have a family full of children and grandchildren.

As for the remaining Dugu Nine Swords Cheats, he did not intend to directly cultivate.

Ye Dou directly took out the pen and a cheat book on the surface, and started to write the cheat book by himself.

First, I wrote the words "Dougu Nine Swords" on the cover with a pen, and then I started to write the concise martial arts and the final style.

[General formula: Guimei tends to be unafraid, Wuhuang tends to be like people, and people tend to have great things. A to C, C to G, G to Gui. The acquaintance of Zichou, the acquaintance of Chensi, and the acquaintance of Wuwei. Wind and thunder are a change, mountains and lakes are a change, water and fire are a change. Qian and Kun are in conflict with each other, in shock against each other, in Li Xun and in each other. Three adds to five, five adds to nine...]

In addition to the final style, there are broken sword style, broken knife style, broken gun style, broken whip style, broken rope style, broken palm style, broken arrow style, broken air style.

He followed Li Yongzheng's Dugu Nine Swords to take a picture of a gourd and painted a scoop. He first wrote a broken palm style on the empty cheat book, and then spent a whole day copying all the other contents.

Goldfinger, Enlightenment, Palm Break and Arrow Break!

After calling out the golden finger, Ye Dou meditated in his heart.

He directly pointed his golden finger on the book of Nine Swords of Dugu that he had written.

I saw the dark golden light on the secret book flashed away, and the four characters of Dugu Jiujian also turned purple.

"As expected, as long as the cheats are fake, Goldfinger can correct him. That is to say, I can write all kinds of fake cheats for enlightenment in the future." Ye Dou thought, A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As long as this is confirmed, it will be easy to handle. He will no longer have to worry about lack of cheats in the future, but it is too time-consuming to write a complete fake cheats. This kind of thing should be left to Li Yongzheng first. Anyway, he is not short of money now. A thousand bucks can still be consumed.

Opening the book of Dugu Nine Swords that he had written, a golden light flickered, and Ye Dou gradually came up with many swordsmanship moves and application tips in his mind.

The broken palm style cracks the fists and fingers on the palms, long punches and short punches, grabbing acupoints, eagle claws and tiger claws, and iron sand palms.

There is nothing inherent in breaking arrows to decipher all kinds of hidden weapons, and using the technique of listening to wind to distinguish weapons. Hit off all kinds of hidden weapons fired by the enemy, you can use your strength to counterattack, and use the hidden weapons fired by the enemy to reflect and hurt the enemy.

Learning two styles first is in line with his idea of ​​dealing with female ghosts, because many ghosts attack in pure hand-to-hand combat, just like the red-clothed female ghost who likes to use claws, so the point-breaking palm style is actually the best at present. choose.

It is also very necessary to point out the broken arrows. It is useful to be able to block the rebounding hidden weapons, but what Ye Dou values ​​most is the technique of listening to the wind and identifying the position. It is especially important for ghosts who are not aware of it. With this method, he can predict the enemy's opportunities.

However, you must first find a sword before you can display the Nine Swords of Dugu.

In fact, Ye Dou had thought about weapons a long time ago, there were too many hand-to-hand fights with fists to the flesh, and the occasional hand-to-hand combat with ghosts also made him a little tired. It was necessary to find a weapon to increase his attack power along the way.

Now that you have the Nine Swords of Dugu and money, it is natural to buy a sword to play with.

The largest knife crafts store in Youcheng is called "Knife Sword Zhang".

It is rumored that the history of this "Sword Zhang" is the same as Zhang Xiaoquan's scissors. The two were born in the same era and are quite legendary, worthy of the reputation of a century-old brand.

Today, this shop specializes in selling some handicrafts and ancient cold weapons, which is very important in the minds of cold weapon enthusiasts. Sword Zhang also has its own dedicated online store.

"Young man, we have the best cold weapons here. You can choose them at will. They are all forged from fine steel. The quality is absolutely guaranteed. If you want heavy weapons, we also have them here."

An old man with gray hair and reading glasses was sitting and explaining to the sturdy young man in front of him.

"Heavy weapons?" Ye Dou asked, looking at the dazzling array of swords in front of him.

"Of course there is."

The old man smiled and said: "The heavy weapons here are very heavy, there are a lot of weapons of ten kilograms and several kilograms, but ordinary people can't use them. You look strong, but if you swing a cold weapon that weighs ten pounds, you will be fine. It is very laborious, you must know that once the weapon is too heavy, it is not for human use, it is purely decorative."

Ye Dou didn't speak, just grinned.

"Did you buy weapons to play Cosprey?" Zhang Lao asked rhetorically.

"Coss what... you say spy."

Ye Dou suddenly realized and shook his head: "I don't play spy, I just want to find a weapon that I can use."

"Use the weapon in hand... ah, so you are a martial artist?"

The old man carefully looked at Ye Dou's sturdy body and asked, "What weapon do you want to buy, a knife or a sword, or some other cold weapon?"


"You practice swords? You don't look like swordsmen because of your physique."

The old man shook his head slightly, and seemed to know a lot: "It is said that practicing swordsmanship for ten years, it takes about ten years to master the essence of swords, I think you should practice knives, ten years of swords and one year of knives, you can quickly learn knives by practicing knives. , You practice swordsmanship to look good, right?"

"Boss, I just want a sword, and I just want a good sword, I don't want to learn a sword."

Ye Dou told the other party directly.

The old man was a little long-winded.

I learned the Nine Swords of Dugu, and the other party wanted me to learn knives. Is this the rhythm of forcibly selling knives?

"Okay, then let's take a look at the batch of good swords that our store has just bought. These swords are all good items that you can't find on the market. Each style is quite popular, and you will definitely like it after seeing it. "

Seeing that the other party was impatient, the old man turned around and directly picked up a long sword with a beautiful scabbard from the wooden stand behind the counter. Nice looking sword.

"This is a Longquan sword made of stainless steel. See if you don't see it, the blade is very beautiful. Because it is a standard product, the price is not expensive, and it only costs 598 yuan..." With a smile, he handed the long sword to the other party.

"Too light? Too light."

Ye Dou found that the blade shook his head before the old man could finish speaking.

"Light? My sword is made of fine The whole sword weighs 3 kilograms. Even if you are stronger, this is enough. How could it be light?"

The old man shook his head, stretched out his fingers and flicked on the blade: "This sword doesn't speak, you flick the blade yourself. The quality of this steel is excellent, and the sound is so pleasant."

clang clang!

Two crisp and pleasant voices sounded, and the old man narrowed his eyes, looking down on laymen.

Ye Dou also stretched out his fingers, but when he flicked his fingers, the air immediately exploded.


Unexpectedly, at the same time as the long sword made a crisp sound, the dazzling blade suddenly broke into two pieces, and the half of the blade stabbed directly on the wooden frame behind the old man...

Thank you for your patience. Eighteenth will prepare a "Ten Consecutive Updates" to make up for everyone's confusion. The manuscript is currently being deposited and will be released in one go in the near future. Writing books is very tiring, and I have to take it easy in the future.

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