The Hero Kneels

Chapter 152: man and elephant

bang, bang, bang...

A burst of strange crashing sounds came along with the man's muffled sound, and everyone who heard it frowned. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

Shouldn't it be crap?

Why bang bang bang?

"Strength, push harder, push me harder." Ye Douweng's angry voice came from inside, which was not very clear, but everyone could still understand the content.

"Brother, Brother Ye, I'm so tired, I'm really tired, I can't stand it..." A woman's voice begging for mercy came from inside. It was pitiful and panting slightly, which made people think.

"Hmph, it's really useless. You are relying on your body to eat anyway. How can you serve the general public well if you are so young and have no physical strength? Get another one!" Ye Dou's voice continued.

"Brother Ye, my name is Xiaoqian, I hope Brother Ye is satisfied." A girl's voice sounded good.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not interested in what your name is, just push harder."

"Okay, look at me, I've learned a few hands of Taekwondo, hey, hey, hey..."

"Yes, yes, um... that's it, um, aim hard, um, push harder... wow!"

Listening to the conversation inside, everyone was confused.

Why does this strange sound occur?

It's totally different from what they imagined.

It's not common sense at all!

It sounded like Ye Dou didn't move, only the girls were moving.


Brother Ye's hobby is really special.

After a few minutes, the big guy heard the heavy breathing of the girl, it sounded breathless, and her physical strength seemed to be at its limit.

The girl begged for mercy: "Brother Ye, I'm so tired, can I rest?"

"It's useless, next one."

Ye Dou's indifferent voice came.

So in the lounge, the strange sound just now repeated, such a cycle of one girl after another.

"Cough, it's so weird, these women are all very physically fit."

"Yes, a girl can't hold on within ten minutes, it's too abnormal."

"It's more than abnormal, it's just weird."

"Women and men are physically different, so it's not a problem for one woman to fight ten men."

"That's right, and they are all professionals in this field, with incomparably rich experience, how could they not be able to last even ten minutes?"

Everyone frowned and discussed as seriously as they were studying Goldbach's conjecture.

This is so weird.

There must be something wrong.

"Wait, I think it should be the size." A person suddenly had a flash of light and thought of the crux of the problem.

"Yeah, that's how it should be."

"Yes, such an exaggeration can only occur if the size does not match."

"Who of you know the size of Brother Ye?"

"Yes, how big is Brother Ye?"

Everyone suddenly realized, and asked left and right, as if they were exploring the unsolved mysteries of the world.

"By the way, Brother Xiang once said that he once saw the size of Brother Ye." Someone else remembered something.

So the big guy turned his head at the same time and looked at Brother Xiang who said nothing behind him.

Brother Xiang pretended to be mysterious: "Cough, I can't say the size of Brother Ye. After all, this is his personal **, but that picture is unforgettable for my life, and it opened a new door for me."

He deliberately said that everyone's curiosity was all hung up.

The big guys surrounded him and asked, nodding and bowing one by one.

"Don't be noisy, don't be noisy, let's guess, use an animal to describe it." Chen Xiang couldn't help but say it.





For a time, everyone actively spoke, but the answer was no.

"what exactly is it?"

The big guy became more and more curious. Chen Xiang's actions made their teeth itch, but the other party was the eldest brother and the gold owner, and they were not easy to attack, so they could only beg the other party to tell which animal it was.

After taking a deep breath, Chen Xiang looked at the sky from forty-five angles, and finally after satiating everyone's appetite, he spit out two words: "Elephant!"

"Elephant? It turned out to be an elephant?"

"Unbelievable, there are really elephants in the world."

"My god, Brother Ye is worthy of being my idol."

"Then all problems are solved."

"The girls are pitiful, no wonder they can't bear it."

"You said that twelve girls take turns, even if the number of girls is doubled, it will not be able to meet the needs of Brother Ye."

In addition to being amazed, the big guy started a moment of silence for the twelve girls who went to serve, full of sympathy.

I can't imagine that picture. Just thinking about it for a little bit, the sense of disharmony in the picture makes people hurt.

It's really hard to do this young lady these days. It's not only physical and technical work, but also a very cruel sport. Especially when you encounter an elephant, you can still feed the elephant.

The problem is, the size gap between humans and elephants is irreparable.

If you really want to force them together, it will kill people.

"Brother Ye, no, I can't stand it, can you let us go?"

"Yeah, it's too tired, we can't bear it."

"Me too, Brother Ye, we're quitting this job, you can find someone else."

After a while, the voices of the girls begging for mercy came from the door, which was obviously completely unbearable.

"No, it's rare to meet a group of beautiful women to accompany me, don't even think about leaving!"

Ye Dou's firm voice sounded: "Do me a good job, who said before that they will do their best to serve, where did your professional ethics go?"

"It's said that doing one line of work loves one line of work. You people in the service industry must have a spirit of service. You can't bear the pain and exhaustion. How can you make money?"

"No one is allowed to leave. Please honestly complete the promised services before leaving, otherwise there will be no money. Go to rest while you need to rest, drink water for those who should drink water, hurry up, don't be long-winded!"

Listening to the majestic voice inside the door, all the **** men outside silently prayed for the twelve girls.

So brutal.


Everyone looked at the door with sympathy.

What appears in my mind is a discordant picture of man and elephant, which is extremely hot to the eyes.

It is not easy to be a woman who has lost her footing.

Another day, we will form a team to condolence and condolences to this group of girls, and give a little more tip by the way, otherwise it will be really **** conscience.

The humming of the girls inside, and Ye Dou's muffled lasted for most of the day before it stopped completely.

Listening to a group of big men outside is called admiration. Elephants are elephants. The duration is terrifying, and there is no rest for an entire afternoon. Is this still a human?

Hope no one gets killed in there!


The door finally opened. Twelve girls limped out of the door one by one. They were all downcast and weak. Many of them looked disheveled and disheveled. Most of them were carrying torn high heels. Soaked, the heavy makeup on his face was turned into a ball, and it looked almost disfigured.

In the end, the mother Sang, who was known as a flower in Youcheng, came out, and she also turned into a ghost painting. She lowered her head and came to Brother Xiang with tears in her eyes: "Brother Xiang, you and I What kind of hatred, what kind of resentment, even asked us to serve this pervert, and we will not serve him no matter how much money is given to us in the future."

"My mother has been in the business for so many years, this is the first time I have seen such a perverted customer, the first time I am so tired, woo woo woo..."

A flower in Youcheng cried.

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