The Hero Kneels

Chapter 153: ambush

Everyone looked sympathetically at this group of stray women, wanting to comfort them, but they didn't know what to say. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

In fact, it's better not to die.

It's just that everyone is very curious, what happened in it just now, why these women seem to have fallen into the puddle one by one, even if they serve the elephants, they don't have to work so hard.

And there is no blood at all, which is not common sense.

Also, why are the girls' heels broken?

Most of the guys are a little confused, guessing randomly.

Ye Dou walked out contentedly.

"Brother Ye, you have worked hard."

"Little brother really admires you, you are the man among men."

"Brother Ye is mighty, you will be my idol from now on."

"Brother Ye, please accept the worship of the younger brother."

Seeing Ye Dou walking out of the room, everyone moved forward involuntarily, all kinds of worship, all kinds of praise, all kinds of slaps.

1v12 This is something I have never heard of before, and it definitely broke the Guinness World Record. The man in front of him is the legendary real man of iron and blood.

Ye Dou knew what these people were thinking, but just rolled his eyes.

Among the thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises that he has cultivated, although he has achieved great success, he has not cultivated to the highest level, because the parts are too vulgar, and he only discovered his weakness when he fought against female ghosts before, so he thought about putting iron Good egg practice.

Before, it was actually very uncomfortable for a man to attack that part, so he asked Chen Xiang to call a group of girls to practice.

The effect of a woman's kick is similar to that of a man's kick, but the mood when being kicked is definitely different.

Those long legs in stockings, those short skirts, those high heels, those breasts, when kicking oneself is a kind of enjoyment.

Apply Einstein's theory of relativity to describe it.

When a guy kicks you in the crotch, time goes by so slowly, and it's disgusting.

When a beautiful woman kicks you in the crotch, you will feel that time goes by so quickly and enjoy it.

With the help of the girls, he finally let him use the last bit of Indian oil to cultivate the iron egg practice to the state of great perfection in one fell swoop, and it is still unfinished.

The baby will no longer be afraid of egg pain.

Ye Dou came to the window, looked up at the sky, and frowned slightly: "It looks like it's going to rain outside."

Dark clouds cover the sun, and it rains.

The sky is covered with thousands of rain lines, falling from the sky to the mortal world, splashing the water.

On the quiet and uninhabited Moxiang Road, only a few newcomers hurried past, and soon disappeared at the end of the street corner.

"It's really boring, do these things before the war? Do you really think it will help the battle?"

An old man in black with wrinkles all over his face looked at the black sky with disdain.

He didn't move, but looked around, listened to all directions, looked around carefully, and seemed to be waiting for something.

There was a layer of cyan halo on the old man's body. This halo removed all the rainwater and did not let him get a drop of it.

The rain kept falling,

The atmosphere is not harmonious.

The continuous drizzle seems to have no end,

The old man's patience seemed to know no bounds.

Slowly, the sun light gradually dimmed, and the surroundings began to become dark. Pedestrians on the road disappeared, and I didn't know whether to take shelter from the rain or to some other place.

From a distance, this long street becomes both deep and dark.

In the shops and residential buildings on both sides of the street, none of the lights were lit, as if the entire street was uninhabited. Except for the sound of raindrops, there was no other sound in the whole world.

The sky was gloomy, deadly still, and the light was getting dimmer.


The crackling raindrops changed. The originally clear and transparent raindrops gradually turned into an ink-like color, which looked abnormally dark, so he splashed a basin of ink and dyed the whole world black.

These raindrops of ink condensed one after another, turned into black water snakes, and rushed towards the old man who had been standing still.

The old man frowned, waved his hand with one hand, and a wandering dragon emitting a magical blue light rushed out directly, shattering all the black water snakes around him.

"Are you all that capable?" Qinglong slowly returned to his wrist, and the old man said blankly.

His voice was exceptionally clear, clearly speaking constantly, but it sounded as loud as a dragon's roar, shaking the silent dark world in front of him.


The thick ink and colors in front of it seemed to be dark on the street, and not even a single person could be seen. The whole street seemed to have become a dark snake's mouth, swallowing everything in the world.

Many raindrops converged into a black snake again, this time it became thicker and more fierce, covering all the places in front of it in a blink of an eye, adding up to several whiteheads.

"Hehe, it's all small tricks, don't think that such small tricks can hinder this old man."

The old man snorted coldly: "It's just that the old man didn't expect that the Red Hall Master, who worships You Sect, was not there. You, a brat, came out alone to ambush the old man. You are really brave."


With the laughter of a very strange woman, a black figure appeared out of thin air, the ink-like rain stopped, and there seemed to be a little more light around.

I saw a woman wearing a black gauze and looking outstanding, walking out of the darkness.

The corners of the woman's skirt are split, and she can see two long, slender, snow-white legs. She has a graceful figure, slim and plump, and looks extremely attractive.

But the other party covered his face with a black fan, leaving only a pair of dark eyes like night outside.

"Zhuang Xiaoqing, don't think that the evil ghost hall outside will be afraid of you, today I will kill you on behalf of my sister..." The woman's voice was shrill, like a ghost crying and wolf howling.

Zhuang Xiaoqing's old face was expressionless: "If I remember correctly, your name is Ying, do you think you are the Red Hall Master himself? A mere shadow of the Red Hall Master also wants to fight with the old man?"

"The old man is one of the four judges of the underworld, the Azure Dragon Judge. His methods are sky-high, and he will immediately use the Azure Dragon Seal to suppress you, and then wipe out your soul."

He raised his old face. This battle was provoked by him, and the purpose was to eliminate the hidden Youshi cult forces in Youcheng. If it was normal, the underworld would not fight against the Youshi cult forces entrenched in Youcheng's Evil Ghost Hall. There is a big move.

But this moment is different. According to reliable reports, Hall Master Hong has temporarily left Youcheng.

That's why Zhuang Xiaoqing persuaded other colleagues in the underworld to launch this with the intention of eradicating the forces of the You-Bai You Sect. Although the You-Bei You Sect's counterattack and revenge resulted in the deaths of many civilians, the effect was remarkable.

He had heard of this female ghost, but he didn't know what means this female ghost had in front of him. She would be so desperate that he would come out and take action himself. It was estimated that there was going to be a duel of life and death.

The other party is also a hundred-year-old ghost, and his strength is only one step weaker than that of the Red Hall Master. Even if he has the Azure Dragon Seal, he must deal with it well, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

"Qinglong seal - up!"

Facing the black-clothed woman who started walking, Zhuang Xiaoqing did not dare to be careless, and there was a green dragon dagger in his hand.

"Hahaha, do you think I'm the only one?"

Ying smiled and waved the black folding fan in his hand: "Come out, my mercenary!"

Suddenly, more than ten figures appeared around Zhuang Xiaoqing, and Xu Guishou led a man with a strange aura around him to suddenly appear around.

Zhuang Xiaoqing's pupils tightened: "It's all players!?"

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