The Hero Kneels

Chapter 154: The 108th generation descendant of Maoshan


Early the next morning, the rain stopped, and Ye Dou's phone vibrated.

"Hey, hey, Ye Dou, what kind of plane are you doing? You don't answer when I send you a message, and you don't answer when I call you... I can't find you even if I'm in a hurry." I understand Ming Kai's eager voice.

"In such a hurry, what exactly are you looking for?" Ye Dou asked. He was so busy these days that his cell phone was turned off because it was not charged.

"My house is haunted, so I came here to find you." Ming Kai whispered, his voice trembling slightly.

"Haunted? Why are you haunted by Mao?" Ye Dou was a little surprised.

Ming Kai shouldn't know what it is that he can fight ghosts, why would the other party take the initiative to come to the door? When this kind of thing happens, you shouldn't go to that fat monk.

"It was told to me by Master Reboot, Master Reboot said that he was busy with his business and had no time to return to Youcheng. He asked me to find you to solve the haunted incident. Master Reboot said that you are his proud disciple." Ming Kai replied .

"Proud disciple..." Ye Dou took a deep breath, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

That **** of the rebooting monk actually dared to take advantage of himself, the next time he sees the other party, he must give the fat monk a taste of the Vajra Palms.

Look I don't slap him to the moon!

On Tianqing Street, in the mourning hall of a villa hall, there was a wailing sound of crying.

"My son! My son! How could you die so miserably?" Li Lin, who was nearly forty years old, was crying into tears at this moment. She looked disheveled, haggard, and heartbroken.

In front of the mourning hall was the corpse of a young man. The surface of the corpse looked unusually peaceful. All around the corpse were the Hu family members who came to mourn.

Hu De, the master of the Hu family, was looking at the corpse of the young man and his wife Li Lin with a frown at the moment.

His second son, Hu Mingyu, who was only 16 years old this year, died suddenly a few days ago. He died very tragically. He was scratched with blood from his nails all over his body, and the blood stained the whole bed.

According to the official autopsy report, his son died of bleeding after scratching himself.

This kind of autopsy report is really unconvincing. How could a good child suddenly scratch himself?

"My son, it must be the ghosts and snakes who harmed you. I said that there are ghosts in this house. This is a former ancient tomb. When you bought this land, I opposed it. Now it's okay..."

As a mother, Li Lin cried loudly and screamed at her husband in the mourning hall: "It's all you who killed my child, it's all you!"

"Li Lin! What nonsense are you talking about! You've said things that aren't about the land. Don't believe these superstitions." Hu De was helpless.

"You're just talking nonsense. It's because this land is not good. When I first moved in, I felt something was wrong. I told you that you didn't believe it. Some time ago, I heard a woman crying again, and you didn't want to move, but now it hurts. Mingyu, it's all your fault... it's all your fault!" Li Linxi screamed.

"You, you... Did Ming Kai find a ghost exorcist?" Hood's old face was purple, and he didn't know what to say.

Everyone in the mourning hall was silent, looking at each other in dismay, and the whole mourning hall became more and more depressed for a while.


No one can explain this matter clearly. After all, haunted people or things are too evil to say, and no one knows whether there are ghosts in this world.

It's just that what happened was too strange. A young man in the blooming season would catch himself to death with his hands on the bed. This is simply a fantasy.


The door was pushed open, and Ming Kai walked in: "Mom and Dad, I found an expert."

Everyone looked at the master behind Ming Kai, and saw that he was neither a monk nor a Taoist priest, but a sturdy young man wearing a gray T-shirt and jeans with a black cloth behind him.

Everyone couldn't help but look surprised.

"Masters? Masters are useless, everything is too late, it's too late, we will all be killed by that ghost, we all have to die, I can feel the existence of ghosts, she is watching me all the time. "Li Lin roared,

"Someone, help her down!" Hood couldn't help but anger.

The wife has lost her mind and needs to be calm and calm.

"Don't touch me, I want all of you to be buried with your son, buried with your son!"

Seeing that Li Lin was supported by several servants and still refused to go down, the appearance of fangs and claws was terrifying, Hood and others retreated one after another.

Her eyes finally turned to Ye Dou, who had just arrived, her eyes were bloodshot: "You are the so-called expert in exorcising ghosts? Come on, I want to see how you exorcise ghosts?"


Who knew that Ye Dou would just slap him when he went up, and slapped the other side hard.

Li Lin's head slammed, and she fainted with a roll of her eyelids.

Everyone present was stunned. This young man was so fierce that he slapped the hostess unconscious as soon as he came up.

Wedding dress magic!

Without waiting for everyone to react, Ye Dou directly put his hand on Li Lin's head.

Afterwards, Li Lin, who had passed out, twitched a few times, and the whole person was like an electric shock, and finally collapsed.

"Take Auntie down to rest." Ye Dou directly handed Li Lin over to Ming Kai.

"You are Ming Kai's classmate... I remember, your name is Ye... Ye Dou?" Hood recognized this fierce young man, his face full of shock.

"Uncle Hu, long time no see, thank you for your hospitality last summer." Ye Dou smiled lightly.

During the summer vacation last year, Ming Kai invited several classmates from the dormitory to the Hu family's villa to play, so that a few lousy brothers and lousy brothers could see what a rich person is, and they all felt inspired.

This reincarnation is really a technical job, and Mingkai definitely knows this.

At that time, Hood personally received Ye Dou and others and taught them business knowledge, so he was quite impressed with Ye Dou.

"You just..." Hood was a little stunned.

"I forgot to tell Uncle Hu about something. I studied literature at the age of three, martial arts at the age of five, and worshipped the Taoist priest Yimei in Maoshan at the age of eight. At the age of ten, I could exorcise evil spirits and destroy ghosts. The real person is the 100th generation descendant of the Maoshan School, the Taoist name is Zhiqiu Yiye, and this time he came here specially to exorcise the ghosts of the Hu family."

Ye Dou is high-spirited, with a mighty expression, and he really looks like a master of Taoism.

All right,

The above is all made up!

Now not only Hu De is confused, but the people around him are also confused, Ming Kai is even more confused, he took a deep breath and had to add: "Ye Dou is also a master disciple of rebooting master."

Hu De suddenly realized: "It turned out to be the master disciple of the rebooting master, please, please."

Ye Dou felt tightness in his chest and some pain in his liver.

This old man really wants to tear up the rebooting monk. UU Reading

The fat monk had no ability except taking off his pants, and he was proficient in all kinds of tricks, but the other party had a wider business and a better reputation than himself.

Are you angry?

"Uncle Hu, leave the rest to me, the big guy is idle, Ming Kai and Uncle Hu stay, and everyone else keeps me away from this villa."

Ye Dou's aura was like a fierce tiger, his eyes were sharp and domineering, no one dared to look at him, not even the father and son Hu De and Ming Kai dared to look at him, and all bowed their heads.

There is no way, now he is much stronger than before, tall and muscular, and he has practiced the magic of wedding clothes, which makes his breath fierce, and there are more fights, and the whole person will be stained with a layer of evil spirit, change Extraordinarily vicious.

Once he is ruthless, even if the magic of the wedding dress is not applied, ordinary people will not have the courage to look him in the eye.

Seeing this, Hood snorted: "Everyone, let's go to the yard for dinner first, and the memorial service will continue later."

The rest of the relatives and friends fled and seemed to have left the villa and went to the courtyard to have dinner in advance. As for whether they could eat it, it was hard to say.

"Aunt Li was attacked by Yin Qi just now, so it's even a little unclear. I have dispelled the Yin Qi in my body for Auntie."

Seeing that there was no one else around, Ye Dou said directly: "Uncle Hu, just when I entered this house, I found something unclean. I have already found some traces..."

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